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Sudan Tribune

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W. Equatoria governor denounces intimidation of foreigners in the state

August 18, 2011 (JUBA) – The governor of Western Equatoria state, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro has denounced the mistreatment and intimidation of foreigners and in particular, Ugandans, living in the state by undisciplined police officers.

WES Governor with Ugandan community in his office, 18 August 2011 (ST)
WES Governor with Ugandan community in his office, 18 August 2011 (ST)
On August 18, the Western Equatoria Ugandan community, headed by Paul Kigoza met the governor in his office to explain how foreigners living in the state are being mistreated by the police officers.

During two decades of civil war, many South Sudanese took asylum in neighboring Uganda where many still travel for further education.

The secretary of the team, Elizabeth Nakalembe, said Ugandans suffer from “unnecessary imprisonment, unfair judgement, forced criminal accusations, intimidation using machine guns.”

She said that the Ugandan community living in the state is “begging the government to assist with issuing to them residential permits” to ensure their safety in the state and that Ugandans want to work towards the “development of the new country”.

In response the governor she said “did not expect such harassment to happen to Ugandan communities in the state where most of our children and families are at the moment.”

Bakosoro reiterated the position of the government, which will ensure that “all foreigners are treated according to the law and constitution of the state free from any form of torture.”

He stated that in some cases police officers are ignorant of correct procedures, hence instances of malpractice and that the immigration officers will need to be re-oriented on their mandate on how to deal with immigrants.



  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    W. Equatoria governor denounces intimidation of foreigners in the state
    Hey Guys,
    There is no room for Ugandans or Kenyans investors in this country because they are not staying like foreigners and majority of them are even producing fake IDs,certificates and degrees to get employment in Govt ministries. These foreigners must not cheat us on the issue of developing South Sudan, it is completely rubbish and looting of resources in this Republic. All who are working with Ngos must leave our country at once and those who are forgeing our national IDs and certificates must face the jail sentence once caught because our country is not a field for thief and a failed people of the three countries of East Africa.

  • Tambura

    W. Equatoria governor denounces intimidation of foreigners in the state
    One police officer is the one doing that bringing bad name to all polices force, they should send him to where he is belong, it is not just Ugandan are mistreated by him and his force our young guys too. He is Dinka why keeping him in our land? even he mistreated police offices whom are working under his command. Azande people well known as sleeping elephant, they don’t send him out of Yambio somebody is going to send him to hell soon.


    W. Equatoria governor denounces intimidation of foreigners in the state
    Dear Southerners
    it looked like few of you don’t recall back when we were suffering, these people stood up as real black African with all efforts to support us and their support continue influence most of you to build our nation. why should you talk of something which doesn’t bring any solution to our problem.

    it’s better we advice our fellow people to take positive side and avoid the negative side (prostitution)which involve significant uncertainty risk of HIV. so, it’s good the government of W.E have delivered positive message that will give them a new hope for collective development. remember South Sudan is part of East Africa, therefore, if some of you think as you do, then,the government will be so sorry to employee you in public or government sectors.

    My message to you is to build good relationship with East Africa countries plus. these people, up to this time have given us very great opportunity to solves our own problems in which I personally respect them though few of them have criminal mind, we all possess positive and negative.

    By Batna

  • Bazinguaboy

    W. Equatoria governor denounces intimidation of foreigners in the state
    Kudos to Governor Bakosoro but it may well look like the official government position is slightly different from (reading by the comments to the post) the views of most people. Since we don’t expect to live in a vacuum, now a short reminder of our geography: we are bordered by Sudan (jallabas whom we broke away from after a lengthy struggle for our independence), the Central African Republic and the DR Congo (useless, unskilled, prostitutes, etc.), Uganda, Kenya (useless, thugs, prostitutes, unskilled labourers, id and certificate forgers, HIV/AIDS carriers destroying young and old alike, etc.), Ethiopia (prostitutes, spreaders of promiscuity, etc.) … now where does that leave us, I wonder?

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