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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese, Eritrean leaders review bilateral relations

October 21, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Eritrea’s president, Isias Afwerki concluded a three-day official visit to Sudan on Friday when he crossed by road back into his country across Sudan’s eastern border.

An Eritrean woman kissing the hand of President Isaias Afwerki before his departure from Khartoum at the end of his three day visit on 21 Oct 2011 (SUNA)
An Eritrean woman kissing the hand of President Isaias Afwerki before his departure from Khartoum at the end of his three day visit on 21 Oct 2011 (SUNA)
During his visit, Afwerki met his Sudanese counterpart Omer Hassen al-Bashir for talks in Khartoum over their bilateral relations since South Sudan officially gained independence in July.

The visit comes after some reports reveal that there is tension along the neighbours’ common border and also following a recent UN report that condemned Khartoum government for deporting Eritrean refugees, who are fleeing the Red Sea nation in protest over prosecution at home.

The two leaders conferred on a number of bilateral issues and regional issues of mutual interest, Sudan Tribune understands. However some Sudanese media outlets suggest the core agenda behind the meeting might have been security concerns.

President Issaias told the press that his visit was aimed to further strengthen the historical and strategic relations between the people of both countries, noting the new situation following South Sudan’s independence.

The Sudanese president underscored that “ties between Sudan and Eritrea are a people-based relationship built on firm mutual cooperation,” describing relations between the two East African countries as historic and remarkable.

The two leaders put emphasis on a need for linking the countries with roads to boost trade and movement of people. On 26 October Afwerki will return to Sudan to participate in the inauguration of the Kassala-Al-Laffa Road.

On the recently concluded visit, the Eritrean leader visited the Upper Atbara and Setit Dam Complex and the town of al-Shouak, the official SUNA reported.

The visit was described as “fruitful and successful” and was part of “the distinguished relations linking the two countries” by Sudan’s ambassador to Eritrea, Majed Youssef.

Sudan and Eritrea agreed to exchange expertise and experience over dam construction and to cooperate in order to improve the region’s security and stability.

Until relatively recently, Khartoum had frosty relations with its eastern neighbour, with both countries accusing the other of backing opposition and rebel armed groups in their respective territories. Asmara used to host Darfur rebel group the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). JEM, along with some other Darfur rebels, are now based in Uganda.



  • richard

    Sudanese, Eritrean leaders review bilateral relations
    One thing I like of Isaias’ rule was he never allow his portraits hanged in offices or government buidlings unlike other African leaders like Uganda. However, we are witnessing recently people hanging his portrait during demonstrations and even as now seen in this pic kiss his hand. That is the consequences of constant lies and negative campaign against him. He got his love back. Thanks Meles

  • Abdurezak

    Sudanese, Eritrean leaders review bilateral relations
    Eritrean Kebessa women are getting crazy with this brutal despot their mothers used to pray saints icons in their hand kissing holy men priests bishops patiarichs.The religious are either in jail or exiled the hard headed communist is ruling this great land of Moslems and Christians and many nationals shame on us Eritreans worshiping a devil.

  • Eritrean Refugee
    Eritrean Refugee

    Sudanese, Eritrean leaders review bilateral relations

    You have no idea how people are suffering because of this single individual, you cant conclude just by one picture in the media. the real pictures are behind the curtain back at home people are dying and fleeing the country because of him. More tyrant than his enemies think about him. He is really a representative of devil in Eritrea

  • Eritrean Refugee
    Eritrean Refugee

    Sudanese, Eritrean leaders review bilateral relations
    You have no idea how people are suffering because of this single individual, you cant conclude just by one picture in the media. the real pictures are behind the curtain back at home people are dying and fleeing the country because of him. More tyrant than his enemies think about him. He is really a representative of devil in Eritrea
    I would love to see all people understan eritrean

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