Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

September 6, 2011 (BENTIU) – A major rebel group in South Sudan, which had been based in Mayom county of Unity state, has agreed to relocate to Mapul county of Lakes state in order to be integrated back in to South Sudan’s army (SPLA).

Gen. Peter Gadet (centre) is welcomed by Mayom commisioner Martin Machot Deng (right) after agreeing to a ceasefire with the SPLA on 2 September 2011 (ST)
Gen. Peter Gadet (centre) is welcomed by Mayom commisioner Martin Machot Deng (right) after agreeing to a ceasefire with the SPLA on 2 September 2011 (ST)
Peter Gatdet’s forces, which split from the SPLA earlier this year had accused South Sudan’s government of being based on corruption and the domination of the Dinka tribe. Gatdet is from the newly independent country’s second largest tribe, the Nuer.

Last month Gatdet declared a ceasefire accepting the offer of an amnesty given by the country’s President Salva Kiir, when he took office in July.

Bol Gatkuoth the spokesman of the South Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM) told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday that their forces had agreed to relocate to Mapel County. Gatkuoth added that the moving out of their stronghold in Unity state was a clear acceptance of the ceasefire.

“Unity State has been a place for many rebels movements, but our going out from it will make both SPLA and SSLA to be in realistic peace talks, and the people of South Sudan shall know we are in acceptance of the amnesty offered by the president of the Republic of South Sudan while taking oath on July 9, as the first president of the new state”.

Rebellions, cattle rustling and ethnic conflicts have accounted for 1,500 deaths and 73,000 displaced in South Sudan in recent months a UN report says.

Gatkuoth said, that South Sudan’s first post-independence cabinet demonstrated that the government is becoming more representative of its diverse population, one of the group’s main issues with the Juba government.

Lack of tribal diversity and leadership skills in South Sudan’s ruling SPLM were two of the main themes in the rebel group’s “Mayom declaration”, which outlined their grievances with Juba.

Handing the ministry’s interior and finance to the Greater Equatoria region gave the government more “balance”, he said. He noted that Unity state still did not have a minister in the cabinet but that South Sudan’s vice president Riek Machar hails from the oil-rich state.

As well as the SSLM, the forces of Gatluk Gai have also entered into a ceasefire with the government in Unity state. However, the armed groups belonging to Bapiny Monytuel Wijang and Puljang Top have yet to respond to the president’s amnesty offer.

Unlike Gatdet, most of South Sudan’s rebellions have been triggered by the contested results of elections in April last year.

Tuonguar Kuey Guong a local chief from Bentiu town told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday he was shocked at the tactics the other rebel groups have used in their insurgencies. He said that mining roads in the state had terrorised civilians.

He strongly called upon the groups still in the bush to follow the example taken by Gatdet and end hostilities.

Gatdet’s ceasefire has been welcomed at home and in the Diaspora as it was feared the SSLM could destabilise the whole region.



  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Gatdet forces shouldn’t be reintegrated into SPLA’s forces again. Gatdet should be send home or given other jobs such as wildlife for now.


    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Who killed Dr Gatluak GAI??
    We need answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sundayw

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    The people of South Sudan should welcome any reconciliation because it’s the best way to weaken RoS leverage on South. RoSS has now more friendly forces in North than North has in South.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    like this man his strategy of dealing with Kiir and other Dinka in the power for nothing.they never see a war in their lives only run away from the war when it intervened. only NUER Naath know how deal with calamities of the war in South Sudan. Government without Nuer Naath in South Sudan is like river without fish.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

  • Jeti

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Welcome back, Mr. Gatdet. You did show us your manhood and we showed you our almighty power.

  • Akumadit

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

    The same person that killed Galuak Gai will kill Gadet in just matter of days to come. I absolutely disagree with the integration of militia forces into civilized and modernized army. What need to be done these gangs group is to put them in a military training camp for period of two years. Gadnet should not be accepted back as a soldier or military leader because he has some questions to answer in court of law from south Sudan public. I’m not encouraging his arrest but just short cut to justice. The same justice that Galuak Gai got. We can not afford paying our lives and resources to people that can not the way they handle their lives. His days are numbered and we the people of south Sudan can not afford to see criminal roaming on our street as if he is hero. Death penality is only solution to Nyagatism which has became the way other tribes make living.


  • Jeti

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

    Check your grammar and spelling, damn!!!!

  • Chol A.
    Chol A.

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Correct yourself friend everyone is a warrier, but you are well known with always backflip. And I know doing it again will not be today execuss!!.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    I want to know actually from the man call Gatdet one issue, where does he always break away and come back, Did he got what he want from North or Did what alway took away from the SPLA has finished, did he been asked what he wants?

    Look at his personal history, Gatdet was born in Bentiu Mayom County from Sub-Nuer Buul.
    He did not went school nor educated
    He was a former Sudan Army Soldier at the time of Nimeri
    He then Joined SPLA in late 1983 and retrained with Tiger Bailtion.
    He was comissioned to the rank of 2nd LT with those of Shield Two who are currently Birgatdiers.
    He defect with Riek in 1991
    He falls apart with Riek in 1992 and Joined William Nyoun, there he cames back to the SPLA with William 1995 and then he return back because he told by william go seek your seniority where your shild two mates are.
    He then come to the SPLA in 1998 when diagreed with Pualino Matip where he was assigned as Division Commander in Unity State by the SPLA but in 2002 he then rejoined Khartoum because he given rest to acquire litle knowledge at school.
    moreover, he come after CPA was signed and commissioned to the rank of Major General.
    Recently he went back to the bush after he seen the country is near to be independent and finally he is now back.

    My question is this Did He find what he wants between South and North, if he dislike one person did that dislike move away from South or not, if it is the Rank, did he find the rank that he want.

    His concept is that, he said the government is been dominated by Dinka but after recently and signed so-called Mayom declaration he then chose Athor to be their Leader.

    My comment is this to the Government, Gatdet need to explain what want if not he seek medical treatment and then face justice because government is not where people dance or cattle camp where you decide what to do.

    Please do not use abusive comment on this article because these facts.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    your English is destroy the GRAMMAR

  • Dinkawarrior

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Dr. Riek Machar killed Dr. Gatluak Gai for so many reasons
    (1) He reveals Riek’s secret to the Southerners that the man had connection with the rebels.
    (2) He tell people of South Sudan that Riek had tied relationship with Khartoum for the last 16 years, after his surrendered himself to the SPLM
    (3) As he said that Riek is still looking for leadership
    (4) And many more.

    The same thing will be happened to Nyagatded, because he gave us more news more than Dr. Gatluak Gai. According to what people said”Adiiit aye thooth adiiit”

  • khan junior
    khan junior

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    We welcome you fully but please never ever go back to the bush.this is your home you are free to feel proud like any other citizen in this new Nation.

    If you feel like you are betray you are free to fight within and not outside our motherland.

    10410 KHAN.

  • gotutu

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    When grains are pure on the floor,a lot of birds, snakes, ants, and sometime animals jump harder for the feeding. The same thing had happened to many Nyagatin. They are joining because of the money that we have at the moment,but if there were no money in the South,the flocks and place would be Khartoum and the South would be destroy within but now nothing can occure since we have a lot of food that can attract those of Gatdet and Banypiny,and more Nuer out there in the jumgle seeking for food instead of leadership. I can not imagine why only Nuer have so mant rebels than the entire South Sudan,perhaps because they are traitors,Nyagatins,and food lovers. The only cure is to provide enough food and they will be fine. We will give them presidency, defense ministers, finance, enery and minigng, Justice and even the entire cattle in the south so that they can get satisfy. Thanks

  • DeltaBravo

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    To Loboi

    if you talk of grammar please used present continue tense atless. Distroying not distroy.

  • Board1

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Wellcome back although u killed people for nothing.
    it has been said by Conolians of Britin and Anglo-Egyptians that a Nuer man can not be allowed to lead either the army,Medical or the Whole Country bcoz of their reclessness, whereby the vein that are helping brains are being cut. we are tied of rebellions everytime. let them have enough bread as it was said by white and don’t mess up the SPLA Dam record with those elitrates officers. in every Batalion/Division and brigades u find them with big ranks and are being translated when they address the army. is that the army or civil military?


  • Board1

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    SSDDRC is here waiting to idsarm them,no excuse this time.
    and no rooms for those ilitrate old men in this army with hundred of dots in their forheats .event police is full. remain only agriculture and cattle

  • Mabor Yiel
    Mabor Yiel

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Integrating Gatdet forces in to mighty SPLA need better watch this time otherwise mixing hot soups with chilly (Cieta) is not good at all.

    We welcome the integration of rebels in to mighty SPLA in Mapel in Western Bahr el Ghazal State, but not in Lakes State.

  • goyuom

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    people it is not place for Grammar lets just appreciate the work done by Gatdet and president G Salva Kiir for accepting peace with rebel which will enable us unity among different South Sudan tribes. but you Dinka take care with you poor advises to our president whom you think belong to Dinka alone
    shame on Dinka
    Kiir is for all and is Good person in nature, except his being drunkard in Home and away

  • goyuom

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    congratulation Mr clever man, Nyadeng can apologize on behave of jonh Garang for killing Nuer commuinty otherwise we Nuer in Jonglei will never have peace with Stupid Bor including their fucken Governor Kuol

  • Board1

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Kiir should take care this time, he is always being misled by wrong advisors from his cland that there are some people wanted to overthrough him and those being mentioned are inocent just only a planning to push them away from the Gov’t, but the big threat to Kiir’s adm. is this integration taking place every time e.g thousends from Paolino Matip’s group,thousends from Tanginya’s group, thousends from Late Galuak Gai’s group,thousends from Peter Gadet’s group two times. they are here in every corner and one day one time those Gogrialis will jump up with the surprise smokes around them. look into all SPLA units. only the army from one tribe.(Nuer) who don’t fight the real, they know only how to kill their Southern brothers

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    But surely what is wrong with the gov’nt to absorbing these pupies too soon in to the National army?
    I thought the armnesty was to bring them out bush and be given a transitional period through which they will be monitored and trained first.
    I know now, Wau Rumbek road is gonna be under seige by these Cloted brain men.
    I suggest they should be retranged all and made civiilian other than remaining military men.

  • amokraanthiec ooyee
    amokraanthiec ooyee

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Congratulation Khamis for your comments,this is a good observation of being a nationalist.First of all the word Gatdet is derive from Nuer language,Gat means child,Det means chicken/goat/dogdomestic animals.Therefore Gatdet is puppy/chick as suggested by tribe.That is the reason as to why this man behave like animal because animal don’t reason.Imagine those two rebellion he held were not having any objectives,vision nor goal.What kind of human being is that? he was borne in Mayom and he started killing people in Mayom.Is that one a human brain or a pig brain? Remember being not educated is a severe illness so this man is sick mentally. The man is like a woman who left the husband during starvation/critical condition and come back when things are all right again.His coming back is associated with economic/financial and political influence not forgetting lack of support from rebels leader Mr Bashir otherwise he did not. To critic this psychosis man,Gatdet is a psychiatric patient whose urgent help is to be admitted for psychotherapy management or otherwise South Sudan criminal Court should trial this mess inane and Innocent murderer.

  • Abednego Majack Macharial
    Abednego Majack Macharial

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

    I hope you know very well that this is Lakes State and not your Unity State where everbody own a militia forces. if your Gadet militias attempt to mistreat the local people, they will finish before reaching Unity State. That is my message to them.

  • goyuom

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Dr Gatluak was kill by wife to Kiir Taban Deng Gai who going to regret later when Kiir marry again

    please Taban don,t sell Bentiu with your big Vagina

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Dear readers

    Those food lovers elements won’t stop rebellion in south Sudan unless they’re given enough food and money or otherwise they will kill more peoples in Mapel army garrison in western Bhar el gazal, Nuers will not change for ever and ever, the worse part of it, educated Nuers are more useless than the once with railway lines on their foreheads
    No thanks to illiterates and visionless Nuers leaders

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Don’t tell us who Gatdet is, He is just a man with chicken’s brain. He is in today and he will be out tomorrow. he is a mad man with no clear reason of holding a gun. He must leave military and look for a carer else where because he is not competent to be a soldier of the Republic. shame on him and his Nuer supporters.


    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    You are right brother, what you wrote is absolutely true this man need to go for medication, otherwise such people will mislead the country if the government doesn’t take proper investigation about his behaviors and conducts but what I reckon for this man is to refrain from politic. His culture has misinform him that’s why he kill his own what message will Gatdet deliver to those parents who lost their sons during his personal pocket rebellion. therefore, no truth any more toward this Hyena or came-lion.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

    Don’t remove a speck in his eye while you leave a log in your eye. This sentence
    “your English is destroy the GRAMMAR” is not grammatically correct either. You are all in the same boat.
    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in angers ends in shame

  • Brobo

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    brother let we sure that English was born in England not South Sudan.
    those who are saying they are English wizard,they are knowing any thing in Education.

  • Martin Muong
    Martin Muong

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    For your information,
    Gatluak Gai was killed by his fellow gangsters. Stop crying over the spilt milk. What is done is done. Now let’s focus on peace in a fledgling republic. There is saying “let bygones be bygones”.

  • Brobo

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    I do congratulation to all Nuer who are saying the right,according to gatdet cannot defect with out any thing bad from spla/m,there is wrong thing they are doing to gatdet,those boys of garang they portent that they are not corruption they are really corrupter. if they are still thinking about such of thing gatdet with kill one among garang his boys.

  • Koang

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Only wises appreciate this, and fools, know everything, but do not worry-rational leaders will change every situation and every enemy back into friend of RoSS, We are here not to make enemies to this new country or destroy it, but to make it more peaceful as it ever been-God is good and do the people of ROSS,

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Welcome back major Gen this your land don,t fear for any body , but taker for your self .

  • Board1

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

    Nuer adopted killing as their education. ask your selves when mad Murle did it to your counties, this is how killing smell. it is a good game betweem Murle and Nuer to continue bcoz education is far from your chindren. event if you are boiled in the drump of education both of u can never learn, that is why u remain like that. you are our future labuors in our farms,shops,factories and manymore things
    Thanks keep on

  • makuei

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    There is no County in Lakes State called ”Mapul” or ”Mapel” as written here by the reporter. It is either the reporter knows less about Lakes State or he needs go back for further training so that the readers are satisfied by accurate reporting next time.

  • Sundayw

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Maybe you need reading glasses or your grammar is not on par with mine. I believe both are true.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Gatdat, Please welcome, you were the lost sheep who doesn’t know the master view and concept and started quarelling on pending issues.
    Every Death cause by You count as Crime and Crime against humanity.
    Note ICC is watching Southern Sudan, You continued Betraying the South to the International Community because of your iliteracy.

    Take Gatdat back to Primary to what is hapening in the World, Today world is diplomacy being spread by Kiirdit.

    SPLA must be cautious with Tame Dog, He has know how to easily got wild and bite randomly, Killing Civilians with Unreasonable. His Useless malnourished Men must be feed FIRST then Retrained them on rule of Law and Order then to Policing. Never Retains thier ambitious ranks. they are misleading the South, How Many Generals do we need to be in this Country??? Is this ARMY Government or CIvilian Government??

    I would suggest that our Army need to be keep at Smallest Size and capable, well discipline without Gatdat men.

    An Idle Mind is a Devil Workshop.

    Davidson De Kuol,USA.

  • James Maker Akok
    James Maker Akok

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    We welcome Gatdet’s forces for peace for South Sudan to be one. Thank

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA

    Mr. Slava now has two choices, either to arrest/eliminate Gen. Tiger Gatdet or he (Gatdet) will waste him (Slava) in no time as he (Gatdet) did to Krebino Kwanyin Bol and William Nyuon in those years.

    Some one asked “what do Nuer wants?”

    I think the Mihgty Nuer Warriors will never stop until they Conquer the greater Upper Nile from Bentiu to Gambella-Buma and from Renk to Mading Bor-Pibor. Thereafter, they (Nuer) will declare it as Nuer empire.

    Nuer raids/invasions always resulted in the capture of substantial numbers of young women and children. Captives taken by the Nuer always includes boys, girls, and young women of
    Marriageable age, but the captives always outnumber the casualties inflicted on Dinka, Anyuak, Burun… by the Nuer Warriors. The loss of a single productive female is thus estimated to reduce her natal population by 3.4 individuals several generations later, and to add a like increment to the population she joins.

    The capture of 372 young women and girls a year during the period of 1818 to 1905 would remove 32,625 productive females from the Central Dinka and Anyuak population and thus eventually decrease that population by 110,915 individuals. The capture of 125 boys a year over the same period would decrease the Central Dinka and Anyuak population by an additional 5,250 persons. In sum, the proposed rate of capture would effectively transfer 116,165 persons from Central Dinka and Anyuak population to that of the Nuer.

  • Tambura

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Corruption and blind vision lack of leadership ambush is what SPLA good at.what is integrate back? south Sudan will never have clear future with those food lovers in office.If we don’t upraise to move them out from office we will never have bright future in south Sudan. God bless south Sudan.

  • jonglei

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    hi, fool! and doom Gatdet! still claiming to be a leader, he had masscred many people, can u tell us what ideas u are pulling from invisible (Nuer)i can,t understand how this was born to society, he alway risk him, coz of raiding their neighbor belonging, without doing this he will be poorest, in fact , the ugly man who never when school, death to him, i look at him and see the equivalent of pile idiot and poor man with a chicken brain, he become so worst than two Doctors mr cunning Riek, macharAND judas Iscariot, who ever feel shame , since he was born in the desperate of Akol Jawin whih was by the Dinka coz of his bad behaviour,

  • Young

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    It has become a culture for our brothers who like rebelling against the Government with no good reason and came back with no good reason.I thought Peter Gadet will not come back to the same Government who he accused of corruption. Well how do we integrate those who have killed innocent civilian like Gadet he should he deserve to be executed.

  • Wundit

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    what’s this English? i only enjoy some comments from very few people, my own view i wanted this man mr Gadet’s should face the same way like Galuak.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    Dear Southerners,
    belive me or not, Peter Gadiet will still create no reason and go back to be rebell against government even if the presidency that Kiir have would be given to Dr Riek Machar Teny who is his tribemate.The only suggestion I can make is that Peter Gadiet must regin from army and let him face his justice.


    Lok T. Simon.

  • Monydit

    Gatdet’s forces to be relocated to Lakes state, integrated into SPLA
    To belle or whoever,
    Your statement is wrong, Nuer rebel in 1991 and the movement went ahead seccussfully up to the independence time, now Nuer should relax knowing that there are really warriors looking after them out there.

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