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Sudan Tribune

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UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts

By Julius N. Uma

September 5, 2011 (JUBA) – Repeated waves of inter-communal violent conflict and rebel activities in South Sudan have led to the deaths of more than 1,500 people and the displacement of over 73,000 in recent months, says a recent UN report.

Soldiers and armed civilians mix in the market,  Jonglei state (Allvoices)
Soldiers and armed civilians mix in the market, Jonglei state (Allvoices)
It was released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and conducted by the inter-agency assessment teams and local authorities between 29 August and 1 September. 

The team focused on people displaced from South Kordofan state and the recent inter-communal fighting in Jonglei, between the Murle and Luo Nuer, which left over 640 people dead, hundreds injured and several children abducted.

According to the report, however, the overall security situation in South Sudan remained relatively calm during the week, amidst reported incidences of tension.

“Humanitarian actors focused on responding to those affected by inter-communal fighting in Jonglei, as well as persons displaced into South Sudan from South Kordofan,” the report says.

In September 130 UN peacekeepers and two UN military liaison officers were reportedly deployed in Pibor county, Jonglei state to counter a possible reprisal attacks in the aftermath of the large-scale inter-communal attack on 18 August.

“The peacekeepers will remain on the ground for 14 days and will conduct short distance patrols during that time. Several daily low-flying UNMISS flights are also patrolling areas of possible inter-communal tension in Jonglei,” says the UNOCHA report. 

An integrated team of military and civilians from the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) have also reportedly been deployed within the state’s Uror county to monitor the situation and work with local authorities to avert further uprisings.

Humanitarian agencies, the report revealed, will provide emergency relief to 3,800 persons displaced in the Motot district of Uror county; and 10,680 persons in the villages of Karam and Pulchoul.

The UN has also expressed deep concerns over continued tension in North Sudan’s Blue Nile state, citing an indiscriminate bombing incident, which reportedly occurred east of Kurmuk on the border with Ethiopia from 1-2 September, as well as clashes in Damazine, the state capital.



  • Khartoum92

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    What the hell is cowboy kiir doing, Thats a big number. Can you imagine how the UN would of acted if just 5 people died in a western country.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    Any loss of lives is regretable and those who take lives must be brought to justice.

    But the real questions that need to be answered are:

    1. Why Al-Bashir and his Arab Militia slaughtered 300,000 Darfurians in cold blood?

    2. Why Khartoumers kept silent over Al-Bashir’s documented remarks that; I do not want POWs, nore do I want to see the wounded”

    3. Why should Northern Sudanese people uprise against the President who bought and still buying lethal and sophisicated weapons to kill innocent civilians the owners of resources and tax money he is using?

    4. Where are Dr Baldo and Al-Bagadi, or are they happy with the killing in Blue Nile, Nuba Mts and Darfur?

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    Un has no role in South Sudan,just to report and report,the killing of innocents civilians,by SPLA and Rebels i want them to talk about removable of Kiir in the government,he is a stupid president in Africa they are soppose to talk about insecurity issue to save lives of people of South Sudan,they don’t care about their people

  • sam Dut
    sam Dut

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    i hated the way people insult our president in this forum. problem is not Kiir. community where majority are primitive there is high rates of death cause by many factors. to transform our people, it need collective stop killing in South Sudan, start with you. talk to your brothers, relatives, friends etc about the effects of killing ourselves.your preaching will alleviate causes of killing.

  • Gogrialboys

    A nation that becomes a displace camp.
    To my beloved president Kiir Mayardit, and Dr. Riak Machar Teny,
    “I’m saddened as citizen of Southsudan, to still see our people killing themselves like animals in your watch.” I thought this barbaric killings of innocent lives, be put to end after the independence, but that turn to be not the case. Mr. president, when are you and your government going to provide security to our people? It has been six years now without your government putting tough measures, to scare those criminals that are taking lives of innocents every day.

    Looking back to the atrocities that has taken place during the interim period, and to the recent report in Jonglei revenge killings, it’s heart breaking. I wander what nation and leadership, are we going to prove to the world body and those who always doubt our ability to govern our selves. People always expect their government to provide security to their families and their properties, but if the government failed to protect them, then that when citizens take laws into their own hands.

    Again, the government that cannot provide security to its people, is the government that is doomed to failed. What I always see from our politicians at Juba, is the fight of positions and regional representations, while for getting the suffering of our people in the villages. No one in the government that represents, and share the suffering and insecurity of our rural populations, whether in the state level, or national. CPA has gone, and the people of Southsudan should not again be told that their suffering lies in the hands of Northern government ever.

    Our people have suffered enough, and it is time for you the president and your government, to prove to people of Southsudan that they will not seek food from the North. And this will only happen, if you the president takes the security of our people seriously so that, they will be able to tilt their land without fear. The dependency of our people to relief food is not going to be helpful in the long run. I’m worried that our country is seem to be ran by UN, due to displace population. My government, the people of Southsudan are hopping to see change in their lives, and security improved.

  • Predicted

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    Kiir chose to be the father of our country and is therefore accountable for everything that happens within it. If he can not figure out how to solve these problems…then South Sudan has a fundamental problem.

    Don’t get me wrong, I admire our President, but any problem in South Sudan, no matter which tribes involved is his problem and he must find the remedy for each problem in order to keep his honor.

    Leaders provide solutions and do not blame others when issues arise.

    A Leaders put himself (and his belly) aside and find ways for his country to prosper.

    Ask Kiir about his vision for South Sudan.

    Where does he see us in the future?

  • Alier42

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    Kiir,s goverment knows how spend money on their affairs but ,they can not defend their innonce civilians.

  • DeltaBravo

    UN report: 1,500 killed and 73,000 displaced in S. Sudan conflicts
    TO Mrs Kon

    Stop insulting our President. the problem of killing is not Government,it is Tribal especially Upper Nile are the one killing each other and they try to blame it on H.E Sava Kiir. Blame upper Nile killing on President Kiir is like blaming your problem on somebody. Look at Northern Bhar al Ghazal Equatoria, and Western Bhar al Ghazal they never attack on each other. Do you think they dnt have Cattle in that region? or do you think they dnt know how to fight. It is stupidity of the States and their Chief ,Governors who dnt know how to Convience their own Citizen. I blame all the killing in SouthSudan this day on UPPER NILE Iam not pointing my finger on any Tribes in UPPER NILE. But to the Region in general.

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