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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM-SLM alliance is not yet sealed, talks continue to include JEM

Ethiopia’s PM meets SPLM-N’s leader over resumption of talks with Khartoum

August 10, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The recently announced agreement between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and two factions of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) is the first step in the negotiations between the opposition forces, Sudan Tribune has learnt.

Rebel forces watch during the visit of Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari at Fanga Suk village, in East Jebel Marra (West Darfur), March 18, 2011. (Reuters)
Rebel forces watch during the visit of Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari at Fanga Suk village, in East Jebel Marra (West Darfur), March 18, 2011. (Reuters)
A reliable source who preferred anonymity said the negotiations between SPLM-N, Justice and Equality Movement, (JEM), SLM-Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur (SLM-AW), and SLM- Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM) will continue to bridge the gaps between the parties over the contentious issues in order to reach a final agreement.

On 7 August SPLM-N, SLM-AW and SLM-MM inked a political deal announcing the establishment of the Sudan’s Revolutionary Front Alliance (SRFA). The three signatories agreed to unite their political and military means to overthrow the regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) and to set up a liberal and secular state in the country.

The agreement was put out after a series of talks including SPLM-N the SLM factions of AW and MM and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).

The four parties diverged over the place of religion in the post-NCP regime. The SPLM-N and the two SLM factions supported the idea of a “secular state” while JEM said the SRFA manifesto should emphasize on the “citizenship state”.

The expression of citizenship state is used in Sudan to underline the separation between the religion and politics but maintains the role of religion in different areas related to the personal sphere like the personal status law.

The 7 August deal, according to the mechanism set up by the four parties, had to remain secret and to be discussed at a presidential conference gathering the heads of the four political forces, the source said.

The forty member conference have to finalize “an agreement signed by the leaders the parties,” he stressed.

JEM officials reached by Sudan Tribune earlier this week said there was no difference over the separation between the state and the religion with the other three groups, but they stressed that the divergence was at the level of the “drafting” of the text. But they reiterated their commitment to the idea of preventing any political exploitation of religion.

The source who disclosed the details of the process regretted that the deal has been revealed at this stage. He stressed that JEM is working effectively with the SPLM in South Kordofan and the difference on this point will not alter the good relations between the two groups.

The leading official further said that besides the political platform there is a structural organization the parties have to achieve.

SPLM-N Secretary General Yasir Arman, who is in charge of the process told the opposition Hurriyat website this week that his movement will extend its hand to all the other Sudanese political forces willing to achieve change and democracy in Sudan.

The Sudanese government slammed the rapprochement between the SPLM-N and Darfur rebel groups saying it aims to destabilize the political stability in the country after the sging of Doha peace agreement with the Liberation and Justice Movement.

Nafie Ali Nafie, presidential assistant, accused the movement of working with foreign circles to harm his government, while other officials openly accused the South Sudan ruling party, the SPLM, of supporting the SPLM-N and Darfur armed movements.


The leader of the SPLM-North, Malik Aggar met Wednesday with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zinawi who was approached by the Sudanese presidency requesting him to narrow the divergences between the two parties.

President Omer Al-Bashir rejected on 7 July a framework accord reached by his assistant and NCP deputy chairman Nafie with Aggar in Addis Ababa on 29 June aiming to consolidate a truce in South Kordofan and to negotiate a political settlement to the conflict.

Analysts agree that Bashir’s decision to renounce the deal was dictated by the army which seeks to play an important role in the political arena, as the ruling party witnesses divisions and frictions.

The SPLM-N refuses to resume talks with Khartoum without a foreign mediation. It also says committed to the 29 June agreement brokered by former South African President Thabo Mbeki who chairs an African Union panel on Sudan.

Aggar who is the governor of Blue Nile state last week said he refuses to meet Bashir in his capacity as leader of the SPLM-N but he is willing to meet the president as a governor to tackle the issue of his state.

Also, it is not yet clear whether Khartoum wants Addis Ababa to undertake a new mediation or to seek the resumption of the interrupted process engaged by Mbeki.



  • Democrat

    SPLM-SLM alliance is not yet sealed, talks continue to include JEM
    The workable way forward is to actually form a strong alliance of all forces of democracy in Sudan. Malik need to also start fighting from Blue Nile so that SAF gets stretched and eventually over powered. However they need to first all agree on the formalities regarding power in the post NCP govt to avoid clashes in future. Abdalaziz is a great leader to reckon and considering his mixed origin of Darfur and Nuba he stands a better position to be a uniting factor of all forces of democracy.

    Other willing opposition groups in Khartoum can also be Incorporated so that the struggle becomes nationwide and not regional as most people perceive it. Sudan needs a change in government to form an all inclusive system that is free from religious influence and upholds human rights and freedoms. NCP seem to be so rigid and not willing to have a meaningful peaceful settlement of political grievances and improving on human rights and freedoms.

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    SPLM-SLM alliance is not yet sealed, talks continue to include JEM
    While I completely agree with the idea of Northern Sudanese rebels forming a credible strong alliance that respects the rule of law and seeks to liberate their people from oppression, I will in no way support the idea that Malik Agar should ignite trouble in Blue Nile. No way! Unless it is in self defence.
    I love Blue Nile and there is no need for war at the moment, but is good to be vigilant and alert.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    SPLM-SLM alliance is not yet sealed, talks continue to include JEM
    Hello! Fans.

    This website becomes scams. Why I say so? Because this people change change sentences to from either postive or negative. For example, “I don’t need that” they will change it to “I do need that” in postive of their interests.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    SPLM-SLM alliance is not yet sealed, talks continue to include JEM
    This is message from Dinka Twic East Civil Group. We the Dinka Twic East are not involved in that apology by Vice President Riek Machar. The apology he has done was for Dinka Bor only. Also his apology was a setup by Dinka Bor people who trying to take credits or to discard Dinka Twic East true identity.
    We the Dinka Twic East people, we are still waiting our true apology from Dr. Riek Machar, and it could be done in Panyagor, the headquarter of Twic East County. That’s where the incident of the 1991 occurred. For those people who done know the name of that incident, please it is calls “Southeastern Dinka Massacre or in actuality when it comes to really title based on impacted people. It is calls Dinka Twic East Massacre. Dinka Twic East tribe is different from Dinka Bor. They have different characters and dialects as well. It is true even God (Nhialic) knows it.

    Please be aware that, this website always omits some information inside any message the think is not in there interests. Also the website is owned by Dinka Bor people and Dinka Twic East. That’s why they always ignore or discards our true claims.

    N/B: Dr. John Garang se Mabior is Dinka Twic East. During the movement he was using Dinka Bor for Two reasons:

    (a) Dinka Bor was the one tribe in that region Jonglei that was documented as legitimate tribe there when Garang took over SPLM/A. It was done by intellectuals and scholars who were often driven by these words: nepotism (brotherhood & sisterhood), selfish, ignorant, pride of individual backgrounds and ignorant of other tribes as dominant signs, etc.

    Dinka Twic East is not that small, and also Dinka Bor should be proud about 2009 census as they are more than Dinka Twic East in population.

    We the Dinka Twic East people need government of South Sudan to checks Bor County population for its being divide into two counties.

    Dinka Twic East has three sections: Lith, Ajuong & Pakeer, and Dinka Bor has two sections: Athooc & Gok.

    Truth and History will not be steal from Dinka Twic East.

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