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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei’s wrestling contest results

By John Actually

August 10, 2011 (BOR) – The long awaited wrestling tournament between members of Bor County Abii in Kolnyang district and the Abuodit of Jale district, the Abii were declared victorious in a 5-1 victory on 8 August.

Ajang-Mapourdit eyes up his opponent, Mayen Reech, Jonglei (ST)
Ajang-Mapourdit eyes up his opponent, Mayen Reech, Jonglei (ST)
Wrestling is still one of the most popular sports in South Sudan, particularly amongst the Dinka ethnic group, as well as the Mundari and Lotuko.
Abii scored five outright wins and one draw against their opponent in a wrestling match at the Wutcuei playground. Abuodit achieved one win and one draw.

Ajang Garang, also known as ‘Ajang Mapuordit’ from Abii, opened the match with a win against Mayen Reech from Abuodit, in less than a three minutes.
Mayen Reech wrote the letter to Ajang-Mapourdit in 2009 requesting a wrestling match, finally met his rival at Wednesday’s contest, but lost to him.

Gai Tiar in a traditional leopard skin, grapples with, Madior Amuom, Jonglei (ST)
Gai Tiar in a traditional leopard skin, grapples with, Madior Amuom, Jonglei (ST)
Ajith Nyakuoi,also known as ‘Maliridit’, from Abii beat Amol Garang from Abuodit.

Gai Tiar from Abii defeated Maduor Amuom from Abuodit.

Agau Kuol Nyok threw down Adol Buol from Abuodit.

Agut-Diing (Abii) drew with Gak Thiak from Abuodit.

Mamer Malim lost his footing against Maluk Buol from Abuodit.

Ajuong Abolic from Abii beat Deng Mathiang.

Abii supporters pouring onto the field after Ajang wins, Jonglei (ST)
Abii supporters pouring onto the field after Ajang wins, Jonglei (ST)
Although the state government pledged to support and develop traditional wrestling as a commercial and national competition at many occasions earlier this year, it has again u-turned by refusing the wrestlers access to the state stadium and ordered them to move out of the town to a place far from the capital, Bor after several attempts to stop the tournament.

Dinka Bor wrestlers competed against teams of wrestlers from Aliap in Lakes state and Mundari in Central Equatoria earlier this year in the South Sudan capital. The Jonglei Freedom Star were victorious.

This time, the team has divided to compete against one another.
Majok Jokrir from Athoc in north of Bor county in Baidit district,decided to wrestle Malirdit in the near future, after the crowds over-ran the wrestling arena. He said he would arrange another match in Pariak.



  • Ngailo

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    Thanks Bor community especially Abii section for tremendous win. We wish cattle rustlers/ thiefs of Unity state and murle adopt this spirit of culture and development.


  • kwel mark
    kwel mark

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    practicing culture not to erode is one of the most important aspect in our lives as Dinkas, forget our phoniness leaders to scramble with dirty politics to themselves, Yesterday’s wrestling prove those of Abii being the champions of the day but getting down to the whole of Bor they can’t make it to the top in that there are giants laying still waiting for who dares them in their faces .I can’t mention but you will hear them in time.

    Congrats be to Abii wrestlers and those who support them morally and emotionally . KEEP IT UP and to Abourdit WAKE UP PLZ you should not go down like that.

    Make wrestling be heard whether people they like it or not .

  • Bonaparte Lal Wieu
    Bonaparte Lal Wieu

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    The most thing I like from Bor Community is wrestling this is really maintenaince of culture and it needs to be supported by the government of the State to encourage wrestlers to do more, please keepon practising this culture.

    And thanks

    Bonaparte Monychiek

  • Kay-Shield

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    Congratulation Abiai!! You are the people known for wrestling and greatest level of bravery in Bor; you have really proved to rest of the people in and out side Bor that you are the champion of this Dinka Sub-tribe called Bor. You maintain this position in the next wrestling against Angakuei Theerngep de wurdi, you are the pride for Gohok community.

    To Mark, don’t think that Majok Jokrier would win the game this time against Ajiith Nyakuoi, the guy is getting old and he will be defeated by the upcoming star so, you just accept that Abiy is the champion of greater Bor and time will prove who is who! Otherwise I thank both sides for the participation they make us proud of them, they are champion of Sudan in term of wrestling as well as your leaders do when it comes to Politic. Bor is the Champion of every thing.

  • Kay-Shield

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    CORRECTION, as well as their leaders do. Thank for pardoning me!

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    Wrestling does not really shows the culture and heritage of Bor community when our youth are eroding the cultures of our forefather.look closely at their dressing from head dressing,is that the way our fathers used to do it.Respect to elder advice is zero to youth of today,if you want to know this take example of commissioner advice over the wrestling because of insecurity in the county.I think we should go back to our lost values of Bor.Its the role our elders in power now to restore our lost values by punishing the offender.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    Hello! Fans.

    This website becomes scams. Why I say so? Because this people change change sentences to from either postive or negative. For example, “I don’t need that” they will change it to “I do need that” in postive of their interests.

  • Cowboy

    Jonglei’s wrestling contest results
    Thank you both communities for the maturity you have shown bor people. respect in the game make the game interesting, and by the way congratulation to Abii youth keep it up.

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