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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile

September 10, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — A Sudanese official estimated the number of Blue Nile refugees at five thousand while the army said it had broken the siege imposed by rebels on Giessan town near the Ethiopian border.

On 9 September, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) reported that the fight, which started one week ago, between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and rebel group the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) continues to drive civilians out of their homes and into exile in Ethiopia.

Last Thursday the SPLM-N leader Malik Agar told reporters from Kurmuk, which is located south of Geissan and also near the border of the Republic of South Sudan, that his group controls 80% of the Blue Nile, except al-Damazin and al-Roseris located in the northern part of the state.

The Blue Nile military governor Yahia Mohamed Kheir said SAF special forces successfully broke the siege of Geissan and evacuated the wounded soldiers from the town on Friday afternoon. He further dismissed Agar’s statements saying it it is Sudan’s army who control 80% of Blue Nile.

The SAF governor further pledged that the Sudanese army will recover control of the while state very soon.

Khartoum accuses the newly independent state of South Sudan and the ruling SPLM of supporting their former comrades in North Sudan particularly in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The Sudanese minister of information stated that they seized documents proving that the salaries of 20,000 SPLA fighters in the Blue Nile are being paid by the Juba government. She added that the South Sudan government cannot deny this fact.

Sana Hamad al-Awad stressed that elected governor “Agar has lost his loyalty to the country and its constitution.”

Speaking about the humanitarian situation the minister said the official number of people who fled the clashes to the neighbuoring Ethiopia is estimated between 3,500 to 5,000 persons. She added that the government is discussing with Addis Ababa ways to repatriate them back to Blue Nile state.

The minister further urged the political forces to support the army stressing that the government seeks a negotiated solution and respects their initiative to stop the war.

The UNHCR estimated on 9 September that some 20,000 Sudanese refugees had crossed into Ethiopia over the past week. It also said the number internally displaced people has reached 35,000 families according to the Sudanese Red Crescent Society.



  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile
    Congratulation my Agar, just make sure you get rid of these stooges from your state, Bashir is a man of no use absolutely and we are with you all, you are our black Africans. Just go ahead and resist them.


  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile
    And that is the reason why this victory is great, because different players have made contributions to the win.
    We will not going to late you die alone.
    God is great.

  • marhamat

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile
    Another example of slaughter by the government of the north. God will judge you.

  • Mapuor

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile

    Lamentations.those Black Africans from Funj,Ingesana,Mayak,Serkom,Bulduko,Uduk,Jumjum,Gumuz,Komo,Ganza & others are fleeing from Arab massacre.Arabs are now massacring Nubians,they massacred Fur.The whole world & especially Africa should intervene military to stop those barbaric killings by Arabs.

  • mustafa

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile
    i dont understand why always the bad words about north sudan, did u know that only 1% of the population run the country? you want your country take it, you want southern kordofan take it, want to take ur petrol and pip it to kenya? again if you ask me i ll say whatever because if you ask me it doesnt make a damn difference any way they ll tax us more and keep the money to themselves. so enough of you always cursing at our people, race and religion and try to develop ur country and get ur education higher, we know our problem and its ours not yours anymore.

  • mon-mandhal

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile
    Which victory did ,the SAF claim here while ,their criminal leader Bashir ls almost to leave the country for huge?

    He ( Bashir &saf). Will meet the end of thier regim & die shamfully like Sadam Hessin of Iraq whether ,he like or not.

  • mon-mandhal 1
    mon-mandhal 1

    Sudan army speak about new victories in Blue Nile
    The SAF victory in Blue Nile shuold not please them becoz ,they are killing each other.

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