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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s Islamic council releases rules of fasting

By Ngor Arol Garang

August 4, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s Islamic Council on Friday has released rules and guides for fasting among Muslims in the newly established state, days after commencing the month of Ramadam a month long fasting period for all Muslims around the world.

Atir Bior, the chair of Islamic council in south Sudan explained in a release extended to Sudan Tribune that fasting is a way of worship Allah by abstaining from food, drink, and sexual intercourse with one’s spouse and smoking, from dawn till sunset during the whole month of Ramadan.

He said fasting is an obligatory duty for Muslims to learn self restraint. His statement said:

”Fasting is a fundamental ordinance of Islam; Muhammed, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said “Islam is based on five pillars testifying that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakat (alms) and making Hajj pilgrimage to the House in Makka, said Bior adding that ” Following are some of the merits which Allah has assigned to the auspicious month of Ramadan:

A) The odor of the mouth of a fasting person is more pleasing to Allah than the aroma of musk
B) Angels ask Allah’s forgiveness for those men who fast (till they break their fast)
C) Everyday Allah has His paradise decorated and He says, “my good worshippers are about to get rid of the burden (of life) and the harm done to them and then get to you (o paradise)
D) In Ramadan, devils are shackled
E) In it, there is the Night of Power (Lailatul Qadr), which is better than a thousand months
F) Those who fast are forgiven for their sins in the last night of Ramadan
G) In every night of Ramadan, Allah releases a number of people from hell.

The religious leader explained things which are expected of a believer to do during Ramadan period, that after knowing the aforementioned advantages of Ramadan, how should we prepare to receive it? A true believer should receive Ramadan with true repentance and a strong will to avail himself of Allah’s special mercy and kindness bestowed on him during this Holy month. He should spend his time doing what is good.

Here are the good deeds that are done in Ramadan
1) Fasting: The Prophet PBUH said: “The reward of every good deed of a person is multiplied by ten to seven hundred times according to his intention and sincerity, but with respect to the reward of fasting.

Allah proclaims, fasting is for me and I shall bestow the reward. The person fasts, forgoes his desires, eating and drinking for my sake. He will be entitled to two kinds of delights, one will be at the time of breaking the fast, and the second will be at time of meeting his lord.”

There is no doubt that the great reward is not given to those who go without food and drink only. The Prophet PBUH said “Allah is not in need of a person who goes without food and drink if such a person does not go without telling lies and acting accordingly.”

Concerning how a fasting person should behave, the Prophet PBUH said “fast is a shield, therefore whoever is fasting should not resort to obscene language and immoral behavior. If someone abuses or quarrels with a fasting person, the latter should say ‘O brother I am fasting’ (i.e. I cannot reply to you). Thus when you fast, you should restrain from doing any evil, and in your actions, you should differentiate between an ordinary day and a day of fasting.

2. Observing the supererogatory night prayer ‘Qiyam’: The messenger of Allah (PBUH) said whoever, with faith and the intention to earn the reward observes the fast of Ramadan and spends some part of the night in remembrance of Allah, is forgiven for all the sins he has committed so far.

The Prophet (PBUH) and his companions were in habit of practicing Qiyam, for the prophet PBUH had never missed it even when he was sick or tired, he would pray at night in the sitting position’’ narrated Bior ’’ I stayed overnight with Abdullah ibn Mas ud who prayed at night reciting the Quran till it was near the end of the night and then he ended with witr (a single prostration)’’ narrated ibn Zaid : the Imam use to read hundreds of Ayaat (verses of the Quran) : hence we had to learn on sticks they never left before it was nearly down Muslims have to perform‘‘ Taraweeh’’ prayers(i.e. prayers performed at night after AL-Isha in Ramadan with the Imam. The prophet ( PBUH) said, whoever prayed at night with his imam till the latter leaves will be rewarded as if he prayed the whole night’’

3. Sadaqa (Charity):
The messenger of Allah (PBUH) was the most generous of all men, especially in Ramadan. He stated, the best charity is that which is given away in Ramadan.’’ Omar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: the messenger of Allah (PBUH) ordered us to give in charity. It happened that I had some money then and it came to my mind that this time I would outdo Abu Bakr, once, if ever.

So I took half of my money to the prophet who said, what have you kept for your family? The same amount’s said. When the messenger (PBUH) asked Abubakr the same question, he answered: Allah and his messenger‘‘(meaning he had brought with him all the money he had) thus I decided- said Omar not to compete with Abu Bakr again at all. As charity in Ramadan gets higher rewards compared to charity on other normal days, a Muslim should give as much of it as he/she can.
The following are some of the aspects of charity:

A) Providing food:
Allah, the Almighty, said:’ and they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive, saying we feed you for the sake of Allah alone. No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. We only fear a day of distressful wrath from the side of our lord but Allah will deliver them from the evil of that day and will shed over them a light of beauty and blissful joy.

And because they were patient and constant, he will reward them with a garden and garments of silk. (man.8-12). our good salaf were concerned with feeding which they gave priority over many other ways of worship: and that was done either by feeding a hungry person or a righteous brother, for the person who is fed would not necessarily be poor.

Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) said: if a believer feeds a hungry believer, Allah will feed him on the fruit of paradise: and whoever gives water to a thirsty believer Allah will give him sealed nectar’’ in Ramadan, Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) did not break his fast except in the company of orphaned that his family had turned them away, he would break his fast that night with a heavy heart some salaf would serve food to their Muslim brothers and would attend to them while they were still fasting.

Feeding – a way of worship develops cordiality and affection between the Muslim brothers. This feeding would lead them to paradise. As the prophet (PBUH) stated: “you will never be admitted to paradise till you believe (in Islam) and you will never be (considered as) believers till you love each other.” Feeding would also provide opportunities to come in contact with pious people.

B) Providing breakfast for people who are fasting: The messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “whoever provides breakfast for a person who is fasting; his reward will be equivalent to that of a person who is fasting, without decreasing the reward of the latter.”

Then the people said: O Apostle of Allah but not all of us can find a person who is fasting who can break his fast with us. The Apostle (PBUH) replied: “Allah grants this reward to whoever provides a fasting person with a sip of milk, a date or a mouthful of water whoever provides a fasting person with something to drink, Allah will provide him with a mouthful from my basin after which he will never be thirsty till he is admitted to paradise.”
4. Perseverance in reciting the Holy Qur’an
The good salaf used to do the following:
a) Recite the Qur’an excessively.


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