Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba


November 4, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – On Wednesday 2 November, Ngor Aguot Garang, a journalist at Sudan Tribune, was taken into custody by South Sudan’s security services following the publication of an opinion piece criticising South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir in The Destiny, a newspaper which Ngor edits in Juba.

Sudan Tribune journalist Ngor Garang who was arrested by South Sudan's security services on Wednesday 2 November. (ST)
Sudan Tribune journalist Ngor Garang who was arrested by South Sudan’s security services on Wednesday 2 November. (ST)
In the article, published in The Destiny’s first edition on 26 October, its author Gengdit Ayok, who is also the newspaper’s deputy editor in chief, said that that Kiir should not have allowed his daughter to marry someone from outside South Sudan, claiming it was unpatriotic.

Ayok’s comment piece, entitled ‘Nyan Bany,’ literally meaning ‘daughter of the president,’ questions why president Salva Kiir married his daughter to an Ethiopian man, whom he constantly referred to as a “foreigner.”

“We condemn in the strongest terms the arbitrary arrest of Ngor Aguot who has showed during the past several years a very high sense of professionalism in his large coverage of political and economic developments in South Sudan,” Mohamed Nagi Sudan Tribune’s editor in chief said in a press release on Friday.

Friday’s statement called for ‘Ngor’s immediate release’ asking ‘civil society, press freedom groups, the international community and other concerned actors to demand the South Sudanese authorities […] release Ngor immediately and to uphold the freedom of the press.’

Sudan Tribune described Ngor’s detention as ‘illegal’ and said that ‘he has not been charged with, nor has he committed any crime.’ Ngor is being held in Juba at a prison near Jebel Market, Sudan Tribune understands.

Sources at The Destiny told Sudan Tribune on Friday that they had received a letter, addressed to its editor in chief, on Thursday 3 November from a senior security official accusing the newspaper of failing to follow professional ethics and publishing illicit news, which was defamatory in nature. The letter did not mention the actual article which led to Ngor’s the arrest but it is widely thought to be due to Gengdit Ayok’s opinion piece.

The Destiny newspaper has since been suspended by South Sudan’s information ministry despite an apology from the newspaper. Ayok, is also understood to have been suspended from his position. The Juba-based newspaper, which only launched on 24 October is the English version of Al-Misier an Arabic daily. Both are believed to be published by Naivasha Production Company limited.

On Thursday reported that Ngor’s arrest happened after he was summoned for a meeting on Tuesday with national security after the article was published in to the The Destiny’s only edition.

As well as Ngor, the editor-in-chief of Al-Misier, Atem Simon, and the president of the board of directors, Dhieu Mathok, also attended the meeting reported.

Abraham Malek, a senior editor with Al-Misier said that the Arabic paper was still publishing, despite the closure of The Destiny. “Until now, we don’t know where our colleague is, and what his situation is going to be,” reported Abraham as saying.

Press freedoms are uncertain in South Sudan as there is no direct legislation enshrining freedom of expression in the media. A recent report by the Committee to Protect Journalists found that ‘local journalists fear the former rebels turned government officials still harbor a war mentality that is unaccustomed to criticism, and that they are not prepared to extend the freedoms they fought hard to attain.’

South Sudan became independent in July as part of a peace deal that ended decades of civil war with north Sudan.

“We are still recovering from a war culture,” Oliver Modi, chairman of the Union of Journalists of Southern Sudan, told CPJ in September.

“There is just too much ignorance toward the press. We are not used to systems, structures–even the media,” he said. According to figures from the journalism union this is the ninth attack against the freedom of the press this year.



Sudan Tribune calls for South Sudan to release journalist

Below is the article, published in The Destiny Newspaper on Wednesday, October 25, that is believed to have triggered Ngor’s arrest.

Nyan Bany

By Dengdit Ayok

Juba, the temporal capital city of our new born nation on Saturday, October 22, 2011 witnessed a disappointing social episode that was found disgusting and denounced by many patriotic South Sudanese across the country.
Our revered and acclaimed President, Sir Salva Kiir Mayardit, who is one of the symbols of our long historic struggle and who is also a symbol of our sovereignty, dignity, integrity and source of our national pride, handed over his beloved-beautiful elder daughter (Adut) to a foreigner in a wedding ceremony held in the Catholic Cathedral at Rajaf.

The wedding raised our eyebrows because we didn’t expect Nyan Beny (daughter of the President) to be married by a foreigner when many national suit her profile for marriage; this without saying that it matters not how long she may stay in her father’s house. A wedding as we all know is a social function that people go to cheerfully with women ululating. However, the wedding of Nyan Beny that took place last Saturday was attended by a small crowd of people with clouds of sadness gathered in their hearts as it was clear from their faces; because they were upset by the decision taken by the President to give his daughter in wedding to a stranger.

The wedding that could have been attended by thousands of South Sudanese with elation and delight, to display their traditional dances and turn it into a national wedding like the British royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, was reduced to a very low morale standard function with the attendance of just a few government officials and a minute crowd.

This wedding has not only shocked and angered members of Kiir’s family, but divided it and turned its peace into quarrels and squabbles, it has also shocked the whole nation; because Kiir is a patriotic leader that fought two wars for the wellbeing of his people, a thing which made him valued and highly respected by South Sudanese. But now that he has given his daughter in wedding to an alien, he has to some extent reduced himself in the eyes of his people.

I am writing about about Adut`s wedding because my heart is in pain like the hearts of many zealous South Sudanese who have opposed it, and I am happy that I have a public platform to air out my wrath and the wrath of many fellow countrymen and women. By giving his daughter to a foreigner, our President has stained his patriotism and turned his leadership questionable in our eyes.

This wedding is a demonstration that foreigners have not only monopolized our market, economy and robbed our integrity after penetrating it, but it is also a demonstration that they have taken over our national pride. What else is left if an alien could penetrate all the hedges and invade the house of our President, eloped and impregnated his daughter? Where were the security presidential personnel when that strange guy entered the house of the President?

This wedding of the First Girl which is supposed to be blessed by all South Sudanese including this author is rejected and the religious leaders who blessed the couple in the house of God regardless of their knowledge that she had conceived, have committed a great sin against God for making unholy matrimony holy!




  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Of course it is not approoriate for President to give his duaghter to foreginer,that wrong decision Kirr has made thus far,I have agreed with folk who are very anger with this sort despite the marriage is just private thing between the parties I therefore condemn this married and I got a message to Adut Kirr please don`t change your heart you already accepted that Ethiopian man please respect him

  • Fighter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Correction, there is no such place called Jebel Marra, it is called Jebel Market in Juba. I myself was once detained illegally there. Those guys are really notorious and they believe they are above the law. Please journalists, be very careful while in Juba. I was threatened with torture and they are know to make people disappear

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Why dot arrest the journalist when there is truth that the daughter is married to an Ethiopian man….?and what is wrong with South Sudan security forces.the president can be challenged and time of there is anything regarding his weakeness and people should not be arrested.

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    i mean why not arresting the journalist when there is truth…

  • Bow de Bow
    Bow de Bow

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    The famous daughter of the freedom fighter, Adut President Kiir brought disgrace to her family as well as the New Nation. Her wedding with syslum seeker who run away from Ethiopia for save haven in South Sudan prove to the common citizens that the president is weak and his daughter endup on the street as prositute like Ugandas and Congolise who leave around jebel Kujur.

  • Jakuku a
    Jakuku a

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    The arrest of the journalist Ngor Garang by South Sudan’s Security Services is disgraceful and immature for the new Republic of South Sudan to intimadate and silence its citizens from voicing their opinions. The daugther of the first president Salva Kiir Mayardit should not be married to the foreigner because it has set a complete bad example to our culture and to the New Republic of South Sudan

  • Mr Neutral
    Mr Neutral

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    We love to see things come to us but not go out of us,what a selfishness?Pauline Riak is not from South but no one complain.Ngor has crossed his boundaries unprofessionally thus deserves some disciplinary measures but should be in a legal way.Kiir was very civilized by respecting and blessing his daughter’s decision to marry a man of her choice.

  • Malim

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Ngor arrest is the beginning of the Ethiopians control over this country through their father in-law President Kiir and his Minister of cabinet Affairs Deng Alor who is also married to the most corrupt Ethiopian woman. This marriage of daughter’s President Kiir was coordinated by Deng Alor’s wife. The secret behind the marriage was all about Deng Alor and his wife plus his in-laws Ethiopians to h

  • Bow de Bow
    Bow de Bow

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    I was not expecting the security agency to arrest Ngor Garang regarding the well documented article entitled “Nyan de Beny”. His arrest is total violation of freedom of speech. Ngor is a journalist and he can report either on bad or good things.

    In the really sense, the judiciary have to approve such wedding of high profile.

  • Bow de Bow
    Bow de Bow

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    I think, the daughter of innocent president who spent most of hiis time taking cold drinks will no longer South Sudan citizen. she has no any legal right to vote in the upcoming election. As my colleague stated, Deng Alor is the masterminder of this marriage or Is our president being persuaded by the delicious “algera” made by Ethiopian.

  • Julia Anok
    Julia Anok

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    liberal attitude in love help to destroy cultures!!! there is nothing that has niggling my stomach like reading news of the wedding. Adut or whatever u call yourself has brought shame to the entire nation with cultureless father. It much more of an interest from Ethiopia man rethar than really love.

    Notice what you have done has turned your father to the lower level in the heart of many people

  • Sonofthesoil

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    In deed very disgusting. Symbol of patriotism jeopardized.

    These security officers arresting journalists should instead be ashamed for failing to protect the first girl.

    It is a pity that we have quickly forgotten the life we have gone through fighting for freedom. So was the fight really for freedom or the big bread?????

  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Will this married last for long time? We south Sudanese do married Ethiopian ladies as we are very responsible in matter of family issues but Ethiopian men don’t know about all these.
    Let Salva Kiir give his beautiful and first daughter to Ethiopian man divorce and come back to him as shame later.

  • Bow de Bow
    Bow de Bow

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    The cultureless girl whose father proud of her (Adut) has done what I will correctly call criminal offence against her beloved society.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    After backing the SPLM and GOSS so strongly and for such a long time Mohamed Nagi must feel like a fool now one of his own journalist is arrested by them.

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Adut Wedding,
    Calm down South Sudanese,Who among you was there to marry the daughter of our president?
    All in all her nature does not agree with the status of his father, she is a woman, she need a man.
    God bless u Adut with yr Honey.
    Iam sure no south Sudanese approached you(Adut) for serious relationship to marry

  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Hi Folks,

    ”What a shameful decision made by Mayardit’s family” Folks I totally agree with you. I wonderful what kind of man do Adut and her family want in S. Sudan?

    If this was news true then President Kirr is unpatriotic and lack of responsibility in the family. What was so hard for Mr President to convince her daughter?

  • Jimmy A. Makur
    Jimmy A. Makur

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    This is ”UNDINKA CULTURE” for your elder daughter to married a stranger. Therefore, Mr President should be ashame of himself and release the journalist immediately.

  • Mou

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Adut had no intention to marry Ethiopian, her intention was enjoyment but ended up in swallowing un-vomit pill from Ethiopian gentleman. No blame to President as there was no way President would refuse the father of his daughter’s baby. Let Adut go in shame and she will come back in shame while her father remain faithful to Adut’s choice.

  • albino mabor
    albino mabor

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Most of RSS citizen are not happy with happen, besides it would have been good if our president brief the nation about what happen becuase she is not just his daughter but he himself is the father of this nation. let so call security release the rightful citzen.

  • Jur Tier
    Jur Tier

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba

    It was on the 16th of December 2008 when I went to Juba for the first time. Juba, though it is known as the South Sudan’s capital, lacks well trained crime stoppers equipped with laws rather force. I am sorry to say that a system within South Sudan which understands full packages of democratic values is a hundred live years away(6th and 7th generation)

  • Atak Akok
    Atak Akok

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Freedom, of speech is one of our justice, Librety and prosperity aspect , so we live in a Nation that fought for freedom,I am totally against this action by out security , and i think this is not ordered by our president Kiir, it must be Human certianly this poor Journalist will regain his freedom soon.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Mr. Neutral and Dr. Reality, You guys hit the nail on the head. Love has no borders, it’s a feeling. Most of South Sudanese are married to foreigners whose their sons and daughters are now working with the government, for example, Deng Athorbei’s mother is believed to be Ethiopian. Ngor is wrong and has crossed his border as a journalist. Kiir has no right to control his daughter’s love to someone

  • Julia Anok
    Julia Anok

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    What are u trying to narrated out here, do you want to tell us that they intermarriages with us throught a cheerful marriages ?uhuh! It’s throught impregnancy weatlock that include they likes of ilegimate born politician Deng Athorbei and they rest of Apro-southern sudanese. I don’t buy a say that love has no borders it just more than a shiit! it controllable unless on your side.
    Release Ngor

  • Bow de Bow
    Bow de Bow

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Nyan de beny (daughter of president) has involved in sex scandal with unknown foreigner. This the first time in hhistory for the royal daughter to fall in dustbin. I cannot blame Adut but this kind of behaviours were inherited from her father who toke all the fallen heroes’s wives such as the sacked Minister Awut Deng Acuil, wife of former regional minister Dhol Acuil Aleu. SHAME ON KIIR!!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    RoSS is being governed by SPLA/M corrupt thugs majority of whom are murderers and looters of civilians’ properties at the gun point to date. So, how could we expect those thieves and torturers to turn over night to sadministrators of this country? SPLA/M militia needs to be ousted for peace, development and prosperity to prevail in RoSS. Thus, support SSLA/M to meet your aspirations and with ease.

  • Chuangah

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    i demand for the release of journalist Ngor, he was a patriotic man, a patriotic man can not hides his feeling, those who arrest him were wrong, they arrest him for what reason, only that he mention the impregnation of president’s daughters or what?
    I urged all our security organ not to treat or teach our civillian with a culture of fear that was used in the old sudan where many people die in s

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Mr Garang
    I support your fair comment as a concern and proud citizen of RoSS and as a professional and courageous journalist. Go ahead in your patriotic journey to tell the truth and people of RoSS are behind you. Alcoholism is destroying Mr Kiir’s family and the whole RoSS. Adut deserves honour killing and her so-called husband should either be murdered or deported to his hell in Ethiopia

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Dear Southerners,

    It is not by surprise to seeing Adut Savlva Kiir mayardit going to Ethiopa. If youth of Southern Sudan who suposely engage with Adut since she was still virgin at her father house fail, then it is Not only blame President by giving his Daughter to Ethiopian, but also blame yourself by failing to engage his daughter and have marriage expectation with her.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Dear Southerners,
    Adut has done nothing wrong, but to fullfil her needs since she has been obivously obsecured her future with Southern Sudanese youth. However, my question is that, how many cows or dariies have been paid by Ethiopian accordance with Dinka cultural activities?
    If no cows that have been paid on Adut, then let all Dinka call it a day and let marriage with nothing continue.

  • gatmai

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    THE SLEEPING NATION.fellows southerners lets first figure it out what Mr.president is after for, does that mean kiir is doing diplomacy? or it is political standards trigger from Ethiopian president? lets hope Ethiopian are not using alshabab tactics to fool our innocent nation.Mr kiir we are in a world of democracy of citizen’s right of expression. we the entire nation need a immediate release

  • Gabs @ Man United
    Gabs @ Man United

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba

  • choldit

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    First of all, the security agent protecting the presidency must admit that it make mistake by letting the president daughter be preganented by a refugee from Ethiopia.second, the South Sudan must admited this is a shameful & unresponsible thing to happen to their president. Mr. President need family counseling as I heard his family in Adelide, Australia is in choastic situation(children behavingba

  • BenTur

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Dear South sudanese
    We shall really be worried about how our new Nation is going in Kiir Leadership by giving Foreigners upper hand in his own house, now imagine if it is the country as a whole how many foreigners that had own our resources somewhere without monitoring.Let’s keep awash Kiir will bring more shame in the South.

  • Green

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    I appreciatte all who concern for this article. Nationalism is very important, it’s about development, freedom and liberty.It’s wrong for the daughter of the first man in the country to marriage a foreigner! has nothing to do with race or hate. Nationalism is about boundaries of lives. S.Sudanse girls in the western have lost nationalism, so i dont blame president. Most them ashy to be sudanes eve

  • akot

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Jesus Christ said, tell the truth and the truth will set u free, why the people don’t speak before something happen Salva Kiir is the person like us why the people afraid to talk with him, as the Dinkas we spoiled our reputation ku Adut aguec,aci ok rac gup,

  • Takpiny

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Dear southerners what do you expect from this family who lives in the culture shoched.

    Kiir looks jungle and his wife looks jungle too and the jungle family always gives failed advice to their kids and that what is exactly happened in Kiir’s family they didn’t tell their children to respect themselves because they are symbol of country.

    Kiir’s failure started from his own famiy.

  • Arkangelo K.k. Chawul
    Arkangelo K.k. Chawul

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Was the man who married Adut from a royal family like her?
    Adut Sold the brain of our president if that child is going to be a male child and if a female child she will be like Adut
    Marriage should have been allowed between royal families and not a mere trader, we Dinka lost our pride forever.

  • jubaone

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    The journalist expressed the actual feeling of most Southerners in Juba. When I saw the picture of the newly wed in the newspaper, I said to myself Wow! Such a beautiful girl. How could an habbasha have made it through? Why was there no engagement? No news of any liasion with Adut. That must have been top secret. They have taken Adut, they are out to take the South. These habbasha rats!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Mr Natural etc.
    We aren’t against an ordinary Ethiopian asylum seeker to impregnate an ordinary southern Sudanese girl. What saddening and sickening everyone here is the fact that the Ethiopian asylum seeker has invaded the privacy of the daughter of the head and symbol of our pride and independency as the great people of Republic of south Sudan. We wouldn’t care at all if that happened to be

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    We wouldn’t care at all if that Ethiopian Asylum seeker happened to impregnate the daughters or sisters of those who aren’t disgraced by this scandal, simply because you have no leadership role in our country. That Ethiopian Asylum Seeker should have been arrested, hardcored and then deported back to hell in Ethiopia while the disgraceful Adut, should have her pussy burnt for her and then slayed.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Our brother Salva Kiir does not calculate the consequences of actions sometimes. This marriage has a repercussion especially to our younger generation who are scattered all over the world. They are usually told to avoid foreign women and men so that they can come back to build the South. Will our boys and girls follow Salva’s daughter? I don’t know….what do you all think?

    Ahmed Chol

  • Freedom

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    My fellows brothers we seem to forget that we are in the twenty first century and it’s sad that our thought are still backward. i agree that Journalist should have a freedom of speech and on the other hand no-one should say who to do what, i mean no-one have the right to tell some one else who to marry or who to be with regardless what you might think South Sudan is a multicultural country….

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Every girl has the right to marry whoever they wish to, according to internation human rights. In keeping with these rights, it is not up to President Kiir to chose who his daughter should marry but he has parental to present her to the groom. I do however, condemn the arrest of a journal, but I don’t support the opinions expressed in the article entitle “Nyan Bany” as I consider them close-minded

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Little correction…..The president has parental obligation to give her daughter in marriage. Let’s be clear, if the journalists should have freedom of expression, then Adut and all girls should have freedom to choose their future husbands.

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    You people jump into applying Human Rights without fully understanding them. Now there is complain about the right of freedom of speech for the journalist. What about Adut, doesn’t have the right to choose her husband? Of course, this article is personally attacking the president’s family, which is illegal. The author should also be chargedof inciting hatred as kept calling a family member “alien”

  • Junub

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Those are the baseless’ complaint people, President kiir did a great choice.
    Ethiopia is our second home South Sudanese people should be proud, when
    Vice President Riak Machar married a white woman there were no complaint
    Why our mans’ have ladies from out side, our lady too may choice out side
    African should marry African not white (America Canada British marry
    Each other.

  • Junub

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Those are the baseless’ complaint people, President kiir did a great choice.
    Ethiopia is our second home South Sudanese people should be proud, when
    Vice President Riak Machar married a white woman there were no complaint
    Why our mans’ have ladies from out side, our lady too may choice out side
    African should marry African not white (America Canada British marry
    Each other.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    People are talking about an Ethiopian asylum seeker that has invaded the privacy of the daughter of the president of RoSS. We are not saying that you or your sisters or daughters shouldn’t marry or be married by Ethiopians or whoever you desire as long as you don’t have any political role in our country. Calling Ethiopia your second home is ridicules and unrealistic indeed.

  • harry

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    What is the big deal about this issue? The South Sudanese girl lost her social status when she started bleaching herself. Who cares about what president’s daughter is doing! In USA, I have seen many of so called South Sudanese girls sleeping around with men from Liberia, Gambia, Tanzania, and White & African Americans. Again, who cares what whores are doing anyway. Thanks


  • Bolman

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    the lack of democratic and term of dictatorship leadership we all know if there is no democratic the dictatorship leaders must to achieving goal by killing the Civilians toturing the top politicians by arrested them by unreasonable accaussion,the arrest of Journalist no Q for that Just let our Journalists and the top politicians must be careful this is unlawsful Government let people lives like no

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Dr. Reality, Lok Simon

    You are right, for blaming us the youth for not marrying Salva’s daughter. But how can you meet the girl when the gate is guarded 24 hours, 7 days a week with PKM and other artileries. Do you think security will allow you in? This is what is waiting daughters of our top leaders. Isolation with pride of wealth & position in the government keeps away men.

    Quol Quot

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    spare the rod & spoil the child

    Most young men that I know are skeptical about daughters of our leaders nyier ke bany not because their fathers are bad. Because these kids are poorly disciplined. They grew up in foreign countries and know nothing about Dinka culture, who wants a woman who doesn’t know her p’s & q’s?. Academically, they are foolish with given opportunities.

    Quol Quo

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    The best thing Salva should have done was not officiate the marriage. Officiating the marriage sends a wrong signal to the public domestically and internationally.
    Had the marriage not been officiated, nothing would have come to the surface upto now.

    Ahmed Chol

  • Green

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Nationalism begin at home and in school! lets not look this case for president’s daughter as isolet case, it is for the nation as whole.Sudanese girls who live in the western,r nt proud for their national identity! i might be bias, but take a good look for yourself! i cant blame president for this mistake, but most girls who r here in the west r always deny their identities,so wat do u expect?

  • Matur Jonghok
    Matur Jonghok

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    You hit the point right dear. In accordance with the Dinka norms, if you avail cows then your wife is secured, so Adut have been married off satisfactorily prompting her father to hand her over to husband. Besides,Adut’s freedom of association and choice should be respected. Ngor has defamed the family of Kiir, he should suffer his deeds.

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    1. When it comes to family affairs, the President is just like any Southerner and his daughter has the right to choose a husband like other South Sudan grirls. 2. Courtship that results in marriage is not invasion but legitimate friendship. 3.Ethiopia has been home for South Sudanese for decades, which makes Ethiopians friends not enemies. 4. Expand your thinking horizon, this is 21st century.

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Takpiny, a girl marrying a man from a different country does mean parental failure. There are many other South Sudanese girls who have married Australian, Americans, Kenyans, etc and some of them have very good families. The reason here is not parental failure but it is a reflection of multiculturalism of the 21st century. So let’s be fair to the President’s daughter and respect her choice.

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    I agree with you, Kiir family should bring a law suit against Ngor for personally attacking their daughter. Ngor should be released and face charges for defamation because a private marriage is not a national issue and he doesn’t have the right go about writing shit about someone’s daughter.

  • Green

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    @Matiop! World still know theirs boundaries, even in 21 century! What example can you draw to backup your arguement, about 21 century for the head of state who marriage to the foreigners? People who express their opinion here know, what 21 century mean! Head of state, anywhere deserve certain social status in any society, even western world who share cultural commonalities, it cannot happen!

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    I do not understand why some of my brothers and sisters do not get the message our President’s decision is sending to the people of South Sudan and the world at large. It is not patriotic for a sitting president to allow his daughter to be married to a foreigner. He is telling us that if he can give his daughter to a foreinger, he can asell South Sudan to a foreign nation. We have to get it right.

  • Takpiny

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Panchol,i think you missed a point no problem with inermarriage,if Kiir’s daughter got marry with a Ethiopian prime minister’s son or one of Ethiopian senior government official’s son, there was no reason for southerners to compliant.
    but the point is the lady has been impregnated by jobless an Ethiopian guy who came to south to look for job which is embarrassing to whole nation,is that good to u

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba

    You miserably failed to comprehend the rationality behind our condemnation of that scandalous marriage. President’s family is role model to building a moral society in RoSS! s So, if the daughter of the president is pregnant by an Ethiopian mule is indeed disgraceful deed! 21st century doesn’t make people to behave like animals unless in your culture.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Calling Ethiopia that killed many south Sudanese in Itang 1991 your home tells how myopic and delusional person you are.

  • Ethiopian Recycler
    Ethiopian Recycler

    Sudan Tribune journalist arrested in Juba
    Republic of South Sudan [RoSS] is abuzz because an Ethiopian “refugee” married President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s eldest daughter Adut. Editor of a local paper is now in jail for writing an opinion page critical of the President for being less than patriotic. Patriotic is a loaded word. According to the editor Agut’s hand could only have been given to a native, not… More at ETHIOPIAN RECYCLER

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