Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory

October 29, 2011 (JUBA) – Saturday’s fighting between South Sudan army and rebel forces around Unity State’s western town of Mayom has resulted in the death of over 70 people, according to state officials who also denied rebels’ claim of capturing the town.

A photo of the aftermath of previous clashes in Mayom (
A photo of the aftermath of previous clashes in Mayom (
Meanwhile, rebel forces asserted claims of controlling Mayom, and warned that their forces were now moving to attack the neighboring state of Warrap.

The attack on Mayom, which lies 93 km from Bentiu, the provincial capital of the oil-rich Unity State, was first reported on Saturday morning by the rebels, South Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SSLM/A), which claimed it captured the town after four hours of fierce clashes with South Sudan’s forces known as Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

However, state officials denied the fall of Mayom, claiming that the official army had repulsed the attack and inflicted heavy losses of lives among the rebels.

Gideon Gatpan, the official spokesman of Unity State’s government, told Sudan Tribune on Saturday that the attack of SSLA forces led by James Gai Yoach had occurred at around 6 am and the ensuing clashes lasted for one hour before rebel forces were “repulsed.”

According to Gatpan, SPLA forces had killed more than 60 rebel fighters, including a high-profile colonel known a Ruathdeal Gatwei Thong, and captured one soldier.

Gatpan also claimed that SPLA forces on Friday chased away “a group of renegades” who were planting landmines around Mayom.

The spokesman also said that 15 civilians were killed and 18 others sustained injuries in the attack. He however gave no figure of causalities among SPLA forces.

He further said that one of the wives of the SPLA’s Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Paulino Matip Nhial, was killed in the attack.

“The situation is under control … The rebels are still being chased away,” Gatpan said in an aside with AFP.

He also suspected that the attack was motivated by the rebels’ desire to disrupt the disarmament process in unity which, according to him, has collected 1,000 guns, over half of them in Mayom.

Mayom County has been the epicenter of rebel groups’ activities in Unity. Predominantly populated by the Nuer Bul community, Mayom is the subject of a disarmament campaign that started in 2010.

South Sudan alleges rebels supported by Khartoum

Meanwhile, SPLA’s spokesman Philip Aguer told AFP that six SPLA soldiers and three police were killed. He also said SPLA forces captured three more fighters in the east of Mayom County.

According to the military spokesman, the rebels were organised and trained in South Kordofan, a north Sudanese state bordering South Sudan, saying that they were “supported by Khartoum.”

“In Heglig (a small town in South Kordofan), they were given a lot of land mines on the 26th of this month, and then they started moving immediately” to the south, Aguer was quoted by AFP. “it’s obvious it’s from there (South Kordofan). They have a camp in Nyala [a town in Sudan’s western region of Darfur]”

Aguer also said rebels led by Commander Matthew Pul Jang had come from Sudan to support other militia leaders in South Sudan, and had clashed with SPLA forces Friday in Tor Abith and Tumur.

South Sudan, which seceded from Sudan in July this year, has repeatedly accused Khartoum of supporting rebel groups within its territories.

Similarly, Sudan accuses Juba of supporting its erstwhile allies who are fighting Khartoum’s army in Sudan’s border states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Rebels claim advance towards Warrap, warning NGOs to leave

A statement released by the SSLA on Friday reiterated claim that the group wrestled control of Mayom and its forces were advancing to ‘liberate’ the neighboring state of Warrap.

The rebels also said they captured Tomor town and were now advancing towards the state capital Bentiu.

According to the SSLA, its forces had killed ‘700 SPLA soldiers, captured 23’ and destroyed a great amount of SPLA weaponry.

The group also warned UN and NGOs’ staff to vacate their offices in Warrap State ‘within three days’ and urged civilians ‘to evacuate all towns and move to villages in order to be safe.’

‘SSLA forces, under the command of Maj. Gen. Bepean Machar, are now going towards Warrap State to liberate it from corrupt government in Juba. Within a few days, the people of Warrap will be liberated from abject poverty, corruption and abuse of human rights,’ the rebels said.

The group issued a similar warning on Friday, advising NGOs and UN to leave Unity State within a week ‘for their own safety.’

The rebel group accused Juba of having no intention to seek a negotiated settlement to the crisis, saying that Salva Kiir’s government ‘believes in military solution to end the war in South Sudan.’

Juba has reportedly rejected an offer by the US government to mediate between it and rebel groups.

‘The people of South Sudan should know that the government in Juba rejected the US State Department’s proposal to mediate peace in South Sudan at the end of September,’ the rebels said.

The SSLA asserted that it will only accept to sit for talks with Juba under the mediation of either the European Union or the US government.



  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Aimless fighting without clear goals or vision. I feel sorry for the innocents of these areas.

  • Bush man
    Bush man

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Something must be wrong in this county of Mayom. How many rebel groups in this county. Gadet and galuak Gai activities ceased long time and now come up another rebel group. I am afraid there must be a big fish behind all this. I advise the government in Juba to put its house in order.

  • WendeMajok

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    “Are you raising breed without greed?!”

    In line with the number of the death toll, the stated figure is not rhyming with the reported figure from both sides. Who is fooling who?

    SPLM/A is failing to achieve it stated goals if so many innocent people are still dying instead of enjoying peace. I would advise that; since negotiation is not a solution, why can’t those culprits behind this mess get military solutions? Watch out Salva Kiir, this is potraying bad image of your leadership……”aktul ayi awaalik el bi lakbat naas fi zaman salam” What is wrong with the security personnel of the country?!?! Are you failing to secure citizens at all?!?!

    If you are paying deaf-ear to this matter then their reason of talking about corruption is true because if you can’t feel the pain that the people you are ruling are undergoing then you are just a statue in the position.

    I love my country but hate the leadership style….sluggishness is not needed please.

  • ali deng
    ali deng

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    I couldn’t agree more with you,but conjoint all tribes, whom are all humankind in political system; and fairness is necessary….otherwise, the formation new RSS is useless.

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    I don,t see the reasons people should fights each other, and if it is a matter of corruption, it does not guns or loss of lives. corruption need to be fight in pariement not in the bush where you stated the wrong of the government. There is no doubt that Kiir is trying his best to bring those responsible to justice but he fears some may joined rebels. if you killed people then you are corrupts.

  • Matur Jonghok
    Matur Jonghok

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    The Gadet-Gatluak rebel factions did not halt their activities & it was clear Gatluak met his fate coz of this fiasco. Which big fish again do you claim when the current gov’t seems to be united to the teeth. Stop being rediculous and working behind others-you a party coz u knew about the big fish.

  • khan junior
    khan junior

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Taban and his alliances will never said what even a blind person can see.They merely blind-flow the people of Unity State.they gave a death toll which is in-curve and claim it to be the real number simply because they fear the high number of fatalities from this inhumane act by their co-friends from the other side of the sight.

    Gaddafi paid dearly for his did and promise you you will do likewis

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Sorrow for the lost of innocents life from such an heinous act carrying out by the rebels .under command of James Bapean Machar all these factions of rebels from Bapean to George Athor they have no cause to fighting for no sufficient grounds as political effects just be back by Khartoum Government for their collusive agreement to destabilizes the region .

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    As per their statement the rebels try to vindicate their actions for removal Governor Taban Deng this should not be subject for the death of innocents civilians everyone knows Taban and the SPLM leadership mess the Unity State for their personals interests they forget about the welfare of the people of Unity State . so Taban should be remove through peaceful means not through violence .

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    But as people of South Sudan at this time our voices should rise up and calls for International community intervention to care out investigation for impairing any human life to cause the catastrophe in Unity State whether its in rebels side or Government side SPLA should be careful in the way to deterrent such unacceptable act any human right violation investigation. Human Rights Watchdog .

  • Malual Bol
    Malual Bol

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Our President Salva Kiir knows very well that he is behind the killing of the innocent people of Bentiu. He imposes Taban Deng who has lost many different elections because of his unpolarity; i.e. 2008’s SPLM state Congresses election, SPLM 2nd National Convention, SPLM National Liberation Council (NLC) and the Governorship which he rigged by killing innocents against the winner Angelina Teny.

  • Malual Bol
    Malual Bol

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    The war in Unity State, is the war between the citizens of Unity State and their 2 percent oil money benciaries. They use Taban Deng as a straw to withdraw the money from the oil. This has made the state poorest and undeveloped in South Sudan.But we will one time take these beneficieries to court ICC

  • Bush

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    I don’t expect a group of a small gangs, clan, tribe, criminals or RATS to liberate the whole country, your lies and treats will never scare us in South Sudan. We don’t know what you are fighting for, now we everyone in the system, the Dinka, the Nuer and the Equatoria i.e , what do you need again you greedy criminals? Can you rule us? You days are numbered.

  • Alier42

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    @ LL Reuben

    do not comment before you understand the message.SSLA do have a political agenda in which the fighting for ,i for one have opted their support ,because their aim is topple the corrupt goverment in Juba,on the other hand they are not killing civilians like what Machar did in 1991 when their target were to kill innocent people ,SSLA the victory is your never seek for negotiations from

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    If stupid people are fighting a stupid war the result of that is only a stupid one.
    Why fighting and yet you have been liberated ever since?
    Mayom used to be like that since the creation of Eve and Adam.
    The civilians are the ones bearing the brunt of this unfounded and uncivilized war.
    There is that saying in Nuer if your cow dies you cry but if a human no crying.
    Respect your own forks guys.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    The rebels has right to fight this corrupt government of Kiir,to be change by good government commposed of multiparties of south sudanese,not only two tribes,i myself support the rebels to overthrow this corruptee regime

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    That is not good,Do not kill without aim.
    If you are killing DINKAS go ahead with them only,Those are the ever wost creature in this new sudan. All southerns will do that soon. Wait and see.And they are going to run away in juba.

  • twins

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Michael Mayom

    It seemed like you didn’t understood the article. And if you do you’re the suporter of this killing of innocent people in Mayom. I recently understood that Kiir has a hand on this killing for rejecting negotiation offered by U.S. in-order to safe the lives of his own people. If Kiir does not suport this killing, why didn’t he accept negotiaition?

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    SPLA/M miltia must stop lying to itself by claiming that it controls the whole southern Sudan when it isn’t. The Militia needs to come to its senses and accept to sit down with the rebels ofcourse, with the mediation of international community to resolve the root cause of the rebellions in RoSS just in the same way government of Sudan accepted the international mediation hence the CPA.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    75 people killed! is not a good news at all. Because whoever died in that battle, be it a rebel, a SPLA militiaman or a civilian caught in the crossfire, he/she is a southern Sudanese at the end and thus his/her life is dear to us. Thus claiming victory doesn’t excite me. Brothers and sisters, let come together and sit down to resolve our differences but with the help of international community.

  • south boy
    south boy

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    yeah indeed the problem in unity state and the kiling people is kiir responsibility, because Taban is now acting like president in unity state, please let us talk to our president not to be directed by the governers, let him act as Ross president, let us advice kiir to remove Taban and we will all see what the rebels are wanted.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    SPLA militia is very delusional indeed. The militia never like to be honest even to itself which is why the militia always gives itself false strength only to be surprised with defeat by its enemies! Mr Gatpan is obviously lying to himself so as to obscure the reality of SPLA defeat in the battle for Mayoum. SPLA/Mers are congenital liars, sad!!

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    Mr. Alier42,

    You’re right I don’t anything. The SSLA is killing innocents for the right reasons, and I should have applauded to that, sorry! I hope that make you feel good now.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Death toll of Mayom clashes put at 75 amid mutual claims of victory
    The death of Bentiu civilian Taban and PRESIDENT kir is responsible that,because they are violet the human right in the community ,if there is human right they can taken to ICC for investigation .

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