Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region

September 18, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The governor of West Darfur state has asserted that the leader of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement Khalil Ibrahim is not present in the region. He further went too say that his state is free from armed groups.

LJM-SLM-MM.jpgKhalil Ibrahim declared last week his return to Darfur after one year of residence in Libya. Since then North Darfur state said the rebel leader is in Wadi Hawor not far from the Chadian border while the army remained vague saying he is on the border of Darfur region.

“I doubt very much about Khalil’s presence in Darfur”, said the governor Shartai Jaafar Abdel Hakam who is also the head of Darfur transitional authority in statements to the media in Khartoum on Sunday.

The governor also ruled out any new attack from the rebel leader on the Sudanese capital adding that Khalil cannot repeat the assault of 10 May 2008.

Shartai also welcomed the appointed of a Darfurian, al-Haj Adam Youssef, as Vice-President of the Republic. He said it was important to de-link the presidency from the regional authority and to not repeat the experience of Minni Minnawi, former head of the transitional authority and senior presidential assistant.

LJM splinters join Minnawi

A breakaway group form the Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) headed by Abdel Aziz Abu Namousha announced its merger with the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Minni Minnawi on Sunday.

In April 2011, the dissident group slammed LJM leader Tijani el-Sissi for “his ambiguity in the leadership” of the group saying he froze the statutes of the Movement and dictates all the decisions without referring the LJM leadership.

The merger statement was signed by Abu Namousha and Minnawi’s deputy Elrayah Mahmoud Jumma. The two sides called for the establishment of a large coalition gathering the armed groups and opposition forces to overthrow the government of the National Congress Party in Khartoum.

They said the issue of Darfur should be resolved within a national framework but stressed that one regional authority should established in Darfur. They also demanded to refer war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide to the International Criminal Court.

The SLM factions led by Minni Minnawi and Abdel Wahid al-Nur formed an alliance with the SPLM-North in August aiming to topple down the government of president Omer al-Bashir and to establish a secular state.

Most of SPLM-N supporters are in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, which border newly independent South Sudan. The group fought with the southern SPLM against the Khartoum government for two decades, until a 2005 peace deal.

Attempts by Sudan’s military to disarm members of the group triggered conflict in the two states after the NCP refused to implement a deal signed with the SPLM-N to recognise it as a political party in North Sudan.



  • kimo

    West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region
    i very much believe that khalil ibrahim is still stranded in libya with his god father gadafi ,the row over his arrival to darfur meant to divert attention of those may be searching for him in libya


    West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region
    just keep doubting until you receive the fresh bullet from Dr khalil,is good for me to hear that.

  • kimo

    West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region
    i assure you dude ,that will never happen khaleel is now something from the past,let us hope that he could make it safely out of libya

  • DeltaBravo

    West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region
    To Kimo

    Khalil Ibrahim is in Darfur. This politician in Khartoum don’t want to hear about him,because they scare of him. And they don’t want the public to know more that is why they deny to fool public. They will smell bullet soon in Khartoum like in May/2008 just wait you will surprise in Khartoum.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region
    Dr. Khalil is the greatest he is a gaint the great fear mounted NCP(Khortoum goverment of Bashir) after his arrival back to his land(Sudan) may be he is in Khortoum even in a big plans to blow those evils away, he is invisible hero.

    Dr. Khalil Im wishing you all the best for your mission I will soon joining you. who ever haven’t smell the dust from the bullets today is the right time to smell in the Khortoum city square sooner than expected. Dr. Khalil is ready to take the last step to secure sudanese from that hostile living enviroment.

    I allways urge JEM,SPLA-N, and other rebel group to take this very little chance to join together and redicle strong move to tople regime he is now standing with one leg. is ready to go. you must gain all you were fro by your own effort don’t agree other lame excuses.

    Long live DR Khalil
    Long live JEM

    [email protected]

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    West Darfur governor says JEM leader is out of the region
    Historian and Identity Advocacy View:

    In my personal view, I think North Sudan government needs to give other people their rights based on mutual respects. These regions of Abyei, South Kordufan, Blue Nile and Darfur are in need of rights to freedom of democracy in anyway possible. Because in North Sudan I don’t see where our former brothers and sisters in North Sudan would be able to control those regions responsibly without allow them to choose their own destinations or identity. Also, I think Northern Sudanese are still behind old days of politics where people use to give up easily. North Sudan, things are dramatically changing nowadays to different views towards new world system of choices. That’s just piece of my advise to our former brothers and sisters in North Sudan.
    To conclude my point, hello president Beshir, would you please leave my brothers and sisters of Abyei alone. If it is oil why you refuse them to come to South Sudan, to me that’s just a simple reason my former president. Your country of Northern Sudan has a lot of oil if your Administration would be able manage it well in regards to your people you represents. So please Mr. president Beshir leave Abyei for South Sudanese’ because I couldn’t see the reason why you take hostages of our people.Just let them come to South Sudan like what you have done to South Sudan few months back.
    Mr. Beshir, I am looking forward for your leadership based on truth and understandings of other people rights. Abyei people in North Sudan would be like someone mixing grains with sand when it comes to this people identity and history background shows where they should be.
    “Peaceful way is always better deserving to people than bloodshed way of precious bloods through wrong reason.”

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