Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan

September 5, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese opposition forces will organise a demonstration on Friday demanding to stop the war in South Kordofan and Blue Nile and to investigate who started the attacks.

A supporter of the Uma party  (AFP/File)
A supporter of the Uma party (AFP/File)
Clashes erupted last Saturday in Blue Nile state between the Sudanese army and fighters of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N). The two parties have also been fighting since last June in the neighboring Southern Kordofan.

In both cases, every side accuses the other of starting the hostilities. Over 160,000 people were forced to flee their homes in the Southern Kordofan but the government refuses to allow international aid groups to provide humanitarian assistance or to open camps. In the Blue Nile no estimations have yet been done.

In a meeting chaired by the leader of the Uma National Party (UNP) Sadiq al-Mahdi, the opposition National Consensus Forces (NCF) agreed to address a memorandum to the Sudanese presidency to demand to stop war and seek peaceful settlement for the conflict in the southern and western parts of the country.

Reliable sources told the Sudan Tribune the decision has been taken that demonstrators will gather next Friday outside Al-Mahdi mosque and the house of the late leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Mohamed Ismail al-Azhary in Omdurman.

Then the anti-war demonstration will move to the presidential palace in Khartoum to hand the memorandum (called Declaration of the Sudan) to President Omer Hassan al-Bashir. A meeting will be held on Thursday to mobilise the street to take part in the peaceful demonstration.

President al-Bashir held yesterday a meeting with the political parties to brief them about the causes of the clashes and accused the SPLM-N of igniting the war. The SPLM–N and its allies from the rebel groups also called on the opposition to join them in the struggle against Khartoum’s government.

The political opposition is frustrated by the refusal of the ruling National Congress Party to hold a national conference to resolve armed conflicts in Darfur, Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan. They blame Bashir’s party for the rejection of a comprehensive and inclusive process they propose.

Mariam Sadiq al-Mahdi, leading member of the National Consensus Forces, stated in a press conference held on Monday after meeting of the opposition alliance leaders that the memorandum aims to stop war in all the parts of the country.

She also called for a popular support to their demand to investigate the reasons of armed conflicts in the Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan, stressing that the opposition strongly condemns the bloody clashes.

“We must stop the war, and probe the causes of the armed clashes, because the war only bring devastation, destruction and international intervention (in Sudanese affairs),” said Mariam.



  • Mabor Yiel
    Mabor Yiel

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    I don’t believe the so-called opposition parties will demonstrate as the head line read. If so, then there need to topple the NCP regime under Bashir leadership right away instead of peaceful demonstation.

    NCP party is too deform to be reform.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    It is a positive step from the opposition forces to reject this unwanted renewal of war by the NCP. Omar Al-Bashir and his aides are 100% war mongers and war lords. I can’t see light at the end of the tunnel in Khartoum while the NCP is still in power!


  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    The monster in the Republican palace in sharey Jumhuria needs to be got rid of for the region to be at peace. The initiated Pan Arab-Islamic conferences in Khartoum and then instituted harsh Islamic laws in the country and drove the country into disaster. The system must go to for the people of Sudan to see peace and freedom. To hell with NCP.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    Any efforts used to denounce and reject the war in the South of North Sudan (Blue Nile, South Kordofan and Darfur is absolutely welcome.

    So name it “Friday of stopping the NIF’ ethnic cleansing war”

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    The daughter of Al Sadig Al Mahdi dreams of the throne will never come true! The era of inheritace of political postions has gone with Hosni Mubark, Gadafi and Ali Abdulla Salih and Bashar Al Asad on the way. She tried before to demonstrate more than once and she failed. She will fail again!

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    Ya mohammed ali,

    Don’t go personal with Mariam Al-Sadiq. Look at her substance for initiating this peaceful demonstration. She is rejecting the war. Though I do respect your blind support to the war and the NCP of Al-Bashir, do not let your emotions control your moral and ethic. Step back and look at what the NCP is doing!!! You have been always talking or preaching about what war produces. It produces devastation, destruction and hatred. For how long do you want the remaining part of Sudan being tore up and apart in pieces? Sometimes, I wonder whehter you’ve really got credentials from a recognized university or institute!!!


  • Sam.Eto

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    It takes 2 to battle. The SPLM are no angels ! The have their interests for power and control – look at south sudan dominated SPLM NOW. The reason why you blindly support them is because they are Western backed – who have their own interests primiraly to have puppets control africa for them e.g Kiir. It also is to protect Israel. Simple – anyone who resists and not support israel or the west is a thug, terrorist or dictator. Anyone who does is good – but so not true – Eithiopia, Kenya, Uganda South Sudan – all lead by thug dictators only difference between them and bashir is they kneel before the americans and bashir kneels to god only. Let these antichrist followers lead you ignorant people to hell.

    All rebels in Sudan, darfur’s Khalil, Nur or Minawi. SPLM’s Arman, Agar or Hilu – They are not fighting for anyone but themselves. Tell me ONE thing they have done for the people they saw called represented. Other then build fancy houses and buy luxuries the SPLM – North or South have done everything for themselves, family or clans. They are hypocrites just like the West – This facade of human rights and bla bla is Bull to control people. Soon you will realise when all you brainless, western fanatic idiots see otherwise.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    @Mohammed you always keep endorsing genocidal regime of ALbashir. ALbashir is despot. precisely, what is he to you?.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan

    Despite the dark side of some few members of the SPLM, the SPLM proves to be a capable party to govern in its own term. You can choose to fly into Juba and you can easily smell the wind of freedom, democracy and system-in- place. It is beyond any imagination to believe how the newst nation has been on the right truck from early days of independence. The Government of Republic of South Sudan has legally and officially recognized the opposition party in the parliament. Its leader is paid nearly equivalent to the speaker of the parliament. You can speak out your mind freely against the government without fear. Activities of major and minor parties who are opposing the ruling SPLM party are a great prove.


  • Alier42

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    Hostility can not bear any fruits but,i am completely convine by the idea of demonstration ,if it will be possible at all.

  • DeltaBravo

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    To Sam

    SPLM give everybody freedom in SouthSudan and you still blaming them for your own problem. There is no freedom in Khartoum, second SPLM dont poison the Citizen like what the NCP did in Khartoum last two month ago. I live in USA and i know SPLM is very good Party that give everyone freedom. You mention Isreal and West,we lost 2 million in Sudan under GOS as well as NCP involed. There was no Isreal and Western soldeirs killing our p[eople during the Civilwar. Think twice before you write nonsene on this web about another Country. Please stop using Isreal to support your regime in Khartoum otherwise your wasting time.

  • Matung Neng-neng
    Matung Neng-neng

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    Add, right now, there is fight among NATO, English’s house who take no action when black’shouse lead by Obama and the French’s house were moblizing Libian Civilian to make revolution, after both Black and French houses successed, English’s house attack them and want drive out both house from Libya. Result whether both houses will continue in Libya or not is an known.

  • Sam.Eto

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    What planet are you on. Non of what you said is true. The stench of juba is killing people.

  • Ahmado

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    Dear all khartoums the problem of sudan isn`t easy to solve.Why,because people of sudan they are divided along the religious system does why people of south sudan were marginalise, and they pick up a guns to fed their dominate.as am talking today the people who made confusion in sudan and brought sufering so many parts of country is Hussen al Turab which brought the suferring in the country.When Bashir making a coup aganist Sadiq al Mahad Turab was known as God father for Bashir and planing for Bashir to take over 30.june.1989 and his aim to strangthen the Bashir to finish war aganist Sudan people liberation movement(SPLA/M) then Turab recruited mony force to come and fight the people south sudan does why people decide vote for seperation so that they have stay away from Arabs because they will make people restless.and they said muslim cannot kill muslim but now they are killing them selve and turn war aganist their fellow.

  • Junub sudan
    Junub sudan

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
    Mohammed Ali

    am very sure that Ms Mariam party will do what they said on Friday and am wishing them best .we are tried of your father Al Bashir act .am hoping that Darfuor will not give bashir Room these time around .ICC will take Bashir this time to Court of his crmin he did in Dafuor Region .

    thanks .
    God Bless Dafuor people of been suffering since 2003 upto now .

  • syklops1

    Opposition forces to demonstrate against wars in Sudan
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