Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids

August 23, 2011 (BOR) – Fighting erupted in Jonglei state on Monday as unknown gunmen attacked Twic East County, killing two and injuring seven, in a cattle raid according to a South Sudan official.

In this Wednesday, July 13, 2011 photo, young men herd cattle through the mud-caked streets of Pibor, South Sudan (AP)
In this Wednesday, July 13, 2011 photo, young men herd cattle through the mud-caked streets of Pibor, South Sudan (AP)
The county’s commissioner Dau Akoy Diing told Sudan Tribune that a huge number of cattle was lost to the raiders.

The large Pajut cattle camp in Maar Payam [district] fell into an ambush believed to have been led by members of the Murle tribe who have been accused of numerous raids since Thursday.

Mr. Akoy said the attackers launched their attack at about 1:00pm local time in a grazing field far from villages in the area.

After 12 hours pursuing the the raiders in an attempt to retrieve the cattle, the youths who had been guarding the cattle returned to the area early on Tuesday morning, the commissioner said.

“We have the total of seven people injured and one person who was bitten by snake and two people killed. No cattle rescued”, Akoy reported.

Twic East youth leader, Kuir Ajak told Sudan Tribune that the man bitten by the snake and the six other injured people were brought to Bor Civil Hospital.

According to Ajak, Murle raiders are not only targeting Luo Nuer in response to a raid in June, but the whole of Jonglei and Central Equartoria state. Thursday’s attack on Uror County in Jonglei killed 58 people according to the UN.

However a group of officials from Jonglei told Sudan Tribune that the clashes in Uror county had resulted in 640 deaths, 861 people sustaining injuries, the kidnap of 208 children, the arson of 7,924 houses and the theft of 38,000 heads of cattle.

In another report, one man is reported to have been killed and 500 cows stolen from Bor cattle keepers at Paluer cattle camp within Mundari territory in Gameza payam, near the Jonglei-Central Equatoria state border on Saturday. The attackers, also believed to be Murle, are still being pursued.

Many cattle keepers from Bor South, comprising of Kolnyang, Anyidi and Makuach payam, have moved into Mundari land to avoid the deadly cattle disease, East Coast Fever, that has been killing cattle in Bor County since it appeared in April 2008.

A source from Panyangoor, the county headquarters told Sudan Tribune on Monday 22, that only a few people were herding the cattle when the attack occurred and predicted that it would be “hard to get them back”.

The final report from South Sudan’s military and officials from Uror County is yet to be submitted to the governor of Jonglei according to a source in Bor.

The county commissioner for Pibor County, where most Murle live, admitted that the clash in Uror County was carried out by Murle as a revenge for a June attack on the Murle by the Lou Nuer. He claimed not to be aware of the other attacks.

From mid to late June 15-30 Luo Nuer attacked Murle in a tit for tat raid, which local groups estimate killed about 900 people.

“My colleague, the Commissioner [Tut Puok Nyang] told me about the clash. This is true because they went to revenge the June attack”, said Mazee.

According to Mazee, his county is expecting a peace initiation team from the South Sudan Council of Churches on Wednesday after it meets the state government in Bor.

“I welcome the peaceful dialogue with our neighbors Nuer and Dinka Bor. This will help to end the current communal conflicts”, said Mazee.



  • Ariambek

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Mr. Commissioner mazee,
    Sometimes you denied Murle members did not attacked any community in other hand acknowledged that Murle have carried revenge attacks.
    Mind to you this time, all Tribes in Jonglei state will going to organize themselves to get rid of Murle so that communities will enjoy the fruits of new nation in African.
    Also, remember you are a big cattle raider, abductor, murder and idiot commissioner who could not judge, condemn his people like other community when somebody committed crime.
    Two year ago, you retrieved many abducted children from Pibor County, send them to state to be integrated with parents, even two children are still unidentified and you hided abductors, you think your intelligence will not end this day because no more war with Khartoum regime.
    Wishing Pibor County big retaliation from Lou-Nuer and other Tribes will occur before end of this year.
    Believe me, Murle is now second Arabs in Jonglei state.

  • Jeti

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    We need to remain vigilant of these thugs through out. Yesterday, it was Nuer-Lou Uror county, now it is Twic East county, tomorrow, it will be Bor county. Thuggery is rampant in Jonglei state!!

  • onlysonmabi

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Message to Nuer and Dinka Bor our people can not understand they need big move like one month to test each other.that is the request to the goverment to alocated the time.

  • Deng Gau
    Deng Gau

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Its very paintful to hear daily death in Jonglei State.
    The concrened citizens of States which experienced the same situation should ask them selves the following questions:

    What do we think is the cause of cattle raiding?
    Why this phenomenon in Jonglei, Unity,Warap and Lakes States?
    Are these states the most poorest states in South Sudan?
    What is the solution to this phenomenon?

    People from the mentioned States should at all categories come together and ask them selves the above questions, i think if they answer these questions, then finally the solution can be easy to find.
    Oh God touch the hearts of cattle raiders and those who don’t know the value of lives.


  • goyuom

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    congratulation by asking these questions man, but rember jonglei and lakes states are rich in temp of resources but because they are being leds by stupid wrong people who can not create jobs to communities there be will no peace as you can see from Jonglei since the incident Mr idiot Kuol did not go or even pay his condolense for the death. there fore lets just urge our drunkard Kiir to releave these people from their possses and bring those who care for people
    thank by

  • peace

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Bwana eventhough Dinkas Nuer Organise themselves,there will be idiot politician that will run to UN and complain of civiliance being kill,am sure disarment was done in Nuer and TWICE EAST County but in MURLE it was not,from to day onward i agree with the name that can be strange has it is,
    for example MURLE NAME
    MEAN M-Murderes
    shame on you killers if Nuer and Dinkas reverge,do u think you will surviv,am sure there will be no even a chicken to be seen in your area,the only way is to run to Neighbouring countries for help, why do you live on killing people,arogan people,ugly,siphiise,gonereah survivors
    God will scatter you like judas,

    i send my condelence to deaces parent may God be with them.

    to i DIOT Dinkas in Nakuru who like fighting(not all Dinkas but Particular tribe i won’t to mention Dinkas knows)Let them go to Sudan to reverge Dinkas from MURLE,WHY DON’T YOU WAIT FOR EXTERNAL ATTACK. IFYOU KILL YOURSELF AND TOMORROW THERE WILL EXTERNAL ATTACK,don’t you think these guy you kill will rescue you from enemy(tongbai aye pol te ci tong roor ben)

    Am pealing to kenya Government such criminal who came with these arogan mind,rigid,primjity mind from sudan should be deported back otherwise they will injure your children.

    by innocentman AwayNhom.

  • Fighter

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    I discourage going to Nuer or Dinka homes to take revenge, but I vow to make Murle land a grave to all Jönköz when they come again. A jönköz is always a jönköz whether a primitive madingborer or urorer or whether they are the chief of staff, let them come. They only understand the language of war and guns. Never trust them

  • watchout

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    goyuom shame on you
    Why do you blame the governor and the president for nothing, which country offer an employment to all people. this death has nothing to do with the jobs, avoid such stupid talk

  • philipdit wol
    philipdit wol

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    What is wrong with these cattle raiders in Jonglei state yesterday was masscre death today again is another death. I wishes our goverment would have killed those cattle in jonglei and others zone of cattle raiders so that we shall see where is fighting may begin again. We have very many cattle here in Aweil Northern Bhar El Gazal state and we have never and ever figth over even single cows.

  • kuach yak
    kuach yak

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    All that are happening in Jonglei state are the fualts of H.E. the governor. Jonglei is the most dangerious place ever in southern Sudan in term of insecurity.
    I may go further to describe this as the carelessness of the governor or as lack of leadership capacity, I don’t know the ins and outs but kuol in the real sense is a war veteran who survive together with Dr. John; he should have learnt from Garang’s leadership style.
    can you emagine a leader whose people are being killed brutally and not paying even a single visit to the scence, if this is a borderless tribalism that seiged him or if leadership is just a matter of warming the share I don’t know.
    Jonglei state need to be look into properly and president should take immediate action, this state need to be declare a state of emergency for five months under the leadership of somebody else and the SPLA troups should be send there.

    in my case, I don’t blame Lou nor do I blame Murle; all my blame fall on Kuol Manyang Juuk for his non-productive leadership which was elected in BOR, serve in BOR and will be removed in BOR not knowing the other nine counties.

    the first killing last year in fangak county kuol never go there for comfort or condolence message to the people of fangak, this killing led to the lost of about one hundred lives.
    the other killing also in fangak county this year which led to the lost of 300 lives and several wounded, Kuol also never go there for comfort.
    again in Pigi county this year that brutal incident, he never go there to see the situation facing the civilians.
    lastly this incident of Uror county which led to the lost of 640 lives, he did not go there.
    all these report were being filed by the respective commissioners and brought to him, his only commend is “don’t send them to the media” why? why? why should our people die unknowingly? he doesn’t want our death to be known, why?

    in the otherhand, those who are safe are displaced and they are a refugees with in their own state and the governor knows this but never visited the IDPs Camps.

    this is what I want to bring into your notice that the blame is not on Lou nor Murle but whenever people lack proper leadership, they are likely to lost their way.

  • Kariuki

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Here we go again….

    The problem with addressing the Murle threat is one: the Murle rarely attack in organized whole community fashion. They do not do it like the Lou would do, when they come together and meticulously plan and execute a raid at a particular time. The Murle do it sporadically in small raiding groups. One group could be heading to Lou, another to Dinka Bor territory and another to Pochallah.
    Even their own commissioner Mzee is normally not aware his people are out raiding! That is why the other day he was denying that the Murle were responsible for the massacre.

    And now, the Murle, after carrying out the revenge attack now want to sit and talk peace??? Will the Lou really be that benevolent after losing so many casualties? Can the Murle at least guarantee they will return ALL the cattle they stole. And on top of that, pay more cattle for each person they killed? I doubt. But this may be the only peaceful way to break the vicious cycle of raids and revenge attacks.

    Finally, anyone who has tried to go to Pibor county knows very well its inaccessibility. Not even a single decent road! Pibor needs urgent infrastructure; this will enhance security and our responsiveness when attacks occur.

    Shallom to all South Sudan, and especially Jonglei State.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Dear Southerners.

    Mr. commissioner should go to court or parliament to answer the Questions which required the minister of Defence and interior to come and explain more about the incident in Jonglei.

    According to him ,he report more therefore ,he should also answer more.

    To Mr.commissioner ,please take courage and go to Parliament to answer them whatever questions they would bullet you though.

    To those who write something ill to the two ministers, the cattle raided are given to them.

    ask the community chief and lodge whatever insult you want to ensure doing.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Historian and identity view:

    First of all, I offer my condolences to families who have faced this evil acts.

    To reporter, Twic East County commissioner name is correctlty written as: Daau (Dau) Akoi Jurkuch and not Dau Akoy Diing (This is sound like former commissioner name of Twic East County). For your creditability in journal world, you need to includes your name my friend when you are reporting, and at the same time you need to know the identity of the people or tribes.

    (Please check this article title: “Twi/Twic East Community of Canada conference” at these websites:

    Please nothing call Dinka Bor in Jonglei State alone. There are four sub-tribes of Dinka tribe there, and here they are: Dinka Bor, Dinka Twic East, Dinka Nyarweng, and Dinka Hol. All these tirbes are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka, Jonglei Dinka.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Historian and identity view:

    First of all, I offer my condolences to families who have faced this evil acts.

    To reporter, Twic East County commissioner name is correctlty written as: Daau (Dau) Akoi Jurkuch and not Dau Akoy Diing (This is sound like former commissioner name of Twic East County). For your creditability in journal world, you need to includes your name my friend when you are reporting, and at the same time you need to know the identity of the people or tribes.

    (Please check this article title: “Twi/Twic East Community of Canada conference” at these websites:

    Please nothing call Dinka Bor in Jonglei State alone. There are four sub-tribes of Dinka tribe there, and here they are: Dinka Bor, Dinka Twic East, Dinka Nyarweng, and Dinka Hol. All these tirbes are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka, Jonglei Dinka.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Historian and identity view:

    First of all, I offer my condolences to families who have faced this evil acts.

    To reporter, Twic East County commissioner name is correctlty written as: Daau (Dau) Akoi Jurkuch and not Dau Akoy Diing (This is sound like former commissioner name of Twic East County). For your creditability in journal world, you need to includes your name my friend when you are reporting, and at the same time you need to know the identity of the people or tribes.

    (Please check this article title: “Twi/Twic East Community of Canada conference” at these websites:

    Please nothing call Dinka Bor in Jonglei State alone. There are four sub-tribes of Dinka tribe there, and here they are: Dinka Bor, Dinka Twic East, Dinka Nyarweng, and Dinka Hol. All these tirbes are call Southeastern Dinka or Eastern Dinka, Jonglei Dinka.

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    All neighbouring communities affected by the Murle like

    Anyuak, Lou Nuer, Bor and Mundari are pondering about a joint solution to the Murle Problem.

    This joint meeting will bring the Murle down.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Historian and identity view or advocacy:
    You will not win over your ignorant about Dinka Twic East, Dinka Nyarweng & Dinka Hol identities. Truth of their ancestors will curse anybody who will try to underminds it.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Historian and identity view:

    Dinka twic East community knows group of people are trying to missups the peaceful clans of Ayual and Dachuek.

    N/B: Jail personnel are going to be investigated deeper. Who is leader there and who are behind that thing. Dinka Twic East community are going to find out.

  • dad1

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids

    small group of murle can’t raid and killed lareg number of people like what happened in Uror, they organised themselves in group of thousands and attack, if you are from Southern Sudan you will know that commissioner know everybody in his/her county through local leaders or chiefs don’t say mazee don’t know these activities of murle he is part of them he was born in criminls community who never fough for freedom

  • Bazinguaboy

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Thanx Philipdit for the clarification. Excuse some people from generalising that all cattle-keepers are raiders. Apparently we could still have cattle and remain peaceful people … if only we could change the mindset of some people …

  • jamuse

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Kuack yak,

    100% right, Kuol rigged election and caused defect of Athor that claimed life of Hundreds and distabilized the region.Again Kuol is now sitting in Bor town building hotels and threaten civilians using his red eye and to cover his corruption.This man from our community will change nothing eventhough SPLM stated that party is for change.Kuol must go.He killed Hero Mr.Thon Ayii Jok while looting public fund and owned many piece of lands in Bor while returnees from exile and north get no land to start building tukuls for sheltering in this wet season.

    One question came to my mind,Why people of Bor leave kuol manyang exercising corruption and in 1986,he killed Thon Ayii and many others because of cows and he is now looting Pounds and dollars that is more valuable than cows?.He can be kill or face legal system.
    When will Bor people and jonglei as whole confront greedy leader.


  • Deng Kueth
    Deng Kueth

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Dear Watchout,
    My dear brother, I personally, felt shocked when I saw Kuol Manyang planting trees, while some part of his state (Uror county and Twic East county) are mourning. It’s so painful as a leader you can not do development while your people are in lugubrious situation. If I can quoted what is written in the Bible that, if one part of your body has got some pain, the whole body will suffer. Kuol is not feeling that pain. Shame on him.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    It not sound well what happen Jonglei state,but the state Government is not take serried as a problem ,is doing his business in the state capital Bor, I don,t know that whether is the real Governor of the state or they have another Governor?

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    To socalled figter ,you don’t know why murle always abduct children in jonlei state …only becasuse murle have much STDS such as syphilis and others that make them not produce kids they only prouduce ugly people if you see and that is why they resort to stealing of kids and with their ugly cattle that made them to look for better cows from all tribes of Jonglei and mundari of Equatoria….pibor is the only county which too backward interm of development due to their nature of life where people defecate on urinate in the town .they live in the bush as there are no houses as they love moving in the bush to steal children and cows …
    why dp they love to dye of stealing like last year 3 murle men where killed in my home village at night and yet these people would have helped their families in many ways ..the number of illeterate people in very high in pibor county ..why do you people love child traficing in the era of humanright ??.

  • Mammar Gadhaffi
    Mammar Gadhaffi

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    The Gov’t of Salva kiir should take immediate action to address the situation in Jonglei through disarming this stupid and primitive communities of Murle and Nuer

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    Jonglei clashes kill 2 and wound 7 in further cattle raids
    Dinka subtribes in Jonglei are: Dinka Athoch, Dinka Twic East, Dinka Ghok, Dinka Nyarweng, Dinka Hol and Dinka bor.

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