Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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US names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan

August 18, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The United States president Barack Obama announced today his intention to nominate a senior official at the State Department to become the country’s first ambassador to South Sudan.

United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Affairs and ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan (AP)
United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Affairs and ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan (AP)
The world’s newest nation came to light last month after its citizens voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence from the Arab-Muslim dominated north. Washington was one of the earliest recognisers of South Sudan.

It was the US brokered peace accord signed in 2005 between North and South Sudan that gave people of Southern Sudan the right of self determination.

The nominee, Susan Page, currently serves as deputy assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of African Affairs.

The White House in a press release said that Page also served as Regional Director for Southern and East Africa at the National Democratic Institute. From 2005 to 2007, she served as the Director of the Rule of Law and Judicial System Advisory Unit at the United Nations Peace Support Mission to the Sudan. From 2002 to 2005, Page was the legal advisor to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Secretariat for Peace in the Sudan.

Page has a doctorate in law from Harvard and has lived in Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya. Her nomination announced Thursday must be approved by the Senate which is currently in recess.



  • Ngailo

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Please don’t saturate our country with female diplomats.
    Who knows some may earn up being impregnated by womanizers such as Dr Riek Machar.
    Not another Emma MCcune please!!!

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Welcome to U S names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan such as high qualify person like Susan Page he was served as director of Rule of Law and Judicial System Advisor Unit at United Nations Peace Support Mission.

    Currently the Republic of South Sudan need well qualify person and someone with Legal background may help us to advise this corrupt Government which occupy mostly by illiterates people whose demonstrating little education always displaying the tribals hatred unproductive mentality to the Nation ful of dishonest.
    No room for those who need ignorance ambassadors to come and joint this corruption in South Sudan its time for the development of the Nation welcome Dr Susan to South Sudan as Head of U.S Mission in the Republice of South Sudan.

  • ocitigangpemeru

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Hahahahaha, hey man are you serious? We don’t mind which affairs will she come and mess herself in, bt I believe she can do her best to execute her job, beside women are best in lobying. In regard to respect for the visiters. You should be morally standardize, Didn’t ur mother tought you to pay respect to visiters? Did Dr Riek one time put ur mother in family way? or being acused of impregnating any of ur family mother, tribe mate or any one in our country? Plz stop it, If U are sick don’t infect this healthy young nation. learn to resfect your leaders.

  • Jayo

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Such a dumb comment from uneducated fool.Comments like these are a shame to South Sudanese intelectuals allover the world.

    Jayo, the patriot.

  • Jayo

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    My earlier message is to the so-called Ngailo


  • Ngailo

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Well my question is Ngailo?

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Thanks Jayo for your good response,Agailo is a stupid Ugandan who want to spoil our Names in the web,but God will make him spent some time,otherwise famous Big_logic boy was like this iddiots Agailo but he disappeared,he is not know where he is since 2010.God will bless hungry Ugandan who need to spend their life in south-sudan then their country.

  • Lokorai

    U.S. names ambassadorial nominee to South Sudan
    Ngailo,ayii ebune yong? Ba yong n’gayi n’gon’gok?

    Good work Jayo, that dog should be hanged and cut to pieces for shitting over this side with rubbish about the very only hope under tough tribal decrees by the cow boy (Kiir).



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