Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’

August 24, 2011 (JUBA) – Warrap’s Legislative Assembly summoned the state’s governor to appear before members of the house to explain the arrest and alleged torture of one of its members by South Sudan’s security services, a state lawmaker said on Wednesday.

Nyandeng Malek, governor of Warrap State (Gurtong.net)
Nyandeng Malek, governor of Warrap State (Gurtong.net)
The assembly argued that members of parliament are public figures and that no arrest should be initiated against them without following appropriate procedures due to their parliamentary immunity.

Warrap state MP Ariec Mayar Ariec described the arrest of his colleague as an abuse of authority in a bid to silence critics of the state’s executive.

“The arrest of honorable Dominic Deng Mayom Akeen surprises a lot as it shows how lawless the state has become”, Ariec told Sudan Tribune in a telephone interview from Kuacjok today.

He said his colleague, who represents Tonj North County, was picked up at gunpoint by four heavily armed members of South Sudan’s military on August 23, at 7pm at Kuacjok Market. He was then driven to a nearby army barracks where he spent the night and was badly treated according to Ariec.

“He sustained some contusions (bruises) which show he was beaten. This is unacceptable. As a member of parliament, he has constitutional waiver that he cannot be arrested without following proper procedures”, Ariec said.

The lawmaker explained that the arrest of the member of the assembly prompted the house to convene a special session in which members unanimously agreed to pass a resolution summoning the state governor, Nyandeng Malek Deliech for an explanation.

Akeen’s relatives and members of house told Sudan Tribune that Akeen was badly tortured before his release on August 24 after the involvement of the state assembly.

Ariec accused the governor of ordering his arrest for a statement he made to the media about prevalence of hunger in the area and subsequent death of 358 people. A charge governor denies knowing anything connected to the arrest of the Member of Parliament.

“I heard he was detained but I did not know the cause of his detention. That was why I had to call him to inquire why he was arrested”, said governor Nyandeng without giving additional comments on Wednesday.

South Sudan’s Warrap state continues to deny the prevalence of hunger, food shortages and malnutrition in some areas, causing the state parliament this week to warn that the executive must accept the truth and assist the affected population.

Earlier this month 358 people, most of them are believed to be returnees from North Sudan, are reported to have died of hunger. Warrap state authorities deny the deaths were due to hunger and have attributed the cause to an outbreak of disease.

However, members of the state assembly staged a backbench rebellion against the governor saying that the cause of death in the area has nothing to do with disease but a manifestation of prevalence of real hunger which the state should address without prejudice.



  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Dear Mr President

    this is how your coward Nyandeng Malek and hungry governor of lake state will end,the don’t care of who died of hunger or diesasess so long they have evenything for their suurvival.

    Warrap state assemble keep that spirit to manitain law and order….warrap state is not like lake assemble were governor can just order some million dollars into his account and approve.just pass a vote of no confident against Nyandeng Malek to be an example to other state assemble who do not care of their peoples.

  • Mapuor

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’

    Why are some people so impatient of MPs arrests,some of them might have trepassed.Some commit heineous crimes that need prompt actions,some incite tribal conflicts.Tonj North has been a scene of barbaric killings for a very long time.Nyang will never be removed,she will finish her term come what may.

  • Rich Dinka
    Rich Dinka

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Nyandeng Malek regime is coming to an end. She is torturing an MP like a criminal. What a hell in Warrap state! Mr president, can you take her to your garage in Juba please?

    Bravo to our MPs.

  • Liberal

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Nyandeng Malek one of the average academician and inexperienced politician with ambition of becoming world’s richest woman in no time. A woman with unimaginable miraculous ambition in politics. Nyandeng is lucky to find an Assembly of Warrap state where 95 percent of members of parliament are senior four leavers with limited knowledge, full of criticism, ignorance, hatre and above all they are not well focus. Nyadeng would have been impeached last year because of her corrupt finance minister Mr. Greed Majok Bol despite the fact that she doesn’t know the direction Warrap State is heading.

    Because of lack of knowledge of members of the state assembly on constitution Nyadeng defeated the state Assembly by unjustified ways. President Kiir will do nothing against this simply because there is nowhere you can send off an elected governor unless it is in support of South Sudan Interim constitution particularly the state constituion. With prevailing insecurity in Tonj East and all Tonj Counties, food crisis all over the state, Nyadeng is handicap to deliver anything. what can we do? Women are noisy when not employed into the constitution posts but making enemies and staying idly when employed. Where on earth can things happened by themselves. fail Administration of Warrap State.

  • Mathiang Beny Til
    Mathiang Beny Til

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Dear Mapour,
    Good day, Hon Deng didn’t commit any crime. It is clear that the lawmaker was arrested after telling the truth about people dying of hunger.
    we have police that can arrest civilians not Military.

    What goes around comes around yesterday it was Deng and today is Nyandeng summon by MPs. Nyandeng should should do things according to the law. Deng Vs Nyandeng.

  • jingoism de Bai
    jingoism de Bai

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Dear colleaque what we need to do is realist about the nation not blame who or who. i hope nyadeng she is the best leader in the history of this state, she not corrupted and focal on the development, i hope you gun you like those corrupted. leaders who give each individual money. i hope everybody in warrap is not happy with the governor because she stop everybod not gate extra assistance in term of money of help . i nevent so people like this, but our colleaque the best think will keep warrap utd is made the governorshop past from home to house

  • Chol A.
    Chol A.

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Well well, that really sad and shame to Bhar el Ghazel governers, they were very corrupt and disrespected they public.Nyandeng was not only one get richest even Western Bhar el Ghazel governer now controlling Dahabshill money in wau by forcing bank workers to give exchange of dollars to customers in low rate of $100 equal to 300 ssp instead of 350 or above in juba and other states of South Sudan.Custmers in Wau were now used to take money on conditionally by either exacept their lower exchange with no dollers release to custmer to gain profit in black market or money should be send back to sender.Now what they customer do, can accept that lower rates and big cut go to governers assets and eneventually get rich with no sweat.

  • Mathiang AY
    Mathiang AY

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    I told my villegers to Vote for Nyandeng just because of SPLM. I never knew she was going to still behave like cattle keeper.
    She has made our Lovely Warrap (wel of Dura) to become hunger point and fail State. Insecurity is fail administration of Nyandeng.
    Nyandeng if i may ask, where is the 2% od the oil? Wau and other State are developed but nothing is seen in Warrap.
    from Prison Office that you rented to some open area Office.
    You leave in a renting accommodation which you pay 15,000 SSP per month where do you get the money?
    This is a right chance for Warrap MPs to Vote her out otherwise she will again torture Speaker.


  • Jakaado

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Dear mathiang,

    Hon Dominic Deng alway tell the truth, that is why you see this useless governor targetting him so much.Hon Deng don’t give up, these are your people you can not keep quiete while your people are dying, Bravo bravo honourable keep the spirit up even if you die,you can not die in vain.


    warrap Assembly oyeeeeeeeeee.
    Ariecdit oyeeeeeeeeee.
    Deng oyeeeeeeeeee.
    Long live warrap Assembly.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Hi Guys;
    I do not think the Governor can order arrest f an MP who was concerned about the wellbeing of the returnees. MP might have something in between Nyandeng and Deng himself.

    It is obvious that Returnees are facing alot of difficulties in their own home. Returnees were like those fishermen along the nile who fished and ate every fish they caught without carrying some shoals to their houses. When they were in comfortable places in Khartuom they could have made live savings in their own villages inform of cattle and goats so that one day they would not suffer. Non of them did but sticked to the believe that Sudan would keep united. Shame and accussation has come. Hunger and diseases would not kill the returnees alone. However, the reality is that Governor might be lacking some of her State key priorities. Securing food and providing Medications and water are essentials elements for Human survival plus shelters.

    The Old Interim Government was projecting blames on Northerners but all the same even the long awaited Government that would likely be announced will follow the same footstep of the old.

    Let us be patient or else accept to the soil fertilizers when we all die in the wrong hands.

  • Mathiang AY
    Mathiang AY

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Brother junub,
    I am around here in Kuajok and the coordination was done by Her. Who else do u think have order the arrest of Hon. Deng Mayomdit? He was telling the truth and calling for the Govt to think of the way forward to help Returnees with Food.

    They are Not Arabs but they where in the North just because of personal problems as you can see most of people who died are children and women.

    The next person she is going to beat up is Mr. Speaker.

    Where are the advisors to Nyandeng? Is that the way a leader elected should behave?
    She must appologize to Hon. Deng and Warrap as whole in the first place. secondly step down.

  • jingoism de Bai
    jingoism de Bai

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Well Nyandeng Malek one of the average academician IS NOT AVERage ACAdemic but assembly is not well organized with how the way the political behaved nobody knows what is call political.i saw many people commonent about development how many governors in warrap and what are the achievement of each individual leave alone nyadeng let as give ecah every house to rule the state and then let us check who is who. in term of corruptions in development who will rule warrap most leaders in power or the new nation south sudan and every state the minister of finance came from same family where th egovernon is the new police, let each mp shows his development from his constitution, what are the achivement

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Let me assure you that no body is above the law, and the Republic of South Sudan Constitution is wrong by placing “No arrest for MPs” in the country’s Book of rules and regulations. These will give a chance to our incompetence MPs to exercise their powers at the wrong places. As a result, Mr.Deng must be arrest if he was court red-handed.

    Regarding the arrest of Mr. Deng, It wasn’t acceptable at all and the Warrap Assemble have taken the right step by summoning the lady, I won’t dare call her a “Governor” because she’s not fit. She was just accommodated in that position and she don’t belong there anyway.Mr Deng as an MP was exercising his freedom of speech & press and whatever he said is his personally believes whether 385 people have died or not.

    Nyadeng must leave the seat, I decry but it will take one more year to remove her in that seat according to the constitution of RSs. Hopefully, next year in July/Aug, she’ll not seat her butts in that rented building again.


  • Wundit

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    to who ever complaining about the arrest of Deng Mayom let’s him face the challenges that he committed last two years ago i myself i wish him more than that one let him face consequences i know him better more than any one

  • Wundit

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Nyandeng malek she is woman friend to Muorater Biar

  • Ayuel Bong
    Ayuel Bong

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    We as southern sudanese,we have a problem when we heard the news and we did not take a time to investigate to know really what happened,we just went directly to blame without any evident to support our claim so I wish to the people of southern sudan in general and people of Warrap in particular to wait until the facts come out of Deng’s arrest and we should not put Madam Nyadeng Malek,the governor of Warrap to be responsible for incident of Mr.Deng because I know that the security organ could not arrest the official government without something approving that he is guilty but beaten and torturing unacceptable by all means.

  • Madingthith

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    Shame on Nyandeng Malek,
    I,m very sorry to see today that Nyandeng the woman governor arrested the MP HON. Dominic Mayom Athian in unknown reason but it is too shameful to heard all these rubbish being made by Governor as if she is illeterate to read the immunity the MP has.

    Ariec is doing good by raising the issue to Sudantribune by phone but he is too little to explain in details what was happening by arresting and tortured the mp prematurely.
    Nyandeng the woman governor is too mistaken to denied that there is no hunger gap that starved 358 people to dies iN Hunger starvation. I will not think that Warrap State will be a good state forever and ever because of mismanagemnet by Nyandeng the woman Governor as she is now emblezzling the public funds without proper development in the state capital Kuajok. She lives by rental from ministry to Ministry and I don,t know whether she will be having Governor,s Office as other Governors have example is like Paul Malong the governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.
    Failed Governor must be brought to justices by Judge which is not to be bribe by her as she has a huge money for bribery.

    Hell on you the Failed Governor Woman who misused the chances of potential women who may be contesting for gubernatorial positions some years to come.

    Madingthith a man of Justices, accountability and transparency.

  • Bor Koch
    Bor Koch

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    we are fighting, killing ourselves while Equatorians are doing good, devoloping their communities, focusing about futures. Guys when are we going to resign over idiot focus? I felt shame when I sit there with Equatorians and they start to talking about thinks important.
    Guys we are so far behind.

  • gotutu

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    During 2010 election every citizen was happy to vote for SPLM candidate but now it has appeared that we have already thrown our votes to the pit latrine
    i am saying that because i have exprience many crises concerning our current governors
    among them are:

    1-KUOL MANYANY of Jonglei state who promise the citizens the security and the state has reached to last point of insecurity

    2-SIMON KUN of Upper nile state who promised his citizens to built the road but up to now has not done anything

    3-NYANDENG MALEK she became the worse of all the governors
    she is suspose to be sacked from that position


  • Akot makuei
    Akot makuei

    Warrap Assembly summons governor over MP’s ‘arrest and torture’
    I felt a shame when i had people from other state calling this fucken woman governor of warap but i myself will never make that mistake
    of calling her my governor no never because she doesn,t have
    princples of ruling people even her self for instance if governor doesn,t know the challenges facing’s people then how do you expect her to be honour. my blame goes to president Kiir and SPLM who forc people to vote for nyandeng because of there political affilation but not to the wish of citizen or people of warap.
    I hate nyandeng because she has spoil the spirits of peopl specially the youths and civils.youths of warap seems to have no future because when i see youths of others state they are busy in offices while our youths are rooming around playing dumona chest and other game which are not helpful to youth.nyandeng your rigme is over but you have spoil the chances of others specially your children if you are functioning and the right of wowen,you and Your fool Achol chier i dislike people who support you and where you came from.

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