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Sudan Tribune

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China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”

August 7, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi arrived to Khartoum on Sunday on a two-day visit that will take him to South Sudan’s capital of Juba.

China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi is welcomed by a Sudanese official as he arrives for a two day visit to Sudan in Khartoum August 7, 2011 (Reuters)
China’s Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi is welcomed by a Sudanese official as he arrives for a two day visit to Sudan in Khartoum August 7, 2011 (Reuters)
Jiechi’s discussions will likely focus on pressing the two countries on resolving the post-secession issues through the talks that have been dragging on without any breakthroughs.

China is mainly concerned about preserving stability in the newly split country for the sake of preserving its multi-billion dollar investments particularly in the oil sector.

The rising world power relied on Sudan as its sixth largest source of oil imports in 2010, and has been keen to build a relationship with leaders in the south, which became the world’s newest country last month.

Khartoum and Juba are at odds over how much should be assessed in fees for using the pipelines that transport the oil from the landlocked South Sudan to the Red Sea coastal city of Port Sudan.

This week Port Sudan authorities refused to allow an oil shipment to leave unless the South Sudan government pays custom fees. It was later released after South Sudan president Salva Kiir reportedly called his Northern counterpart Omer Hassan al-Bashir.

Khartoum has proposed at least $22.8 per barrel which was labeled as “daylight robbery” by Juba. The latter said afterwards that Sudan dropped this figure.

Last month, Sudan’s parliament approved an alternative 2011 budget that lawmakers said included an annual income of $2.6 billion for transit fees — the same amount expected for the loss of South Sudan’s oil production.

The Chinese top diplomat was quoted as saying by the government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website that North and South Sudan “will lose the peace equation” by not cooperating on the joint and controversial issues.

He also affirmed that Beijing’s policy towards Khartoum will not change regardless of the pressures, internal and external variables adding that China will continue its support for infrastructure projects in the fields of economy and development.

On Darfur, Jiechi’s stressed that the ultimate solution to the conflict in the restive region lies in development and eliminating the causes of the conflict. He said that the recent Doha accord signed between the Sudanese government and one rebel group is an important achievement for the continuation of the peace and political process in Darfur with everybody’s will.

China has been one of the main backers of Sudan in recent years despite criticism from rights groups who allege that the Asian nation is turning a blind eye to gross human right violations committed by Khartoum. It recently received president Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on ten counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.

However some observers questioned whether China will remain as staunch in supporting Bashir’s government following the secession of the South which contains most of the oil reserves.



  • Jay

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Peace equation? China should be worrying about 100% of the oil deal they were geting from Sudan!

    China need to help us by shutting up in our affairs. This is not china where they control the whole population of
    what to and what not to say in the media.

    This is South Sudan, do what we want or out of our way.

  • Space

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    China is treating South Sudan like a child. They must be bold enough to declare thier intreset otherwise I am afraid we might be investing in wrong partner.

    Despite the huge oil exploitation during the war and interim period coupling with the huge China & Khartoum Miliary cooperation that caused us huge loss in terms of human and financial resources, they still don’t regret any acts even when South Sudan contract them to continue exploiting Oil.

    the environmental damage and pollution of Unity State due to bad oil exploration safety measures that cause people unimaginable health problems, China still not regrets that act. they have gone away without compensating people that they have psycologically and physically destroyed.

    China built qaulity and wide roads in Khartoum and did many other technology transfers, but in Juba, they are engaging Juba Govt in building prefabs, like that small Computer Labs along Juba University, bejing Hotel just to mention a few. what a shame!

    China has allowed Khartoum to rob Juba young Govt in oil transfers fees without them coming to our help. This is another yet indcator of underestimation.

    Coming of China Foreign Affairs minister to Khartoum first shows how strong China & Khartoum relationship is. I thought he would have landed in South Sudan, a new oil rich Country which gave them huge contract, and then proceed to Khartoum for their informal talk. That is yet another blow to South Sudan in dealing with former predator.

    The Oil pips, to my opinion, do not belong to Khartoum but rather they belong to both South Sudan and Khartoum. What South Sudan may pay for could be passages & port probably but pips fees should have been slashed into half and South Sudan pay the half, approxiamtely $1.3 a barrel. The investments that was done when Sudan was still one were done as a result of South Sudan resources and Khartoum has no right to absolutely claim the ownership of such investments. They best they could do is to have such pips fees divided by half.

    I am disappointed that China just run to Juba with pluasible promises and investments and then rush to Khartoum for the big deals. South Sudan Govt must think twice over such behaviuour.

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Hi Space, you have commented very well and here I ask a question; Why did the RoSS give the important contract to China in the first place? you see, there are people in this Gvn’t who are slaying this young but rich Country slowly by alocating deals to the wrong hands which will not deliver reasonable services required for development.
    But if china wants to deal with the RoSS then she has to cut relation with Khartoum and begin to remove prefabs and put strong buildings, we need sky crapers here and flying ways and sub- ways in Juba because we have the resources to it.

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Young Jiechi,
    Chinese government and its oil company are not sencere, realistic, credible and they lack honest towards South Sudanese.
    Our government Knows very well that chineses company was cheating us even the oil of South Sudan during last six years were 26% not 50%.
    So, be carefull our leaders China is an expert thief.

    Deng Gau

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    If I were a China, I would help South Sudan by putting pressure on Arab Government in Khartoum to charge the transit fee in an international fee standard. South Sudan have to tell those oil companies that if Khartoum bothering us with this huge greedy fee, we will stop oil running and the current oil companies will lost their contracts. And we will assign a new contract companies from different Countries such as USA.

    In South Sudan I don’t think majority of people have possessing a big fat ass of butt for oil money since creation of mankind, so we can hold our breaths for four or more years waitting to build our pipeline and refinery in the South, and leave that Donkey Moharmed a lone.

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Thanks Space,Chinese looters and investors must konow that South Sudan is the owner of the oil and the King of its Republic.Our President and all leaders in South Sudan must seek other investors and companies in oil sector rather than working with the Chinese who are spies and cheaters. if chinese FM can’t even talk of peace in south kordofan and other challenges in Sudan then why do we trust them with our oil? simply they are there to support corrupt Govt in Africa rather than focusing on human rights.

  • wisemen

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Time have come to tell the truth for who wants to know not just to hear.we south Sudanese we don’t think or take any word seriously, four days ago Al Mahdi was saying something about Economic war and after two days they detain 600.000 barrel in port Sudan we need to have some body near our president to over explain such thing in deeply meaning.

    I have one concern in things which are happening in Juba town is the president aware of these thing or these people they do it in president name and its for there personal benefit. we must know that if people start saying that DINKA means that there is something that they have witness some thing.
    Vehicle No (SPLA 01093 HQ) came to gumbo on Saturday at 2:00 pm to pick some body from who don’t have any documentation and the guy who pick him was GARANG by name

    so we need to inform the president that there are some people who are working with him spoiling his name so one person

    God Bless
    South Sudan

  • Deng Tut
    Deng Tut

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    The China policy in the new Republic of South Sudan with it consequences vis-à-vis the local citizen in deferent areas in South; first of all we must understand that, China had a good relationship with the Fundamentalist Regime in Khartoum and all his interest are basing in the oil of South to overcome their Economic.

    The Government of South should define clear interest of South Sudanese regarding our relationship with the China Government or policy. Let me give you some facts which are right now facing the local citizens in our home land with the Chinese enterprise or Companies.

    Dear Compatriots the really problem with the Chinese businessmen in our Country is that; in my personnel observation in the field of the Chinese Companies Operated in some capital city of South whereby became a destructives into our community and livestock; as I can narrate to you the evidence that happened in the ground. For example China is running hospital in Unity State where their employees are all Chinese from the tops officials to the manager and where they employee only swappers from the local people .and they are taking all the medical investigation in Chinese language with the interpretation from the Northern at the same time they write all their description in their Chinese language; here you don’t have any mean out to buy the medicine in any pharmacy because of luck of the understanding of their language by our pharmacies and for that reason they put their medicine in higher price and if you buy from their stores it is too much expensive.

    So in term of human development and economic development the local people are not beneficiaries in all ways, so why we are forcing ourselves to invite a destructive partner in our belovely land and people in the grassroots are looking for the protection from oversea nations.

    The Chinese companies are looting our resources, poisoning our livestock; poisoning rivers where the local people are taking their drinking water and couldn’t provide clean water to them. The Government should revise all the agreement with the Chinese Government and look for the interests of the new Nation.

    Approximately 20% of our wildlife dyeing annually; due to the pollution of their dirty management in the grassroots and also they are taking 5% of our Animals transported illegally to their country.

    Nyadawech W.P

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Fortunately or unfortunately even the wester diplomate are saying the same thing. They said it in public and they said it in private directly to Salva Kiir.

    Only throug the negotiation table you could solve your problems.This was said by the American and Europeans.If you want enemosity and war you will be the sole looser, nobody else will loose.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Both SPLM and NCP need to playing with fire, they have to have political will to resolve the so-called post cessation issues such as wealth share, border demarcation, Anyei status and foreign debt. No war will be able resolve those issues mentioned above only diplomacy and genuine political will to break down this deadlock we are in now. President Kiir must reshuffle those of Pagan Aum and likes to attain any improvement in our vital relationship with north Sudan.

    At this critical movement of time we need north Sudan more than it neeed us and thus it will be wise from the government in Juba to quickly resolve those sticky issues in order to establish brotherly relationship with north for the peace, development and thus prosperity to return to our country.

  • Agutran

    China FM warns North & South Sudan against losing “peace equation”
    Mohammed Ali, when did you became the friends of American and Europeans, I thought you hate the western world that you don’t want south Sudan to be friends with

    Now you’re tell us to listen Westerners! Realy? are you that desperate? You see, the more the time goes, the harder the things becomes.

    Remember Ali, this is not Southern generation of the 1950,60s etc, this is the millennial generation and they’re tough to crack.

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