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Sudan Tribune

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Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people

October 22, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The leader of the Popular Congress Party (PCP), Hassan al-Turabi warned the government against a buildup of anger among ordinary citizens as a result of worsening economic situation which he said could lead to a violent uprising.

Islamist Sudanese opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi (AFP)
Islamist Sudanese opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi (AFP)
Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Khartoum, the Islamist opposition figure said that people are surrounded by daily struggles of water and electricity shortages as well as soaring food prices.

Turabi advised the government to be more aware of people’s grievances and avoid a “destructive” revolution, particularly if motivated by the economy.

“If there were political oppositions, resistance, and revolution then it would have been normal, but when the economic factor kicks it becomes very dangerous,” the PCP leader said.

“The feeling by people of class [differences] and [rich-poor] gap would make them break and destroy things, as they do now in Europe,” Turabi added.

He likened any future outbreak of violent protests to the ones that occurred in Khartoum following the death of Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) chairman John Garang in August 2005.

Commenting on recent growing wave of demonstrations in Sudan, Turabi denied that the opposition were behind it as the government claims adding that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) “is deceiving itself.”

He slammed remarks by NCP officials, accusing Turabi’s party of being willing to forge alliances “with the devil,” to topple the regime headed by president Omer Hassan al-Bashir. The ruling party also said that the PCP is seeking foreign funding for that purpose.

“They themselves [the NCP] used external help…..[they] are looking for money and we know who they went to,” Turabi said.

“In this logic we should condemn Libyan rebels and decry opposition in Syria and Yemen,” he said.

Turabi urged Bashir to learn lessons from other rulers in the region who faced revolutions and were either toppled or close to being removed. He said the Sudanese ruler must make a public apology to the Sudanese people on what his government committed in Darfur.

But he cautioned that in the likely event that the people accept his apology this will not save Bashir from prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has charged him with ten counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

He also commented on Bashir’s ability to visit several African countries that are ICC members without being arrested saying that leaders of these nations lack criteria of democracy and justice.

“Now each one of them fears for himself,” Turabi said.

So far Kenya, Chad, Djibouti and Malawi are the African ICC members that have allowed Bashir to visit without apprehending him.

The 79-year-old leader masterminded the Islamist-backed coup that brought Sudan president Omer Al-Bashir to power in 1989.

In 1999, however, he was ousted in an internal power struggle that saw his former acolytes in the Islamic movement turn against him. He later split to form the Popular Congress Party and joined the ranks of the opposition against Bashir’s regime.



  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    Al- Bashir is not only to apologies but to also quit from power not later otherwise his scenarios are likely to contradict con Gaddafi’s scenarios very soon.

  • whatsayyou

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    People of sudan what Bashir did is enough please, please you have to do something about him he is not the only in sudan it is time to remove him.

  • akot

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    Sudanese are coward people nobody can move Bashir in power except abdulaziz, Malik Agar and Kiir in South Sudan.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    Southern Sudanese!Isn’t wise for you to focus on your own worsening economic situations and the eminent starvation that is about to hit 95% of RoSS population regardless of billions of dollars as oil profits being embezzled by the SPLM looters,than to waste your time and energy talking about the suffering of the people of Sudan. If you aren’t hypocrites,then why blaming Bashir but not Kiir-SPLM?

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    No matter what, the inflations in Sudan is no way comparable to the hell of hardship our people of RoSS are experiencing as I am writting this comment, in the hand of SPLM syndicate.If people of RoSS are really brave enough why no one is protesting against the SPLM’s looting of the money?? What were the economic situations during Turabi and Sadiq or anyone from their rotten old political parties?

  • tiger

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    Mr SSLA, although you are not far from point, you need to think and observed keenly with matur digestion. if people talk about crisis in Sudan, there is a need to comment about Sudan and vice versa.
    now the article is about an islamist leader condemnining Preisdent Bashir and we should comment base on that and if it happen to be about president Kiir and his goverment, we should also comment.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    I am not against people of RoSS commenting on Sudan issue or vise versa but against hypocricy Hypocrisy of some southern Sudanese in General!! It doesn’t make sense to talk about inflations in Sudan when your people are living their worst nightmare since the independency of Sudan from British colonisation!! In Sudan there is increase in the food prices but in RoSS there is no food at all!and if pr

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people

    You seemed to have misunderstood my comment altogether!! Please read it again and try to make sense of it if you understand English well,otherwise you must be kidding!

  • syklops1

    Islamist opposition leader calls on Bashir to apologize to Sudanese people
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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