Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet

August 26 , 2011 (JUBA) — Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan on Friday formed a new cabinet where all regions got an equal number of ministerial portfolios, in a bid to relieve frustrations dominated the interim period particularly in the Greater Equatoria.

Southern Sudanese watch a giant South Sudan’s flag being raised during the independence  ceremony in the capital Juba on July 09, 2011 (Getty)
Southern Sudanese watch a giant South Sudan’s flag being raised during the independence ceremony in the capital Juba on July 09, 2011 (Getty)
South Sudan officially became an independent state on 9 July following the conduct of the internationally monitored referendum on self determination in January. The self-determination process was part of the 2005 peace agreement which brought to an end to over two decades of war between the two parties of the Sudan.

During the interim period which started in 2005, some tribes in South Sudan complained against domination of some key ministries by two major tribes of Dinka and Nuer.

In a visible effort to address these concerns and deliver a balanced cabinet, President Kiir in his new government, composed of 29 ministers and 27 deputy ministers, named ten people from Greater Equatoria into higher ranking ministerial portfolio.

He named General Alison Manani Magaya as interior minister while Kosti Manibe Ngai was made Finance and Economic Development Minister. General Alfred Lado Gore, Emmanuel Lowila, Betty Achan Ogwaro, Agnes Poni Lokudu, Jemma Nunu Kuma, Agnes Lasuba, Martin Elia Lomoro and Ciron Hiteng Ofuho have equally been appointed into higher ranking ministerial portfolio.

In the Greater Bhar el Ghazal, Nhial Deng Nhial, Madut Biar Yel, Awut Deng Acuil, Garang Diing Akuong, Paul Mayom Akec, David Deng Athorbei, Michael Milly Hussein, Joseph Lual Acuil, Joseph Ukel Abango and Deng Alor Kuol from the contested region of Abyei were named national ministers.

Notably, the Greater Upper Nile saw the appointment of John Luke Jok, Michael Makuei Lueth, Gier Chuang Aluong, Oyai Deng Ajak, Stephen Dhieu Dau, Gabriel Changson Chang, Peter Adwok Nyaba, Barnaba Marial Benjamin , John Kong Nyuon just to name but few.

In a bid to have 25% of cabinet members women, a target set out in the 2005 peace deal, the president placed five women t national ministries and made 10 others deputy ministers.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune following the announcement of the new cabinet, Tong Lual Ayat, the leader of the opposition United Democrat Party commended the president for appointing what he described as “competent and balanced cabinet”.

“The United Democratic Party congratulates the President for forming his cabinet based on merits and loyalty to the people of South Sudan. This was what he said. So it is good he has kept his words. This cabinet is competent and balanced”, said Tong Lual Ayat.

He further said appointment of different officials into key ministries of finance, interior, justice, defense, agriculture, higher education, national security and a minister in the office of the president from other regions and tribes shows Kiir’s commitment to uniting the whole country.

Deng Mawien Kuot, a senior member of the government of South Sudan welcomed appointment of General Alison Manani Magaya as the national minister of interior, describing him as good, hard working and committed person.

“I know General Alison Manai Magaya. He was the national minister of public service in Khartoum for ten years. He was such a very good and hard working person that was he able to serve for ten years in Khartoum with the National Congress Party. He is experienced person”, he stressed.

Bol Thuc Guot, a member of the South Sudan’s ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement from Warrap State commended president for appointing a balanced cabinet.

“For now, I believe everybody; especially politicians from Greater Equatoria should be happy because this cabinet represents all the region and states. It should no longer be viewed as Dinka government now, he pointed out.

“There should be no more cries about Dinka corruption and prejudice instead. We should call it an Equatoria and Upper Nile cabinet. The Bahr el Ghazal is now left out from key positions,” said Guot.

But Alfred Sebit observed the appointment as recycling of what he termed as “old guards”.

“There is nothing impressive about this cabinet. Almost old faces have returned. The new faces in the cabinet are accountable. I see Dr. Betty Achan, Agnes Poni, Emmanuel Lowila and General Alison Magaya as new faces. The rest are old guards,” he said.

“There should be no celebrations. Let’s first wait and see,” Sebit warned.

He, however, admitted that the composition of the cabinet as representative and uniting.

“I see it is time to guide this new nation to a better direction and better future. This appointment has reached single section; it has captured, the regions, the states and the largest tribes. It has indeed somehow reflected the will of some people if not majority”.



  • Bor Koch
    Bor Koch

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Mr presiden you are digging your own grave. you need to bring those educated tribes into the job. We dinka, we’re good for stealing and rapping inffected women. you real need to combact corruption.

  • DOOR

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Mr. Bor Koch,

    That is not how Buor Talks!, can you please use your Nuer identity which is self explanatory in your posture?

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Kiir’s decree is too blind.
    Most of the jobs were given to the wrong peopl.

  • [email protected]

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    I thought this fucking,the minister of finance was with us during our struggle. But he was hiding in Khartoum for all those years of struggle,and now he just joined us to be the first man to taste the fruits of stuggle.you are son of a bitch! Fucking Equotorians are nothing, but they intended to cry always about domacracy. you go ahead and bring the service you have talking sons of bitches.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Land of Cush

    Eventhought i am going to change my political names Dinka Dominated SPLA/M. it is still my intention to teach some nuer how to be good and trusted loyalist.

    Do you when Riek machar to be given defance post while he is vice prsident or what? why are you always some of nuer guys are so blind to see the good part of the process?

    Why i am saying is your crying every days for no reason or help. what do you want Kiir to do? surrender himself to who inoreder to make you happy.

    come on man you are batter than that.

    by they way there is nothing called Domination from Dinkas because the war is over. so everyone is welcames to be Dominated in the south or SPLM as a party.
    now Dinkas has done their part. it is a time for food and Dinkas need to distance themsleves form it.

    God bless Dinkas.

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    That’s what Mr.President termed as lean & competent government. I regret that there’s no leader in our country & SPLM have really messed up.

    Southerners voted overwhelmingly last time for SPLM candidates and this time, SPLM-DC would be better party to vote for since there’s no legitimate party to join

  • DOOR

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Kiir has caused conflict within the Nuer community. All the four Nuer ministers in government are all from Lou Nuer in Jonglei and that make Nuers from UperNile and Unity State complain if they are not qualified than Lou Nuer.
    All in all Kiir has tried his best to maintain a balanced Government based on three regions of UpperNile, Bhar el gazal and Equatoria.

    Just one clan of Lou Nuer are literate within Nuer.


  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    AQhahahahah Anei Matungphat
    I don’t want to used word Nyagat but you are already nyagate what happend man just take it easy budy when you from your government. you will do what we will like but leave this Gov you don’t like alone thank.
    SPLM/DC has never support South Sudan independent so please shut up

  • Madingthith

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    @Bor Koch,

    Sorry son of bitch, what brought you to this public website where literate people express their concerns regarding the onset of what is within the article of the day.
    Now look here your comments are full of insulting president as if you did not know what is management. Do you think that the Republic of South Sudan will accommodate all your uncles in the position of Ministers or Deputies as you expected.

    My advices to you is go back to school to study more such that you will later qualifies to comment on this article of comments in a good and systematic way of literate.

    Your assumption will lead you nowhere buy death.

    Shame on you dishes washer in Khartoum, wherever you are.

    Madingthith a man of Justices, Accountability and Transparecy.
    Next Governor in 2020.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    ahahahah DOOR you are abid funy but you should know those Nuer of Jonglei contribute alot than those of upperNile who took part alongsid Arab during the war.
    leave them alone they are usless in the south sudan.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Son of Nuer whore and Arab parasite father so called Taban Deng used to give Kiir some money of 2% of West Upper nile(United state), and now they left out like bitches. Only the big Nyagat called Rick Machar.

  • makuei tinyjok
    makuei tinyjok

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Mr. Land-OF-Cush,
    The appointment of the Prsident of the Newly born Nation is not a blind one as you said it in your comment.And also as said by BUT Alfred Sebit that, The Appointment of Mr.President is “OLD GUARDS”.

    Dear Brothers,
    You laugh when someone is misusing, and you cry when someone is fair.

    The appoitment of Mr.Salva Kiir is on fair bases and very inclusive one which represent all the parties.

    Congretulation Mr.Prsedent!!!
    This what the South Sudanese want, keep up.

    The second step is for the State Government now to be fair like what you did to your National Government.

    Wishes you every success in your Leadership.

    SPLM OYEE!!!

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    You Dinkas are always thinking that zero is a number one while is a zero.

    My argument to Kiir is not basing on tribalism but appointees that will not determine the works in the way we want as they are not qualifies in those positions. I hope you understand the point now.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Whoever says, Dinka, Dinka, Dinka…….again, must be dealt with.

  • Dinkawarrior

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Anei Matungphat!
    “SPLM-DC or Selfish People Luck Motivation and Disease Care”
    Who ever support the above parasites will be condemned to death!

    “Sudan People Liberation Movement and Army are our Founding fathers” Make no mistake SPLM/A is your father!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    “What will make Nuer happy?”

    I think Nuer will never be happy until they [Nuer] become the Conqueror of whole greater Upper Nile from Renk to Mading Bor and from Abiemnom to Pibor/Buma-Gambella and declare it as Nuer Empire.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet

    Mr. Kiir assume that his appointment of only Lou Nuer will prevent them (Lou Nuer) to burn down Mading Bor again as of 1991.

  • Rommel

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet

    Kim Deng:

    If those are the requirements to Nuer happiness, then such happiness will forever elude you. There will be no Nuer empire. Relieve your mind of such facile nonesence.

    You have NEVER been in the heat of battle, have you? Your empty mind is preoccupied with fantasies of Nuer hegemony, one in which other tribes are massacred, and the remnants of such tribes subjugated and dispossessed.

    Quit day dreaming, you fool!

    You don’t have a patriotic bone in your body; you are a deluded and bitter tribal nationalist with a quench for blood and mayhem. Our Nation has been subjected to decades of war, famine and misery and here you are… advocating for a repeat of such miseries upon our heavily scarred people.

    We need to reconcile, rebuild and exploit the gifts God has so tenderly afforded us and we simply will not be able to realise such dreams with idiots like you running amok.

    While other Continents, ‘races’ and Nations are earnestly pursuing national developments with splendid technological achievements such as space exploration and travel…

    .. you’re dreaming of tribal war > fratricide. It’s no wonder why Africans occupy the bottom of the food chain, and why they are the subjects of laughter, pity and contempt > ignominiously in need of perpetual food aid.

  • Rommel

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Kim Deng:

    If those are the requirements to Nuer happiness, then such happiness will forever elude you. There will be no Nuer empire. Relieve your mind of such facile nonsense.

    You have NEVER been in the heat of battle, have you? Your empty mind is preoccupied with fantasies of Nuer hegemony, one in which other tribes are massacred, and the remnants of such tribes subjugated and dispossessed.

    Quit day dreaming, you fool!

    You don’t have a patriotic bone in your body; you are a deluded and bitter tribal nationalist with a quench for blood and mayhem. Our Nation has been subjected to decades of war, famine and misery and here you are… advocating for a repeat of such miseries upon our heavily scarred people.

    We need to reconcile, rebuild and exploit the gifts God has so tenderly afforded us and we simply will not be able to realise such dreams with idiots like you running amok.

    While other Continents, ’races’ and Nations are earnestly pursuing national developments with splendid technological achievements, such as space exploration and travel…

    .. you’re dreaming of tribal war > fratricide. It’s no wonder why Africans occupy the bottom of the food chain, and why they are the subjects of laughter, pity and contempt > ignominiously in need of perpetual food aid.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Bastard Bor. You are idiot and a slave hearted by your covet to be Dinka when you are not. Regarding your comment, I don’t understand which tribes are the educated ones?, and I think among the thieves and rapists you are their ring leader.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    The organised forces need to be re-organised for the South Sudan to be trully a multi ethnic country. No single government institution should be reflective of a mono- ethnic organisation. Trully the government is taking the right direction to avoid future confrontations with the dissastified citizens.

  • Deng manyok
    Deng manyok

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Hello, Sir Bleak, you call yourself Sir Bleak that title is too big for you. It is better to rename yourself again. I can suggested one name for you, but I will give you a chance to choose by yourself. Because the way you behave, you are far from light. your mind is like a darkness where you can not see your way. You couldn’t see on your own eyes who are the thieves in the states.Those who have been addicted to live like hyenas. fight for no reason, they don’t like work and so on … educate yourself to be a person. to enter to civilization way it requires understanding first.

  • kaci-banno

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    There is no balance here, Mr. president just give favor on those tribes who are making noise to the government of South sudan. If it said to be a balaced cabinet, wwhere is the mabaan tribe in this appointment, where is burun of Daja who have been under Nuer tribe oppresion since God created them? I really Feel very Sorry for president Kiir because he always consider tribes when they start killing to find their right. I know most of the ministers can not serve the nation because they came from the culture of stealing, polygamy and greedness. and it is impossible for such people to deliver the services to the people of south sudan.
    President Kiir has to consider minority right if his government knows about civic education otherwise his government will collapse soon like Gadafi in Libya..


  • Force 1
    Force 1

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Bor koch, I believe you’re not smart enough to pretend to be Dinka, if you were, you wouldn’t be saying “we Dinka, we are good at stealing and rapping inffected women” that’s your own quote.

    You’re the dumbest pretender I have ever seen. I ‘am from Bor, and my name doesn’t have to look and sound like Bor to be known as someone from Bor.

    You’ve no idea that you’re embarrassing yourself. Just take a look at what you wrote if it make any sense to you. Of course it will make sense to you because wrote it.

    If you’re really smart, you would know people where they’re from by their writting and not by their name.

  • Koma

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    Congratulation Kiir, well balanced and qualified staff.

  • Bigcat

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    the cabinet seem to be balanced but Dr.john garang’s wife remain jobless including others like former bank governor elijah malok..plus..plus other garang’s hometown politician, former permanent minister in office of vice president in the GNU in khartoum mr. chaat paul and much more like dr. lual achuek deng and makeer deng malou…

    who make decision for president kiir? why presisent forget about the man (father of nation)who brought him into power?

    now senior politician in bor are remain jobless specially people from wangulei town where dr. garang come from..

    there is something fishing!! all are in sillent!!

  • choldit

    South Sudan president seeks to form a balanced cabinet
    It is so blind to see some claiming the appointment is a balanced one. pple are so ignorant and so blind to see the obvious. Yes, Equatorian has are the current golden boys to Salva but for how long?

    Kirr has ignored so strategically very important places like Eastern Nuer bordering Ethiopia and Bentiu Nuer. This is an strategic mistake he will regret for life of his term. This two communities have voted 100% for separation during the referendum vote but now forgotten. let hear what thier politicians will said.

    These Eastern Nuer has been doing good for SPLM in and in diaspora for years. example they lead SPLM missions in major Western countries e.g. Ezekel Lol in America, Peter Lam Both in Canada, Philip Chuol Chawech in New Zealand and Dr. John Gai Yoa in South Africa. These dudes are highly educated politicians who are committed to service our people through SPLM. Yet our leader, Salva Kirr Administration turns blind eyes these guys and the whole Eastern Nuer all along and now he also turn his back to Bentiu Nuer has well.

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