Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei

September 14, 2011 (BOR) – Tension has built up in Jonglei’s capital of Bor in South Sudan after the Bor County Commissioner, called on all young men to go to their villages to protect people as rumors of attacks from Pibor county reached the commissioner.

Commissioner Maker Lual Kuol said that he had heard rumours that members of the Murle tribe, based in Pibor county, were planning new attacks in the next few days.

The warning follows attacks by the Murle in August – itself a response to cattle raids from the Luo-Nuer ethnic group – that killed over 600 people and displaced thousands according to local officials.

Bor’s commissioner told Sudan Tribune on Thursday: “There are some people mobilised to come and attack the area. And of course we have to belief it”.

He said he did not want his people to be caught unaware.

“We have no any other way to inform them unless through announcement by using microphone”, he continued. Infrastructure in newly independent South Sudan is extremely bad.

Lual said he did not know how far the suspected attackers were into Bor county or how many there were. In August’s attacks houses and offices of aid organisations were burnt and thousands of cattle stolen.

On Tuesday 13 September, a group of unknown gunman suspected to be Murle raided cattle in Panwell village, about 40 miles away from Bor town along the Juba-Bor road.

Lual Tiar Gai and Dictor Ayuen Athuor were injured when they tried to rescue the cattle and managed to get to Bor Civil Hospital on Wednesday 14 September. Lual Tiar Gai, the well-known wrestler, suffered from a fractured arm caused by a gunshot wound.

According to Ayuen, it was when they returned after failing to reach the raiders that they fell into an ambush by another Murle group

Speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone from Pan-pitia cattle camp near the border of Central Equatoria and Jonglei state, camp leader Malual Machar said his camp is under threat of raiders.

Machar said his camp had lost 37 calves to raiders on Tuesday, 13 saying his herders had been meeting strange people at the grazing fields, who they suspected of spying on the cattle.

The camp leaders of Pan-pitia and Pan-Muodi camps asked Bor county commissioner and the state government to provide them with police to help protect their cattle in case of any attack.

In a separate interview with the Anyidi MP Thon Nyok said they had been receiving phone calls from Juba, Pibor and Khartoum since 12 September that an unknown number of Murle were moving towards Bor.

Nyok called up on the national government to protect its citizens. After August’s raid the UN and South Sudan army (SPLA) deployed extra troops to the area.

In a meeting conducted by a Bor county youth association under the interim chairmanship of Thon Ayuen, the group called up on the Jonglei state and national government to intervene to present any possible attack.

He said that at this time of year some farmers were harvesting their crops and were very vulnerable in remote locations. The youth group also asked their colleagues at the cattle camps and villages to stay alert.



  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    The commissioner of Bor county is emotionally coward.

    How could you declare war based on rumors and went further to direct the Bor youth to go to war with Murle?

    Are there no security forces to handle the situation instead of calling for tribal wars/??


    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    hahaha, how many tribes are reside in Jonglei state?

  • twins

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    I wouldn’t agree with MIDIT because he needs to alert his people since the government is vulnerable of protecting civilian. Yes commisioner made a great move.

  • Machine

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Excuse Mr.commissioner,are there no security forces in the state to combat that illegal act?.It’s like the illiterate governance in Jonglei state has failed.Why do you keep on doing what you can’t handle? You quite the office,simple like beating a woman.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Madit coward are those people who stabbed other people at the back for example, nuer are coward when the attack Bor Dinkas whille the whol SPLA/M were fight arab in Juba.

    There is nothing called emotional coward if you have intelligences on the ground man. He commisioner of Great Bor county must be correct base on his intelligences on the grounds and that is the great work that we want from any county authority to alert his or her own people to be awear of what is about to happen.

    But for you madit, i cannot blames you because what is called intelligences is beyond nuer thinking capbility. nuer don’t have intelligences in this culture. intelligences is welknown for Dinkas Dominated South Sudan.

    the good exaples of nuer luck of intelligences is the wrong and wicked calcultion of riek machar nassir fail coup which result into surrendered of all nassir groups to mighty SPLA/M which is Dominated by mighty superpower Dinkas.

    shame to un intelligent community of nuer.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Madit coward are those people who stabbed other people at the back for example, nuer are coward when the attack Bor Dinkas whille the whol SPLA/M were fight arab in Juba.

    There is nothing called emotional coward if you have intelligences on the ground man. He commisioner of Great Bor county must be correct base on his intelligences on the grounds and that is the great work that we want from any county authority to alert his or her own people to be awear of what is about to happen.

    But for you madit, i cannot blames you because what is called intelligences is beyond nuer thinking capbility. nuer don’t have intelligences in this culture. intelligences is welknown for Dinkas Dominated South Sudan.

    the good exaples of nuer luck of intelligences is the wrong and wicked calcultion of riek machar nassir fail coup which result into surrendered of all nassir groups to mighty SPLA/M which is Dominated by mighty superpower Dinkas.

    shame to un intelligent community of nuer.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    How long will people stay like this? A permanent solution needs to be found, whatever it is, so as long as it is permanent.

    Ahmed Chol, whatever begins in anger,ends in shame

  • Board1

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    That one is not a declaration of war, raiders can do anything in front of the police or any gvt forces, let the youth protect the inocent civilians and their properties, Murle are mad, why don’t they follow their catlles in Nuer land?

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Why does the government allow Murle to disarm themselves? Their chiefs were told to collect the guns and give it to the government because of fear of clashes. No guns were collected. Look at what they did to Lou and what they are doing now. Since Salfa has failed to disarm this ugly creatures,
    Lou, Anyuak, Bor and Mundari need to disarm Murle. If this is going to mean one big grand fighting, then be it, so that peace can prevail in South Sudan. If this will mean Rwanda, then be it. This community will not stop until they get massively displaced and they become refugees in neighbouring countries.

    This ugly tribe need to be eradicate for peace to prevail in Jonglei and in South Sudan. They are taking away the hard earned peace from the local people.

    Salfa has failed to disarmed the Murle and the neighbouring tribes need to divide Murle into section they will disarm separately.

    Quol Quot

  • Space

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    if that information is verified that Murle are planning an attack, then that is the work of Govt security agencies to safe guard people life and properties. Civilians should not just be allowed to slaughtered themselves like animals when the Govt is there. we need peole, we need more people otherwise it will be useless to have a country without people.

  • Akumadit

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Dinka Dominated SPLM/A,

    You are about absolutely brother in your reponse. Nuer of today are not good for anything other than just looking for opportunities to divided as south Sudanese. In 1991, the greed of power made Riek Machar along with majority of Nuer militians to declared war on Dinka Bor in order to topple dr. Garang from the chairmanship of SPLM/A. Also Paulino Matip claimed that he was fighting along with Islamic regime against the SPLA to protect oil. Com’on folks, the so called Nuer have always been known for only one thing, betrayal! It is their culture. Independent of south Sudan was supposed to be in the early 1990s other than 2005 & many lives would have been saved. Yes, the commissioner of Bor County made a right call base on intelligence collected at many avenues. It is time for every community to defend their people. I don’t support violence but self defend is very important.

    Best regard,

  • Dakkin

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    I can not belame this Bor commissioner, let us all pray hard so that salva kiis die from alcohol or HIV and quickly sdo that Murle can put down their arms with no harms.

    Pay attention Mading Bor! Don’t panic!

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    A commissioner whose state was attacked before is mobilizing his youth, and readying for war. He was once bitten and now twice shy. A decision has been made, soley based on rumors. Now the question is: what happen to the troops already present in his state? And why not ask for more troops if needed, instead of making such a terrible decision?. What part of “government troops” the commissioner dosen’t understand?. I’m tottaly against cattle raiders, and I think they should be captured and punished by imprisonment; however, the commissioner’s decision is unjustified. This is not how we should do business; in fact, this is monkey business.

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    So long as you people are provoking Murle, wanting to wipe them from the face of south sudan,vilifying murle everyday, and over exaggrating nonsense for the sake of it,Murle have all the rights to life and to defend themselves.How many massacres have Murle suffered and none reported? Murle are being Massacred by Dinka Bor, Lou Nuer and and many other Dinkas. Murle number is diminishing and SPLA is conniving with Dinka/Nuer to clense Murle.this is a big crime against humanity. i call all Equatorians in the SPLA to watch out this ethnic clensing of Murle.Murle shoudl defend themselves because no one is providing security for them.we will relcoate Murle to Greater Equatoria if need be.

  • Deng-monydit

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    My friends, we are just setting on a chairs and behind our computers talking no sense. But the true is that the government is fail and trying to blames problems on civilians. How come that every corner in the nation is complaining of insecurity? Simply the leadership is weak. And now allowed UN peacekeeping troops to intervenes when it has over one tenth of its population jointed the army.
    Amazingly, there is a unit or units of SPLA in almost every state doing nothing but drinking alcohol in a villages by threatening civilians. Yes, I agree with the fact that army is to defend the nation from external enemy, but what about internal conflicts? Our police system is
    corrupted and made them functionless to protect civilians because the are not armed. Question is this, do government know of insurgents than rebels?. This raiders are the insurgents that will fail South Sudan if the government don’t act. Many will Flees to cities and there will be more shortage of services than they are now crying for high price of foods and the death will be so severe badly than now.

  • peace

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    MEIDIT You don’t know what you are saying,rumours sometime became true, your comment are always irrelevant and contrary.let commissioner moblise his community,this people call M-Murderest
    so these people don’t joke they will attack them you have readed they raid panwell and injure this strong man i saw in a video restling beween mundari and Bor,he is a strong guy, Bor must miss him because he will not do the same work he had been doing again.very small tribe is disturblise the whole state,BOR North and South,Nuer Lou,Gawar should look into this issue,why are they disturbing peole,am blaming Governor with his assitance,they are doing zero work,why don’t they suspend the pibor commissioner this guy is doing nothing,why should he allow his youth to attack others tribe shame on him.
    IF peole that murle attack moblise themselves,surely people do you thing they will alive,event ant will not remain on the South sudan soil,plize murle intellectual advice your people one day you will pay the prize,everything has repecession.
    takecare Arab are using you to kill your brothers,hw about if your neibourgh tribe in Ethiopia being supported by Ethiopia Governtment attack you whom do you thing will help you,BOR,NUER ARE THE ONE WHO WILL HELP YOU,Why should you kill your bro and loot thier properties,kidnapped thier children STOP!STOP!THIS BARBARIC ACT.
    BY Innocent Man Awaynhom

  • Deng-monydit

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    @ Acuil deng, it look like you don’t know about South Sudan constitution; yes, you are right to call that unjustified move if you are in western world. But in this nation things are different brother; in fact there is troops in that state of Jonglei, particularly Bor county; but the commissioner, and governor don’t have authority to order troops on gangs but president.
    Many request had been made by leaders across the country where in security is problem but president turned deaf ears to them. Policemen and policewomen are there and not armed, the only carried sticks on streets. So what do you think the commissioner should do? When he don’t have other way out to help. I personally called it the good move to encourages his youth to protect themselves.
    Brother, there is nothing call rumors in this nation, and don’t truths it’s intelligences either; they are intelligences of gangs dressed in government uniforms.

  • peace

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Thank for telling us nothing,not provoking do you read news?have you ever heard Bor attacking murle,and they(murle)are doing that,they kidnapped children and loot,for instant Equatoria and Nuer,Dinkas,they have no problem because they don’t like live on stealing other’s people thing,they are hardworking,live on struggling doing business,farming and others thing,but this people(murle)they have habbit of that,you try to associate yourselves with them,you will found yourselves stopping keeping Goat,cows and children they will be doing the same thing they did to Dinka.remember Anuak werecattle keepers but because murle used to kill them they stop keeping cows and rear dog,that is why now Anyuak has less cows,murlee will deal with you one day.
    I know equatorian had many interllectual,they will act professionally like inteligent.i believe if Wani Iga was not in the SPLA vic pre Riak could not be in that position buthonest man serve the country from shadding blood again,he offer his position to Riak otherwise he would have rebel against SPLA(Riak)but wani was honest and transparancy person with quality of leadership.
    this issue of cattle raiding should be debate in the parliament and came up with the strategies of dealing with it.
    Innocentman Awaynhom.

  • Josh

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Had my country to knew how EVIL you’re, we wouldn’t allow you to stay and feed on our food. We were happy to support you toward your freedom. now it looks better it was under ARABS.Shame shame shame on you, how could new country keep on bloodshed like what we’ve seen.
    Your president is going to be charge for failure to protect civilians from genocide. Why can’t you fear God?
    I never seen that before, real Evil pple in the world.

  • WendeMajok

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Deal or no Deal!!

    I would like to apreciate Commissioner’s work to inform people in advance, indeed, its fair to inform the youth to go and defend but are there enough weapons to protect themselves?

    In respond to the blames made by some commentators here about the troops on the ground, blame him not instead praise him for his tireless effort of notifying his fellow State-mates.
    If there were security forces on ground,do you think what is on-going in Jonglei would have lasted for long? The Juba based Government and sleeping Governors should take precaution of the attrocities which are happening because one will be held later on responsible for what is currently happening.

    To Kuol Manyang Juuk, we are fed-up of your governance….where are your promises? please if you are not capable of the job or underemployed then please come out and speak to the State residents on your areas of strengths and your weaknesses.
    “Ci, ce wong bel! yengo bi yin koc co thok?”

    I hate to see social, economic and political activities of my beloved State deteroriate…

    Thanks so much Commissioner for the awareness, Jonglei will be okay no matter the current instability!

  • nhomachotdeng

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Mr commissioner stop fuelling the war while you will not go personally to fight the war,Please do not show bad intention who told you that they are coming to your end because they are part of your state why worried.Shame on you who appointed you as a commissioner while you not qualified and leadership skills just go back to cattle camp

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    Bor commissioner asks for state police to protects Bor County people alone. Laughable. While others Counties like Twic East County, Duk County, Uror County, Ayod County, Murle County, Nyirol County, Pangak County, Khor Folus County, Anyuak County, etc. To me, it looks like leading government in Mading is based on Dinka Bor tribe people. For example, their governor, Jonglei State leaders’ families are there in Mading and so they have no reason to protect others people lives. What a abuse of leadership power it is? Other people from these tribes are there for their own: Dinka Twic East, Dinka Duk, Dinka Padang, Lou Nuer, Murle, Anyuak, and others are there to protects themselves. Even Dinka Bor ever been affected by any attacks in recent years. Personally, it is time now for Dinka Twic East and Dinka Duk allow to enemy to go to Bor County. Wow! Helps them God (Nhialic)?

  • nhomachotdeng

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Mr commissioner stop fuelling the war while you will not go personally to fight the war,Please do not show bad intention who told you that they are coming to your end because they are part of your state why worried.Shame on you who appointed you as a commissioner while you not qualified and leadership skills just go back to cattle camp


  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    The Murle are not preparing to attack anybody. These are just rumours. The villagers attacked their fellow villagers in Lou to avenge their people killed by the latter last June. Who is now losing? All of us. We have lost loved ones from both communities, which is bad. All of us are Southern Sudanese. Stop war

  • twins

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei

    You’re deadly wrong brother. Everything Nuer do is for the sake of Southern Sudan and the only thing wrong I know Riek did is contradicting Garang’s failed New Sudan vision. It seems like you got no enough logic to judge purely and without baise. Reik’s vision is what we are enjoying today as a celditermination. In this government, Garang get credit only because he was a leader not because of the decision he made. In Nuer idiom, when someone come back to what he/she didn’t like, we call that “Ce luoc liac ni “. Yes Garang “ce loc liac ni” becuase he give up his vision for Riek’s celditermination.


  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei

    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There are five tribes in Jonglei State: Dinka (Padang, Hol, Nyarweng, Twi/Twic East, Bor), Nuer (Lou, Gaweer), Anyuak, Murle, Ngalam(Kachipo), Jie.

    Those are tribes make up Jonglei state. Thanks for asking.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There are five tribes in Jonglei State: Dinka (Padang, Hol, Nyarweng, Twi/Twic East, Bor), Nuer (Lou, Gaweer), Anyuak, Murle, Ngalam(Kachipo), Jie.

    Those are tribes make up Jonglei state. Thanks for asking.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There are five tribes in Jonglei State: Dinka (Padang, Hol, Nyarweng, Twi/Twic East, Bor), Nuer (Lou, Gaweer), Anyuak, Murle, Ngalam(Kachipo), Jie.

    Those are tribes make up Jonglei state. Thanks for asking.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There are five tribes in Jonglei State: Dinka (Padang, Hol, Nyarweng, Twi/Twic East, Bor), Nuer (Lou, Gaweer), Anyuak, Murle, Ngalam(Kachipo), Jie.

    Those are tribes make up Jonglei state. Thanks for asking.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    There are five tribes in Jonglei State: Dinka (Padang, Hol, Nyarweng, Twi/Twic East, Bor), Nuer (Lou, Gaweer), Anyuak, Murle, Ngalam(Kachipo), Jie.

    Those are tribes make up Jonglei state. Thanks for asking.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    You think in premature mind…. “Security on top of everything if you never know that”
    Commissioner is doing well and great job done, thing wrong with that information.

    Murle threat is imminent and must be deal with cautious. It is better to stay alert then being caught Red handed.

    Commissioner did the Right thing by informing the Youth to stay and make necessary arrangement to protect all Vulnerable Citizen from this cruel community so call Murle, useless community brought to the World for nothing than to survive or robbery and child trafficking.

    What will happen if the Whole Jonglei Citizens wage War against Murle tribe, could that be call Heterocide then I think enough is enough, call spade a spade is at right name.
    Great Bor Youth must urgently get organize and take up Spear with shields or even Bow an ake and protect the Boundaries even if the point is to ruin murle, they should be weep out from Jonglei and let other live peacefully.
    Commissioner, Please keep, your administration had gone far and doing better toward serving Lives. No Peace with Murle any more, they dishonored all the Peace deals.


    Lopotpot Savanna

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    This called Cadaai,

    You commencing on plain ground, Who are Dinka Twic if look at this geographical of Jonglei???? Please don’t nick name the Useful community with Foolish Name….. We have no Tribe in Jonglei nor South SUdan calls Dinka Twic.

    Only Twic can either be Twic from Bor or Twic from Gograil( Bol Chol COmmunity) are well known, but creating nonses and unnnecessarily Names. Please Please don’t reponse against with such a name, you are warned…………….. Community Name must not be sabotage by individual.


    Lopotpot Savannna

  • Force 1
    Force 1

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Mi diit/ mi tood
    Know the distinction between the declaration of war and situational awareness, just because you write sentences that look and sound like English doesn’t mean what you wrote make any sense!

    Second of all, the fearless/the brave are those heroes who perish in the war of liberation, if you’re alive today, you’re a coward! Otherwise, you would be dead like the heroes who are no longer with us today.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Wen de David Kuol

    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    People like you who don’t accept truth are not what South Sudan needs at this juncture. You will deny the truth until you will be like Dr. Riek Machar who is now starting to accept the truth of his ignorant and wrong-doing of massacre of Eastern Dinka.

  • Dinkawarrior

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Cadaai or Joseph Garang de Amok!

    Give me your phone number now and I will call you!!!!

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    As a non-violent person, I strongly oppose achieving the goals by the use of force by civilians. And I also believe that the commissioner had reached his unfortunate decision, because he felt let down by his government, and left helpless and defenseless in front of an army of “out-of-control cattle raider”, who are threatening his state and the livelihood of his own people. Moreover, civilians shouldn’t take the law in their own hands: it is the government job. Let’s agree that our government is a week, and a corrupt one; however, in the coming election let’s us bring a strong one that’s capable of defending and safeguard our nation. Life is very precious, and it shouldn’t be taken away from us for any reason, but for now, let’s hope that this is just “a rumor of war”. Thank you brother for your input, and I think it’s very healthy for us to solve our disputes through dialogs.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    Here is my name: Cadaai Ngong.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Where I was born don’t fear for truth. Alright, you got it.

    It is now time to send me your e-mail if you truly serious.

  • Lokeji

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei

    What’s the role of the government, when a state’s commissioner takes a position to protect his tribe-men when he is suppose to be the legal representative of the ministry of interior in the state? instead of reporting to his boss the governor or to the national minister of interior calling for more security forces to combat the situation but he decided to inject the panic into the people by asking the youth to protect the Dinka from murle tribe but who is suppose to protect who? the government or people?who is strong, is it the government or the people?
    secondly the murle are part of his people from the same jonglei state, how comes that he decided to send this negative sentiments to this part of the state and the worse thing is that how will the murle intellectuals interprets this message.
    please Mr commissioner retrieve from this stand and instead take your legal duties and obligations than to be using these young men to do your work.

  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    Thank Mr Lual, the Dinka Bor youth should stand up firm to protect the innocent lives this time around. The failed governmrnt in Juba ‘ll never do anything to protect the villagers and their properties.

    The thugs from Murle tribes are not acting alone, so this case should not be left to civilians only like what had happened in Lou Nuer. Forks I don’t think we ‘ll progress if we live such!

    The so call politicians in Juba must stop deceiving themselves with western terminology and look into the caused of these massive killing everywhere in South Sudan particularly in two states of Warrap and Jonglei state and investigate soon.

    How can we prove the Northern wrong?

  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    To Caadai?

    It would be good to related your comments with the artcle about otherwise I ‘ll regard you like other S. Sudanese who are here to polish their English.


  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    To Deng-Monydit,

    Thank for your invaluable comments throught out the artcle page. yes I agree with you brother our government in Juba has failed us. They are just there to loot the resources of this great nation. Are we less smart as Northerners always say? No, I don’t think so.

    But we don’t have nationalists in our country!

  • Josh

    Tension builds in Bor, new attacks feared in Jonglei
    sending protection to Bor means they are the only golden citizens of south sudan. so many tribes have lost their lifes and proparties without any single support. unless if Kiiri is idiot Gay then he ‘ll do so as Bor want.

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