Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity state plants ‘freedom trees’ to mark South Sudan independence

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

August 31, 2011 (BENTIU) – A tree planting campaign that began to celebrate South Sudan’s independence will continue across Unity state it was announced last week, in order to create a greener, healthier environment.

International NGO Awake International began planting ‘freedom trees’ on South Sudan’s independence day, July 9, but says the project will continue to encourage communities to plant more trees and cut down fewer.

Rosalind Anteno Rocha a Programme manager for Awake International told Sudan Tribune on August 26 that they aimed to increase forestry production with the support of the state government.

Starting the project on July 9, Rocha said, was intended help Unity state citizens embrace the project. The initial planting was made in a children’s play area named after the Kenyan town – Naivasha – where the peace talks which led to the agreement securing South Sudan’s self determination took place.

The director general for the state’s ministry of agriculture, Kulang Roal Both, said he appreciated Awake International’s role in providing seeds and educating citizens on the bedding and plantation process. He encourage citizens to be more involved in agriculture rather than being idle.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Unity state plants ‘freedom trees’ to mark South Sudan independence
    Do you even want to report this trees planting for what?
    this site is full of crub, it is like you reporting what you have been doing with your wife at night to the country.
    what a shame.
    How about reporting the dead of your nyagateen in the jongle for no reason.


    Unity state plants ‘freedom trees’ to mark South Sudan independence
    Dinka dominated shit,
    This is good news so far,people want to hear development and changes in our country.
    I know what you most like on this website:
    These are what you want to hear..
    murle abduct hundred of children in jonglei.
    Nuer and dinka were killed during cattle rustling .
    Bor refused Dr Reik machar apology .

  • harry

    Unity state plants ‘freedom trees’ to mark South Sudan independence

    Al bashir has issued a decree expelling Malik Agar as a governor of the Blue Nile State while state of emergency has been imposed over all Blue Nile State…Sources BBC and Sudan TV..


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