Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

September 2, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Forces of the Sudanese government on Friday attacked the residence of the Blue Nile state governor, who is also chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N), Malik Agar.

Malik Agar, head of Sudan People's Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) speaks during a joint news conference with SPLM north's secretary general (Reuters)
Malik Agar, head of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) speaks during a joint news conference with SPLM north’s secretary general (Reuters)
According to Yasir Arman, SPLM-N’s secretary-general, Sudan’s army (SAF) launched a military offensive at midnight Friday targeting the SPLM’s Joint Integrated Units under the command of Jondi Suliyman and the house of Agar in the state capital Al-Damazin.

Arman told Sudan Tribune that in the past four days the Sudanese government had deployed reinforcements consisting of one infantry brigade, 12 tanks and 40 armed vehicles into the area.

“This debunks the deceptive ceasefire announced by Al-Bashir in South Kordofan because it was declared in order to prepare for an attack against Al-Damazin,” Arman said.

He further warned that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) would be held accountable for attacking the house of “the elected governor” and the “atrocities they are committing against the civilian population” as well as the SPLM-N’s membership in the two areas.

“We wish to assure SPLM-N’s supporters and members of the general public that Malik Aggar is safe,” Arman said, promising to give more details on the events taking place in the Blue Nile within the next few days.

Arman did not explain what triggered the fighting and there was no confirmation of the attacks from independent sources.

In a phone interview with Bloomberg, Agar said the attack happened after three vehicles used by the SPLA were shot at by Sudanese soldiers while approaching the southern part of Al-Damazin.

“When our forces shot back at them, they just heavily bombarded my house and all sites of the SPLA in the capital,” Agar said.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) carried statements by SAF saying it has been attacked by the SPLA.

Al-Sawarmi Khaled told SUNA that the SPLA started the attack. He further said they have long expected this move because Agar was mobilising his troops during the past period. He further said the this attack aims to alleviate pressure on SPLA troops under the command of Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu in South Kordofan.

Agar also spoke to SUNA about “skirmishes” between the commander of the joint integrated units and the Sudanese army at the gates of Al-Damazin.

He further confirmed that the fighting is taking place now in all the state between the two forces.

The eruption of war in Blue Nile with heavily armed SPLA units could put the entire Sudan at risk of a full scale war. The government in Khartoum has been engaged in clashes with SPLA forces in South Kordofan since last June.

SPLM-N has blamed the government for fighting in South Kordofan saying that Sudan’s army was seeking to disarm its fighters by force.

Last May, SAF sent a letter to SPLA saying that its forces in the two states must disarm by June 1st or deploy to what is now the new country of South Sudan.

But the SPLA responded by saying that the units are composed of northern soldiers, therefore withdrawing South is not an option.

The Blue Nile’s governor told the New York Times (NYT) at the time that SAF has moved “dangerously close” to the bases of SPLA fighters and that he did not think the southern-allied forces would surrender.

“It’s like putting a cat in a corner,” Agar said. “They will fight.”


Elsewhere on the web:

AFP – Fighting erupts in Sudan’s Blue Nile state

BBC – Blue Nile: Sudan forces battle former SPLM rebels

Bloomberg – Sudanese Armed Forces Clash With Opposition Fighters in Blue Nile State

Reuters – UPDATE 1-Clashes erupt in flashpoint Sudan border state


  • Muorter Majok
    Muorter Majok

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    This is madness.

  • Sundayw

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    The Sudanese regime is playing with fire and it will get burned. Attacking an elected governor is nothing short of a declaration or war and violation of the ceasefire that they just announced. This will not be an easy fight like one in Darfur. We in the South are not going to stand by while our brothers and allies are slaughtered.

  • Waucity

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    How could Sudan Army do that? Splm was an elected party in Blue nile…You are jealous of a state which people are happy in because you are hated everywhere. You are hopeless immoral less of a human being.

  • angunliach

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    SPLM-N will not give up, SPLM-S will stand with you like what you did in the last twenty years, when we join our hand in a near future we will pay NCP in his own coin, please don,t give up, attack them when they attack you, you shed blood and they also bleed like you.

  • Waucity

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Really, How could hopeless Sudanese army and those who send it do this, this cheap attack!!!, we never which for this,we never which to live with such little selfish immoral people. Southern Sudan must stop sharing anything with these,..They Want to kill Malek Aggar, I hate you. By they way, why is Sudan government going crazy on splm, not too long ago or even now, that their bills where paid with oil many coming from splm control areas…You have nothing and now you want to also show you have no dignity and appreciation, seriously, you don’t have anything. You want to bring war to a peace state? wow, I don’t know what to say? God is great!


    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    the war in sudan is Not over yet,until Omar Al bashir appear before the court of law in netherland ,Hague.
    Islamic regime will be soon brought to justice and follow the rule of law.
    I advise my brothers from east to west Not to give up their right. You are the truth residents of this nation.
    Traders must leave sudan.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    I think the time has just come for NIF Genocidal leaders to:

    1. Be taken to Farouk’s Cemetery, or
    2. Be handed over to the Hague

    The post NIF era will start with:

    1. Power sharing between SPLM-Malik Agar and SLM Abdelwahid Mohamed Nur.

    2.The collapse of North Sudan Institution, economic and the social system in case the NIF are going to resist the Uprising

    3. The Somalisation of North Sudan is not far away.

  • akot

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Arabs are not sleeping, we have to be aware of them.
    separation is not the end of our journey president Kiir. we want to know our boarder and other isues like oil sharing is not corect.

  • Abraham Ayom
    Abraham Ayom

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    After they are being defeated in an attached,Ali Kharti Send a letter to UNSC last week that RSS is supporting Rebel and they were the first people to attack the Blue Nile Damazi. It was a just a tactics to declare cease fire so that the can disarm the SPLA in Blue but every one was aware about the deal. So they could not managed and the plan fall

    These Arabs in sudan they need to be given a fight in these way
    SPLA in Blue Nile to clear eastern sudan
    SPLA in South Kordfan to clear Nubian Mountain toward Khartoum
    All Darfur Faction to fight and capture the entire region of western Sudan
    SPLA for RSS to go into Abyei and disarm the invaders that are still occupying Abyei.

    I am sure 100% their military action plan will not solves our problems in Sudan.

  • akot

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    they will regret soon, 2011 is not like 1983. SPLA/M is stronger more than before

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    To the people of blue Nile, Korodufan, Darfur, and eastern Sudan,

    Umar hasen min Bashir came to power by coup in 1989 and it is very rare if not impossible for those who come to power by coup to deliver freedom.
    All you need to do is take up arms in spirit of unity and determination to disgrace him, after removing him from power, you can even create your own countries.
    The earlier you do that, the better!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    He was elected governer and he has the full right to rule.As a citizent he should abide by the constitution which stipulates that there is only one army in the country.CPA was signed with only one SPLA , there was nothing called SPLA-N in the CPA. Any civilian should disarm to civillians and armed person will be faced by the national army.

    In our country , we are used to the rule of law and everybody should abide by the constitution.We donnot want people killing each other in mass scale.Foreigners are qualified to tell us how to run our internal affairs!Anyone who messes with our internal affairs should expect the same!

    Agar is the governer , he should be the first to abide by the constitution and law.

    Arman should know that SAF has the unqustionable right to move in any part of our country without asking permission from anyone.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    What connect Mourle and Nuer in this topic?

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    You have tried that in Abeyei and you know what answer you got. Stop the megalomenia and behave according to your size and cpabilities and above that the interest of your people!

  • Aleu

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Malik Aggar and Yasir Arman.

    This Sudan government must be defeated by make your coordinated together with Southern Kordofan SPLA and South Blue Nile SPLA. I know very well Nubian People will do that.

    Please kick out the so call SAF from both two States.

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Mohammed Ali,

    Common man, Abyei issue is yet to be define. Well I believed Abyei is just a inch of South Sudan that be liberated in no time. South Sudan given to us like apple.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Where were the SAF being defeated!You have said that before and tried to do that in Abeyei and if that did not get through your brain try again and you will get a better answer.

    You said you want your own seperate country, fair enough. We offer to live in peace , you misinterpritate that as a sign of weakness.You are wrong!

    SPLA thinks that they are super-power and dream to creat problems for us. They are going on the wrong direction, they are bussy with looting while the innocent marginalized southerners are dying from hunger and tribal wars in huge numbers!


    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    I think Khartoum’s Government has lost the legitimate power to rule our people, I tell you we in Nuba will not have any compromise with such behaviors. How come this Government announce a ceasefire and again broke it promise? My advice to our people to stay united and never listen to SAF anymore, we are tire of this evil army act(Bashir).

    Therefore, there is no constitution that guide our people as you mentioned.why don’t you shut up your mouth and quite this forum. we know very well that, Khartoum has no proper approach to solve a chronic conflict in Sudan and this problem still continue. so why don’t you come up with solution to our conflict.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Problem in Sudan are non of your concern! You better concentrate on solving the problems of the RoSS!

    Just leave Sudan for us, it is our problem!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Genocide is happening right now in the RoSS!

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    the whole issue why there are all these wars in S.kordufan, Blue Nile, Darfur,and Eastern Sudan, is the IDENTITY ISSUE. How can these pure Africans be forced to accept being arabs? Yes,some of them are Mulsims but they are genetically and aboriginally AFRICANS.Why force someone to be what he’s not?
    these regions should be appreciated for accepting Islam as their religion of Worship but they should be respected as Africans by keeping their Native Nubian culture / African cultures and solve this problem, the country must accept to be a secular state,religion separate from the state/politics.second, theses people of AFRICAN ORIGIN should be given RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION to decide their own fate, to live as Arab Slaves or free citizens in their own country, just the same formula used by south sudanese.this is the reallity that should be accepted. and by default, the Fugitive AL BASHIR, is NEXT on the list of NATO, after THE WORLD’S GREATESTS DICTATOR, MUAMMAR GADHAFI OF LIBYA.SO stay tuned!

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    the whole issue why there are all these wars in S.kordufan, Blue Nile, Darfur,and Eastern Sudan, is the IDENTITY ISSUE. How can these pure Africans be forced to accept being arabs? Yes,some of them are Mulsims but they are genetically and aboriginally AFRICANS.Why force someone to be what he’s not?
    these regions should be appreciated for accepting Islam as their religion of Worship but they should be respected as Africans by keeping their Native Nubian culture / African cultures and solve this problem, the country must accept to be a secular state,religion separate from the state/politics.second, theses people of AFRICAN ORIGIN should be given RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION to decide their own fate, to live as Arab Slaves or free citizens in their own country, just the same formula used by south sudanese.this is the reallity that should be accepted. and by default, the Fugitive AL BASHIR, is NEXT on the list of NATO, after THE WORLD’S GREATESTS DICTATOR, MUAMMAR GADHAFI OF LIBYA.SO stay tuned!

  • Jakaado

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Dear Ali,

    You are talking out of nothing Waite you will see if you are again bringing the one of Abyei.Nubian are our brothers we can help them if possible.

    By fighter man of Nubian people.
    SPLM_N oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Let fight God will give us our right

  • Tambura

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    They are paying price of failed vision of Dr. John Garang who brainwashed them of his Sudan Unity. Those people sacrifice a lot in SPLA and now left alone in war zone. We should help them or join them to south but we can not just leave them fighting jalaba alone.

  • sebit

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    SPlM-N I pray for all of you to defead the SAF and I hope you guys are seriouse and geting help but SPLM-S have to do that. Now is time for SPLM-N do the same thing liberate North like SPLM-S liberate the South cause time is runing out and people are dieying for nothing we need both Sudan liberate under SPLM so we can have better brighter future for our kids and grand kids.

  • Waucity

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    MOHAMED aLI, WHO ARE YOU TO CORRECT ANYBODY OF CONSTITUTION, YOU NEVER WRITEN ANY CONSTITUTION, YOU HAVE SHARI’A LAW. DO you call attacking governor’s residence over political differences…a constitution

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Identity is a fiction. In Islam there is nothing called identity which gives you prevelige above others. Even Islam does not give you any advantage above any other non-muslim; in heaven it is up to God and not up to us .

    So identity, tribe, race, colour is all nonesense.The idea of ” purity” does not guarantee anything, as there are Africans worst than the devil.

    Identity is an imported virus which they are treated in their counties after devastated wars and they spread it among us to continue their hegemoney!

  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Hi Mohammed.

    Your talk is what is causing problems to the government of Libya and as well as in in Egypt last time.

    It’s human right that determines not SAF. There is no way that SAF can do what it likes to the citizens. Sudan belongs Sudanese but to SAF.

    Let Beshir together with SAF and his allies keep in mind that “what goes round comes round.”

  • Mapuor

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Dear Mohamad Ali,thats a terrible disaster,millions of lives will be lost by both Arabs & Africans in the current racial war that is raging in the Republic of Sudan.We your neighbours are affected by this war,when we received displaced & give them shelter as a mtter of hospitality that we South Sudanese have,you will rush to compliant that we are behind that war.We have the same coluor with blacks from the North & its difficult for you who is not an African to distinguish between South Sudanese & blacks fom Nuba mountains & South blue Nile.Arabs have never lived in peace with non Arabs the world over,Kurds in Irague are being killed by Arabs,Berbers in Algeria are being killed by Arabs,Blacks in Muoritania are being killed by Arabs,Darfurians in Darfur are being killed by Arabs,Nuba In Nuba mountains are being killed by Arabs.Why dear Arabs killing your fellow human beings

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Join them in the fighting because you were in hiding during the 2 decades war. otherwise shut your big mouth.

  • Thon Anyaar
    Thon Anyaar

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Ali, over the last 25 years, you were never used to hearing gunfire far away from the South Sudan, but for the next couple of years, you’ll be hearing it at your door steps unless you’re hiding out of the country.

    The Abyei issue is simple, it’s not solves now because South Sudan has a lot to deal with at the moment, it’ll not take a day to take it by force.

    Mohammad Ali, you and your NCP don’t have any power, you haven’t had any control ever since Darfur, South Kordufan and Blue Nile started their rebellion.

    How can you claimed to have control of Abyei when you don’t have any control over the regions I just mention? Look, you’re just like a rabbit using it ears to scare the other animals with the real horn?

  • Kolong oo!
    Kolong oo!

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Ho God! What does Basir look abuot in sudan? Does he want to follow talibun and gadhafi? Agar shuold fight to defend his civilians from terrorists. Shame be on Basir who is failt politically to solve the case between him SPLM-N.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Mohhamed Ali.
    We have been singing of this but now you will see the fire rising in the whole Sudan, Bashir was not wise enough to point a finger to those regions, I can see the bright future for the new Sudan is a few kilometres coming. Bashir army have few weeks to run away from Sudan otherwise they will be captured like those from Lybia, I believe Bashir is not stronger than Kahdafi who every one knows on this globe. who ever atempted to point Agar a finger will face the consequence and now happened, I request Dr. Khalil, Al Hilu, Maliik Agar, Yasser Arman and others to join hands together and fight an enemy of peace to the last minutes, we hope for positive and successful revolution through God we will make a victory, take those crimals, evils away from our homeland(Sudan) the world is standing for you. Sudan will come to the line of democracy and remain the peaceful state forever after this victory.

    Freedom is coming tomorrow morning, I can see the freedom is coming, the total freedom, peace,love and unity!!!!

    We must fight to get that goal of freedom.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Fight well guys.Government of Khartoum will soon be made to run amock and in disaray in Blue Nile.I fought there in 1989-90 in andaround Kurmuk and if am ask to go to I will be going there.

  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    The National Congress party/NIF should stop their scary tactics and face the reality. SPLA-N fighters got a right to maintain their weapons untill the CPA is fully implemented in both two states.

    Anything shorter than that, is a violation of agreement and SPLA-N have a right to resist any attempt by the oppressors. It is a time to put Sudan into the right shape.

    The dudes in Khartoum should know that we all have see the light. We are at your back brothers, we wouldn’t forget about you. One more to go!

    Let wait for some reactions from Juba.

  • Taib Chito
    Taib Chito

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Mohamed, Mohamed Ali, what kind of a name is mohamed anyways? You inherited this name from your leir uncle, mohamed a prophet? Please open your freacking closed islamic terrorist minded and listen yourself. You think what you are saying is meaningful but it is not becasue your uncle bashir with his terrorist groups, SAF are the ones that times after times violating the CPA. Please dont even try to talk about law or constitution becasue you dont have one in the first place. What you are describing as a constitution that you have in Sudan(North) is piece of rubbish document written by your hallucinating islamic extremist leaders/lawyers in Khartoum and claim as a law/constitution of the land.

  • pabaak

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Mohamed Ali you talk like someone is not living in 21th century; I’m going back to history when your masters conquered Sudan in 15th century. Yes it is known in the history that you don’t abide by the agreements, we knew this should be the beginning of mother of all wars as Cmr. Abdolla Alaziz said during his famous interview with the Al jezeera reporter in the Nuba mountain in June. Marginalizes will lead to achieve what political forces in North unable to achieve for the last 20 years which is removal of this genocidal government, the only agreement down in history you respected was (AL-baqt) agreement between Arab invaders and the three Sudanese Kingdoms at the time, Al muqgura, Al pony, and the Napata kingdom, was not even an agreement, it was a surrender in term of agreement in which all of AL kingdoms has to offer their 360 strong men( Holts 17) annually to Arab invaders as slaves, in addition to amount of slivers, ivory and Gold to Arab invaders in order to stay in the mercy of their invaders, this was the only agreement we knew in history that you have respected so far. So if you think marginalize people will repeat the history this time by surrender their weapons after fighting 22 years for their freedom then you most be living in the shadows of stone age and that meant you can start looking now for routes when you first entered to Sudan so you can follow the same routes back to where you came from.

  • pabaak

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Ali, SAF has been defeated, what led Sudan to signed the peace, what led the South to keep it Army, what led you to surrender whole south Sudan if not strength we have, you were saying you are smart but you are fool, and even here in Nuba, did you see young Nubians when they defeat SAF, if you think Abyei was defeat to us then just waits, we still have unfinished business even majority of Southerners don’t agree with the current boarder which is not demarcated anyway,which is good to us, some experts say that our real boarder is in Jabel Awalia near Khartoum.

  • Amokmeth

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Mamahed remember one important thing that this time the African within sudan will united to fight Arabs within sudan until clear up all sons of bitches Arabs and H.E Malik Agar declare the war with the support from NATO, Bashir will not spend a single minutes with power then from power to grave and that one will be double-grave because He is failure president and as aresult H.E LT.GEN MALIK AGAR will be the next president of Republic of Sudan and maybe Sudan Reunited against.Bashir with one teste is almost to see those whom he have killed in Darfur,South Sudan,Nuba Mountains,Blue Nile & other parts of sudan.Let us pray may Almighty God the creator of heaven and earth prepared hell for him.DEATH ON HIM AND HIS ALIAS AMEN!! Amen!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    It is simple, abide by the result of the elections and accept the result.Play with the rules of the law and disarm your militia.

    There should be one army , the war in S.Kordofan was started by the SPLA against the national army. Al Hilue cannot go to election and when he looses it, he has to started a war. This is not acceptable.

    Agar is the governer accepted, as stipulated by the constitution.He wants to be a militia leader at the same time. He cannot be selective, either you abide by the constitution and remain the governer or drop the constitution and become a militia leader!

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Nuba Mountain and Blue Nile are going to break away and join the south when the popular consultation is held.

    Sudan government should realize the pattern, the more the fight a region, the more likely that region is going to break away from them. They are sowing more hatred peace. Using force is the last resort that is pursue by some who does runs out of all options.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger, ends in shame

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    I think Malik Agar will start lossing the big belly now.
    Like the Abdul Aziz al hulo.

    we need the leaders that are in shape to hit and run tactic.Arab need to be discipline and defeated miserabley like Gadhafi

    Tone of liberators


    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    send to my message for all the time the govrnment of khartoum.doing bad thing our south sudan but there no answere ? what happen in south kordudfan and BULE NILE .THIS excatly to send my message to govrnment of south sudan what do you thing for all happen any time our govrnment .please please and please becarrefull for responsibiti of our peoples is suffering for long time of war. the north sudan he do need awoll the govrnment for chance for all anytime our don’t sleep the arabia of north sudan ignore the govrnment of south sudan because of coure he have power. now iknow there many peoples against our govrnment .all peoples anybody need to be priedent our peoples of south sudan all of as left and left for responsbitile waint and waint please tell to clear any one brothers and sisters you be prisdent frist of all to respect citizen or peoples .secondly councl the govrnment is call uncle and friend .nephew that is frist number one second there no industries in south sudan .all the govrnment is talk about work or job.three hotel or five hotel maybe five floor okay for how many peopl need ajobs s.we now there is many peoples without jobs because.of this reason if there no your uncl in the work you not got works tell you excatly please councl for all this .the nephew in the govrnment the jobs no uncl no nephew in govrment friends in the jobs no nephew nobrothers citizes of south sudan .if our govrnment anywhere amercia candan and other bring industrals that is way .third our peoples of ss respect govrnment and spla respcet spla south sudan without spla no south sudan tell our soliders love spla love spla .spla islihgt some of them is forgot spla work of nation .spla work of land our prisdent SALVA KIIR lead your peoples never mind about peoples what he said this peoples it is against you left all this look spla and citizes southerns sudanses who hate SALVA kiir itis hate south sudan by DENG WOL LUETH

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Good Citizen

    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    You are absolutely right when you says, “IDENTITY ISSUE”. Yes, the North Sudan wants to deny them their history and identity of them being from Africa origin. And they should have right to join South Sudan.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    M. Ali

    History and Identity Advocacy View:

    There is no something wrong with words, “Identity and History” of origin when you don’t take as political ideal.
    Blue Nile citizens are still being treated like second citizen in their own land like when did happen to South Sudanese in which it just ended in July 9, 2011.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    Khartuom has lost legitimacy and Bashir plus Minster of Defense must give up power and allow Sudanese to exercise thiers Rights,
    SAF and NCP are forging the War that it end is removal of Corrupted Government. Shame on them NCP and SAF.

    ICC List is extended for launching the war in Southern Kordufan, Blue Nile and Red Sea States. How many War Crimes Counts needed to hangs Bashir, Defense, And Foreign Ministers now, Ocampo should step effort and urge the Security Council to Justify War on Sudan Now as it lost Legitimacy by Killing innocense Civillians.

    Please Take Bashir together with Gadhafi and hang them……….

    I like French action on Libya and must be applied to Khartuom as such. Stop shedding Blood and remove NCP from Power in Khartuom


    Hawai, USA

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    What is Happening in Sudan is Terrorism not Constitution defensive mechanism.
    LT Gen.Agar and Yasir must be cautious on this new style of terrorism on Funji, Nubian and Darfurian. Resist and the World is watching closely on all development for the step to be taken.

    Take War to Khartuom together with JEM, SLA, SPLA approach the international community now.

    Long Live Nubian, Long Live Funji, Long Live SPLM-N


  • harry

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Al bashir has issued a decree expelling Malik Agar as a governor of the Blue Nile State while state of emergency has been imposed over all Blue Nile State…Sources BBC and Sudan TV..


  • harry

    Sudan army attacks SPLM forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N

    Al bashir has issued a decree expelling Malik Agar as a governor of the Blue Nile State while state of emergency has been imposed over all Blue Nile State…Sources BBC and Sudan TV..


  • Jack

    Sudan army attacks SPLA forces and governor’s residence in Blue Nile: SPLM-N
    How ironic it is for you to think that you can trust Omar el- Beshir and his men. He is a lion in sheep’s skin, he might smile to you and open is mouth to show his breath teeth. He just did it to make you feel good and calm, but little do you know what motives he has in his heart. It is said, you can not share a den with a lion or snake, or else you’ll turn into ferry. You people find it hard to listen or better yet see what is going. He is nothing else but snake that can scroll beside you and you’ll not notice it movement. The man just visited Southern Kordofan States few days ago and upon his return he orders for an assault on SPLM-N in El Damazin and on the elected governor of Blue Nile State, Malik Agar. People how dead are you in your brain? And how blind are you that you cannot see an enemy coming toward you ready to kill you. He came to calm you down but the motives of his visit are to cleanse you from your homes and sack your governor at the same time. He has no remorse or guilt for killing you while you’ve turn your back. They say if you want to kill your enemy faces him or her eye to eye. But yet el Beshir and his men will rather kill you while you are not seeing him coming. Please, let me make myself clear here and I know that you knew Beshir visited Southern Kordufan State on August 23. So this tells me that he came face to face with his enemy and yet they did not see his motive for coming there at all. Why can you at least open your eyes a little bit and look inside the box of presents for what you were given. It might not be a present but just an empty box to make you feel an urge to stay and welcome your visitor. That’s what el Beshir did to the people of Blue Nile State few days after his visit in Southern Kordufan State; he brought you an empty box of present and inside it was a motive and you couldn’t see it. He came to access the situation first and to find out how weak you are so that he can prepare himself and get ride of you at the end. He just proves it to you by waging a war, although he claimed and called for a ceasefire for two weeks. He knew that you are so weak and helpless. This is an act and motive of the enemy who is willing.
    The below picture just shows how untrustworthy the man is, from the picture you can see and tell how he put those deceitful smile.

    My people the black African of Sudan it is time that you should wake up and unit yourself together and build an army that can march against the evil government of Omar el-Beshir. See how the people of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya did it to their evil leaders. Unit I say and claim your land from the intruders who came 50 or 60 years ago and now they claim your land as their. They have seduces you with their fake religion, language, and names to make you feel accepted as one of them but now they have access to all of your possessions and they can’t leave. Do you know why, because you allowed them to deceit you with the religion, language, and names? Didn’t you know that they came ready to mesh up with your minds and to make you feel and think that they are good people but little did you know their intentions for coming? You even let them marry your daughters just for them to mix up with your blood so that they can raise kids in your likeness. This way you can not reject or tell them to go away. Off course, you know very well that a child born between two enemies bring peace and laughter’s. But little did you know why your enemy is laughing. He laughs because he already achieved his goal that is by blinding you to accept and let your daughters’ marriage them or their sons. Just for them to be able to raise kids through you and tomorrow they’ll have access to all of their lands. They promised themselves long time ago by saying, all those will one day be yours. And this people will not open their mouth against you because you have the right to the land just as they too have the right to it. You gave them a child of your blood, you taught them your religion and language, and you accepted to welcome them to be your equal after all you gave them you’re your names, although you know that you don’t meant it in your hearts. Ah! What an irony that it is my black African, you’ve allowed yourselves to be deceit. You allowed them to makes you feel and look like an idiot. Because you took everything for granted thinking that you are like and yet little did you knows that that was meant just to possessions your lands.

    The few colored in Sudan claimed that they are Arabs although they know very well that they are not. Tal ga wahit acuwet min rijilu le sar fi rac. Gisimu acuwet lakin hu bi kelim inu huwa arab. Al suwal hina: Inta arab min wen/fein? Inta allazahir sudani min rac le kura. Wahit bi kelim, la arab, asan an bikelim al lugga wa kaman an muslim. Ya allah! Yani din wa lugga bi wadi jol bi ger wa bikun arab. Bada miten? Lala anna insimi Ali, Mohamed, Idiris; wa hu bi ruwa kede wa kede. Inta min fein? Anna min samal? Fein fi samal? Umduraman, Khartoum, lala anna min el jezira. Wahid kabsu lahadi racu kaman ma bi fekir kuwec.

    Just don’t buy into the notion of the name, religion, and language because they cannot change you to become someone else. You’ll always remain a black African whether you like it or not because it is there in you blood. You are who you are, I don’t care where you say you held from north, east, south or west. The identity issue is just an illusion meant to deceit you into thinking that you belong among certain group of people who are oppressing their fellow countrymen/women. I write in English but I can not claim that I am English this will be fault. Losing one language and adapting a new one can not make you become the people whom you speaks their and the same goes to my black African of Sudan. Just look at Omar el Beshir and look at the soldier in front of him there is no different between him and the man or the rest of the soldiers. Just that you have a cruelly hair it doesn’t make you and Arab. El Beshir is not an Arab; his grandparent black African of Sudan who lost their language through islamization and arabization of the people in the north.

    This reminds me of living in Kenya in the 1990s. I met a lot of Somalia in Kenya who claimed that they are Arab just because they practiced Islam and their names are Muslim names. But few years ago some managed to come to the west and particularly those who came to America were dismayed to find that there are more colored people in America than them(Somalia. And the colored people here in America are even more bright compared to they (Somalian) of Somali. They Somalia have no choice but to accept the fact that they are black African from Somalia. This is how we human deceive ourselves and the identity crisis is not an issue in Sudan only, is a world wide issue and a phenomenon which needs to be get ride of by people who knows and reasons well. The Sudanese needs to stop lying to themselves and accept the fact that they are black African from Sudan; and although some of them have lost their language due to assimilation to few Arabs who came from Turky, Persian, and Arabia, it does not mean that they have to confirm to the Arabs issue of identity crisis. Little do they know that when they go to the Arabia, they are often looked upon as abid (slaves) nothing else.

    Mu advice to you, just don’t give in yet you have a lot of chances to claim your birthright back from your enemy. Unit my black African with all your hearts and fight the enemy and they will flee back where they come from and they’ll not look back again. They only threaten you with their mouth just to bring fear in your hearts. It is said, he who talks too much will not be heard, but he who speak only a few words his message will reach the hearts. And it is true you will indeed make your message be heard once you all come together from the south, east, north, center and west, united under one leader to face your enemy. You brother from the Beja, Fur, south, and you in the center can make a change and a lasting change for your children generations to come. You just can’t loose your home to your enemy to sleeps on your bed, while you sleep under the tree. Send them to go back to Turky, Persian, and Arabia that’s where they belong not in Sudan or Africa. They have lied to you about their religion, language, names, and friendship, but these were all based on lie and deceit.

    Long live the Beja
    Long live the Fur
    Long live the Nuba
    Long live south Sudan
    Long live Sudan our mothers land

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