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Sudan Tribune

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Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation

August 4, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A three-hour delay by Sudanese authorities of the medical evacuation of three wounded Ethiopian peacekeepers in the country’s hotly contested region of Abyei may have led to their death, according to the United Nations.

UN Peacekeepers on Patrol in Abyei (UN Photo/Stuart Price)
UN Peacekeepers on Patrol in Abyei (UN Photo/Stuart Price)
The three peacekeepers, who were serving with newly established UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), sustained injuries along with seven of their peers when their patrol vehicle hit a landmine on Thursday. The incident caused the immediate death of one peacekeeper.

Alain Le Roy, the outgoing UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, said the other three peacekeepers succumbed to their wounds awaiting medical evacuation.

“We didn’t get the clearance for the Medevac helicopter to take off immediately,” the UN official told reporters at UN Headquarters, adding that Sudanese authorities had threatened to shoot the aircraft down if it took off without clearance.

Le Roy said that a board of inquiry is investigating the matter and that his boss UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon had already raised the issue with Sudanese authorities.

According to Le Roy, under the status of forces agreement made between the UN and the government of Sudan states, medical evacuation flights do not require prior authorisation.

However, Le Roy said it was difficult to establish whether the lives of the three peacekeepers could have been saved if the helicopter had been allowed to take off immediately.

The incident comes at a tense point in the relationship between the world body and Sudan after the latter accused the UN Security Council of attempting to “manipulate” the mandate of the joint UN-AU Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

Sudan, which recently decided not to renew mandate of the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) after the South’s secession last month, also warned against the appointment of any former UNMIS employee in UNISFA.

UNISFA, established with a mandated strength of 4,200 Ethiopian peacekeepers to monitor the security situation in Abyei, has already deployed 1,500 troops. The mission was agreed between Sudan and South Sudan as part of security and political arrangements to defuse tension in the area following its seizure by Sudan’s army in May.

A referendum was supposed to decide the dispute in January but Sudan and South Sudan could not agree on who was allowed to vote.



  • Steve Paterno
    Steve Paterno

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    Not surprising at all. I warned of such occurrence in an article with the title, “Abyei’s Agreement Falls Short.”

    This is bad news that Khartoum finds its way to undermine the peacekeeping agreement it signed.

    Steve Paterno

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    The Sudan president has right because UN have leave him not to be take to court [ICC] Since those years .he had kill many people in Darfuor and south Kordafan now and there is no action taken against by UN Secuirt Counicil so he can do whatever he feel like.if you are the Human being really you can nt refused to let people not to be taken for the Medical evacuation.shame on bashir government NCP in khartuom .


  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    The death of blue helmet is a surprise to me because they are protecting the lives many people in both North and South Sudan.

    Bashir do not want them to stay in the border to protect the live innocent civilians and bring calm a long the border.

    Should Almighty God rest his lives in peace and put him in His right hand.

    My advise to peackeepers is to be couageouse and go on doing their mission without constination.

    Logistically you have your own plans which qualified you for whichever evacuation in and outside Sudan.

    It is shame to depend on Bashir who is causing a lot Human right problems.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    That’s what Sudan Tribune like most they usually delete the comments targeting president Bashir’s aggressive approach to such situations.

    How does it feel if the foreigners who are authorized by his agreement come and die like that in the country?

    I am sorry!

  • Maasai

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    Sudanese authorities had threatened to shoot the aircraft down if it took off without clearance. This statement justify that sudan does not want present of UNISFA even though they agreed upon it early. May God rest the soul those peacekeeppers in peace, otherwise Sudanese authority should be brought for justice.

  • Akech

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    The World should learn that Sudan is not a country rule by human being, and if you the world need some thing good then take Beshir to ICC first then every thing will go smoothly.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    What is the used of going there then if you don’t have mandate given by the world security councel to operate.
    You went there as peace keepers to prevent SAF from killing the inocent life,but in turn they are even killing you because they don’t gave you aproval to flew the wounded peace keepers.
    Look at Libya,Ghadafi had been bombed by NATO because of killing his people.
    Bagbo of Ivory coast was arrested by the foreign France force because of killing his people.

  • kkalkan47

    Three blue helmets die in Abyei after Sudan denied medical evacuation
    thank you very muchhh

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