Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official

September 24, 2011 (JUBA) – The Republic of South Sudan (RoSS) will close its borders with its northern neighbor starting next December, an official in Juba said today.

Goods are seen on trucks before being loaded onto barges at the Nile port of Kosti in White Nile State, September 21, 2011 (Reuters)
Goods are seen on trucks before being loaded onto barges at the Nile port of Kosti in White Nile State, September 21, 2011 (Reuters)
Atem Garang, a leading figure in the ruling Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) said the move was in retaliation to the blockade he alleged was imposed by Khartoum.

The decision will impact herders and livestock who move along the borders for grazing purposes, Garang said.

In recent months, officials in Juba accused Khartoum of sealing the borders and preventing the flow of goods which has led to food shortages and price hikes particularly in border states.

The statements come in sharp contrast with those made by RoSS president Salva Kiir at the United Nations General Assembly this week in which he urged Sudan to work for resolution of all pending issues particularly border demarcation so that normalization of ties can be achieved.

South Sudan officially seceded from the North in early July after Southerners voted overwhelmingly in favor of a new state in a referendum held last January.

But a number of contentious post-secession issues such as oil, national debt, Abyei and borders have yet to be sorted out.

Last weekend, the two neighbors signed an agreement by which 10 border crossings would be opened. It was brokered by the chairman of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) Thabo Mbeki.



  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Hello big RoSS officials!

    I strongly support the idea of shutting North-South boder. It has to be closed whether it means life of Southerners or not. This is b’se there are more disadvantages than leaving it patent.

  • Sam.Eto

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Atem Garang talks like a school boy or child. He has no sense of his position as a government official. He even admits its going to hurt the herders and not the government of Sudan – not mention his own people in the South. If the North is blocking the borders now – it seems its hurting you and not the North – so you closing them again will continue to harm you, you small minded idiot. Is this man sane or just trying to gain political points by trying to show he is strong to the ignorant people that listen to him. Someone should give him a copy of Pres. Kiir speech in the UN. Wake up Garang your not fighting a war any more, look after the well being of the people of South Sudan and stop this childish behaviour. They are looking for development, food and security – you ignorant statements keep distracting all that !!! I suggest more relevant government official’s makes such statements and not such inexperienced fools. Like the minister of internal affairs or foreign or even defence ministers.

  • Sam.Eto

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    My friend shutting the borders will stop the goods that are coming from the North to the South – people in the South are already crying because of high prices because they can not get goods from Kenya, Uganda or Ethiopia ( unlike Juba). South Sudan does not export anything via the North – so your not going to harm anyone there. The herders will come and graze and the South can not do anything – because as they (South Sudan Officials) said 100% times and its documented in all the agreements and international law – YOU cant Block them. Thats why Granag is a fool and illiterate, inexperienced idiot.

  • SPLA,corrup

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    It seems we are not fully aware of what this terrorist in the North are about,As we have seceded this is what they will not allow to their Islamic state as Bashir the terro puts it,No matter what will happen from now, we will not longer have good relationship with Khartoum simply because they have considered us as (kufar)anything we touch can never be touched in the north because we have touched it,e.g many of us may wonder why they have dicided to change their carrency, the reason is simmple they can’t touch the money that comes from South.It will be for everything goods of any kind or type.They have considered south now just like Israel.

  • Bush

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official

    Don’t talk like that you slaved-son, who started shutting the borders first? wasn’t it your NCP(terrorist sponsored regime ) in order to starve us to death in two months? look, we didn’t die when the border was closed so it is a right to show you how important the South is for you. We will shut the borders even if it means building a wall fence between north and South.Let your cattle eat dust and sand in the desert there.

  • Bush

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official

    The reason why you are still insulting the Southerners here is because your mother didn’t tell you the truth that she was raped by a Muslim sheik and conceived you.

    We are going to live with you in Israel-Palestine style, you brainless, terrorists Arabs cursed children of Abraham.

  • Runrach

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    @ Sam Eto. Let’s reason like mature minded people let alone our perpective educational values. What matter the most is that, we can’t and we will not resolve the pending issues like border demarcations, with the North while borders are still operational disagreeing with me or that is it. Abyei issue what they so called national debts as well as many other fundamental aspects.

    I understand that you might be worrying about general means of living if borders are closed but note that these issues are part and parcel of the post liberational struggle and if we leave borders operating then definetely our enemies can have an easily access to our nearby garrisons especially the one that are on borders. I hope you are still remembering the worse scenarios between Ethiopia & Eriterea over the border demarcation. However, you can’t enjoy peaceful independence while borders are follow, that is unwise decision compare to hell.

  • kimo

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    ooooh mr atem garang, are still alive..you are out of focus..you dont have power my friend to decide any thing in south sudan…is your salary enough to make life in juba?,,when do you plan to bring your family from the north? if they remain there you will be paying in dollar for the schooling of your kids can you afford that?

  • Waucity

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Government of Southern Sudan need to be smart. Why just announce things to your enemy like that…Before you enough organize yourselves.

  • Alier42

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    There is one thing i fail to understand from the goverment official who say the borders will be shut down in the next fews months,yes i can agree with that idea, but the question is “are they going to cut the diplomatic relationship with the north?and if so .what mean are they going to use to provide protection to millions of southerners who are living in the north.our goverment need to think twice for the welfare of it citizens who have lived for generations and established themselves in the north ,and they had no interest of coming to the south.you need to look at different angles before you could act.yes i know the unfulfilled notion of repatriation which was well funded by the goverment ,but unfortuntely the money went into the pockets few individuals in juba.

  • Bush

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official

    I think the next two months is enough for all the Southerners who are still in the north to come back home if they really love their country. Since we gained our independence in July 9, I don’t see any reason for Southerners to stay in the north up to now, they should have come long time ago even before the referendum but others were just reluctant to do so.

  • Tambura

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    I support the idea but where is the alternative? as we can see around the capital Juba everything comes from north I mean most of our needs.Those SPLA gangs uneducated thieves generals really don t know how to lead this country,who told them leading bunch of SPLA losers in bush is like leading the country? there is big different between two. South Sudan will be always fail country as long we will rule by those corrupted uneducated officials whom are lacks of judgment leadership.There for I am calling over all of you care about the future of this country to stand up and fight for your right, we have to change those guys by peace force by all mean we can. They are going to lead us to hell. South Sudan need new generation new faces ideas to take this country to next level where all of us will be proud of our country. Therefore I want all of you to vote for me in next election if you care about the future of your children. SPAL with their fail vision of new Sudan will take the country to hell. Vote for me
    Next president of south Sudan

  • Sam.Eto

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Tambura you sound like Obama – Yes we can lool. The problem is the West and America want these uneducated, greedy, corrupt SPLM officials – because they know how to fool and control them – give them money, weapons, cars and a few bananas and they will do exactly what they want – even kill each other.

  • Alier42

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    I can agree with you, but for them to start a new life in such a corruption country is very hard for them .they had never experience bush life,

  • Bush

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official

    You are insane, where were we getting our items from when we were in the bush, from Khartoum? or may be you were not with us that time? the alternative is our fertile soil and natural resources. We can start from zero and develop that means eating greens without salt or oil, but most of who grew up with oil and onions from the north are the ones crying here to why the borders should be closed.

    You don’t look for alternatives when there is enough, but start looking for alternatives when there is none. Get me well bro, we can’t give in because of the flow of oils and onions from the North, dude.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Atem Garang has stabbed Salva Kiir on the back. Why disclose that you are planning to shut the borders in December. This is silly politics in this 21st century. You need to play your cards wisely. SAlva Kiir is saying the opposite in New York.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Garang’s statement is provocative and unwise. He has stabbed Salva Kiir on the back because the disclosure is contrary to the speech of the president at the UN in New York.

  • akot

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    South Sudan is not a bush if you don’t know my friends
    everything you eat in Northern Sudan come from South

  • Logic

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Just the same way the Shwaigas and Jailia were pitted against each other by the imperialist Ottoman empire over, except, they were throwing you guys dates instead of bananas, oh yeah! you people are so much better than the African Sudanese.

    Get an education bitch, the world is a jungle and the strong survives, it seems you are the foolish one who got convinced that somehow you’re better than the African Sudanese and coerced into implementing an imperialist agenda as soon as the colonialists left Sudan.

    Foreign agendas can only be served if there are internal divisions to begin with, so please spare us your bullshit propaganda of blaming the West for manipulating the Africans of Sudan as if all was good to begin with.

    As for corruption, YES there are SPLM officials who are corrupt but does that give you the right to insult all southerners (African Sudanese) or the amnesia necessary to forget about the rampant corruption in Khartoum which dwarfs that of Juba in monetary value.

    Go fuck yourself.

  • whatsayyou

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    I can say No Sir Atem Garang don’t closs borders at this time because of three mean reason 1st.Demarcation of borders is not done 2nd. there are some southern sudanese Who are stil coming from the north sudan 3rd The status of Abei is not known ,so without these completed then we should not think of clossing of the borders.

  • Force 1
    Force 1

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Tambura, if the SPLM/A leaders are the losers and you’re the winners then why aren’t you leading South Sudan? I know you guys will lead when Dinka no longer exist in the South!

  • Tambura

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Why always twisted everything to tribalism? When you knew very well at end of the day it will not work in south Sudan. Try to vision things at right way, not like Dr. Garang who fought for 20 years with confused vision that would not brought us the freedom we are enjoy now in ROSS. You are wrong bro to think that other tribes will not lead south Sudan….

  • Northern Sudanese
    Northern Sudanese

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    dear southerners

    please before you shut the border collect the rest of your people and let them live with you in the failed state

  • Professor J
    Professor J

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Hello guys 🙂 I say to Garang go ahead and close the goddamn border. You lazy spoiled idiots sticking in the north need to get back home and start digging else, eat dust and sand in Khartoum. You all need to learn to start from zero and soon you’ll grow your own onions and produce your own cooking oil.

  • acuil deng
    acuil deng

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Earlier last week, at the UN, we pledged to keep the peace and cooperation with our neighbors including North Sudan, and this week we announced that we will close the boarder with the North. A wrong move that will add more misery to the locals who are suffering already. Our government must reverse that decision and ease the pain from our people.

  • kulea

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    It might be good Idea if the Republic of South Sudan to do to his Civilians, what I know South Sudan isn’t yet settled itself as Goevrnment who takecarre to the Civilians How come South Authority want to Shuttoff the Boarders while RSS has no any assisstants who can supporting the Vulnerable people especially windowns and harbans’

    this is not agood idea,because more than two thousand dies

  • Antigraft

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    You small minded humans, stop exposing our tender nation into chaos. Look at how you talk, exactly a reprocal of the source of this information. Who is this Atem Garang who does not understand what is called international dipolmacy. South Sudan is already an independent state that needs to work with Khartoum under international law and obligation. Does it mean any Dinka can just wake up in the morning and utter shit then should be believed or accepted? This is ridiculious. Sudan Tribune, stop publishing information about such people. This information and the reason given for the closure of the borders does not hold water. This is utter nonsense. Cattle conflict shoul not be extended to the whole country let it end with border states. Because not all of us are complicit in cattle conflict. Now if cattle was valuable against all shorts of things, why don’t people in Warrap, Unity and Northern BahrElgazal just slaughter them and eat and stop dying of hunger as it is happening now. And again, let us not mix cattle politics with the National Politic. This Atem who claim to be the member of the SPLM is just a cattle keeper.

  • agutthon

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    This should have happened a long time ago. Furthermore government plans should not be announced in the like manner, as “retaliation for what they did.” They did not announce closure of their border as retaliation for secession of south Sudan.
    There seems to be failure in reacting or reading situations and events correctly in The South. This spells disaster for this nations.

  • Sudan Virus
    Sudan Virus

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Close the boarder indefinitely!

  • Sudan Virus
    Sudan Virus

    South Sudan to shut borders with the north: official
    Closed indefinitely!

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