Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan says UNSC meeting on South Kordofan has ulterior motives

August 8, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese foreign ministry on Monday questioned the motives behind the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting today saying that it is the result of “fierce campaign” by activists groups.

Al-Obaid Marawih, foreign ministry spokesperson, told state media that the meeting is taking place at a time when efforts are underway for the return of stability and security in South Kordofan state. The latter is the scene of fighting since early June between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) units led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu.

Classified UN reports as well as right groups have accused Khartoum of committing war crimes in the state and targeting ethnic Nubian people.

Last week, a senior US lawmaker called for the immediate deployment of peacekeepers to the state to prevent “another potential genocide”.

Marawih said what reinforces the skeptical view of the UNSC meeting that it was originally scheduled for Thursday but was moved up to Monday instead.

The UNSC apparently held the meeting earlier as the UN Peacekeeping Chief Alain Le Roy’s last day on the job is Wednesday, The outgoing official briefed the council as part of today’s meeting.

Marawih stressed that there are positive results occurring on the ground in South Kordofan including the return of IDP’s to their areas, resumption of work in development projects and divisions in the SPLM ranks due to the refusal of the Nuba leaders to “continue war and destruction”.

The Sudanese official accused UNSC of scheduling the meeting for fear of the positive developments in South Kordofan.

He slammed unspecified pressure groups who he claimed are trying to spread false news and information as part of a programmed plan to increase the amount of negative media coverage about the situation in South Kordofan and Abyei.

Many USNC countries were infuriated over Sudan’s threat to shoot down UN helicopter that was to move three injured Ethiopian peacekeepers to receive treatment at the hospital. The UN said that getting necessary clearances from Sudanese authorities took three hours during which the soldiers passed away.

But Khartoum denied the charge saying they granted authorization on an expedited basis before adding that UN personnel were to blame for the negligence that led to the death of the peacekeepers.


1 Comment

  • Democrat

    Sudan says UNSC meeting on South Kordofan has ulterior motives
    The situation in South Kordofan isn’t getting any better when humanitarian aid and agencies have been denied access to the displaced people and conflict regions by NCP, its armed wing and accomplices like PDF.

    Marawih should not deceive the world that SPLM/A is experiencing divisions within its ranks. More so no IDPS are returning but instead more are getting displaced as some have even crossed over to South Sudan border states and are yet to be resettled in a safe place.

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