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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason

August 20, 2011 (JUBA) – Authorities from South Sudan’s special security branch on Friday reportedly arrested a Kenyan national, interrogated him for hours before deporting him, Sudan Tribune has reliably learned.

An airport official, speaking on condition of anonymity said Francis Karuggah, 27, a graphic design consultant was deported to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. He was reportedly warned never to return to the newly independent Republic of South Sudan.

Prior to his deportation, security men from the special branch are said to have stormed one of the hotels in Juba, the new country’s capital.

Karuggah was contracted by the opposition group the South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) to design identification tags for the party’s two-day conference.

The dramatic arrest, hotel sources told Sudan Tribune happened at around 10:00am local time. His attempts to explain the nature of the work and contract reportedly yielded no fruit.

“He [Karuggah] pleaded innocence but his plea could not save him. We only saw him being driven away in a numberless vehicle,” said a female member of the hotel staff.

There has been no official statement from either the Juba airport authorities or those who carried out the arrest and eventual deportation. Even officials from the Kenyan embassy were not notified of the incident.

When contacted on Saturday, Adolfus Ogendo, a Kenyan embassy official said he was not aware of the saga involving the deportation of their national. He vowed to follow-up the matter.

The incident comes less than two months after South Sudan gained its independence after a successful January referendum, becoming Africa’s newest nation. The vote was a key part of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which ended over two decades of war between north Sudan and South Sudan.



  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Wakenya, chungeni, hatutaki ujanja and ukora wenu. Miongoni mwenu kuna wezi wengi…
    Tuta funza wale wenye hawajufunzwa na mama yao.

    Kenyans, don’t import more of your corruption into our country, we already have ours. It is the least we need right now.

  • Lat Dak Nyaroah
    Lat Dak Nyaroah

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Excellent move! We all know that Kenyans contributed enormously to our independence but that does not give any single Kenyan a right to do what they want in South Sudan. My appeal to our security men/women is that equal protection to citizens and foreigners should be observe. I which our government should put in place strategies to track activities of Foreigners specially Congolese, Nigerians, and other West African people because they are known of producing fake currencies in their resident Countries.

    My second appeal is to all South Sudanese Citizens. It is our right and duty to protect our beloved God given Nation from any person that might be working in spoiling her image. How should we do it? Kindly, report any an acceptable activity by our constitution to Police or Special Branch Unit. Also Let’s distance our selves from becoming part of the group committing crimes day and night. A good citizen is one that respect National laws.

    Long live South Sudan!

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Those security organs are mad they doesn’t know what they are supposed to do for the recently New Independent Nation. What is the evidence now which shows that Kenyan boy was come here with intention to designed some thing from the government programme?. I totally disagreed with this allegation whoever accepted it is a mere doom and visionless person. How could security people fingerpoint on foriegners while all these confusion is within among the top ruling figures?. Let,s not intimidate the foriegners whom are working here, they are our brothers and sisters so we have to respect their saverigns to stay with them in atmospheric condition then to keep on mistreating them. All the children of our leaders of the South Sudan are living in foriegn countries so who is mistreating them now if it happen to use such poor approach to our neighbours then we will be misquoted by human right group and that also can bring bad name to our newly Country of the South Sudan.
    Let,s learnt how to do things toward others.

  • panda

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    This is not the way things should be done in the Nation people should let the Kenya embassy be aware of what is going on than from there he will be deported,after the case has been seen by 3,4 people it make sense, South Sudan should remember Kenya very well our people are still there,for their security we should behavior like educated people.I,m not saying he right but we should do things according to the way other nation do their things as well

  • peace

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Mike MIKE Stop negative attitude toward our secutity am sure s sudan secruity will be like Isreal the are very tough,there must be evident,but they are suppose to expose some of evident eventhough they are protecting the confidentiality and also inform thier embassy that is the only mistake they did,but next time they have to learn from mistake,they should treat foriegners well specially the neighbouring countries,because our people are there.

    by Awaynhom Innocent Man

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    This is a brilliant move and a warning to those foreign criminals who think South Sudan is a dumping ground for the useless peolple in their countries of origin.the one arrested is a forger and a most wanted one in south sudan. our East African brothers and sisiters must know that this is a begining and many others who are living inside south sudan with no clear reason must go or otherwise they will face the law of this Republic. the immigration department is to be blame for the mass entrance of this peopele who think south sudan is a no-man’s-land. this is not a tit for tat for their beahvours towards south sudanese during the war but we are telling them to respect our country’s laws.

  • philipdit wol
    philipdit wol

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Well done security branch this is not a south sudan of before. IT,s new nation of republic of south sudan where by such a things are not tolerating by today watch out please you the foreigners not ever day is Sunday.

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    The best way to avoid any kind of blame is to publish the evidence against this Kenyan so that we know exactly what the threats from the foreigners are.

    If we just act without proving it does not make sense. Supposing the thousands of South Sudanese living illegally in Kenya and elsewhere were traced and deported? Supposing Kenya and other countries say we pose a security threat to them? For example, the case of the South Sudanese student in Uganda who shot dead a lady.

    This further goes to tell the whole world how primitive we are because we don’t follow diplomatic channels properly.
    And it is yet another sign that the government dominated by idiots only see minor security threats and ignores real issues such as those causing hundreds of people to kill themselves in tribal clashes over cows and women. A government which does not make any attempt to save lives of its citizens is certainly an irresponsible one and deserves to be overthrown.

    One day The Republic of South Sudan will truly be independent and peaceful.

  • Kariuki

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Am a Kenyan, so naturally am a bit biased here.
    I will not try and defend my fellow countryman (and he is Kikuyu like me!). If he was wrong, then let him be arrested and DUE PROCESS must be followed to deport him. The security guys should be told that state’s behave diplomatically. You can not deport someone who comes from a friendly state WITHOUT informing that person’s embassy. Actually, the embassies facilitate deportees’ transport home!
    Now, for those citing ‘security reasons’ like Dinka Dominated and your friends; always know this: under the guise of SECURITY CONCERNS, many dictators have entrenched their regimes in Africa. When Mubarak and Bashir want to arrest people at will, they claim ‘security concerns’ and ‘disturbing the peace’ etc.
    Let us follow the rule of law.
    I sincerely want to believe that the guy’s crime was not because he was contracted to print materials by a registered South Sudanese opposition political party. Because this would mean we do not tolerate pluralism in the new (and beautiful) Republic of South Sudan.
    About the tens of thousands of Southern Sudanese who live in our country, of course our govt will not retaliate by expelling one or two. We understand very well that ROSS is a new state and a few diplomatic teething problems are to be expected.
    Am sure your security agents will get a word from Hon Benjamin Marial and the Foreign Affairs minister.
    Hey, we are brothers!

  • loak

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Dear Karuiki,

    I absolutely agree with your points. We are still having problems with our security personnel, these was well manifested during the Independence celebration. People were harassed in every part of Juba.

    During the war time, we had what we call the MI-well trained personnel in aspects of security situation handling, unlike the current CPA group who are just there to satisfy their masters’ interest. I wish the former MI personnel be redeployed and let the current team learn from them the art of security management.

    Deporting any person or even arresting or take anybody to court can’t be done without the prior knowledge of their country’s representative. But here in Juba, the prison is almost full of foreigners. Lets use the wisdom given to us naturally.


  • eye-of-an-eye

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    Absolutely ur right, security agent would have forwarded the case to Kenyan Embassy before his deportation, we should act deplomatically to our foreigners, coz we are brothers, Im Southern Sudanese who always take the problem of my country like my own problem, I should not comment more than this may be the the security agents has right to do so but they must notify Kenyan Embassy for his fault thats caused his arest. we should follow track of law and stand for it clearly. I also advise my brothers who are welcome to South Sudan, you should obey and follow your own bussines and you should not jump to the limmited lines where you should be handle in that same situation.

  • DeltaBravo

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    To Karuki

    Kenyan learn about diplomatic during Moi Kabaki time,but during Arap Moi Southerners were treated like Slave without even consulting SPLM Office. We were put in Jail in 1996 by Kenyan Police we were treated in Jail with small children with us crying. At that time we were Southerners and we still Southerners. The only people Kenyan treated well were Northern Sudan Arab and if you are darkskin at that time,it is big deal. They cannot even talk to you. Anyway we peace loving people if we treated POW that were captured during the civilwar. IT is about the Law and orders of any Country.

  • Nyir k
    Nyir k

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    The Government can be work hard for the people who has enter in the country with out any official document. to allow the more Kenyan to Juba it can be result by photocopy fact money in the country like what happen last month.

  • Josh

    South Sudan security officials arrest and deport Kenyan for unknown reason
    war hasn’t finished yet in south sudan. Guys you should not act like wild animals. you need to think twice, there is a big war which is coming to your country soon. You need to think about your kids and women, men can survive war but not kids and women.

    Dinka, you don’t have yet good schools and hospitals, you dont enough food yet to feed your entire country. You still need help from East African countries.

    Don’t treat neighbours like your under pants.
    I can smell the price of your work……anyway keep on.

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