Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC

September 17, 2011 (JUBA) — The main opposition party in South Sudan has suffered a new blow with the resignation of three leading members who accused its chairman of dictatorial management of the party and having an armed militia.

Sandra Bona Malwal  (photo Larco Lomayat)
Sandra Bona Malwal (photo Larco Lomayat)
SPLM-DC was formed on 6 June 2009 by former Sudan’s foreign minister Lam Akol who resigned from the mainstream SPLM, South Sudan’s ruling party. However since its inception the party has been accused of suspicious links with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum and also accused of having paramilitary groups.

Charles Kisanga, former secretary general of the SPLM-DC, resigned in July 2010 accusing Lam Akol of dictatorship and embezzling money during his campaign for the presidency of South Sudan in April 2010. He also claimed that Akol was arming militiamen to obstruct South Sudan’s referendum on self-determination, which took place in January with 98 percent voting for secession.

The SPLM-DC Secretary General, Sandra Bona Malwal, Secretary for Administration and Finance Deng Bior Deng and Secretary for Populace and Syndicated Organization Yien Thiang Luony resigned this week from the party repeating the same accusations in a joint statement dated 16 September.

“We have always been concerned about how the party is being run by our Chairperson and the relationship of the party with the National Congress Party (NCP),” reads the joint statement released in Juba.

They also went to claim “Our Chairperson was secretly working against the independence of our country. He did not want independence to come under the leadership of the SPLM”.

Before independence the SPLM-led government in Juba arrested several opposition leaders and local officials in different regions in the South Sudan. Pagan Amum, Secretary General of the South Sudan ruling party in March 2011 accused the opposition party of receiving arms from Khartoum’s government.

Reacting to these new accusations filed by the dissident members Akol denied the accusations of corruption or having armed militias. He further described the accusations as “signs of a sagging morale”.

He also refuted the accusation of sponsoring paramilitary groups in Southern Sudan saying those who allege that the former rebel Peter Gadet received support from SPLM-DC should bring their evidence to court.

“The party cannot be held responsible for actions of one or a number of its members however high in the hierarchy they may be unless those actions are proved beyond any reasonable doubt in a court of law that they were sanctioned by the party,” he further said.



  • Saba Saba
    Saba Saba

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    bravo, that was a good move from those former three top officials from SPLM-DC.

    South Sudan needs to be democratic nation, therefore, we need multi-party system. However, we wouldn’t allow any political party which has a militia group in the country.

    Pure political party with support from civil population will be allow to participate in the South Sudan without any intimidation or violation of its political rights.

  • pabaak

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    they are being told long time that SPLM-DC is running NCP agenda of dis-stabilizing our country, unless you see it by your eyes, now if the SPLM DC become a military affiliated party then what would be the fate of their members that are serving in the south Sudan national Parliament? this question goes to SSLA, we don’t need to see another group running parallel agenda against aspiration of people of South Sudan.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    I don’t believed on this kind of weakness at all. I would take their resignation if they did this during the war or at the time when we really need their support. But guess now!
    Is this not the way of running up and down after smoothies?
    This kind of behaviors are unacceptable. Just forgive those who do not know what they were doing and those who want to feel their stomach just for a short time.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Lam is better than Kiir, Kiir is blind man while Lam has vision


    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    south sudan parliament have ban this party for good.
    It is run by gangs or arabs terorists organization group.
    we have to dismantled it right a way.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC

    SPLA/M is not only our way in live, there is heavily corruption in the name of SPLA right now. FYI

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Lam Akol should have been called by South Sudan’s Law Makers to stand before them and answer the following questions:

    1. What was he doing with Khalid Mashal, HAMAS Terrorist Chief in Damuscus right after forming NIF South Wing?

    2. The same question about what Lam was doing with Hezbollah’s Chief, Hassan Nasr-Allah in South Lebanon?

    Any South Sudanese leader who has contacts with the two mentioned terrorist chiefs must be investigated to come clean from terror activities.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    ban yourself from community not SPLA-DC

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    There is nothings news apart from welknown activities of opportunistise groups of power gready people let them go to hell with their resignation?

    Resignation after what?

    I don’t and will never trust those food loveer who slept under the shadow of bashir because anybody who want Khartoum befor CPA have our blood in their hands.

    Death to them.

  • AdierCien

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    These’re signs failure. They were struggling to block the secession of the South under sponsorship of President Al Bashir , when they failed to achieved a one-man’s goals then they run back. I wish they could be fired. Confessing, confessing for what?

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    The three resign members from SPLM-DC should be investigated,before they want to join any party in the Republic of south sudan,because such kind of people they are still in different colour otherwise this are the problems markers
    or they fail to get money from the useless party of Lam Akol and they are claiming to back,to the Independence state,while they were against our independence to come true.


  • Junub sudan
    Junub sudan

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Dear Belle

    you are really very righ of saying that Lam Akol is better than Salva Kiir yes its because Lam Akol is good of coming in and Going out .how many time he Jointed SPLA/SPLM and when back to Khartuom Govement .
    I really gave thanks to those Guys who have Resigned from Lam Akol Party .

    and that we where alway telling our people in Malakala that Lam Akol Party have been supporting by NCP Govement and many people denyed it .that is good now the member themself approved that lam is getting supprt from Bashir govement .and that why there are alots of milatias in Upper all the time and fighting breakout now and then .
    so you guys .you are welcome back home .
    thanks good bless.

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Once a traitor always a traitor, like “Dr. Lam Akol”. He is a man of many colors, public enemy number one, who would sell his brother to Khartoum if the price is right. His history through out our struggle for freedom speaks for itself. Countless times, he failed to sell us out to Khartoum ; because , he is terrible salesman, who is after “money and power”. He would have corrected his mistakes, and re-joined his brothers in arms, but he chose not to. Now after his own party has disowned him, I wonder if Khartoum would want him?.

  • Bol Akoch Buoi
    Bol Akoch Buoi

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Those are confused elements, they must be watch carefully. SPLM should not allow an inverse movement practices between the parties. Parties are not for joke, parties are meant to shape the nation’s direction now and in the future, but the true is this, South Sudan never had a genuine opposition party, rather than dire and baffle programmable opposition parties since day one. I mean most of the opposition parties where against the movement, the right of self-determination in the beginning and in the present.
    Example, the people who have just reported to be resigning from the so call SPLM-D might have not contributed to struggle if I am not wrong whether intelligently or physically, some of them might not even voted during referendum, the last thing warded to all citizens. we must consider those people as our number problem, they are the one confusing our illiterate population with their bad preaching, we do not have those outlaws in our SPLM/A tradition, no culprits and no tribal fights, the South was clean and relatively peaceful. They are obstacle in the country development. My people, we cannot build the nation on comprises, we must face law and we must be tougher about that, otherwise our country will remain as it is. I should stop here because i got alot and will be boring if I write more.

  • Bol Akoch Buoi
    Bol Akoch Buoi

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Those are confused elements, they must be watched carefully. SPLM should not allow an inverse movement practices between the parties. Parties are not for joke, parties are meant to shape the nation’s direction now and in the future, but the true is this, South Sudan never had a genuine opposition party, rather than dire and baffle programmable opposition parties since day one. I mean most of the opposition parties where against the movement, the right of self-determination in the beginning and in the present.
    Example, the people who have just reported to be resigning from the so call SPLM-D might have not contributed to struggle if I am not wrong whether intelligently or physically, some of them might not even voted during referendum, the last thing awarded to all citizens. we must consider those people as our number problem, they are the one confusing our illiterate population with their bad preaching, we do not have those outlaws in our SPLM/A tradition, no culprits and no tribal fights, the South was clean and relatively peaceful. They are obstacle in the country development. My people, we cannot build the nation on comprises, we must face law and we must be tougher about that, otherwise our country will remain as it is. I should stop here because i got alot and will be boring if I write more.

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    what is happening in South Sudan politic or South Sudan politcians is not about delievery the services to people nor apply what is politic about. it is about getting jobs. whoever in government or oppositions have not defined what the government stand for and what the opposition stand for because most of the politicians and oppositions have not been in government before. I always wonder why everybody resigned from their respectives parties and joint the SPLM without clarifications. I belief it is not of the party direction, I think it is about getting from SPLM as kind of bribery to dismantal the others parties.

    My question is to South Sudanese people, do you agreed or want South Sudan to rule as one party system or not.

  • Manyieldit

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Deng de Bior a koor bi lek ngoth….., so that he will not try it again.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC

    If you look closely at the temperaments of those persuaded pretended defectors and their ridicules accusations or claims against the leader of SPLM-DC party, his Excellency Dr Lam Akol, you will find out that their withdrawal from SLPM-DC is not really a big deal as it’s nothing more than a political harassment by the SPLA/M led by the notorious cowboy Kiir abu guba who is using RSS public fund to bribe some weak harted members of various political parties and fight his losing proxy wars with Sudan.

    What sense it makes even to those who can’t read between lines to expect SPLM-DC to battle SPLM/A of Kiir that has SPLA as it’s militia wing and without a military wing ? If SPLM is not happy to see parallel militias in RSS then let it give up its militia, the SPLA and let the army of RSS be formed from various militias that are operating right now in RSS so that no particular party will use to terrorise other parties and rig elections like what General Kiir of SPLA militia did previously otherwise let SPLM put up with it!

    God bless SSLA and RSS!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC


    All political parties in RSS are recognizing SPLA as just a military wing of SPLM party and that is not a secret anymore.So, with all this in mind, any party would like to keep their militias until we form an independent RSS army that will not be linked to any particular party in RSS and thus will not be used to oppress other parties like the way SPLA militia is being used by SPLM against the opposing parties or simply rivals of SPLM !

    Don’t assume all political parties to be fighting proxy wars because you are doing so in SPLA, all our active armed movements operating now in RSS have nothing to do with SPLM proxy wars with Sudan.

    Our main goals or objectives in SSLA remain the same; SPLM must stop running RSS as its private property, it must stop embezzlement and corrupting of billions of $ of public money by its immoral and hopeless blind followers, stop wasting our public fund in fighting its nonsense proxy wars with Sudan etc…. get it right!!!!

  • Whispers

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    A double-minded man can not makes up his mind. Let’s just say is the case for Dr. Lam Akol. He could have achieved his vision if he wasn’t going up and down thus confusing his followers. You wonder why people are so divided and confused, they are following a double-minded individual. You get that right Mr. Akol.

  • pabaak

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    SSLA supporter, So you call SPLA a militias, that’s laughable! you gut to know that SPLA is an official National army according to South Sudan constitution unlike those militias you are supporting ,these are bunches of nonsense groups that are just serving agenda of Jalaba in Khartoum.

  • pabaak

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    kind of politician like Dr. lam can’t be trusted, these are kind of politicians one time Dr. Garang referred to them as ” rotten goods that can’t get the market in the political arena” being a leader is about a history, and when you track Dr. Lam’s record is full of flip lop position more than usual, he might be bitter because South Sudanese didn’t elect him during the general election so a can become a President, but he fail to recognize that this is how democracy goes, if you can’t persuade the public enough to elect you than is over, you can’t think of enforcing yourself to the public by violence mean.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC


    The very nonsense and hopeless group in RSS is the immoral and corrupt SPLA/M militia that is looting RSS as I am writting this comment, so keep it clean dude!

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Three leading members resign from the opposition SPLM-DC
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    What happen to Party of the Professor of Chemical Engineering, Mr. Lam Akoldit. He needs to go back to laboratory and rereads those chemical elements and I think he should come out with solution that will end the issue rattling his party. Mr. Lam you have to do just that, anyway.

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