Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens

November 1, 2011 (TORIT) – The deputy governor of Eastern Equatoria state, Nartisio Loluke Manir, on Friday called upon his community to stop seeking medical assistance from witch doctors but rather go the health centers for treatment.

The Governor Imatong state Nartisio Loluke Manir, Oct. 28, 2011 (ST)
The Governor Imatong state Nartisio Loluke Manir, Oct. 28, 2011 (ST)
“So many of our people in the villages are suffering from diseases that could have been treated in the early stages at the medical facilities, but they instead go to witchdoctors for treatment who often treat them, thus leading to the death of many of the patients,” said Loluke.

He called upon health workers to observe ethical standards in the execution of their duties.

“Sometimes when you go the health facilities in the rural areas, you will find no single staff on duty. Some of the patients become even sicker because no health worker is there to attend to them,” he said.

Speaking at the handover of four new vehicles to state authorities by Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), he said his government will prioritise the development of health institutions to ensure that health services reach to people in remote areas.

“Our health institutions have not developed to the level where every citizen has access to health services at a walking distance. It’s the strategy of the government to ensure that this is achieved in the long run,” Loluke told Sudan Tribune.

The project, which will focus on Budi, Lopa/Lafon, Ikwoto, and Kapoeta East counties, is funded by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund, which is administered by the World Bank.

Loluke thanked NPA for their support, which he noted had begun during South Sudan’s two-decade civil war. As part of a 2005 agreement South Sudan voted to secede from north Sudan in January, and in July became the world’s youngest nation.

“We acknowledge the support of NPA has given us since the difficult days of the struggle for liberation. We shall not forget the organisation for the good work it has done in the country. We still request for more support as we embark on reconstruction of the country,” said Loluke.

South Sudan is one of the least developed countries in the world with conflict and underinvestment blighting the region.

Deputy team leader of the health project, Abe Gordon Abias, said county health department staff had been trained how to use information systems that would improve the efficiency of their work.

He said the project procured and installed solar panels for lighting, supplied computers, office furniture and connected internet facilities at County Health Department’s in the eight counties of the state.

Gordon said four more vehicles are being procured for the remaining four counties.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Ahahaha they evn go to the witchdoctor to be apiont as a minster in the gov.

    what a shame?
    those poor boy of omonio de oatrio are the very poor people whom his relative live on that wicked evil oafish life.
    shame on congoles and Ugandan migrant people

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    dog dick sucker ,aka dinka dominated shite..

    dick sucker,if your asshole is itching,please just scratch it hard or stick the dry and long wood in so that you can reason like human being. i wonder if you have five common sense like human being.
    Am Equatorian but am not from that state, dummy.

  • Green

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Well my friend, dont swear too much, most of counties in Equartoria are well known of practicing that shamefulness! This is how others tribes in s. sudan question the level of intellectuality of Equatoria people! People with higher educations still act in primitive manners like old days. Education is changed, orientation and adoption for new things.So dont defend the stupidity of your people pls!

  • Joseph

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Omoni jr, please have a sense of decorum, your languague does not even please flies.What Dinka Dominated SPLA said is true to some extent. Most of the Gov’t officials visit witchdoctors or even consults oracle not only in EES but alomst in the entire SS or developing countries. I am an Equatorian but i do not apprciate your comment aginst Dinka Dominated SPLA. Have gud day bro.

  • Logic

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    You two are as bad as each other and quite frankly, heliraious! lol..

    I pray for the day when you guys will stop being subjective and add your voice to a mature and productive discussion. You should try it sometime.

    That’s unless you are young kids and we’ll just have to wait for you to grow up. And with a name like DDS, you must be.

  • Joseph

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Green, you are the most green minded person i ever found in this ww. when i was try to side with Dinka Dominated SPLA and u r trying to make hightly stupid comments about Equatorian in general. Your are really a goon. Please spare your time to educate your lil brain.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    this attitudes are not only a shame to you but to the poor parents that born you.

    I can see that you were born in a family with no feature abd i am not going to wast my time replies to the fool like you.
    shame is what you will carry in your life. i don’t have time to talk to Congles_Ugandan migrant. to Sudan.

    If i know you? you would be languishing forevery. lucky you i don’t know you

  • Antigraft

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    You Dinka Dominated SPLA, stop being arogant about EES or Equatoria as a whole. Mind you, witchcracraft is not only being practiced by Equatorians, even some sections of Dinkas are practicing. I know of Lakestate and Abyei. More specially from Abyei they practice witchcraft to a greater extend.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Dear All

    Guys when one want to comment on an issue,frist understand the content but not be in hurry and write nonsense with wrong gramma,Equatorial are civilized people,who can see a head.
    Because of their civilization many foreigners came in Eguatoria land including others from the different state within the south sudan,but concerning this witchdoctor were be practices by those foreigners.

  • Green

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    @ukuc, what do mean by civilization? Dont confuse yourself, and your region about that term. Civilization has nothing to do with education or development! How come Equatorian should be civilized when the whole Africa is not civilization! so for short, civilization is conceptualized in common religion, but has nothing to do with education! Africa has no common religion, mean no civilization!

  • WendeMajok

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Adept/Amulet Vs Godly brethren

    I sometimes laugh when seeing weird comments posted here by some myopic folks.

    This is a matter of sensitizing/educating the local population on the use of health facilities, there is nothing to do with scratching of fingers here….

    The so called people who are still using the “juju” to secure some positions/stuff, protection or to hurt/harm others should stop…..mainly these practices exist within us.

    Let the RoSS start with a new version of lifestyle please..



  • Christina

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    What a good advise, i wonder if people wants to be like the Nigerian movie actors. I do value your advice, however, for at this instant I feel you should be attending to the inter- tribal (Acholi and Madi) clashes that is claiming a lot of lives of our brothers, rooted by some droll personality using their position in the SPLA/Government. Why is the government of Eastern Equatoria state not acting

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    You are very narrowly and shortsighted by putting your bias comments on blames on me. Can you read from the beginning of the commentators ,from the first to where my comment is.
    Instead of you blaming your master Dinka d.spla,.
    you arrongantly turned it to me.where did he put my name there from first stupid comment that you thought was true??
    iam really doubt if you do know,what a true is

  • Lokeji

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Why are we very lazy to read and understand the context of every article very well before posting a comment that is out of context and full of falacies( especial the falacy of generalisation)?.When shall we relinquish from this tribal and regional politics?instead of posting rubish here, you go to help your people in those empty health centers.by the way, what is our role as youth in RSS?

  • Lokeji

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    it’s really a pitty that we the young generation have asserted that the present structure of south sudan is the foundation of the nation that we were dreaming about, a nation that is built on hatre,tribalism,regionalism,denial,etc.Will there be a future for this infant state? if yes what are you going to do to change this tribalistic &regionalistic youth?

  • BM Bol
    BM Bol

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    This practice is not limited to the people of Eastern Equatoria only. I am a Dinka and I know some of our people in the remote villages still follow this practice as well. Stop “tribalising” every subject. I personally applaud the minister for discouraging this practice. His example needs to be emulated across South Sudan as a whole.


  • Ito

    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Dear brother BM BOL,

    Thank you very much for posting such a great comment with regards to using witch doctors in south sudan. I am from Eastern Equatoria from the same tribe of deputy governor. And as far as my tribe is concern, we are nationalist. if everyone is like you, south sudan would be a peaceful place. you are not tribalist and God will help you climb to any position you wish my brother


    ‘Stop using witchdoctors’ Eastern Equatoria tells citizens
    Thanks to all the commentators, esp’lly dinka dominated SPLA, SSLA liberator, bush etc. A nation is not only built by positive contributors but also by those who try to destroy it. Concerning racist and tribal comments i do not blame you entirely. But sudantribune takes part of the blame. With the new rules, it’s removed the blame…..how can we remove ours as commentators? It’s a choice we make!

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