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Sudan Tribune

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Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links

November 4, 2011 (JUBA) — The Sudan people’s Liberation Army (SPLA) has arrested a key opposition leader over allegations linking him to the formation of a new rebel group fighting against the South Sudan government.

SPLA spokesperson, Phillip Aguer, confirmed today the arrest of Peter Abdul Rahaman Sule, the leader of the opposition United Democratic Forum (UDF) on Thursday evening from an undisclosed location in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria state.

Sule is reportedly have started recruiting people, mainly youth, to join his rebel movement in Western equatorial.



  • Liberal

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    No any political party around the globe that own an army. Hitler did it and he got it fruit. All political parties must work together with the SPLM to ensure delivery of public services not forming rebels.

  • mon-mandhal

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Shame shame on him,he the socall Peter Abdul Rahaman sule for conpricy attempt to top the elected democratic government in which he contributed nothing to its establishment.It had been long time for us to have an independent govt,but we got this freedom through our bros &sisters ,s struggls.send send him to prison for life . thxs to scurity organs for their cautiuness.

  • Aleu Majok II
    Aleu Majok II

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    OMG! Almost incredible 2 read that Sule has done this against the very country 4 which he seriously campaigned 4 its separation n independence. If there were a fair Opposition leader, Sule was, 2 me, the only one although leading a small party. The fact, about our political leaders, now remains that as long as one gets 2 presidency he badly needs, it doesn’t matter if it is by hook n crook. Sorry!

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links

    Where is Lam Akot?he sould even be arrested becuase he is behind what is taking place also in KAKA south of Renk Town,any Opposition crying arms against the ROSS govtment should be deaql with squarely.But Sule is already look old why to recuit rebel.


  • paweetdit

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Lol! Am sorry for my brother Abdul raham Sule,please get inform that, Republic of south Sudan got horns,so no room for stupid and idiots minded people to be accommendated in this country any more.My special thanks goes to security personel who knows his/her work.
    Brothers and sisters, the stability of this nation is in our hands,therefore let the culprit deserve the outcome of his attempt .

  • Bush man
    Bush man

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Sule, might have been link to formation of a new rebel yes, but what about the Dr. Lam Akol who killed people in Malakal, Jonglei and now still linked with the rebel fighting in Bentiu area. Lam has a hand in all choas which are happening in the South. Why leaving him to move freely on the street of Juba. To me he is the first person who should be go in and then follow by his fans or call/student

  • ulla 007
    ulla 007

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    im not sure wether sule was arrested for forming millitias in western equatoria or other political issue which the government want to implement against him coz this man is very wise and political mature he can and will not associate himself with this kind of sick mentality of forming a militias ,this supposed to done by fake and uneducated officers who know their stomach that’s all.

  • Baring

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Dear South Sudanese Citizen.

    This unbeavable and is not ture. Any Equatorian Leader will not harm thier country, the above news is just want to distrow the reptation of Equatorian people. We are not upto leadership if we want, it we’ll get it. We are the peacefull people in South Sudan that is why every Cocorages want to leave in our land. I am calling for the release of the opposition leader

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    MR Sule is not from western equatoria,Let him go to his state to spoil it, not Yambio.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    A confused all man does a confused activity.try him and let the old guy go his own way for he does know what he is doing.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Good News for him…..
    Let test the bitterness of rebellion. He was compaiging alleging Dinka had robbed Juba from Bari, That is serious sentment from Senior Opposition Leader. Please Never try him till five years is over. No Justice for him, Why forming rebel?? for What? He himself will not even manage his own house not National Gvment. Bravo SPLA IM. That is the Govement want, Athor left.

  • Ngiechjam

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Sorry for the bad news, I didn,t expect such news from big people like the chair person of the party doing rebellion, how long should South Sudan keep dividen, we need peace we need development and Am calling upon the almight God to guide the hearts of top politician, b,se there is nothing benefiting from killing each other as it had happened in Mayom.

  • Ngiechjam

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Brothers when u need comment itnis better one read well what an article says & then comment.
    I don,t see the reason of why Barring & Ulla007 Denied what Peter attermpted to do,let know that its sourcs are correct, and it is not true to depend the wrongdoer let him test the prison and faced the court in time to come, we need not joking in this country,thanks to our security personel.

  • Ker.

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Dear readers if the wrong doer goes unpunish, criminal may think it is safe to do evils so punish him so that his colleague should learn from this incident

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    To SPLA,
    Please hand over Mr. Sule to the court of law for free and fair trail.Because of close link between SPLA and SPLM your charges could be a mechanism of SPLM to crack down the opposition parties.The citizens of South Sudan are waiting until proofed guilty in free and fair trail………..so far Sule is still innocent

  • Bush

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    That man called Sule must have been mad, who is he BTW and where does he come from? is it because of his last names which making him crazy? WES has no militia mentality like other States, we have been loyal to SPLM/A since November 25, 1990.If that’s true then arrest all those opposition leaders linked with rebels.

  • Alier42

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    @ Nuerone

    you should not deny your brother because of groundless allegation, let him at first be proven guilty in the court of law,what i know he will not be given fair trial,to the best of my knowledge ,the people of great equatoria can not affort anything to do with rebellion, they are coward, what they only know better is gossiping simply.

  • amokraanthiec ooyee
    amokraanthiec ooyee

    Mr.death rate racism or who so calledDr.reality.Why do u contaminated article wiz a word “innocent”? What make this demented man who called himself Sule to appear in global media and you said not proofed guilty? Did u realy listen to SPLA spoken when he was giving concrete evidence about this idiotic man to BBC corespondent? Pliz get the factual information be4 u rush for comments.

  • golong

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    this can not be discussed according to the tribal base because Peter is a South in which no body can deny him the right. The base thing is to identify whether he has the grouped people or not.
    South Sudan is now a nation whereby must value human life.
    we love Peter never agreed with what he has done if it is true. divisions will take us to negative direction. why don’t preach the love to our peopl

  • Arkangelo K.k. Chawul
    Arkangelo K.k. Chawul

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Peter, the time of your support to north Sudan is finish and you will enjoy your fruit of victory. rest the hell.

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    it is slowly coming clearer that SPLM/A is desperately looking for reasons to round up opposition party leaders under the pretext of ‘national security’, exactly what we used to hear of NISS of khartoum.they are cooking unbelievable stories, provoke where necessary, exaggregate where possible, etc. By 2015, all of them including Lam Akol shall have been locked up. president Kiir WINS !

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    are you not aware that some liberators are envous of peace and tranquility in Greater Equatoria and so trying to make sure that it falls into chaos just like their own chaotic states/ villages.they are looking for fault lines among the great people of Equatoria and collide those fault lines.we are following this conspiracy against Equatoria region.Look how they collide madi and Acholi!

  • whatsayyou

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Noooooooooooo!what is the reason to rebel? if this became true then this wiil be very bad on people who seem to be innocent even if they like airing nonsenes out with no action.Mr Sule that your islamic ideaology try but you will never succeed.

  • ulla 007
    ulla 007

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    i understand the situation maybe the source are correct but you are not suppose to said that he was guilty before the court prove him guilty,unless if you and your guys are controlling almost everything, then you can put him guilty wrongly without any evidence.sometime we do encourage rebellion coz of undemocratic governance.

  • Sir Bleak
    Sir Bleak

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Hi Mr Bush! your are right to say so, but those who are suspected to have link with rebels are mere suspects but not caught in action like your uncle Sule. Those who are caught in action ought to be arrested, remember Tanginyang and Mabior are in custody yet. So think again on how to defend your uncle.

    Sir Bleak the analyst.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Mr. Peter Abdul Rahaman Sule, the leader of the opposition United Democratic Forum (UDF). All members of the UDF must be investigated for their mutiny.This man is in the borderline of treason.

    Lam Akol, James Okuk and their (assisting the enemies of south Sudan government) cohorts must be treat as such. They must reeducated.


  • Sam.Eto

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    ” No any political party around the globe that own an army.”….you should tell this to the SPLM-N.

  • Chagai Lokuno Bai
    Chagai Lokuno Bai

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Hi Okucu Palotinokwan, it is wrong to name somebody before his charges implemented. Today arrest is belong to Mr.Sule and tommorrow will be other human blood eaters. So leave Lam Akol alone, his time is yet come with others.

    Many people get leadership and become rich through mass killing of innocent in S.Sudan. Only God knows what the so call politiatern of S.Sudan want. Forming rebel evil

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    Peter Abdul Rahaman sule!!!!!!!
    Very susppicious leader!!Peter is christian name and Abdul Rahaman is muslim name, Jesus and Mahammed are not supposed to mixed,period…
    if your name is:
    John mahammed.
    peter Ahamed.
    Chol Ahemed
    Garang Abdul.
    please you have NO political life in south sudan.Even the minister of health Micheal Milli Hussien ,he need change his last name,other wise he will be targete

  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Breaking News: S. Sudan’s opposition leader arrested over rebel links
    The poor politicians must stop using our citizens for their personal interests. South Sudan ‘ll be a safe place if our politicians get civilise first!

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