Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff

By Julius N. Uma

September 20, 2011 (JUBA) — South Sudan Police Service (SSPS) has
suspended two of its officers and resolved to punish another four over
a recent incident in which they were accused of assaulting a senior
human rights officer with United Nations Mission in South Sudan

A police trainee demonstrates crowd control techniques and other skills (file/Reuters)
A police trainee demonstrates crowd control techniques and other skills (file/Reuters)
Benedict Sannoh, chief head of UNMISS’ human rights section, was assaulted on
August 20 at a hotel in Juba, the country’s capital, by around 12
South Sudan police officers who beat, kicked and punched him while he
lay on the floor.

After being held for five hours without charge he was taken to a UN hospital.

Reacting to the Police mover, Hilde F. Johnson, the Special
Representative of the Secretary-General, (SRSG) Hilde F. Johnson said:
“I welcome the steps taken by the Government. This incident was
completely unacceptable and a clear violation of the Status of Forces
Agreement with the Republic of South Sudan.”

She added, “I have previously raised this issue at the highest levels
of Government. I am encouraged that today we have seen the Government
take measures against those responsible.

The UN mission further welcomed government’s assurance that such
incidents will never happen again, reiterating its firm support to
assist the southern government in its commitment to uphold the values
of the UN, citing provision of human rights trainings to its security

Biar Mading Biar, the SSPS spokesperson confirmed the development when
contacted by Sudan Tribune, adding that the force had to contact an
investigation into the matter and take appropriate measures.

On July 9th, South Sudan officially separated from North Sudan as a
result of the referendum held earlier this year in which Southerners
voted almost unanimously in favor of independence.

The isolation incident, which happened less than two months after
South Sudan officially became recognized as the UN’s 193rd member had,
hitherto, raised several questions as to the commitment of country’s
authorities to upholding human rights and rule of law in the fledgling



  • Analyst

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Mistakes happen everywhere, including in developed countries. The most Impt thing is learning from those mistakes. There is a steep learning curve for ssps and they are doing well so far but there is huge room for improvement.

  • Dakkin

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Useless article,useless journalist why not name those unprofessional S.S. police officers?

  • Bush

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Recruiting Dinka as Policemen of a Country to provide peace and security is like recruiting hyenas to guide your goats in the field. They failed to restore peace and security in their villages, how can they restore peace, security, guide properties and protect the rights of the citizens in the cities?, if the human rights observer is been assaulted like that what about the local civilians?

    Is this new nation going to look like Iraq or Afghanistan?
    Shame on those who are tarnishing the image of this country.


    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Dear southerners ,
    These are the communities who will bring shame to the RSS.

    But I do give credit to Didinga people because they saved and protect SPLA from being wiped out by NIF.
    And Didinka people are manipulated by Dinka, that is why they are also arrogant and means to some people across the country .

  • Agutthon

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Training like lack of training
    These idiots will never embrace the supposed professionalism.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Dear Readers,
    If we are highly or semi educated class we need to fight for eradication of racism, tribalism and nepotism. But now we got this skill and knowledge to accelerate and promote the wrong elements as i mentioned in the context. Please let us avoid that direct accussation on tribes.

    Now get to the point, there is no need to blame the policemen. Police everywhere are the same unless one of you did not encounter what crimes the police of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and any other parts of the world do to foreigners. If Police mistreat their own citizen how do you think they will respect the foreigners? If the Ministers do not respect the public image who do you feel to have trust of the Public on the Ministers? If the Assembly fought over the powersharing within the Assembly and abandon areas of Priority how do public realise the Present of Legislatures in the Country? If the President of the Republic is driven by some wrong elements from any destination to a destination he did not visit before and yet is leader of many how do we know that we have the Head of State?

    If we talk much and do nothing how do we getting out from the blames and accussation? To me God shall guard us as He guarded us to out from the northern oppressers. We voted for Independent just because we want it but it is not the influence of Politicians. The Politicians have got their own interest to feed and educate their families and distinguish themselves as special class. Police should not be blame but maybe Human Rights Senior officer who first offended them in attempt to test them. First let us know what the police took from the UN officer.

  • Gabriel KK
    Gabriel KK

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Hi Guys,
    It is a time for Equatorian Pepole Defence force to appologise to people of South Sudan for their brutalities aganist the movement for the last two decades otherwise Minded Dude is wasting his time and he is nobody in this nation.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Yeah, we’ve to go by the words of law. That’s right decisions taken, they have been trying actually to tarnish the credibility of South Sudan as a country from diplomatic relation. Treating foreigners in such manners is unacceptable even though the person was wrong, you’ve no right to treat him like that way. Let the law expose him. I know very well that being named in a list there is always a reason as to why your names appeared on the list. Those foreigners come with the reasons to either justify us or betray us so you need to take a professional way to avoid such temptations.

    Minded dude, what about you? Are you not embarrassing the South Sudan and its people? Go to Red sea Dinka are not there but if you till around the Sudan or South Sudan, Dinka still there with you. What will you do? My questions.

  • jemo

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    iam not in South sudan but the training they have attained is more than the way your father handled your mother yes.

  • George 2
    George 2

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Stop your unless posting which is even annoying readers.Why suspended officers just of that normal issue?Damn that shit!yes,The Chief head of UNMISS was beaten but not beaten to death.How many UNMISS heads were killed in Durfur and not even single person was asked.He is human like others.We were beaten by police but no one put a question infront of police.He might be above the law,than the police have to do it work of ordering if refusing that,another way can be put to drive him doing good.Who cares how his he?

  • [email protected]

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Which one is your tribe among those you outlined,You are totally lost even by mentioning the tribes but the topic is the suspension of the two police officers,did it talk of any tribe there? Please shut up tribalists on this web.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    S. Sudan Police suspends two officers over assault on UN staff
    Just leave them alone they do not know what they are talking about.the issue was not about tribes but national issue.
    If they hate any of the tribes they used to victimized,why don’t confront them? Police officers suspended not Dinka,Nuer, Didinga and some more suspended.
    Human rights first not kalamparic.

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