Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet

August 13, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A rebel group in South Sudan Unity state denied the defection of 1200 fighters following a ceasefire agreement reached by its former leader with the Juba government.

Major General Peter Gadet (L) addressing his troops before their withdrawal from Abyei on July 2, 2008. (Unmis)
Major General Peter Gadet (L) addressing his troops before their withdrawal from Abyei on July 2, 2008. (Unmis)
A faction of theSouth Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA) led by Peter Gatdet signed a truce with South Sudanese government in Nairobi on 3 August. One day after, Gadet arrived to the capital Juba while his spokesperson announced the start of talks for a negotiated settlement.

The other leaders of the SSLA denounced the dceasefire agreement and stressed that their group is not concerned by the move. They further said their ranks remain intact and not affected by the individual deal.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune on Friday, Gadet’s spokesperson Bol Gatkuoth said 1200 combattants of the rebel South Sudan Liberation Army led by Peter Gatdet arrived in Unity State’s Mayom County three days ago.

However, Maj. Gen. Bapiny Minytuil, deputy head of SSLM/A Military High Command dismissed the statements saying only 35 people followed Gadet.

I refute the allegation of Gadet’s spokesperson Bol Gatkuoth that 1200 joined the SPLA as forces of Peter Gatdet. Gatkuoth is liying. The truth that there only 35 bodyguards who followed him, said Bapiny who was speaking to Sudan Tribune from undisclosed location in Unity state.

The rebel official went further to say the 35 people were part of 65 bodyguards of Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet. “They joined Gadet because we asked them to choose whether they remain within the SSLA or to join their splinter leader”.

He underlined that they took this decision to cut short attempts by the Unity state government to exploit Gadet’s defection to “instigate clan and sectional disputes among the Nuer”.

“The SSLA took a rational decision to allow his immediate family members who wanted to join him to go to Mayom County in order to show to the people of Unity State that the allegations of mistreatment concocted by the government were not real,” he said.

Peter Gadet signed an unconditional ceasefire agreement and committed himself to negotiate the merger of his troops to the SPLA. The signing took place on August 3, after secret talks held in Nairobi.

Bol Gatkouth said they decide to accept the amnesty offered for the second time by President Salva Kiir during his speech at the celebration of the South Sudan independence on 9 July.

The South Sudan Liberation Movement who rejected the truce announced the same day the designation of Maj. Gen. James Gai Yoach as new leader.



  • DOOR

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Yesterday the rebels claimed it was only peter Gatdet and his spokeperson who defected and now they claim it is only 35 who joined him. Wait it could reach a thousand with time.

    These Foolish Nuer are just running after what to feed upon.

  • Ngundeng

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Why are these groups rebelling the government? Because of Cowboy Salva Kiir and his inability the last 6 years to create jobs and education for people in Southern Sudan. It won’t be long until our proud nation becomes another Nigeria and depends 100% on our oil, when we should be trading our oil to balance our resources.

    This is why Dinka people are the dumbest in the world! They only think about now… Not tomorrow!

  • Waucity

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    To be honest, yes, there has been corruption but when you are trying to solved the problem you need to look for the solution that match it. This Idea of rebel does not really match the solution against anti corruption, beside corruption took place when peter Gatdet himself was part of the Government…Our society was poor, people just went mad when they got opportunity to see money for the first time. Even in the army there was corruption, trust me, if everybody born in Southern Sudan has interest of stealing, then what can the government do?..Sure some will be caught but some will get away, it is better we mentally alter our people, so non would not have interest of stealing the public funds. Therefore, having a rebel is not good at all. Those young soldiers need to get home and become police instead of living in the bush…You see, why it is not good to just create a rebel..some come back and some don’t…

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Dear mr DOOR.
    There is no wonder from this hate and uncivilised tiny community of doom and cruality. they all want to the bush with us. than they came out without consulting us. they surrendered themselves to us. we well cames them with wisdom.they stabed as at the back. we forgive them.

    they alway after food there is nothings elsa to. they will be like that until God cames back no matter what theu will do.

    There is nothings to be felt sorry for nuer ppl since you know their culture of what i alway refer as’
    Cruelty is contagious in uncivilized Nuer communities’.

    And according to Marco A wek he sure said it that those so called close relativer of that nyagat gatat want to kill him and later on they will blaming on SPLA/M as their ways of daniel their wicked attitudes of cruelty in uncivilised manners.
    I know and sure that him gatat will not and never going to survive because the entire Bul Nuer are hunting him like fish in the water leave alone the justice of those ppl he had killed in his dumb useless war of food.

    In this case i am mourn for his death without trial of the crimes he committed.

    God punshed those who committed crimes in sudan

  • Waucity

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Ngundeng, Gatdat had a job, it was been six years, don’t you believe that government has already created jobs for many southern Sudanese…What do you call police, sujune, army and many other ministries…. creating jobs is not something that government does by itself…In America, creating jobs is difficult and how old is America and how old is Southern Sudan?..What is shameful enough is because this rebel is entirely from Nuer, so you came up with stories to defense it. YOU brainwashed your people and you should be a shame of that..if you don’t stop they will continue to kill each other.Gatdet has now join spla/splm twice in his life time. IT IS TIME YOU STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM SPLA/SPLM.

  • Ngundeng

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    More than 80% of South Sudan’s civilians have no jobs.. Are you stupid? You must be a Dinka.

    The leaders of the Nuer are tired of Salva Kiir eating warm food every day while the rest of South Sudan struggles to find one meal a day.

    Maybe one day Kiir dies and I become president!

  • LongTweng

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    That’s your wish Ngundeng but still you will die too

  • Ngundeng

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    You must be a confused Dinka who believes Salva Kiir isn’t only abusing the nation’s resources to feed the mouths of his family. Did you not hear me saying more than 80% of the nation is unemployed and we’re depending on limited oil to make us a stable nation? How did that work for Nigeria? Just shut up and make me food you stupid Dinka!

  • Waucity

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    The money from oil revenues can employ everybody…It is a oil which is also shared with others, like northerners…We need other revenues..entirely society is a bit slow to be honest, it is not just leaders, the civilians themselves have no aims, the southerners this is address the better it will be

  • Waucity

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    This is what I meant: The money from oil revenues can not create jobs to employ everybody in the country…It is a oil which is also shared with others, like northerners…We need other revenues..The entire society is a bit slow to be honest, it is not just leaders, the civilians themselves have no aims, the sooner this is address the better it will be.

  • Ngundeng

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Fact: Kiir has done nothing the past 6 years.

    I think this generation’s goal is to pave the way for our generation [Young people] to become smarter and more open-minded than our forefathers.

    The issue? Corruption and Tribal mindsets.

  • Malim

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Hello, the confused Nuer Militia who have no directions are still confused. They don’t have a common goal all the times. i don’t know what is wrong with them, why they are not united. They always act like Dinka Ngok who are also confused and have no direction to take, some Ngok Dinka still believed that they are northerners while the rest believed to be southerners.

    The same case apply to Nuer militia groups, some of those diasporas who are the architect of these press releases still believed they are not for Peter Gatdet while others like to be with peter Gatdet. I appeal to almighty God bless the confuse visionless Nuer militia.

  • Ngundeng

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Some of the Nuer Militias are rebelling in the wrong fashion [Physically] when they should be doing so [Politically].

    That does not excuse Kiir’s stupidity in dealing with this matter.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Naath don’t have determination to endure a hot battle. You see, when you fighting Arab, you give up and hand over your ass to Arab. And then when you battling Dinka battelion in SPLA, you give up and hand over your ass to SPLA, What we gonna do to Naath?

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Dear Ngundeng

    Make yourself important then always talking of Ngundeng,how come always to debate with so many people in the forum and you don’t feel convine?try to adjust yourself in this regqard,there is a time that man can accept each other words then puting all facts as fulse and you need also to give really name to yourself such that people should know instead hiding,naming yourself Ngundeng……you look very fearfull even in this forum


  • Dakkin

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    Hi Deng 2, You acutely lack information! Could you please remind me of the name of such Dinka battalion?

  • Ngailo

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet

    They are namely Koryom, muormuor, eagle , you name them.

  • DeltaBravo

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    To Ngundeng

    When there is corruption in the Country you cannot do it by taking up arm in Democratice Country like SouthSudan,even in America there is corruption,but they dnt take up arm to fight the government.Why dnt they fight in court rather then taking up arm. There is something fishy among those leadrs. they are competing over leadership that is the only thing i know. Iam not Tribalist i believe in Unity of our people rather then division.

  • Dakkin

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    You don’t know what you are talking about

  • Ngailo

    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet

    My tribe is the truth and thus I believe it will take you time to know if iam talking the truth. Hahahaha!


    South Sudan rebels stress only 35 joined Peter Gadet
    To nuer militias ,
    why did you fight SPLA-N sector in south kordofan??
    why did you do foreign country and fight wrong war??
    why did you help NCP/INF/SAF terrorist groups to cleansed our Nubian people??
    what is relationship between you and and Arabs??
    You dont even look like ARABS,and yet inside you are arabs.

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