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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis

August 22, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s National Legislative Assembly has summoned the new country’s ministers of defense and interior over the insecurity in Jonglei state which has according to local officials resulted in the massacre of hundreds of people in Uror county.

This week heavy armed attackers in army uniform allegedly from the Murle community carried out what was suspected to be a revenge attack on members of the Lou Nuer ethnic group.

The UN have confirmed that 58 people died in the fighting. A group of officials from Jonglei told Sudan Tribune that the clashes in Uror county had resulted in 640 deaths, 861 people sustaining injuries, the kidnap of 208 children, the arson of 7,924 houses and the theft of 38,000 heads of cattle.

Security organs in South Sudan have since 2005, when the region gained autonomy as part of a peace deal with North Sudan, done very little to avert the attacks involving the communities. In July South Sudan became independent and the former rebel movement the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) became the national army.

On Monday the national parliament raised a motion summoning the minister of defense and the minister of interior to appear before the house for questioning.

The parliament invoked article 34 (2) of the transitional constitution which gives a minister a period of seven days within which to appear before the house. However in this case they demanded the two ministers appear within 24 hours.

The ministers of defense, Nhial Deng Nhial and interior, Gier Chuang Aluong, are both caretakers in their current roles pending the announcement of the new cabinet which could come as early as this week, according to officials.

A member of the parliament told the Sudan Tribune that during Monday’s deliberations members of the house recommended that a state of emergency be declared in Jonglei state in order to effectively address the ongoing killings in the area.



  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    The two ministries summoned are like drivers who’re told to drive a car without a key because there’s no where in this world a country pass two months without a government. All these blames should go to president himself and the NLA should summon president instead of the two ministries.

    Mr. President gave degrees for every minister who’s a care taker not to take any major decision. Therefore, Mr. president should be summoned instead of MP’s whose their hands are tied behind their back

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    If the president Kiir doesn’t care about the life of citizens’ does he the good leader? I never see any reaction from him when there is any death around the country. Dr. Riek Machar has been trying six years ago running to Great Bhar el Gazel, Upper Nile, Jonglei etc. but the people of south Sudan have been looking at him thinking that he was competing for leadership while he is a man that care about single life with in country. Now he is relaxing and looking after his family after independent achievement that he have committed to happen. Since he is relaxing there is no complain about him.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Mr Anei Matungphat
    I share blood with the President but in this case. you are right to tell the world that they two minster are not responsible for this death of innocent people of Jonglei but him Kiir is responsible because he seem relax to do somethings about trible issue.

    Nhial and Geir are not to be blame because they can act according to what they persident say.

    But for the new country to form the Government. it is difficult to schoos who is capable to do the job that is why you seen Kiir taking time. he is looking for right people to hold the post.

  • Ariambek

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Give permission like Dinka Bor and Bari Tribe in 18c?

    From 27 July to 19 August 2011, the Murle groups went to Juba and sale thousand herds of raided cattle, bought new weapons, ammunitions within Juba whereas the government allowed them to bought and passed weapons to Pibor County. Those who are in organized force should not deny selling of weapons, ammunitions to Murle tribesmen to killing peaceful Lou-Nuer.
    Only solution is to give Lou-Nuer and Murle Tribe permission for two months to fight themselves regardless of reconciliation which was attempted several times but did not work.
    You may heard what Pibor County commission said during interviews with FM radio that no members of Murle attacked Lou-Nuer. Let us check ourselves who give guns to idleness village and cattle camps youths.

  • Kariuki

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    First, my heart goes out to the families of those who lost their lives. It pains me every time i read about these kind of clashes.

    I fault the government for not doing enough yet they knew this raid was likely to happen. Why? Because about a year ago, all the three Lou counties in Jonglei came together and raided the Murle. Some people I talked to in Akobo in December last year say it was the ‘White Army’, but what is the difference? The Lou attack of last year left hundreds of Murle dead and tens of thousands of cattle stolen and around 120 children abducted.

    Everyone in South Sudan knows that every time there is an attack on a community, there MUST be revenge attack of equal measure. So, Governor Kuol Manyang and the national security organs should have been wise enough to anticipate this reprisal by Murle! They should have sent a contingent of SPLA in the regions between Pibor and the three Lou counties. There should have been constant monitoring of the situation coupled with high level peace talks. Actually, the Murle should have sat down with Lou leaders and discussed how to defuse the situation before it happened.
    All this must be initiated at the LOCAL level. The national organs and officials should only come in to reinforce what the local people have agreed on.

    And yes, the issue of good roads is very crucial. How do we expect security forces to respond quickly without roads? A strategic place like Akobo has no single road linking it to Bor. When it rains, places like Walgak are completely cut off from the rest of the country.

    The NLA may summon the two ministers, but this is futile until they engage the Murle and Lou traditional chiefs in the search for permanent peace. Because it is the local leaders who authorize the young people to go out and kill.

    The international agencies involved in peace building and conflict resolution must upscale their efforts in Jonglei and Upper Nile regions. Equitable development of counties like Pibor, Akobo and Uror as well as Fangak must be put as priority in Kuol Manyang’s government. Donors who are serious about consolidating peace in Jonglei must invest funds in building infrastructure and services like schools, hospitals and other development programs. otherwise the thousands of former White Army youth and thousands more ex-SPLA will always be willing to take up arms and fight their fellow South Sudanese due to poverty and lack of alternative sources of economic livelihood.

  • Aleu

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Please check out the true here.

    1. The South Sudan defens Minister has nothing to blame on the civilians raiding on cattles. There is no good so that, the SPLA could prevent the raiding on cattles and the SPLA can not cover the whole civilian’s population areas even if the have million SPLA.

    2.The South Sudan defens Minister can not and will not change the primitiveness of these two tribes namely Nuer tribe and Murle tribe. This is a revenge by Murle tribe when the Lou Nuer went and made attacked on Murle community killing many people,looting thousandths Cows and more wounded this is a revenging and it is bad all the times when people made revenge to the past.

    3. This is not new to blame on the SPLA defens Minister and there should be a solution from the GOSS’s MP and the communities as well on how this nature to an end. Indeed, Toposa, Buya and the Didinga are become good people this time and I am really thanking governor of Equatoria State for that, but Nuer and Murle oh, my God, they are worsen people in South Sudan who always thinking about looting others properties not belong to them in order to get rich this is absolutely a crimes and instead pointing negative blaming to GOSS Justice and Jonglei governor then, they wrongful blaming to SPLA defens Minister.

    4. Why the Supreme Court Justice did not introduce the strong law about looting property. There must be a strong law needed to stop raiding on cattles and there must be a strong law also said, the communities leaders must workout to reduct marriages prices which is the big issue for poor young in Nuer and Murle as well as Dinka and others tribes. Leading primitive people is not very easy thing, but it does require good thinking in all terms and come up with many options in trying to be one of those problem solving Ideas. For Nuer to stop looting will take another century. For Murle to stop looting could take 10 years. For Dinka to stop raiding on cattles it could take only 6 months. Try to works on those hard minds first to be civilized.

  • Mony e Door
    Mony e Door

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    It is just a pathetic state of affairs…I will wait and see what parliament will resolve…

    Sick and tired of all these…

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    why south sudan parliament wasting their time calling these two idiots who don’t have any clues of crisis taking place in the country.these two ministers have no idea of how the security services should run and specially Gier is a big thief who is engaged in looting the public funds time and night.

    there is no need of ordering them rather than enacting laws to be enforce.then you can call them to answer some questions in case they fall to act upon.stop pretending and do a right thing.

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Oh God, help us to understand what is the meaning of freedom, development, stability and prosperity.
    I really scared when i heard the death of 640 innocents and 208 abducted and many injuries.
    condolence to their families.

    The government should take this case seriously, by setting laws that deals with the looters and abduction of the children.
    Murle and Lou Nuer community leaders should be brought before the court of justice, otherwise the revenge will continue and there will be no peace in Jonglei state.

    Another issue is that some hear says, that Mule community fertility level is very low, and that is why they abduct children to adopt them as their children.
    My suggestion is that government shoold carry out health survey in Murle areas to investigate this phenomenon.

    May almighty God rest their souls and setle the patient in their famies.
    (The Lord has given us, the lord has taken them away, may the name of lord be blessed).

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    We need to have mutual understanding among us. The tribal conflict that has occurred in Jonglei state between Lou Nuer and Murle is not a fault of defense minister and interior minister. Therefore they should not be summoned. The question is, how tribal clashes erupted without SPLA intervention to diffuse the situation. It is still no change if we have ministers in National legislative assembly who armed their tribesmen to kill their fellow South Sudanese.I Don’t why our leaders are still interested in fratricidal war. God help us. Last month I heard from Lake state governor that 500,000 SPLA troops will be sent to Jonglei state for disarmament. How come the gun battle is still existing in Jonglei state. I’m very sorry to hear the death toll is 500,000. What is the role of the police? the of the police is to protect civilians from external attack. The security of South Sudan is very weak if it was weak this tragedy could have not happened. We need to have the same interest rather than having differences. Guys the people who claim to be our leaders detest each other. This simply implies that we are secure. If we have tight security the Murle would have been intercepted by security forces. Our people learn from “let bygones be bygones”. Why are we interested in “tit for tat game”, why, why?. Are we lacking our elders who can teach us how to condone and forgive each other or what?. Let me tell you my people there is no country in the world that is inhabited by one tribe. What make up country is combination of many tribes. The quintessence for this case is clans form tribes and many tribes form nation. Every month I hear there is tribal clashes in South Sudan, we can’t go like this we need change. Mastermind of all these accusations will be made pay for what he did to the nation. Impunity is is heinous, and this issue of committing horrible crime against state without punishment the reason why people always infringe laws and rules hoping that they will not be impeach. We need to be fair-minded people in order to develop our country to catch up with the rest of the countries in world . The reason why Sudan is divided in to two independent states is because of misery and differences among tribes.

    Is our country going to be Somalia where people eat cow dung because of tribal clashes?. If that is not the case let’s unite ourselves to have the feeling of brotherhood. It’s no use if we still fighting against each other after the division of Sudan in to two independent states. Guys we have been dehumanized by Arabs. We need to have peace in our country in order to recover from this worse state we are
    . I want all the states of South Sudan to have people like Northern Bahr El Ghazal State where I came from.

    Those who want to promote hatred in South Sudan are nothing but I will term them as “the damned”. Why do we kill each other as if we are enemies. God help us.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Let hold our breaths and prays for tomorrow if we will able to make it, because the Country suck right now. what do you called six years killing like we don’t have a Government to protect people?
    How do any body define the failed President? During the war time, there were no really conflict between the tribes that killed high numbers of people like that. The Government must find a solution,if not, there no Government without protecting the weak people or individual or between the competitors.
    How do anybody define failing State? If the government is so weak to go in between the fight, that mean the country is a failed State.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Dear Southerners.

    It is by great co-incident that some people are being killed and other are enjoying the independent of south sudan.

    It is also by surprise that the minister of defence and Interior are summoned by the young Assembly of south sudan which need to adopt the system of African countries.

    Now ,how many case of the similare condition could they be trying to solve regarless of killing caused by Peter Gadet and Athor.

    Which one is now a killng ,the one cause before Independent and after it,and how many people caused it after and before?

    The Assembly is trying to annoyed these people who are not involved in any common sense ,please called the fighters and their leaders to investigate them if you want to find the heart of the history.

    Now ,if the minister of Interior and defence has to be investigate of that killing ,the who could also be investigated about killing caused by LRA ,is it the same ministers.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Dear Southerners.

    Could i also begged your pradon to investigate Peter Gadet because killed Kuanyin Bol and he was not arrested until now.

    I dropped this question to our newly formed Parliament.

    And thank.

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Gadet is under custody now, & it’s upto the justice to prevail in killing of William & Kerubino.

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Mr Kariuki, I am not surprised by your comments at all because I know by your name that you grew up where common sense is common.

    You can clearly see that from top to bottom, the officials in South Sudan are either grossly incompetent or don’t care about the citizens.
    But the truth is they are absolutely ignorant, tribal and and definitely lack common sense.

    It is tragically unfortunate for us in South Sudan to have such people who lack common sense as leaders.

  • Deng Deng
    Deng Deng

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    the killing of Splm founder LtGen.kerbinue kuanyin was a dirractive order from SplA chain of Command let by Late Chairman and president Kirr himself. They instructed Gen Gatdet to kill hime with out charge and that was the result of power struglling between kirr and kerbinue. Gatdet has a Cdr in charge then he has to except and implment the order.Gatdit was not even close to what lost the life of Splm/a founder kerbinue, president kirr is the one that can answer the question of Who ,Why and How the killing as ocurred.
    D Deng

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Hi Cush! you sound a like shame of cush, because of lacking senses, you jumble ideas with rubbish. It is ridicules to called Riek a man who cares about single life within the country, while he is the only man who kill people in masses and celebrate in darkness like with-craft when he heard the death. if you remember how worst were those six year were, you will realized that Riek visits were followed by more violence, belief me unless your are related to him or a follower.
    The first line of your comment is logic to criticize the president for no reaction, but the rest of it is purely rubbish Riek was behind those dark days, he is blind Doctor who belief in demons.
    ask me how? and i will tell you.
    Sir Bleak the analyst

  • Nyir k
    Nyir k

    South Sudan parliament summons security ministers over Jonglei crisis
    Let us not to blame our selves people by brought the long history ,that can cause the problem ,let us discussed thing that can bring peace in the country .

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