Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war

August 7, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A former governor of Sudan’s southern state of South Kordofoan has launched an initiative to stop the ongoing war there between the country’s army and rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) led by Abdul Aziz Adam Al-Hilu.

Local residents wait to greet Sudan's Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha as he visits the city of Kadugli in the state of South Kordofan on August 03, 2010. (Getty)
Local residents wait to greet Sudan’s Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha as he visits the city of Kadugli in the state of South Kordofan on August 03, 2010. (Getty)
South Kordofan, which borders the Republic of South Sudan and Sudan’s troubled western region of Darfur, has descended into a state of war since 6 June between Sudan army known as the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLA forces.

Over 72,000 people fled their homes as the fighting escalated into aerial bombardment by Sudan army, according to UN estimates, many others are believed to be killed.

Daniel Kodi, the former governor of South Kordofan and a senior SPLA commander, convened a press conference at Al-Sharqah Hall in Khartoum on Monday and called for an immediate ceasefire and provision of humanitarian assistance in the state.

The veteran politician from South Kordofan’s dominant Nuba population also called for addressing the situation of the Nuba fighters in the SPLA through political and security arrangements.

Kodi reiterated that his initiative was non-partisan and self-motivated whose sole purpose is to bring peace and stability to the people of South Kordofan.

The SPLA general severely faulted Abdul Azizi Al-Hilu for his decision to “ignite” war in the state, adding that the reasons he used for that decision was unjustified and lacking in logic.

Kodi further chided Al-Hilu for what he said was his failure to take the opportunities he had to resolve issues of contention between the two sides through peaceful means and opted for the option of war.

He charged that that this war serves to exploit the Nuba people in service of the agendas of quarters that has no relationship with the area, in a veiled reference to the government of South Sudan.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) last week issued a press release in which it accused Kodi of collaboration with Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

The movement said it would hold a meeting in the coming days to issue a punitive decision against anyone involved in collaboration with the NCP.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    I knew it that there are some stupid people in south kordfan who love to stabbed their brother at the back just like this idoit called Daniel Kodi who is now becames like nuer who love to fight the war of food.

    There is no doubt that he is been given more money to open his ugly mouth against the really freedom fighter like Abdul Aziz Adam.

    He learn from savages people who love to take side with the enemies of their brother just for no benfit but for food lovering.

    daniel Koti need to know that those who took side with enemies are always fail to doom and @the end. they got their soul surrendered and be tread like curb in the societies.

    If you are not smart enought to make a good decision in a war time or brave decision and take side with the enemy. than there is a time when people got their right/ freedom than you will be tread like dogs just like the way our brave people of republic of South Sudan and inparticular Monyjeng tread those nyagateen who used to stabbed us @the back during the war specially fake Dr nyagate who has been keep as a fool in our heart.

    Either you are against southerenss, nubain or Darfur death to you.

    Nuer are shame in our country, they don’t learn form the mistake they made how could wicked nuer nyagateen of gai tut and pater gatat yak go and fought alongside Arab against their African brother in Nuba mountain while we have our own country. was that not a sign of doom and savages people.

    Tomas of nuer who got wounded by brave numbain boys should be dead by now because he was fight for useless and hopless just like his nuer peer who love to involve themselves into gangster activities that does not need them.
    I hate nuer nyagateen badlly.

    Belive it or not if i was Almighty God i would punish them so bad but iam not God it is upto him the father of those who don’t love fight of no sene.

  • Aleu

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Daniel Kodi is the person of interest can not liberating Nubian people.

    Since the peace agreement was signed six years ago, the so call Daniel Kodi was been bribe in order to destroy all SPLA/SPLM plans fortunately, the Nubian SPLA/SPLM were very much paying their attention on him and this is why you guys hearing, the money being giving to him is what make him speak up in trying to deny the rights of others Nubian people.

    This weak people can not and will not be allow to represent the real people in the real sense at the really situations that, Khartoum government troops were going house to house and burning down all Churches in the Captal of Southern Kordofan. This man is become a traitor and talks propagada and must be dismise from the SPLA/SPLM role. SPLA/SPLM is the well known organization and has objection from the beginning and will remain the best movement who created good structure in the world and there was never any movement in the history to establised every things in the bush.

    Please let Daniel Kodi enjoy short vision for money bribe but he never know that, Khartoum government will soon run out of money and they will started begging others world for help belief me. Collobaration of Daniel Kodi shown him as a weak leader and would never do any thing good to Nubian people if he is now taking side with the Khartoum government who have been successful cleansing Nubian tribe.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    South Kordofan SPLA in the media war
    ArticleComments (20). Email PrintSave

    If you can read this shame nuer attitudes of fighting their African brother just for five month.

    God will punshed dumbs and wicked doom people.

    by Toby Collins

    August 6, 2011 (LONDON) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Army-(SPLA) fighting the troops of North Sudan in South Kordofan have released photographs and video purporting to show their spoils.

    South Kordofan SPLA and downed SAF helicopterThe SPLA of South Kordofan have been in conflict with North Sudan’s troops since just prior to the secession of South Sudan on 9 July. Many people from South Kordofan fought with the SPLA in the 22 year civil war between North and South Sudan. The new state border puts South Kordofan in North Sudan.

    There have been widespread allegations of atrocities committed by North Sudan’s army, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in the conflict.

    In a press statement released on 1 August the SPLA claimed the following victories:

    Attacked SAF forces in Salara on 10 July SPLA, seizing two large tank carriers, one long-range radio, three machine guns, six boxes of mortar shells, and three boxes of ammunition.

    Destroyed part of Kadugli, the state capital, runway on 26 July, rendering it unusable for large aircraft.

    Defeated Peter Gadet’s militia in Kranjo Abdalla and wounding his brigadier, Tomas Teil.

    Attacked SAF base in Alahmar on 28 July. SAF sustained heavy loses. Seized two armoured vehicles, four landcruiser pickups mounted with doshkas, small weapons and munitions

    Gunned down SAF armoured helicopter in Um Thoran on 28 July.

    These victories and evidence of them have not been authenticated, but they act as a indication of the SPLA’s media savviness.

    There is currently a media blackout in South Kordofan; few journalists have been able to gain access to the area. Therefore coverage is being mainly based upon eyewitness accounts and satellite imagery.

    The evidence to support the case that Khartoum’s military are committing atrocities in South Kordofan is overwhelming, but it not known on what scale it is taking place.

    Irrespective, the rhetoric and actions of the international community has been markedly insipid.

    The UK Foreign Secretary was “shocked” by reports of SAF’s indiscriminate aerial bombardment and individuals being targeted based on their ethnicity or political affiliation. He went on to “condemn” the prevention of humanitarian aid entering the area.

    The US Secretary of State was “very concerned” about “Tens of thousands of people have been driven from their homes, and […] reports of very serious human rights abuses.”

    The UN has called upon the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the conflict. However, North Sudan is ruled by a man with an ICC arrest warrant against his name and the recently “elected” governor of South Kordofan is wanted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    Although the US President said of South Kordofan in June, “those who flout their international obligations will face more pressure and isolation and they will be held accountable for their actions,”, inertia prevails.

    The military balance is weighted so heavily in Khartoum’s favour the dissemination of pro-SPLA propaganda into the international arena is indicative of a military which wants support; they are not about to lay down their arms, on the contrary, they are stockpiling.


    Watch video footage of SPLA displaying their spoils below:

    Death to nyagat nuer slavery. they alway fail to identitfy their mistake and run in the media to called other brave people coward and slave while they are they very people with untreadable sickness of slavery just like what they have been doing during the war.
    death to them.

  • zol aweer
    zol aweer

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Shut the fuck off, you drunkard Arab assimilated idiot.
    No matter how loud you shout, the fact is that we will disown you from the SPLM for having collaborated with those NCP thugs.
    They know that, they can not succeed in battle against the SPLA forces in the Southern Kordufan ,hence they are using you to create division within the SPLA/M in the state.
    This fight erupted because of you, if you could have not spent your time on wine while a deputy governor we could have not face this situation right now.
    Stop playing with fire or else you will find yourself in the place you will not like.
    Nuba Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
    SPLA Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
    Al-Hilu Oyeeeeeeeeeeee !

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Daniel Kodi is selling Nuba blood as previously done by Mohamed Haroun Kafi.

    Please Kodi it is better to fight until you liberate your people of Nuba rather than getting a lot of money from NCP to hire Al Sharigah hall of University of Khatoum which is very expensive hall.

    Don’t criticize Al Hilu, the man is not a selfish like you and your likes Al Hillu is a freedom fighter and will win one day one time and you will beg him for ministerial portfolio.

    Kodi is not only collaborating with Kharoum’s NCP, but he is NCP member.( COZ)

    Long live Nuba, Funj, Darfur, East and far north Al manasiir.

  • paliau

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Nubian people should coherence and abandon the Arab North and the stand as one body. therefore the concurrence havoc in South Kordofan is well know by the SPLA/M generally and the South Sudan people should stand with them, as the did during the liberation

    Kodi will embarrass the whole Nubian people like what Riak did to the people of south sudan.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Mr. Daniel Kodi is absolutely right, Al-Hilu should be considered to innocent people of southern Kordofan that are paying dearly for his unjustifiable war in the state, war should be the last resort to use for the,settlement of any dispute because it simply imeans destruction of lives and properties, displacement, famine or hunger, disease and lack of development in Nuba mountains. Reference is our 21 year old civil in Sudanese soil, Somalia etc in our black continent that made those countries the least developed in the world. No problem ever been resolved by war alone excluding the peaceful means. Al -Hilu should stop war to allow the peaceful return of the displaced persons to their homes.

    If SPLM in southern Sudan really care about the people of southern Kordofan let it not fuel the civil war in the state by arming and sheltering Al-Hilu to fight his loosing battle but to urge him to stop insurgency and seek peaceful mechanisms to address the root causes of Mr. Al-Hilu’s discontentments on the last election lost and more. No war proxy war please, because it will not only victimize the locals but also backfire on the RSS that will be saturated with refugee or displaced adding extra burden to our poor country. Let SPLM aslo encourage peaceful settlement of the root causes of rebellions in RSS because war there also means all the implications mentioned above. SSLA and various armed movement in RSS are available for peaceful settlement of all the sticky issues between them and SPLM and thus I urge SPLM to engage seriously with rebellions for peace and tranquillity to return to our country and it’s people.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Mr. Daniel Kodi is absolutely right, Mr. Al-Hilu should be considered to the suffering of innocent people of southern Kordofan that are paying dearly for his unjustifiable war in the state.

    War should be the last resort to be used for the settlement of any dispute because it simply imeans destruction of lives and properties, displacement, famine or hunger, disease and lack of development. Reference is our 21 year old civil in Sudanese soil, war in Somalia and numerous countries in our black continent,see for yourself the level of distribution caused by war in those countries today. No problem ever been resolved by war alone excluding the peaceful means thus Al -Hilu should stop war to allow the peaceful return of the displaced persons to their homes to rebuild their lives.

    If SPLM in southern Sudan really cares about the people of southern Kordofan let it not fuel the civil war in the state by arming and sheltering Al-Hilu to fight his loosing battle but to urge him to stop insurgency and seek peaceful mechanisms to address the root causes his discontent triggered by his lost Mr. Hroun in the last election and more.

    No proxy war please, because that will not only victimize the locals but also will backfire on the RSS that will be saturated with refugee or displaced people from southern Kordofan adding extra burden to our poor economy.

    Let SPLM also encourage peaceful settlement of the root causes of rebellions in RSS because war there also means all the implications mentioned above. SSLA and various armed movement in RSS are available for peaceful settlement of all the sticky issues between them and SPLM and thus I urge SPLM to engage seriously with rebellions for peace and tranquillity to return to our country and it’s people just to end the long suffering of our people and only focus on the development of our country rather to waste our badly needed resources for financing loosing battles here and there.

  • Bush

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Daniel Kodi is the only Nuba who is living a happy life and doesn’t think about his own people, there is no difference between him and Telefun Kuku, they are traitors and spoiled sons of Nuba.

    Abdel Aziz should go a head and liberate his people from all the oppressions.

    May God bless the people of Nuba

  • kinagonago

    Ex-South Kordofan governor appeals for end of war
    Mr. “Proxy War”

    No matter what, Nuba people must continue the dream of SPLA in the north though the CPA didn’t give them self-determination they were dreaming for like in the South Sudan.Arabs have been using islamic bait to silent African muslims in Darfur and Nuba Mts but it is time for us in Nuba Mts and Darfur to unite and have our own country, an African Nation next to the South.
    Continua Aluta!


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