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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions

November 1, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government has reacted angrily to the decision by US president Barack Obama to renew the comprehensive economic sanctions that have been in place since 1997.

United States President Barack Obama returns a salute as he steps off Marine One helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington (AP)
United States President Barack Obama returns a salute as he steps off Marine One helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington (AP)
‘The government of Sudan strongly condemns the renewal of these sanctions,’ the Sudanese foreign ministry said in a statement, as reported by Reuters.

‘The sanctions imposed by the US administration are political sanctions which were and still are aimed at damaging Sudan’s vital interests by hindering development ambitions and plans to fight poverty.’

Obama said in his memorandum released by the White House that the actions and policies of the government of Sudan are hostile to US interests and continue to pose an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

“Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared with respect to Sudan and maintain in force the sanctions against Sudan to respond to this threat.”

In October 1997, the US imposed comprehensive economic, trade and financial sanctions against Sudan in response to its alleged connection to terror networks and human rights abuses. Further sanctions, particularly on weapons, have been imposed since the 2003 outbreak of violence in the western Darfur region.

Washington promised Khartoum last year that should South Sudan referendum go peacefully it would quickly remove the East African nation from the list of states that sponsor terrorism as early as July 2011.

However, easing of economic sanctions and upgrading diplomatic ties was contingent however upon resolving crises in Darfur.

The US has yet to de-list Sudan from the terrorism designation, a decision which appears to be in light of the new conflicts that have erupted this year in Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

United Nations agencies and rights groups accused Khartoum of violating humanitarian law and in some instances to have committed war crimes in the course of the fighting.

Nonetheless Sudanese officials had remained hopeful that the US would soon start lifting part of the sanctions in reward for facilitating the South Sudan referendum and recognising its results, which resulted in the creation of a new state as of last July.

In Khartoum, the speaker of the parliament Ahmed Ibrahim al-Tahir said that he is seeking direct dialogue with the US Congress over what he said were “hostile” positions taken by legislative body against his country.

Al-Tahir accused the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) officials in north and south Sudan of supplying false information to US lawmakers which resulted in a negative stance by Washington.

In addition to removing sanctions, Sudan wants the US to assist in obtaining relief on a $38-billion debt which is incurring more than $1 billion in servicing fees annually.



  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    my brothers from North sudan.
    Although i do not support this renewable and hatred economic sanctions against sudanese Africans,but this should have been directed to NCP thugs and their allies.
    you need to do this,solve:
    Abyei problem.
    Darfur problem.
    south kordufan.
    Blue Nile problem.
    Then, there will be no more economic sanction imposed to you.
    omoni jr

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Yeah the hell will contune in the north sudan until the regime is change by the people.
    Death to bashir

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Mr. Karti,

    United States gave your goverment precondition to do before considering of removing it from countries that sponsored terrorism and your country still support terrorism and also its continue killing people in Darfur, Blue Nile, Abyei and Nuba Mountain. How do you expect others to do you a favor while your country still violated precondition, which set forth by the United States.

  • Waucity

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    why would Khartoum be mad about sanction…There was no need for war in blue Nile but you introduce it, which mean really somebody does not have to have a good reason to impose sanctions on you.

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Sanctions without action taken for Sudan will do nothing. Omar al Bashir and his NCP have been ignored by the International Community to leave them and jump up to Gaddafi of Libya who have not killed 300,000 but Bashir has become the worsen dictator and have made a lots of violation and nothing done so far. Omar al Bashir was been indicted and has been travelling around the world and nothing done.

  • Logic

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    US sanctions, unfortunately are hurting the ordinary people of N. Sudan. So naturally its a bad idea.

    If the North is doing well, subsequently the South would benefit but political ambition always gets in the way of the progression of everyday people.

    A sad state of affairs.

  • Bush

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Regime change is the best option so that the of North Sudan can enjoy peace and democracy.

  • pabaak

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Thank Omoni Jr, you provided good homework for the regime in Khartoum, however, they are not type of good at solving problems anyway, they are good at cheating, so they will live with it.

  • pabaak

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    SPLA Dominated, though I don’t like your assigned name, however sometime your message speak loud, so keep it up. but I urge you to aimed your criticism to the common enemy. And thanks

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Dear World community/Southerners
    Bashir has not yet finished 42 years on power like Gadafi, but he is the worsen killer or murderer in the world and therefore the citizens of Sudan who surfered the most are expected no fly zone, sanctions and arrest warrant to Bashir. North Sudan citizen should endure the burden because they vote for Bashir to remin on power while they don’t know the consequent.

  • Lorolokin

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Sanctioning Sudan as a whole will only harm ordinary people, I think the best thing is to sanction National Criminal Party (NCP) official including Bashir and Jallaby .But sanctioning sudan is only going to make life worse to the ordinary citizen.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    The government in North Sudan is corrupted and bad to the core. Sanctions must stay in place indefinite. You do not need to feel sorry for people in the north, because these people killed 2.5 million south Sudan people. Today they continue the killing in Abyei, Darfur, Kordufan and Blue Nile. President Obama made the right decision. Job well done Mr.President.


  • Guot

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Hello Khartoum! Why do you blame the US for renewing the economic sanctions against you? The US renewed the comprehensive economic sanctions against you because you violated the portion of Comprehensive Peace Agreement, also known as CPA. You violated the public consultation on Abiey, Nubian Mountains, South Blue Nile. You resorted to your old policy of exterminating the freedom appellant citizens

  • Guot

    Sudan condemns renewal of US economic sanctions
    Hello Khartoum! Why do you blame the US for renewing the economic sanctions against you? The US renewed the comprehensive economic sanctions against you because you violated the portion of Comprehensive Peace Agreement, also known as CPA. You violated the public consultation on Abiey, Nubian Mountains, South Blue Nile. You resorted to your old policy of exterminating the freedom appellant citizens

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