Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed

August 18, 2011 (JUBA)- At least seven villages, in Uror county, Jonglei state, are reported to have been destroyed by armed youth groups, allegedly identified as members of Murle ethnic group from neighbouring Pibor county.

Cattle in Jonglei state (UNDP)
Cattle in Jonglei state (UNDP)
In series of interviews with Sudan Tribune on Thursday local authorities attributed the violence to cattle raiding and tension between ethnic groups.

South Sudan is home to more than 65 ethnic groups whose territories span the entire country where 78 percent of families rely on small scale farming or animal husbandry as their primary source of livelihood.

South Sudan broke away from Sudan on July 9, after it conducted a referendum provided in the 2005 peace accord, for the people of South Sudan to decide whether to remain part of the united country or opt to form a nation of their own. The plebiscite held in January saw majority of the eligible voters, both inside and outside the country, voting for secession from the north by 98%.

South Sudan has continued to experience a high level conflict in recent years. In 2009, approximately 2,500 were killed and 350,000 displaced by conflict associated with ethnic clashes. The violence subsided in 2010, but rebellion by ex-military officers has since added another layer of complexity to the situation.

Tut Puk, an Uror county commissioner on Thursday said in an interview with Sudan Tribune from Bor, the capital of Jonglei State, that a group of armed youths identified as members of the neighboring Murle ethnic group, launched an attack on Pieri district and other neighboring villages.

Puk said the villages of Matot, Pulchuol, Guancot, Rumaker, Dorganwel, and Tongyang were attacked and looted.

He estimated that in the Pieri district attack, which “came early in the morning when some people were still sleeping” has resulted in 400-600 people being unaccounted for.

Puk could not confirm the number of people killed or injured because the fighting is ongoing. However, he believes there has been some loss of life.

“I am told a lot of people, especially women and the elderly people have gone missing. Nobody knows what has happened to them, whether they are alive or killed remains unclear”, said Puk.

Steve Goi, the chairperson of Uror Youth Council in Juba said in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Thursday that he had reports from youths of the Lou Nuer ethnic group that they have carried out reprisal attacks in which there were multiple deaths and injuries.

“There are no details of how many people have been injured or killed because the fighting, as I am talking to you, is continuing, but I am told a lot of people have been killed”, said Goi.

Goi claimed that local sources described a heavily armed attacking force which had “equipped themselves like regular army” of 3,000 to 5,000, which “could not be identified because they were in military uniforms and had all types of weapons.“

He said people in the area were “confused by the way they dressed” as they had been informed by a local commander that a Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) force would be coming to the area to disarm the local population.

A repercussion of the civil war is the proliferation of small arms in South Sudan. This has had a dramatic effect on cattle raiding. Also, the value of cattle has recently rocketed as many men are returning to their homes with the intention of marrying, after the end of the civil and with the independence of South Sudan. The exchange of cattle in marriage is commonplace in South Sudan.



  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The government in Juba has to choose whether the two states of Jonglei and Lake state have to make the whole country look unsafe to outsiders which will hinder investments.

    Besides rebellion, and LRA, these two states are the only ones that are making the whole of South Sudan unstable. Government in Juba has to proof that it is stronger than these uneducated villagers that are destabilizing the country for us. The government should not worry about any outlaw group. Those who rob banks and murder people in any country are not left untouched.

    Fearing to punish criminals because of ICC and other nonsenses like that will jeopardized South Sudan security and this will slow down development. Most people don’t plant and therefore we have call in relief which is not good. Relief was good during war but not now. These two states are the only rotten onions and the government need to pay close attention to them before the whole sack is rotten.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger ends in shame

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Salva Kiir should send his SPLA peace-keeping forces to Uror and Pibor County and stop rolling a dice by making blunders about sending his forces to foreign terrorists regions.

  • Ngailo

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    400-600 unaccounted for? that is a lie!
    These two primitive communities of Lou Nuer and Murle must be told that they are no longer in stone ages.
    They got to sort this out diplomatically or else they remain our Turkana of Kenya.

  • Dakkin

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Why can’t the murle attack coward bor?

    Riek Machar have to apologise to the Lou

  • Ngailo

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The simple reason and a formula as to why the Murle don’t attack Bor is that, the Bor have the wise adage of ” Konkooc” which mean ” Wait”.
    The old Bor men use this word to arrest revenge and instead assume the role of diplomacy and mediation”.
    This golden word of konkooc is lacking in Nuer. All things are based on impulses and revenge, an eye for an eye.

    You will learn the Bor habit of konkooc or you will remain backward and victims for life.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Why tribes in Jonglei State are still lauching attack and fighting against themselves?government should suppose to ask that question,there are something wrong in that State,Mr. Governor should be remove,he is the focal point of tentions in that State,Mr.Kuol Manyang has no faith for all tribes of Jonglei,he wants his tribe only Dinka Bor,or let the President divid Jonglei into two states

  • allan

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    i believe i dont really likes nuer people but i still feel sorry for insanse people die for noreason i wishes those big mouth who always run their mouth talking abt the war when u they cant do it will die

  • Bush

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Greater Equatoria, Northern Baher-el Gazal and Western Baher-el Gazal are the only states whose people have a vision for this new nation. God bless you and your states, keep up the good spirit of love and unity.

  • choldit

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The issue of whether they are regular army of a governor or President should be resolved before jumping into Murle. Where and why dressing like Soldiers should be study by Gier Chuang or send General Peter Gatdet in the area to clear the smooke out of that state of guilty Kuol Manyang Juuk. Kuol should be releave from his pose. There has been enough death to act Mr. president! Nothing to wait for. though you may be you have to bring someone from Warrap to replace him.

  • Loom

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    That, s boring situation but government need to give them period of 6 months to solve their problem so that one will except defeat after all.

  • Nhomlawda

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed

    Eastern Equatoria is a lawless society. How many people kill in a day there, you do not know because the area is too remote and no media cover it.

    Toposa, Boya, Lopit, Otuho, and Didinga are armed to the teeth. Those communities clash regularly but it is difficult to report their clashes because they are too remote.

    Insecurity in South Sudan is every where, no specific states are safe and others unsafe; of course the degree of violent varies throughout the states.

    South Sudan need a strong General Service Army Unit to deal with home guard and disarmament of civilians.

  • Waucity

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Government need to call their elders quickly and let them supply men that would labour for daring to commit a crime after independence…Government should be a shame of allowing all this to just go free like that..It feel like there is no government some times..How difficult is it to go to Pibor and confront their elders,or any other states..Their elders must know who came with new cows that they didn’t have just yesterday. They also know who came with a new child that they didn’t have just yesterday.

  • Your Freedom
    Your Freedom

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Absolutely agreed with you

  • modi Losombek
    modi Losombek

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    You shouldn’t be projecting on only cases outside while the heart of RSS is still missing people throughout each day.

    Many arms-men are terrorizing Juba and the Government of RSS didn’t forecast about. As a fact, the South Sudan government is only government which depend his/her own ethnic group and that I have to say that this government is still primitive and due ignorance.


  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    400-600 not accounted for ; 3000- 5000 troops origin of which is not known!

    What a government!

    400- 600 DIED , YESTERDA 350 DIED OF HUNGER. Anyone of these figures will make any government on earth call it a national disaster and take emergency measurs.

    Pagan and the rest of SPLA thugs families are miles away. Who cares about the marginalized southerners!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Ahahahaha General Peter Gatdet to be send there to clean villages?

    Some people have no ideas what is going on with farmer general and the current captivity Gatat so bad the don’t know what is happening on the ground.

    About the violance in Jonglei. the savages comunity of nyagateen and most hated nuer tribe plus the little drity community or victims of ghonorrea affected murle are sueless and doom to be with people of great Jonglei where our belove Brothers Dinka Bor lives.

    those stupid community will bring nothings but doom to the people of great Bor.

  • onlysonmabi

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Mr Kon you seem to be very sick mentaly how can you talk like that have you see any Dinka Bor people attacking any tribes you the son of DOG all the tribes will go and they will leave BOR people.

  • Tomorrow

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    @ Ahmed Chol,
    You need not to comment about Lakes in this article, Have you ever heard any killing in Lakes since July 9th? Please let us be very realistic, the killing here only covers Jonglei and Warrap full stop. There is no need of including either Unity or Lakes no matter how brutal they are and they haven’t done anything this month.

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Hey Ggailo,
    That’s a wise and brilliant statement. without ‘Konkoch’ there would be no life and development in this Republic. other tribes in South Sudan must learn Konkoch and things will run at a smooth speed for all the citizen.

  • Deng Kueth
    Deng Kueth

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    I don’t understand your statement by saying that you don’t like Nuer, who ‘re you by the way? Those who died in Uror County, died because they ‘re trying to protect their resources not to be taked by Murle elements, of Yawaw or how do you call him? The guy defected from the gov’t that time because of his own problem now he has divert his vision to Lou Nuer. H.E the president of south sudan has now turned a blind eye to the security issue which was one of his manifestation Shame on him. If your people are dying whom are going to lead shame on you.

  • Deng Kueth
    Deng Kueth

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Let me laugh before I say some thing on your statement, konkooc is a word that can be used by COWARD people. Who ‘re you Dinka Bor? Bor is a place where somebody can even go and play sex with somebody wife while the owner is watching you.
    Nuer cannot and will not imitate that stupid habit.

  • vivasouthsudan

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    A lot of thing need to be chance.We need to consider a national reconciliation agenda,the vice president started he so far.The only person to blame for what happening now is the president(cow boy-kiir mayardit)for not forming his goberment.Everybody is relactant,Gier himsef is having a very heavy DIAREA right now.Kuol need to be remove.Let be series guys,our goverment is not doing nothing to improve the life stily of it citizens.We have so many marginalize people in south sudan,dont be sorprise with anyanya four.We need to set agressive educational programs in remote areas like pibor(SCHOOLS).WE NEED TO MAKE THE CIVILAZATION ATRACTIVE TO THEM.You will only brink peace went you add more neuron to their brain….

  • Nuer

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Since South Sudan signed the comprehensive peace agreement in 2005 and attained political independence on 9th July 2011, our country, South Sudan, has undergone different stages and difficult situations in its pursuit of genuine freedom and true happiness for its citizens. On the other hand, the continuing conflicts in the Jonglei State , Unity State , Upper Nile State , Lake State and Warrap, will not allow this young Nation to grow, all those areas of the country , their citizens either enjoy CPA era nor the full independence of this Nation, cattle’s raiders, hunger, diseases and dreadful suffering to innocent people. Hence, Immediate intervention of Spla Forces between the two communities, Lou Nuer and Murlee is urgent and other immediate action which should taken by Mr. President are as follow
    1. Deployment of Spla peace keepers in the State for the period of two years
    2. Removable of Kuol Mayang , from the Governorship, because he behind all these everyday deaths
    3. partition of the State is needed, because it seem to be this huge population in one State causing all these conflicts
    4. Roads networks in the State is needed,
    5. Replacement of Bol Koang , the useless general who is in charge of that division in Jonglei State is urgent , he is doing his own interests in the State , instead to protect civilians , he was behind all these, especially, this incident which happened in Uror County was of his warning to disarm the youths of that particular area as he did in 2006 last week ,he is a cause of this greater loss , due to the fact that instead for youths to defend themselves , children ,and elders, they were running a way, thinking is Bol’s forces come to disarm them.

  • DeltaBravo

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    To Kon

    You are sick minded person. You dnt even what you are talking about. Dinka Bor are peacefull Community and you jump in by disorting their name meanwhile the conflick was instigated by others stupid Community who think taking someone belong is the solution to their problem.

    concern Citizen of OuthSudan from NBG State.

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    I once heard my Dad saying that some traditional names plays significant roles in determining human integrity. I hope it does not translate fully into how some people have turn to accuse others like the governor without seeing critically the nature of the conflict. It is known to everyone that several attempts have been made to bring peace to the region including disarment as another means but to no avail.

    We should therefore ask ourselves before rushing to accuse the government over lack of performance, if people have accepted peace and if there is will to reconcile. However, the Lou-nuer had in the same way killed the elderly, children and women in Wernyol in 2009. An act which was retaliated in Duk in a fight that left many Lou-nuer vulnerable and warned up to date. Theirs on Wernyol was triggered by no reason completely, unlike the ongoing war which was prompted by Lou-nuer attempt to molest and cleanse the minority Murle on their territory.

    They shouldn’t cry, that’s how it feels.

    (Bye…………..Matuup ke ke).

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    One day it is Jonglei, another day it is Warrap, next will be LRA in Western Equatoria, then SPLA fighting with civilians in Camp 15 (Loryok) in Eastern Equatoria, perhaps George Athor again in Jonglei, rebels in Unity state, and the list goes on and on.
    Yet the so called wise president and his advisers and cabinet think they can go and create peace in Somalia.

    It is now clear that the government in South Sudan is sick and should be admitted for treatment while someone takes charge of the affairs of the country.

    God Save South Sudan.

  • Mony de Jang
    Mony de Jang

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Mr. Deng Kueth;

    Go around the entire universe starting it with our brothers in Equatoria and beyond to acquaint yourself with reasons behind cowardism. Any better of, educated and civlilized community is allover the world is a coward. Reason is that, they understand the value of life and a purpose of living than does hardminded communities like Lou-nuer. They know how to define the rule of law and a right to possession. To be honest, Bor Dinka are by far better than the Lou-nuer.

    However, never have you ever attempted or won any fight against the Bor Dinka apart from that of 1991 which was more political and subjective. I 100% swear that you haven’t won any fight over us since that time and if any, then mention when and where if you will not remind me of the recently war which left 207 Lou-nuer dead in Duk County after attempting to come back to Bor, not knowing that the 91 incident was an isolated case.

    Like any other better community in the World, the Bor, Twic East and the Duk Dinka sections were once primitive like you and have now past that stage. It is therefore your own choice to remain in lossing lives on daily basis or develop yourselves.

    (Bye…………..Matuup ke we).

  • jamuse

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    U right LL-Reuben

    Idiot Kiir in juba is telling different thing and his people are killing themselves like fish.Are somali people better than Nuer and Murle or Killing in somalia is our concern than life of native of S Sudan.
    Kirr Kuethpinymayardit is enjoy chair and beer in Juba with out launching order to Koul Manyang to rescue people.

    That stupid Governor Kuol Manyang must leave office because he is busy looting county money with protecting life of civilian.War is over , therefore, no need for such Person to be entertain again. Nuer and Murle are pleople of Jungle and he is keeping silent while these are the tribe he govern.
    What is he doing?????????????????????????????????????.answer : He is puting up water and electricity system of his hotel( Koryom Hotel) in Bor Town. He must leave office this time.I hated him.

  • Tom D
    Tom D

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    I strongly seconded what my colleague have said regarding the yearly decesses in Jonglei State under the leadership of governor Kuol Mayang Juuk. South Sudan just got it independent last month through valot votes which was conducted on the 9th january 2011 after the long Civil war which lost million lives between the North and South Sudan. For what reason our are still loss their lives in such way? On opinion, Kuol Manyang should be remove from his useless leadership so that to end this notorious yearly demises between Ethnic group in Jonglei State. During the celebration day, the president was talking about Security as first piority for the people of South Sudan, and promised that his next government’s appointment will base on qualifications not tribal representative, recently the president appointed the central bank governor and president of supreme court from one Ethnic tribe Dinka particularly in Bahelgazal Warrap State the president’s home town. On this junction, Where is the president promise? And if the president lies his people in such way, Who will remove these noncense acts? Our land South Sudan is very rich with resourse but, No good leaders that can lead this blessed generation. Let’s come back to the point, Governor Kuol does not mind about death (deceases)of Lou Nuer because this maarce killing execised by Dullard Murle does not reached Bor town where Kuol can internene Meanwhile, Kuol was behind that critical situation launched by dully people Murle tribe against Lou Nuer people. I do believe that Lou Nuer will negativelly react to this issue and will severly luanch intensive retaliation (Tit For Tat) very soon in which thousand of houses will cry in Pibor County

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Mr. Jamuse,

    Thanks, but I won’t insult our president and the governor respectively. I wasn’t happy with the president’s latest remarks about sending our forces to foreign countries when in fact we have here a heck of a show in the South. That’s why I give some few ironic phrases, little modest than yours.

    Coming to the Lou-Murle constant chaotic confrontation of each other, it has been attempt to be shelved for good, but you know with low number of civilized thinkers in those communities, civilized approaches are intentionally ignore by both communities.

    Governor Kuol Manyang, lately orchestrate dialogue to dialogue among the tribes of his states, (those killing themselves as of now were included), and that dialogue could be farewell as of now. Disarmament has been attempt, not just in those areas but entirely in South Sudan, you and I can echo it together as a failure as well.

    But don’t get me wrong, there is something the governor and the president still can do. The government can deploy a reasonable number of his South Sudan Soldier between the two tribes. The deployed soldiers can then act as a block, preventing any adventurist primitive looking for any kind trouble in between.

    Else, figure out less hostile alternatives, like issuing arrest warrant to youth leaders of both communities. Let the criminal catches the criminal, by arresting their youth leaders, will then make them use their little brain. Because I don’t think these people used their minds whatsoever.

  • Bush

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed

    You may be right dude, but the reports that are coming from those states everyday are terrifying, look at the number of those who died or missing everyday, or may be the media is exaggerating it I don’t know, but EES is relatively come these days under the leadership of Louis Lubong.

  • Bush

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    @Rising of the Sun

    Nice comment! I hope you will be the one who will take the charge of the affairs after we admit them or bury them when they die.


  • goyuom

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    mr kon i appreciate your statement for diagnosting the cause of death in Jonglei which can be easly identify as, Governor is fully involve in silent polical killing of his civillian. Mr Kuol has been in his position for some years but he never when to other counties in Jonglei rather Bor it self. so what a big loss to Splm to give ticket to such a human who can let his people die like insect. therefore jonglei need new Governor who can create Jobs but not to be enjoy By Bor only so that communities can forget fighting if majority are working

    H. E or What over they call you president Kirr can you use your degree on Koul Manyang Juk pury tribilism practitioner

  • Deng Kueth
    Deng Kueth

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Your ‘re not serious Mr. Mony de Jang by saying Nuer can not do something to you at this particular moment. I cannot blame you may be you don’t know all things which had happened in the past, if you know them very well, then your statement is irrelevant to me. The only thing I can say is, you Dinka when something happen to Nuer like what happened yesterday in Uror, all of you will feel comfortably owing to the fact that your disease in Jonglei is only Lou Nuer. How many children taken by Murle in all the corner from Mading up to Duk? Your children are being abducted many years by Murle like an orphans who doesn’t have somebody who is taking care of them. Your idiot Kuol has turn his abnormal eye down is not seeing what is happening, though is seeing is it, is also enjoying the death of Lou Nuer. Lou Nuer youth will revenge that thing automatically without failure.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Dinka Dominated frog.

    You are a big fool lady. When Nuers did ethnic cleansing in Bor in 1991, what did you do? All you do is ask for ICC sentence on Nuer. You did not fight. Nuers have been great fighters during the civil war in Sudan, liberating South Sudan till we now got independence. You Dinka were only hunting for frogs, (AGANY) and so on and so force.

    Your comment from here has proven you that you are not even a true Dinka, your mother must have slept with an Arab man and you were conceived.

    Leave this issue to us and wait how we shall retalliate.

    God Knows.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed



    SORRY!!! SORYY!!!


  • Brobo

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    that is not righ dinka dominate splm/A,let the government of south sudan to send you there and clean those villages.

    in human right is not there,
    the present convention,genocide whether committed into time of peace or in time of war is crime under international law which they undertake to the present and punish.

    which is not good for the tribe of south Sudan kill them selves, dinka dominate splm/A you are thinking for what can take the south forward,you are just planing for how to lose some people life,which is very bad to you brother.

    thank you God bless those who are upon the lou Nuer. for what is open to them is very bad for murriele to still killing lou Nuer while they are saying there is government south Sudan which is just working for other tribe/eliminate them.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Is that how you people claim to live in Madi land with such stupidity. Coward go and protect your villages not hiding in Equatoria like ladies. You talk of taking the city into that sort of environment. who is going to reside in that city? fool behave yourselves like humans.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    And I pray…

    Oh God do have mercy and extend your wisdom by instilling humanity into the dumb brains of this animals so that they become humans and realize the need to peacefully coexist.

    For all RSS needs is peace and development.


  • Cowboy

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Nuer community need shortup, few months ago they were the one shouting about Lou victory over Murle. Now they are the one crying again, and want government to act on theirs behave.this is ridiculous blaming governor for no reason, when the governor was calling for the state communities to have a dialogue. Lou were relactant now you see what happen.

  • goyuom

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Kiir will never perform well in Juba unless you demolish home and away and pour away all alcohol drinks into the river shore, but he can also drown in the river tying to seperate alcohol and water which cann,t happen.
    i can remmember in 2009 one of American said that he got only Dr Riek Machar and alcohol working in Juba

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The only peaceful tribes or Counties there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. They always doing revenge after they have been attacked first. While the rests are just trouble makers of the states.

  • peace

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Am so sad of barbaric act that this pple r doing,please to nuer don’t reverge just leave it to God,and stop abusing tribe,Dinkas were focusing to chase arabs that was thier target,stop malicious word

    by awaynhom

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Historian and Identity advocacy for truth:

    The only peaceful tribes or Counties I know there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. These tribe are always doing revenges after they have been attacked first. While the rests of the Jonglei State tribes or Counties are just trouble makers of the states. I know not everybody in those tribes or Counties is bad guy, but good people there need to advice their colleagues who are troublemakers for the benefit of our state peace and stability. Please don’t bother yourself by talking too much here as good guy while you are from the rests of tribes or counties where troublemakers make state more trouble. Go and talk to your county and tribes where those crimnals came often came from. I know some tribes or counties with bad records since even the second civil war began in May 16, 1983 or maybe beyond that.

    N/B: If you are Historian or smart guy, you will understand such tribe (s).

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Historian and Identity advocacy for truth:

    The only peaceful tribes or Counties I know there in Jonglei State are Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, etc. These tribe are always doing revenges after they have been attacked first. While the rests of the Jonglei State tribes or Counties are just trouble makers of the states. I know everybody in those tribes or Counties is not a bad guy, but good people there need to advice their colleagues who are troublemakers for the benefit of our state peace and stability. Please don’t bother yourself by talking too much here as good guy while you are from the rests of tribes or counties where troublemakers make state more trouble. Go and talk to your county and tribes where those crimnals came often came from. I know some tribes or counties with bad records since even the second civil war began in May 16, 1983 or maybe beyond that.

    N/B: If you are Historian or smart guy, you will understand such tribe (s).

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Lavarcee. I wish I had information so that I personally could go and participate in revenge. Those Nuers, especially Lou need to be shown some force to force them come to peace. Let them pay their crimes in Murleland

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    those who are blame Governor of jonglei the are blame him for not thing,murle people are animal the don,t even understand. if you take them now to U.S.A where there is fighter the will still cause insecurity,i don’t know why do God create such human.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    I think you don’t know dinka Bor,they are the evil people they are the cause of our tribalism in the South sudan,who had engneered tribals conflic in the South sudan,it is not your uncle Abiel Aleir?and what is going on now in Mandari lands and shilluk lands,it is not your uncle implementation project?,I think dinka project for great dinka padang is over for good in the Republic of South Sudan if you don’t know,you have to try to find out

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Garang’s disciples,

    The very tiny Murle seems to forget who is who in South Sudan in term of war. It’s been only one sub-tribe of Nuer that push Murle into the corner for all these years. To bring the Murle as a community to its knees, the Mighty Nuer Warriors which must compose only of Lou Nuer and Eastern Jikany Nuer ought to take retaliatory and occupation at the same time as they (Nuer) did to Anyuak and Burun in those years(1980s).

    The small community of Murle doesn’t deserve to have cattle if not because of Nuer mercy. They (Murle) will pay very heavy price for their suicide action at any time soon beyond their imagination. The Nuer community is not like other coward communities which you can slaughter its members without retaliation or punishment.

    The Mighty Nuer Warriors don’t cry for outside help, but when and how to take “Mut/invasion,” and I doubt if Murle get guts to confront Nuer Warriors in a broad daylight which may last for more than one month rather than their cowardice tactics of hit and run.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Whats the fool talking? Kon? whch Kon? it is true that foolish people are identified through their speech even in the dark. u talk of governor as a focal point of tensions, is he governing Lakes and Warrap State too? where there clashes?

  • DeltaBravo

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    GOVERNOR KUOL and NYANDENG MALEK must go. We need new Governors in both WARRAP and JONGLE STATES.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Mr Kim jonkoz, we shall see. Only time will tell

  • Force 1
    Force 1

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Normal and south human being don’t just engage in a fight, they asked questions of what the fight is for before they engage.

    What if someone tap you on the shoulder while engaging the fight you had no idea, what would you tell them?

    The word “wait” simbolize sound jugdement in any conflict.
    No one in this world doesn’t know how to fight! On the other hand not everyone had the sound judgement, that’s why we have smart people and the idiots.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Mr man, AJITH.

    When somebody wants to comments on something over this web, he has to make sure he speak or write an excellent english. Can you read back at your comment and make some corections. If not ask a colleague who knows english well and do correction for you. In fact you have a point but nobody will understand you.

    God Knows.

  • God Knows
    God Knows

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Murle Interlectual.

    You claim to call yourself Murle interlectual when you are not. Do you know what you are? You are (JABE), Meaning you can deficate anywhere like a cow.

    My friend just wait for a retaliation from Nuers, you guys will cry out blood and deficate anywhere including your so called government official. Where will you get a flight to chatter like what Lou-Nuer government officials did?

    You cowards, you know very well that you always have NUEROPHOBIA.

    God Knows.

  • Khartoum92

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    The UN doesnt even care, To the UN a dogs live is worth 1 million south Sudanese life.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    Heah!Jamuse, u r mad with hatred to insult those leaders,u called them idiot and stupid, but they are the very people who open your eyes to that level of having access to this service. I think there is something wrong with u people. U rely on second hands informations pick them up and run amok with them, but that is not good of u. Kiir didn’t talk of sending troops to somalia, it was foreign affairs minister who said so when he was asked whether they are ready to send troops to somalia when requset by the AU. dose that legitimized u to abused our president? the man respected world wide, u love people only when they are from yuor tribes, clans and subclans and hate them when they come from different ones. hate them but u will go nowhere.
    that killing is ususlly plsn by primitives in remote areas without consent of these big people.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    U fool! u sound like someone begging for friendship or appreciation by categorizing Dinka. Don’t defame the community image because this is not a political forum.

  • choldit

    Tribal clash in Jonglei leaves seven villages destroyed
    mony de jang,

    you are so naive to appreciate the killing of Lou-Nuer and actually fibricate the reason for fight btwn the Lou-Nuer and Dinka Bor in 2009. What bring this Lou-Bor fight in this issue anyway?

    Kuol Manayang Juuk is to be blame for his incapability to stop the fight and actually instigate the fight in his region btwn tribes and subtribe e.g. mistreating Dinkas that George Athor held from. It is clear that he is using his leadership to mistreat other tribes in the region and promotes inter-tribal fights.

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