Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

LJM postpones return of its leader to Sudan, no new date set

October 14, 2011 ( KHARTOUM) — The Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) postponed the arrival of its leader Tijani El-Sissi to Khartoum due to “uncompleted administrative arrangements”. The group did not set a new date for his return to Sudan.

This week El-Sissi himself confirmed his arrival on Saturday to the Sudanese capital from Doha accompanied by the Qatari state minister for cabinet affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud. LJM previously delayed Sissi’s arrival to the Sudanese capital several times.

To celebrate the event and also to show the number of their supporters , the LJM wants organize a big gathering in the capital. But the idea seemingly poses some problem for the security services.

The spokesperson of the former rebel group, Ahmed Fadel, said the they cancelled the return of their leader due to “non-completion of the necessary administrative arrangements for the reception of the delegation”.

He further said the place where the reception will be held is not yet determined besides other logistical issues relating to the transportation of the crowd to and from the place of celebration.

The group signed a peace agreement with the government on 14 July based on the Doha Darfur Peace Document. Also last month, Sissi was appointed as chairman of Darfur Regional Authority which will supervise the implementation of the deal.

Sissi’s return was set to launch the implementation of the peace agreement.

The other rebel group involved in the Doha process, the Justice and Equality Movement refused to ink the DDPD and demanded talks on the seven chapters of the framework agreement.

The American administration will hold a workshop on Darfur on 27-28 October attended by rebel groups, regional and international community actors. However, Sudanese government refused to participate at the meeting. Because it will discuss the way forward to strengthen the Doha process and to include all the non-signatory rebels.

Sudan say the Doha process was the last foreign effort to negotiate a peaceful settlement for Darfur crisis and refuse to open the DDPD for talks. Khartoum says disposed only to discuss with the rebels on power participation and the integration of their troops.


  • kitir

    LJM postpones return of its leader to Sudan, no new date set
    The impediments made by the government on the mass celebration going to be organized by the supports of LJM throughout the Sudan ,is simply implies the NCP fear of such huge gathering that will certainly , refute the illusion that NCP is the most popular party in Sudan, also , it fear come from that such uncontrollable gathering may be manipulated by the opposition and turn it to Sudan spring

  • Gunkills

    LJM postpones return of its leader to Sudan, no new date set
    This agreement signed by LJM and NCP will never bring change to Darfur. It will end up like other agreements. MR.Tijani, you should join your brothers who don’t trust NCP agreement they signs. The demand made by SPLM-N for regime change is the only solution that will stop the surfering of African people in Sudan.

  • Silk Bin Kottoraa
    Silk Bin Kottoraa

    LJM postpones return of its leader to Sudan, no new date set
    Dear Kitir,

    You are right, the regime nowadays is like a wounded beast.
    Certainly, the Sudanese people will not let this golden opportunity go whthout making use of it. The Sudanese spring is just a round the cornor.There are only two options before the government: either intoduce radical reform in the system, including restructuring on the basis of transitional period or step down!

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