Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea

September 3, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The Sudanese government has been secretly conducting negotiations with North Korea for the purchase of medium-range ballistic missiles, short-range missiles, and anti-tank missiles, according to a leaked US diplomatic note.

Models of a North Korean Scud-B missile (C) and South Korean Hawk surface-to-air missiles are seen at the Korean War Memorial Museum in Seoul February 17, 2011 (Reuters)
Models of a North Korean Scud-B missile (C) and South Korean Hawk surface-to-air missiles are seen at the Korean War Memorial Museum in Seoul February 17, 2011 (Reuters)
The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in the cable marked secret that Washington has information that in 2008, Sudan was negotiating a weapons deal.

“We want to raise this information with Sudanese officials, urge them not to engage in missile-related cooperation with North Korea, and emphasize that such a deal would be a clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1718” the cable reads.

The UN sanctions imposed in 2006 include a ban on trade in nuclear and missile technology with North Korea, as well as an arms embargo. They also banned trade with a number of North Korean firms and called for asset freezes and travel bans on some North Korean individuals.

“In addition, we want to note that the ballistic missiles North Korea sells, such as Scud and No Dong systems, are considered to be Category I missiles by the multilateral Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) because of their range and payload capabilities, and because they are inherently capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction (WMD). As such, Sudan should consider that its acquisition of WMD-capable ballistic missiles would be destabilizing to the region and negatively affect the international community’s perception of Sudan’s commitment to maintaining peace with the Southern Sudan”.

“Sudan should consider the effect of the acquisition of such ballistic missiles on neighboring countries. Sudan’s purchase of ballistic missiles would be destabilizing to the region and a particular concern to neighbors within range of the missile. These countries would obviously question whether they were the intended targets of these weapons and whether Sudan intended to use these missiles to attack them”.

“Sudan’s purchase of ballistic missiles could threaten Southern Sudan militarily and undermine the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), as well as send a message of hostility to armed rebel groups in Darfur”.

“Given the serious implications of cooperation with North Korea in the procurement of missiles or missile-related technology, we strongly urge Sudan not to engage in such missile activity with North Korea”.

The US Charge d’Affaires Alberto Fernandez met with the then foreign affairs ministry undersecretary Mutrif Sideeg to convey Washington’s concerns and get clarifications from Khartoum. Sideeg simply promised to pass the information on to the appropriate channels.

The Sudanese official underscored that his country is a member of the international community, and respects all UNSC resolutions. He stressed that Sudan has no aggressive or hostile intent towards any of its neighbors, Government of South Sudan (GoSS) or its governing party the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Sideeg however said that Sudan has a right to defend itself and noted that the SPLA had recently acquired T-72 tanks and other war material from Ukraine.

He further disclosed that Sudan had pressed both the Russians and Ukrainians through their Embassy in Cairo about the inadvisability of such sales. Sideeg further alleged that the American company Dyncorp had also been involved in the transaction. Fernandez responded that he believed the claim of Dyncorp involvement in arms sales to South Sudan is false.

In September 2008 it was revealed that 33 Soviet-era T-72 tanks and BM-21 multiple rocket launch systems on board a Ukrainian cargo ship that was hijacked by Somali pirates for four months had been destined for southern Sudan via Kenya. Kenya’s government denied it and said the tanks were for its military.

At the time Sudan summoned the Kenyan ambassador to protest against what it said were illegal shipments of arms to its semi-autonomous south.

This is not the first time reports emerge that Sudan is seeking access to high-tech weapon systems.

In 2008 it was reported that China has shipped its latest-version FN-6 portable ground-to-air missiles to Sudan. They are considered to be the most advanced ground-to-air missiles China has introduced to the international market.

A year later the Kanwa Defense Review Monthly magazine said that Sudan managed to buy an unknown number of WS-2 multi-launch rocket systems from China as well.

This was the first time this system is exported by China to any country, the Defense magazine reported adding that Sudan now is in possession of the “most powerful long-range attack system” in the African continent.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    The NIF leaders are importing more lethal weapons to kill civilians whilst the International Community is closing its eyes and ears about the Genocides that are taking place in North Sudan against Africans simply because the NIF Killers have been rewarded by USA and Europe.

    But these weapons will never silent the people of South Kordofan, Darfur and South Blue Nile whom Almighty God is the creator.

    The humanised heart Leaders will come to power in USA and Europe who will just act on humanity rather than on Oil as Sakozi, Cameron and Obama are doing in Libya.

    Lives should come first before Oil Mr Sakozi!

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    The offsprings of slave traders in Khartoum still think they must maintain their supremacy in all spheres of life in the region. For centuries they existence has been dependent on the exploitation of the poor african man’s natural resources. This is because they had an upper hand on weapons over the poor assegais and arrows the black man had then. It is no suprise they would want this continue. They can do anything to maintain this type of situation. The only thing the international community can do is stay vigilant and be prepared to disarm them militarily if it is necessary. The people are forces of evil that must be eliminated or brought under control to get civilised.

  • Khartoum92

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    None of this weapon is used against civilians and never will, SAF had missiles since 1998 but were never used against civilians. They are not to be used against civilans..

  • Bush

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    Wa!, our leaders should not just sleep, embezzle public and development funds and think that the war is over, they should open their eyes wide otherwise we will all perish one day if we are not careful about the developments which are going on in the North Sudan under the leadership of the NCP.

    NCP is a threat not only to South Sudan but to all Africa as well and removing it from the power is the best option as it was suggested by the Ethiopian PM.

  • Dinkawarrior

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    It’s the advantage of 1997 Oil Peace deal of Dr. Riek Machar. So do not be surprise about it but Let no man hide for his messes.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    Civilians were killed by the SPLA in different wars against rebillions like the one in Myoum where more than 7500 houses were burned or by tribal wars instigated by SPLA soldiers where almost 1000 civillian were killed.

    All this was not done by the jalabba army!

  • Kolnyang youth
    Kolnyang youth

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea

    Black Africans in Sudan are finishing one by one and US government is without helping them as they done it in Libya.

    Oh God i know you will be the once to help our people in that suffering .

    Anti-tribalism in Faculty of Law Kampala international university .

  • Mangokdit

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    Sorry! my dear,mohmmad ali let me advise u concerning your statement that SPLA had done bad to yr community, but u can see what the galabas is doing rather than blaming SPLA shame on you.U shouldn’t look internally but externally bashir with his fucken leaders should face icc.
    Thanks mangokdit.

  • DeltaBravo

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    Mohammed stop mixing reality and lies. It was exaggerated lie by commissioner who happened to be SSLA supporter. You can support NCP ,but still they got to go. God is great.

  • akot

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    are u happy with NCP mahommed?

  • akot

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    ahahahaha, Dinka don’t worry about the messes,it is nothing, we got use to it, because we were born in it, grew up in it, and we are now getting old in it,so Missiles are nothing to SPLA/M

  • Thon Anyaar
    Thon Anyaar

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    NATO and US air strike is coming to Khartoum soon, it’s just a matter of time, you wait and prove me wrong!!

  • DeltaBravo

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    To Akot

    You are right about that. They used to fire such missile from JUBA to Magiree during the civilwar,and you know how far is Magiree from JUBA.

  • Abraham Ayom
    Abraham Ayom

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    These are just a threats, even if Bashir acquire million of military hadware for war within sudan, still cannot do anythings. 25 years fighting with South Sudan and they arabs were unable to achieve their targets. At these time Arabs has no manpower the black African people who can fight war like before,so where will the get people? Darfurian are already emenies Khartoum regime, Nubain in South Kordfan, Blue Nile people and South Sudan are totally different entitiies.

    Bashir is wasting his time for nothing and he just want to die with the innocent arabs in Khartoum because he is old, outdated and wanted by the ICC.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    These regions need mutual respect from NCP when it comes to theirs Histories and Identities of origins. Because these regions are mostly having different backgrounds from the rests f the North Sudan. In my view, it is not a good way NCP to force them against theirs wills.

  • Northern Sudanese
    Northern Sudanese

    Wikileaks: Sudan negotiating purchase of missiles from North Korea
    hmmmmm nice weapon. would be usefull in bombing juba!!!!!!!!

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