Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Give Garang the respect he deserves

By Isaiah Abraham

October 4, 2011 — Our generation has become these days inquisitive, opinionated and worst contemptuous if not abusing to anything, even in this case of late hero Dr. John Garang de Mabior the true son and father of this nation called South Sudan. Someone somewhere here last week phooey that our big man Garang shouldn’t be amortized or celebrated; this is because he ( Garang) wasn’t a separatist, but a unionist who only beat an about turn at an eleven hour. He charged that Garang was an obstacle to Southern independence by killing separatists. The writer concluded that the family of late Garang are pushing hard their man, when in fact the credit of championship for separation should have been delivered to someone else, probably SPLM/A Nasir architects. I assume thereafter he was relieved and self elated for having hurt someone he thought could never be allowed a foot note in the history of this country.

Well, I have no problem with opinion or anyone criticizing somebody, the elephant however is that to fake and attempt to be heard out of self misguided malignant against particular person or community is outrageous, and unforgivable. Take it this way on the onset: that pejorative by that writer has nothing to do with the ideas of this man called Garang but more of his character being attack. I have never recall a situation in another country where leaders of Garang type could go through such an unwarranted flay. Though internet politicians have time and again to rub our society in a wrong way, especially matters touching security and ethnic division (and now history), the innocent people like you and me keep on burying heads in denial that such people aren’t doing any damage to us. Unfortunately, they doing what our archrival are doing.

Get me right brethren, no one has any monopoly to go against freedom of expression, yet the kind of abuses we have belatedly attached to our expression worry the concerned little people like this author. I believe with all of my heart that there is always a red herring we must be pussy foot, unless we hurt and later stumble and be laugh at by ‘onlookers’. Someone is laughing at us when we hurt one another for nothing. We must prove to ourselves and the world therefore that we are capable of being objectives and civilized in our expressions. Prejudices and the company aside! If we don’t, believe me we will not be believe but end up playing around with our own history and the people that brought us pride and dignity. Garang wasn’t god, no one could claim it that way, and no gods live among men/women. Each of our leaders has his time, we should be careful to give him the respect he truly deserves than go indirectly otherwise to raise a profile of a loser or under achiever whose political path is incorrigible.

Please, this is serious, unless we pretend and claim to nationalist by ‘day’ and devil by ‘night’. There is no incentive for us to allow scrupulous senior politicians to hide behind their pseudonyms and expect to get away with it. By the way, in which way should Garang go to no history because of his ‘new Sudan’ project? How did the rebellion of Akuot Atem and Samuel Gai become ideological differences? Strictly speaking, the issue then in Itang wasn’t about separation and unity differences but pure power struggle among the then leaders. Again when Garang spoke of fighting separatists did that change his strategy on the ground to free South Sudan? How about his other speeches in which he had called for separation, why didn’t we put them together with his speeches for unity and weigh his intention? How about the CPA structure? Common! A unionist couldn’t have called for separate systems in one country and still hope to unite the country; where on earth did you find such a model leading to unity my friend. I don’t think that specific writer didn’t know where Garang heart was but tried to rob us of intelligence by being corrupt and malicious.

Granted, Garang’s new Sudan project took a long time to be understood by Southerners, but the reality dawn later that he couldn’t have been more right. We then tried separation twice, yeah, and others around the other side of the world have also gone that way, but we all know the consequences of shouting it loudly- it never came through singing it. Garang new project after all have brought us freedom so safe and square, why again do we need to waste time piddle on a noble project done by a noble man?

By calling him father of the nation, we just giving him the acknowledgement for a good job he has done unto us. It is an appreciation for that man really did his part smartly. He is our father! We could be having other ‘fathers’ but even in a race not all runners win, there must one and only one that should be crown a winner. It is not about ‘running’ but about finishing. Garang with all other misgiving like any other human being should be celebrated and it is not about his family doing it but the entire nation reserve him the place for a great job he has done for our people. Give him space please!

Isaiah Abraham writes from Juba; he’s is on [email protected]


  • bol_ring

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    you’re entitle to your opinions but so is everyone else. Garang was a unionist and for someone to state that does not mean he/she is degrading him. I had presentation about him when asked who do I think is the great leader of all times, but if someone ask me who fought more for separation of s.sudan, I am afraid I cannot answer it was Dr. Garang given the fact that he was unionist.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    You too Isaiah. You deserve the respect for knowing the truth. This is the most truthful article you have ever wrote Mr Isaiah, not because you have praised or defended Garang, but by pointing out who really deserves the tittles of liberator, Independence championship and national hero. By the way Eritreans would have not liberated their country if not joined by the Ethiopian liberators.

  • John Makuch
    John Makuch

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    How can we give garang respect, how about the SPLM/A commanders he killed because of him most people grew up with out fathers.Yes he did sign the agreement but is because of those who fought died and bleed for South, those are the true hero of South Sudan.Is because of him most Commanders defected because he does not forgive or forget, and whoever disagree or proves him wrong end up dead.

  • dhalaluaak

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    TO Isaiah Abraham,
    Thank you so much for your delightful respond to Mr.Alhagh.
    It’s good that a bright leader, who saved and delivered his people from negligence and under privilege need to be acknowledge as a founding father what out question beyond doubt.

  • Dakkin

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    Isaiah Abraham,

    Let me take you through some history

    The movement was started in Ayod and Bor by Garang

    Arok Thon and Garang at Bilpham declared to fight for a united Sudan

    Nasir Declaration for self determination of Southern Sudan through a democratic process(referendum) by Garang was a complete U turn and one that brought about our independence, the portrait of Garang in RSS note spe

  • Raanbei

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    @writer, you misssed one thing! political figures around the world,always face criticism!whether,live or dead! You can’t silent people on political context. Whoever was against Garang’s position on seperation! Yes, that how politics work! There wasnt and there will not be any leader in the world that will bring people to the same page as they wish!Even if we dont agreed, thats not a drum of war!

  • Tor

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    Yes Comrade Akol Liai – you got it right on brother Abraham.

    It’s good for us to give credit where it’s due. we may not have the will to hold onto ourselves as one, but that’s the way forward. Thanks a lot Mr. Abraham for your well analysis on where Comrade Garang de Mabior stood on our struggle as Southern Sudanese and Sudanese. Dr. John might have doneboth good and bad but he did loose the goal


    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    Mr Dakkin,
    It is unfortunate that you didn’t understand the history coupon with our struggle to achieve independent as sovereign state. Isaiah explained the history and Dr.Garnag’s strategy in simple term. Your Nasir declaration was a right decision at wrong time. Since Dasir declaration us a shallow decision that didn’t take into the failed strategy of Anya I

  • Acuil Deng
    Acuil Deng

    Give Garang the respect he deserves

    The late Dr. Garang De Mabior, was a charismatic leader, when no one of his Phd. rivals was! Sadly, we tend to disrespect our dead heroes, and worship our living traitors.

  • Southerner

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    With the stress in the job market, it is explainable that some will pay lip-service and do whatever they can to find employment. What is inexplicable is when a person, who brutally eliminated his political opponents for their separatist views, is elevated to a position of a founding father when that nation finally gains its independence. Someone educate me please!

  • Nation-State!

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    Mr. Isaiah Abraham,

    People are entitled to their own opinions in a democratic state and you are certainly entitled to form your own opinions and opine as you wish that Dr. Garang is the father of South Sudan. However, others think otherwise. In my opinion,Garang could be referred to as one of the great sons of the nation. No doubt that Garang was a charimatic learder who was very controversal.

  • kuol m. anyang
    kuol m. anyang

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    It will be years if not decades before some of us could really understand the philosophy of Dr. John Garang. We also have to understand here that bigotory is playing every important role in this debate. There are some who know the truth about the man and what his intentions were but they would not give him his due because they want to write the history according to their liking.

  • Randi

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    a person should deserve legacy whether he died or alive Garang De Mabior legacy cannot be created by other as you claim whatever he did should be counted to him, he kill separatists and distorted journey into his own personal ideology looking for authority that why he made coup against provisional executive committee of SPLM/SPLA Chaired akot and Samuel he kill them Southerners knows everything

  • Jingily Logo
    Jingily Logo

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    I believe the previous writer acknowledged and credited the late D.r for his hard work .
    He disagreed with those who called him as the founding Father just like my self.
    Garang was neither a founding father, nor a separatist and thats a fact.
    He was a unionist who happen to be pressured and running out of political date line hence he settled for what the want not to repeat the 1991 incident.

  • Jingily Logo
    Jingily Logo

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    To M.r Isaiah, facts remains facts within the people , not in politicians.
    I believed that the previous writer had credited the late D.r for his hard work.
    We can call him any patriotic names but one thing we cannot and must not do is
    to call him the founding father although thing he had accomplished the job !

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    Mr. Isaiah Abraham,
    You got my vote for being a writer today, as citizens of this country you should take the facts and teach your child that realities about our country. Last word in your article is true that what is important in racing is finishing not running.

  • makuei lual
    makuei lual

    Give Garang the respect he deserves
    it is very difficult for uneducated people to understand the stratgy used by vissionary like Garang to gether alise. even those who where not awaer of what Garang was doing just got it at late hours that Garang was a really Man.
    So dear people lets anybody write whatsoever he/she want to

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