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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur LJM counts on Washington workshop to convince holdout rebels to join peace

November 13, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) said it would seek international support from Washington this week, to convince holdout rebel groups to join a peace deal reached in Doha last July.

A delegation from the former rebel group arrived in Washington to participate in a two day workshop about peace in Darfur sponsored by the State Department. Also present at the meeting were the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM).

JEM and SLM-MM are part of a four-member-alliance, formally announced on 11 November. The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), which also includes SPLM-N and SLM led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, aims to overthrow the regime in Khartoum.

LJM spokesperson, Ahmed Fadel, said in a statement released in Khartoum on Sunday that the SRF alliance is an attempt to influence the course of peace processes in Darfur.

Fadel further said that any tendency to ignite the war in Darfur would not be supported by the Sudanese and people and in particular, the Darfurian people, who opted for peace, according to LJM spokesperson.

The workshop aims to discuss the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), which is a framework text for peace, prepared by the mediation to serve as basis for peace agreements between the government and different rebel groups. Also it will discuss new perspectives to include the other rebel groups who refused to endorse the document.

Fedal said the workshop does not represent a new forum for peace in Darfur but will attempt to enable all the parties to achieve peace and to end the eight year war in the region.

JEM which inked SRF declaration for the first time this week, is part of the Doha peace process. The SLM-Minnawi is not part of the Qatari hosted process but signed a peace deal with Khartoum in Abuja in May 2006.

The SLM-Abed Wahid Al-Nur which is not part of the Doha process, refused to attend the meeting saying it discusses the DDPD and not peace in Darfur.

The SRF forces said the solution of Darfur, Kordofan or Blue Nile and other marginalised regions passes through the establishment of new form of government in Khartoum.


1 Comment

  • Logic

    Darfur LJM counts on Washington workshop to convince holdout rebels to join peace

    You have signed a pack with the devil and its only temporary, soon you’ll realize that the NCP has no intention for peace, only power and domination over what it sees as the subordinate tribes of Sudan.

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