Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state

August 19, 2011, (BOR/JUBA) – At least 640 people have died, 861 injured and 208 children kidnapped in an attack on Uror County, in the north of Jonglei state on Thursday, local South Sudan officials say.

Remains of burnt houses in Bor County, February 2011. (Photo: John Actually/ST)
Remains of burnt houses in Bor County, February 2011. (Photo: John Actually/ST)
Around 7,924 houses have been set on fire and over 38,000 heads of cattle stolen Sudan Tribune has been told.

The attack is believed to have been launched by neighboring Murle tribesmen, when armed groups infiltrated into Peiri and Pulchuol Payams [districts] at about 5:00am on Thursday.

Most of those who died were children according to a team of Jonglei state officials who visited the area on Friday afternoon. The team included the state minister of Public Service, Recheal Nyadut, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Gabriel Gai Riem, the Minister of Animal and Fisheries, Nyang Lul, two MPs of Uror County, Moses GatKuoth Lony and Moses Mayul Bol among others.

The attack is understood to be a revenge operation against the Lou Nuer tribe after an attack on the Murle last June in which many deaths were reported and cattle stolen.

At Bor Airport on return from Uror, Moses Gatkuoth, who is the chairperson of Peace, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs committee in the state parliament described it as a “devastating attack launched by criminals”.

Gatkuoth said that women and children were the major victims of the clashes.

According to Gatkuoth, in Peiri Payam, the death toll stands at 257, out of which 150 were women and 107 were either children or the elderly. He added that 347 people had been wounded and 132 children abducted.

Dinka cattle moving near the Bor-Mundari border in May 2011. (Photo: John Actually/ST)
Dinka cattle moving near the Bor-Mundari border in May 2011. (Photo: John Actually/ST)
As well as burning an estimated 3,431 houses “the attackers have also partially burnt the Hospital ran by Medecins Sans Frontieres [MSF] including their car”, Gatkuoth said. Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without borders) is an international independent humanitarian medical organisation that delivers medical aid.

Gatkuoth was visibly emotional as he described what he saw on the fact finding mission to the effected area.

He said that in Pulchuol 138 people lost their lives in the fighting, while 284 were injured, 39 children were kidnapped and around 4,208 houses burnt to ashes.

In Muotot, part of Pulchuol Payam 245 killed, 230 wounded, 37 children abducted and 285 houses burnt. According to the teams report, a total of 383, people died in Pulchuol Payam, 514 wounded, 76 children abducted and 4,493 houses were burnt.

Gatkuoth added the attackers had also killed the deputy administrator for Pulchuol.

Jonglei’s Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Gabriel Gai Riem described what he saw as “devastation” in the villages and towns.

“Towns and villages have been devastated. Most of the houses have been burnt down and many other houses looted”, he said. “So many people are wounded, this is what we have seen”, he continued

Riem said the state government is working for peace and it will take majors steps to reduce tribal fighting. “The government always work[s] for peace and will continue to press on and to take majors that will curve down these undesirable activities”, he said.

The minister pledged that peace will come to these communities to live in harmony in the future, saying the government’s plans for peace will not be derailed by tribal conflicts.

“We will not be derailed as the government. We will not be derailed from the peace process. We will continue to press on to bring our communities together. They will have to come together and find ways under which they can coexist and live together”, said Riem.

None of the fact finding team were able to give a figure for the number of attackers killed and whether they are still being pursued although they reported the seizure of some guns.

The minister of public service, Nyadut Paul, who led the team to Uror walked to her car and drove away without a comment.

Moese Bayul Bol, one of the Uror MPs who visited the area said the attackers were armed with rocket launchers with which they destroyed the county headquarters from a distance before they arrived. The number of attackers remains unknown.

Local authorities in series of interviews with Sudan Tribune on Friday attributed the “massacre”, to the old and the long-running tribal tension between the Lou Nuer and Murle ethnic groups.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Bor, capital of Jonglei State, Tut Puk, the Uror county commissioner described the situation as “pathetic and unacceptable”.

“I visited the area today and the situation in which I found our people was shocking. 138 people have been identified killed and the whole area is destroyed. It is a real massacre”, explained commissioner Puk who sounded upset.

“A lot of people, particularly women with small children and the elderly people were pitilessly killed. They carried out everything and destroyed crops. Local clinics are cleared. There is nothing, not even a single bandage is left”, he said.

Charles Majok Bol, a senior official in the government of South Sudan said in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune in Juba on Friday that it was sad to hear of the attacks so soon after South Sudan’s independence in July.

“Innocent children who are our future are being killed. This is a terrible tragedy, our government must do something remedy this situation now than later”, said Bol.

He observed that inter-tribal conflicts in Jonglei have been downplayed and not taken seriously by the state and Juba-based government.

“So far, I am not aware of any disarmament that I know to have been carried out successfully. I have also not heard of anyone brought to book due to raids carried out by Lou Nuer against Murle, or those carried out by Murle against Lou Nuer. No serious prophylactic measures were taken to prevent future raids”, he explained.

He claimed that in June, Lou Nuer carried out a massive offense against Murle in Pibor County, killing many Murle, including children and women, burning hundreds of villages and taking thousands of cattle.

“As usual, it was expected that Murle will hit back. This is exactly what has happened. It is also a matter of time before Lou Nuer revenges. Murle too will do the same and the practice will continue [unless] either of the tribe is cleared or else something is done to avoid extinction of the other”, he warned.

“Can the government intervene so that lives of the innocent civilians are saved”, he asked.



  • Niko

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    How can Southerners complain about the North and Kordofan when this is happening. Is this what the SPLM and independence has brought? 640 people massacred and this is only the beginning. Can you imagine if this happened in a Western country would the leaders be as silent and incompetent as the SPLM has been?

    And please try to reply to my post without a slew of insults and sexual insults most all like most of the readers on this website like to do.

  • Waucity

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    If the government does not follow this attack and find those who are responsible…I will be so A shame to be a Southern Sudanese…It seem some times like there is no government, I can tell you that there is no investigation on all crimes committed since 2006-now..They happened and government never make effort, to follow them…I KNOW that these people in Pibor county know who participate and has a new child that does not belong to them..The keep silence about it. Government has even return some children with out fully punishing those who kidnapped them. What? Are you scared of the so called human rights, I guest it is what you are looking for, to be called a government that fully implement human rights…Well, shame on you!!!!!!!!, Most of those countries who would blame you for punishing a tribe that does not listen, know there is something called homeland security. I see go to Pibor and punish them very well and forced them to labour for good ten years…

  • David Arok
    David Arok

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    I suppose Mr. Kiir have to decide, whether he dispatch South Sudan troops to Somalia or solve internal conflicts to avoid farther lost of innocent lives. If these huge number of people were kill during struggle it would have sound better, but when we are now a country and no sign of death coming to an end is just appalling.

  • Deng Sam Malek
    Deng Sam Malek

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    This is not the way we should respond to shocking news like this one.Heheheheheeeee..,am surprised some of you guys have turned this in to tribal attack.
    Look at the headline and advice yourselves.
    Here, we are talking about death.
    Is anyone out there, who have ever lost dear ones and feels happy about it? It is time to mourn and pray for God to rest their souls in peace – not time to rejoice and start attacking one another. Stop bringing your petty politics onto this platform because some of us are grown up enough and never wish to be part of this behaviour. Habit is a second nature, so watch out some of you may end up as warmongers – something very dangerous to undertake.I feel belittled about some of your comments. May God bring peace to Jonglei state.
    Wake up guys and start talking senses. We can not afford to continue like this anymore. It is time to help ourselves and remain as one.Murle and Lou all belong to South Sudan. They are great people that we need to help this nation.Start suggesting ways to bring peace between the two communities.

  • Nhomlawda

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Even the primitives apply babaric military policy of scorch earth attacks.

    What a shame to our country?

    President Salva Kiir, Gier Chuang, Nhial Deng and Hoth Mai should not under estimate the effects of these attacks on their reputations.

    These civilians are too powerful for the ill-equiped state police, there is need to have helicopters for rapid development in these situations.

    President must order development of army to these hot spots in the country.

  • Jeti

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    In June this year, Nuer-Lou carried out ruthless attack and killed unknown number of people in Murle land and the so-called Government of Southern Sudan by then in collaboration with Sudan Tribune did not report or published the incidence. Why now killing in Nuer-Lou is rushed at and published with that staggering number of causalties? Sudan Tribune and Government of South Sudan are bias. They encourage tribalism in the country and this will not come to an end unless something is done. We need to live in South Sudan as South Sudanese but not as Nuer, Dinka, Murle, Zande, Madi, Acholi, Bari, Kakwa, etc. We need to be preaching peace not war. I do pray, one day, South Sudan will be in total peace and tranquility.

  • Nhomlawda

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Sorry, I mean rapid deployment in place of rapid development

  • o.a.a

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    This is a disaster, how it come in 21 centuray , there still slavage like this.
    Hope peace for all ..

    All of you should understand that you have a coloful country.. so you have to accept pluralism.

    No one can govern all of ss tribes. so go for fedration it is better soultuion for your conflicts.

    this amount near to what was been dead for two years of war with north ?????????

  • Tambura

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    I can see all of you blaming government for this mass killing which taking place. What I can say this government are luck of leadership ideas you can blame somebody who don’t know anything, bush them fight them they are 80%uneducated they don’t know how to deal with this kind of situation they are food lovers Dr. Riek is pinp he can do anything alone one hand can not clap, even thought he can’t do anything to safe his people now he did a lot for our country without him we couldn’t have what we call it south Sudan today thank you sir for your service, now time as come you can just step down your mission reach relax and enjoy freedom and leave the country for new generation. They one with fresh ideas to stop this mass kiling.


  • DeltaBravo

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    By the way where is SouthSudan Plane to patrol the sky to make sure no civilian movement on the ground with gun to attack others Civilian. That is why it is very hard to for SPLA to protect the civilian. alot of Civilian are arm including the former Soldeirs are still with in their Village. All the Chief from both side must come together to make recounciliation with their Communities otherwise the revenge will go on and on untill our people will finish themselves to death,the enemy is laughing there right now.

  • Genuine Leader
    Genuine Leader

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Dear all readers.
    brother Nhomlawda, you are right to urgent our president Mayardit and top security concern officials. to use any means of responsibility to stop the atrocious landscape in Jonglei state, but.
    first: the big problem is in Jonglei state itself, Kuol is not working now to solve problem in state,but he busy himself for searching senior position in Juba, and Gier is running 24h trying to secure his post both officails leave behind them all national duty, and they just run affter positions,what president kiir could do alone to stop this? noway.
    second. both Kuol and Gier were behind the instigated death of 640 of Lou Nuer or Jonglei state citizen.

  • mass

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    it is really sad to see that some group of people in Southern Sudan still carry out barbaric and negative actions against their compatriots that negate humans values. This killing of about six hundred civil citizens of Southern Sudan is shockingly unacceptable and it’s indication that some citizens of Southern Sudan still confine themselves in a narrow confines of their individualistic concerns and therefore are struggling to rise up above those individualistic concerns to the broader concern of humanity.

  • pabaak

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Tambura, so you mean Riek is the Shepard who can bring peace among us! who is the one instigate this such violence in our community, at least in our modern time, where did our communities learn such large scale tribal conflict?. go back to learn something about him before you praise him. I know the whole government in Juba including him lack ideas of how to solve it.

  • Mafer

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    So bad, this must stop now!


    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    These gangs looked well equiped with Rocket launchers and can even bring planes down.
    They were supposed to confront with the really SPLA fighters or destroyers team at that time of massacre”because they are not considered to civilians anymore,they were criminals and need to be deal with a full force.kill or capture them alive.
    In some countries,the president should have declared the state of”emergency”in the whole country.And mourn for three days for 640 lives lost and 207 kids abducted.
    Although ,my community and murle community share same language but i really condemn this madly and stupid killing of women and children,and abduction too.

  • Dengaliic

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    We are yet to see what it will take for the government of South Sudan to stop those who are causing security risk in the country. It’s getting ridiculous. Most government institutions around the world are always worried about the violation of security within their borders, but for South Sudan, politicians are concerned with who is going to be appointed as a minister in the government. Pathetic.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Historian and identity view: I am sorry to hear this bad news, why? Because of the people there Dinka Twic East, Duk Dinka and Lou Nuer where occupation Uror County. Gov. Kuol and Governemnt of South Sudan. I call Governor Kuol with my disappointing message, I know that his own tribe of Dinka Bor is much free of death than others Counties or tribes of Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Murle, Lou Nuer. So my question would be, how do you Governor Kuol answer this accussation, stating that, “you ignore the problem of incidents because they are not your people from your tribe of Dinka Bor?”

    Let’s be honest Governor Kuol, I do respect as ones of the South Sudanese’ heroes but these on going incidents in Jonglei State are going to bring you down in your legacies.

    Wake ups body!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state

    Those guys you have just mentioned above are themselves ruthless or merciless and irresponsible thugs. They don’t care about the innocent people of RSS as long as their families are in savfe heaven in Europe and Australia.

    I know that Hoth Mai’s family members are enjoying their embezzled public money of RSS in Australia and with Nhial Deng’s family doing the same thing in London of UK. So, how could you expect those to improve the security and living conditions of our innocent and poor people of south Sudan?

    They are really a disaster to our people and thus I wish they follow their mates of warlords who did shed the blood our innocent south Sudanese during the civil war otherwise our country and its long suffering people will never ever witness something called peace and prosperity!

  • Zeki

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    The Jonglei state counties must sitting down and look seriousily into this terrible terror groups of Murle that take 21 years disturbing all State counties and borders, Ethiopia, Central Equatoria, Eastern EQ.
    2. I call upon Jonglei State governor Kuol to dismiss all Murle Mps, they are very uselless to be there.
    3. It is not becuase Nuer and dinka Bor are weak to clear murle out of jonglei, there was a high committment durring the post war of liberation by Nuer and Dinka to bring people out of slave world to world of freedom, now it is time for war against murle in jonglei counties.let us all say yes.

  • Fighter

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    I urge all Murle well-wishers and supporters to supply enough weapons and ammo to defend themselves. The Murle families should spend whatever resource they have to buy guns, each family head should have their own armed security. All Murle must take this matter seriously. I know Mr Kuol Manyang and Mr Salva Kiir is behind all these crimes in which the victims are innocent civilian villagers from both Murle and now Lou Nuer. In his recent visit to the US, he preached their usual misleading information about Murle being STDs tribe who are sick. A hateful message coming from an idiot calling himself a president of SSR. Salva Kiir shame on you. You killed many murle civilians in 1987 when your then master John Garang de Mabior to murder Murle. Now you visit America and give hate speach about Murle just for local jonkoz consumtion to get their attention and support, you know that jonkoz like to hear that lies. On the contrary your hate speaches will bring doctors into our areas, sometìng you don’t want to hear or see it happen


    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Dear all Nuer Community & Equatorians,
    OPEN YOUR EYES VERY CAREFULLY, An Enemy is among you, you have to know that it is the same enemy who was behind you, this enemy using MURLE now to attach you, TO course double benefit out of that,

    1- To create problem between EQUATORIAN and NUER COMMUNITY
    as fear of relationship between you people.

    2- To make you forget them as former enemies and make you to think of Murle only

    3- To give them space to do what the want in this country while others on fighting .

    WATCH OUT INTELLIGENTLY, you have peace among your tribes, I have a VISION FOR YOU NUER and MURLE. God LOVE all of you, am sure after your Peacefull gethering All your ENEMIES will Diappear like a SMOKE.

    Long Live unity of MURLE and NUER
    LONG Live unity of the really southerners

  • panda

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    To these two communities Murle and Nuer the peace will come now from both you,because you have seen impact of the war.If South Sudan couldn’t fought the war with north we wouldn’t be having peace today,just because we had seen the consenquence of war together the both sides accepted the peace,same things will happen between Murle and Nuer,what I can say Bor people are not like those communities because you can kill Bor but they don’t revange what you have done them,you know why Bor child are taught donot kill,donot steal somebody belonging,so you grow up with these good behaviour,also you told donot revange,if all people of South Sudan have thoes trades like Bor people then there will be no problems.

  • Adam

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Jesus Christ!

    This is devastating indeed. News is also coming from Kaka that many have been killed and the town has been under SSLA control.

    One is having the true feeling that there is no security anywhere in the South. There is violence, raids, tribalism, and corruption – the formula for vanishing
    May the Lord shower His Peace, Blessings and Mercy on the dead and the living alike.

    What the GoSS is doing? Making conspiracy against Sudan? Wasting our time, money and attention for nothing? Or are they just drunk with no hope of waking up?
    May the Lord make the lives of the corrupt and hypocrites hell!

    Oh ye people of South Sudan Unite!

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas City

  • Josh

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    John Garang killed wiliam, John G. died in fire which the world loved. Kiiri is hebind thi notorius attack, kiiri is enjoying it now. one day one time.

  • Sammyyoi2011

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Now, where are they those who were thinking of sending some troops to Somalia? How smart was it, Hmmmmmmm? This game has been going on for ages and no one seems to worry about it. If they want to talk about disarmament, they end up disarming the less troubling tribes.

    I think it is time our new governement prioritize security. Security of food, health,water and more importantly safety.

    In my view, deploying some troops or setting up of a training camp in that desert between Bor, Murle and Nuer in addition to disarmament of particularly Murle (since Bor is disarmed,I am not sure about Nuer) will have positive effects on security of South Sudan. But the worse fear is that the government does not want to engage in local, but international issues which are not yet of its standard.

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state

    If Deng Alor send troops to Somalia and fail to use them is the South, then that will be hypocrisy. Salva, Deng and Gier need to learn that charity begins at home. It is unwise for a man who can help himself to go help others.

    They need to clean up this mess in South Sudan first.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Historian and Identity advocacy view:

    You these young kids from Dinka Bor, you guys need to learn identity and history before you guys could go a head with your baseless politics careers. God knows and everybody knows that Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk are independently sub-tribes in Dinka. I believe Dinka Bor community is having better people who know history than you kids who are not knowing the true history of these tribes. Mature people don’t argue about thing they don’t really know. You guys are damaging Dinka Bor tribe images within our Southeastern or Eastern Dinka tribe in Jonglei State.
    To be honest as my passion and fair based behavior person. Governor Kuol Manyang is my true heroe and at the same time he is ones of the top five in my lists of the SPLM/A movement leaders who had brought this freedom to South Sudanese we all together enjoy it today.

    As freedom speech allows it, I have right to criticized Governor Kuol and does mean that I hate him or Dinka Bor at large. My mission God gives me is to advocate for History and being fair and balance about truth.

    “Learns from wise elders and you will be a better person in destines”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Historian and Identity advocacy view:

    You these young kids from Dinka Bor, you guys need to learn identity and history before you guys could go a head with your baseless politics careers. God knows and everybody knows that Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk are independently sub-tribes in Dinka. I believe Dinka Bor community is having better people who know history than you kids who are not knowing the true history of these tribes. Mature people don’t argue about thing they don’t really know. You guys are damaging Dinka Bor tribe images within our Southeastern or Eastern Dinka tribe in Jonglei State.
    To be honest as my passion and fair based behavior person. Governor Kuol Manyang is my true heroe and at the same time he is ones of the top five in my lists of the SPLM/A movement leaders who had brought this freedom to South Sudanese we all together enjoy it today.

    As freedom speech allows it, I have right to criticized Governor Kuol and does mean that I hate him or Dinka Bor at large. My mission God gives me is to advocate for History and being fair and balance about truth.

    “Learns from wise elders and you will be a better person in destines”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Historian and Identity advocacy view:

    You these young kids from Dinka Bor, you guys need to learn identity and history before you guys could go a head with your baseless politics careers. God knows and everybody knows that Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk are independently sub-tribes in Dinka. I believe Dinka Bor community is having better people who know history than you kids who are not knowing the true history of these tribes. Mature people don’t argue about thing they don’t really know. You guys are damaging Dinka Bor tribe images within our Southeastern or Eastern Dinka tribe in Jonglei State.
    To be honest as my passion and fair based behavior person. Governor Kuol Manyang is my true heroe and at the same time he is ones of the top five in my lists of the SPLM/A movement leaders who had brought this freedom to South Sudanese we all together enjoy it today.

    As freedom speech allows it, I have right to criticized Governor Kuol and does mean that I hate him or Dinka Bor at large. My mission God gives me is to advocate for History and being fair and balance about truth.

    “Learns from wise elders and you will be a better person in destines”

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Historian and Identity advocacy view:

    You these young kids from Dinka Bor, you guys need to learn identity and history before you guys could go a head with your baseless politics careers. God knows and everybody knows that Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk are independently sub-tribes in Dinka. I believe Dinka Bor community is having better people who know history than you kids who are not knowing the true history of these tribes. Mature people don’t argue about thing they don’t really know. You guys are damaging Dinka Bor tribe images within our Southeastern or Eastern Dinka tribe in Jonglei State.
    To be honest as my passion and fair based behavior person. Governor Kuol Manyang is my true heroe and at the same time he is ones of the top five in my lists of the SPLM/A movement leaders who had brought this freedom to South Sudanese we all together enjoy it today.

    As freedom speech allows it, I have right to criticized Governor Kuol and does mean that I hate him or Dinka Bor at large. My mission God gives me is to advocate for History and being fair and balance about truth.

    “Learns from wise elders and you will be a better person in destines”

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state

    First of all your postings are contradictory to the articles and comments of other people.

    You have now realized that nobody cares and your message is a lie and that is why you are posting it several times.

    All that you are saying is a lie. If it were true then, why do you hide your identity even in the book that you wrote. you fear that people will challenge and defeat your ideas. If it is true, then go on TV and start advocating your message than to interfere with us here.

    The sad part is that nobody agrees to what you are saying. It seems like you are just trying hard to advertise your poor written book that is full of hatred and that is the main reason.

    You and your little demented group in the America are being watched closely, your loss will be greater than your gain for you will reap what you are sowing.

    To tell you the truth, Bor people don’t care about how you call yourselves. We don’t gain or loose anything when Twic is calling or not calling itself Bor. We don’t experience any loose or profit by your absence or presence. The thing is that I support respect of one another and peace among all people.

    What is disturbing is that you mention Dinka Bor in nonsensical issue that don’t event involve them as a way of promoting your propaganda.

    Go to Equatoria, and people will displease you by calling you Dinka Bor.
    Go to Bhar el Ghazal and they will laugh at you after you tell them your message.

    Good luck GarangJoe in your quest for hatred!

    Quol Quot, from peace and justice group

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state

    First of all your postings are contradictory to the articles and comments of other people.

    You have now realized that nobody cares and your message is a lie and that is why you are posting it several times.

    All that you are saying is a lie. If it were true then, why do you hide your identity even in the book that you wrote. you fear that people will challenge and defeat your ideas. If it is true, then go on TV and start advocating your message than to interfere with us here.

    The sad part is that nobody agrees to what you are saying. It seems like you are just trying hard to advertise your poor written book that is full of hatred and that is the main reason.

    You and your little demented group in the America are being watched closely, your loss will be greater than your gain for you will reap what you are sowing.

    To tell you the truth, Bor people don’t care about how you call yourselves. We don’t gain or loose anything when Twic is calling or not calling itself Bor. We don’t experience any loose or profit by your absence or presence. The thing is that I support respect of one another and peace among all people.

    What is disturbing is that you mention Dinka Bor in nonsensical issue that don’t event involve them as a way of promoting your propaganda.

    Go to Equatoria, and people will displease you by calling you Dinka Bor.
    Go to Bhar el Ghazal and they will laugh at you after you tell them your message.

    Good luck GarangJoe in your quest for hatred!

    Quol Quot, from peace and justice group

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Laughable, if I am lying about these tribes Histories and Identities true differences, I ask God to punishes me with being lying, and if I am not lying I ask God punishes people like you and others who lying about these communities’ identities.

  • Tambura

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    I hear people here saying Dinka Bor or Dinka this and that, what the different? Dinka is Dinka they speak the same toothless language and have the same tradition, which is tribalism stealing cows money ambush people rape women sell their sisters for cows food lovers. I don’t see any different between you guys. You will never have peace among yourself as long you have that different Dinka of this is better than Dinka of that, all of you are Dinka another word Mojang. I pray for God south Sudan will not turn to Ruwanda one day the other tribes will not differentiate you guys.There for I am asking all of you Dinkas and Nuer Murle to vote for Tambura he is the only prophet of south Sudan who will unite you and make you proud of your country, I will teach you how to love each others and stop killing each other over unblessed animals. Do you Dinka know when God sent Moses to mountain to bring ten commends when he came back he found Israelis build gold cow as their God when he saw that he throw the ten commands stone and told them they should not warship cow.Why are you warship cows guys.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    To Tambura;

    History and identity advocacy view:
    Dinka is a bigger tribe you can’t even notice the differences within their diveres characteristics and dialects differences by people like you. People like should be aware that, the goverment you guys sometimes identity as Dinka government is not fits the reality of your complain, because Dinka tribe is a bigger tribe. Even now some branches of tribes are not even being represented like the other small tribes in South Sudan. For example, if governemnt of South Sudan electins is being done through populations base, I don’t think most of the other South Sudan tribes will have anybody in government.

    You need to learn Dinka tribes’ branches as part of your History about Dinka you and others always talk about while you do not know.

    This is just for you as simple teaching note today, do you know your freedom father (John Garang de Mabior) birth tribe or county in Dinka sub-tribes? If you don’t know it is Dinka Twic East or Twic East county in Jonglei State, South Sudan. What I am doing here is history and identity documentation and not politics in anyway or another.

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    keeping talking,

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Quol Quot;

    Please go to New Sudan Vision website and look for this article titled: “TWI COMMUNITY IN CANADA CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT”

    Ot look for title at this website too: http://www.goss-online.com.

    I think you will find few information about Dinka Twic East.

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state

    You are attempting to localized Garang Mabior. Reporting him to the whole world a tribal chief will take time to sink. He is too big to fit into your little narrow mindedness of hatred.

    In fact politicians are working to seal the divisions cause by hatred of your type rather than widening them. Time is coming when your Dinka Twic will not be able to do anything without Dinka Bor as you are divided them. Ask politicians who have higher national aspirations and they will tell you that things will be better when we are peaceful neighbours and not enemies.

    If you were given a chance just to take your Twic East to Bhar el Ghazal and stay there for 5 years, you will regret and realized that you were lucky to be where you are now.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    Quol Quot;

    I know you are from Dinka Bor, I have to respect your tribe identity and you have to respect my identity as part of my history downline to many generations. Nothing bad about keepping your ancestors’ history line intacts. No matter, either you are politicians in general arena of politics in South Sudan. Still you need your identity as your own personal name given by your parent when you were born. Also, every representive in South Sudan is not there without any tribe or county he/she represent in Juba base government. Simple question, would you leave your parent name that had been there before even you born and take other name? To me, if someone do that it is a disgrace to his/her parents; because ancestor identity is what they had left behind for you and many generations that will follow you as memory of them.

    History and identity is not bad thing otherwise you just placed it under different ideology of ignorant and many more.

    Furthermore, Dr. John Garang de Mabior is our own son, we have to honor him and keeps his ancestor history in book.
    You have to honor him through your own way about things he had done to you. No problem about that.

    Even Awulian community within Twic Dinka East has rights to honor Dr. John Garang and the rests of the Dinka Twic East wouldn’t do anything about that too.

  • Dani

    Hundreds killed in South Sudan’s Jonglei state
    this is the go back for people of South Sudan in my view I was expecting that immediately after independent our country will attain absolute peace meanwhile we still have some evil characters around us. in order to end such devastating act, our govt should caution sultans and other leaders within those communities, the leader in case of any attack by certain community to the other he/she must be summon because these people came from that community and he must know them.
    Dear South Sudanese this is the time to reconcile we should forget the past and work for present and future so that we also reach the developed countries
    DAN, K’la

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