Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan minister: army ready to defend Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

November 3, 2011 (BENTIU) – The South Sudan chief of the army’s general staff, James Hoth Mai and the deputy ministry of defence, Majak Agot Atem, have visited areas of Unity state affected by militia attacks on 29 October.

SPLA chief of general staff, James Hoth Gai, 2011 (BBC)
SPLA chief of general staff, James Hoth Gai, 2011 (BBC)
Mai briefed journalists about the conflict between the South Sudan People’s Liberation (SPLA) and the South Sudan Liberation Army rebels on Thursday in Rubkotna airport.

“We came here to witness what had happened in Mayom county,” said Mai.
He claimed the the militias “came from Kharotoum” and that instability in South Sudan was a result of groups “given support by Arabs of the north in terms of money.”

A recent report suggested that ammunition confiscated from Peter Gadet’s forces in Unity state bore the same markings as that used by the Khartoum government in Darfur.

Atem said he was satisfied with the security committees of Unity State who briefed them on the incident and was confident about the SPLA’s capacity to protect the civilians of the state.

He called upon the people of the state to “continue supporting our armed forces in their mission to drive out all the rebels and people who have decided to go against the will of the people of South Sudan.”



  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    South Sudan minister: army ready to defend Unity state
    SSLA/ aka Nuer..
    you need to listen to james Hoth Mai in your own language so that you can comprehends the message very well.

  • Master

    South Sudan minister: army ready to defend Unity state
    Over $1.5 billion public money generated from oil revenues remitted by Khartoum has been spent in South Sudan without proper records between 2005 and 2006, a report by the Auditor General has revealed

    It said that in 2005, Sudanese banks holding Government of Southern Sudan bank accounts could not confirm the existence of $429,196,359 from a total of $490,783,492 reported in financial statements

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    South Sudan minister: army ready to defend Unity state
    Dear Master,

    What is the link betwn your reports on Financial and Defend Visit? contrarly information..

    Keep Up Good works Defend Generals, you must restore the hope of the People of the SOuth Sudan that we have Army ready to Protect the Civilians from TErrorists. disciple the Morale of the Army to defend the Teritory.UNity and Jonglei will be safe if Athor and OLouny are kill or capture.

  • Alier42

    South Sudan minister: army ready to defend Unity state
    @ Wen De Deng kuol

    you should not contradict the causes of the conflict,there are some few individuals in Juba goverment who are ,politically responsible for the ongoing conflict in unity state.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan minister: army ready to defend Unity state
    Omani jr.

    SSLA/M is not and will never be a Nuer movement but a nationwide one! Hoth and John Kong are SPLA/M puppets and whatever they say or do they do it please thier Bosses in Juba and Bilpam. Let them not talk too much because the war is closer enough to the RoSS’s economic powerhouse, Bantiu. which will fall soon and then the government in Juba. SPLA is losing many battle frontlines, sad.

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