Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report

November 14, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) will soon request an arrest warrant for Sudanese defence minister, Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein, the website of Al-Arabiya TV reported.

Sudan's defence minister, Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein (Photo: Reuters)
Sudan’s defence minister, Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein (Photo: Reuters)
This will be the fourth case by the Hague-based tribunal on Darfur case since the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) referred the case to the ICC under a Chapter VII resolution.

The most high-profile case to date is that against Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir who has refused to recognize the court’s jurisdiction and vowed not to surrender any suspect.

In addition to the case against Bashir, the ICC is also seeking the arrest of two government figures namely South Kordofan governor Ahmed Haroun and militia leader Ali Kushayb for 51 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The court has secured the appearance of three rebel leaders accused of an attack on African peacekeepers. Bahr Idriss Abu Garda was cleared during the confirmation of charges hearings last year. The other two Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain and Saleh Mohammed Jerbo Jamus are awaiting trial though they don’t intend to contest carrying out the assault according to court documents.

‘Investigators at the ICC Prosecutor’s Office have been collecting evidence against the Sudanese defence minister for a while now and these will be submitted to the pre-trial judges, once the indictment is announced, as our sources indicated, around Nov. 17 or 18 or the week starting Nov. 21,’ Al-Arabiya reporter in New York wrote.

The report did not give any specifics about the case being brought against the defence minister.

Hussein was the former minister of the interior and representative of the president for Darfur during the height of the conflict in the region 2003-2004.

Mainly non-Arab rebels from Darfur took up arms against Sudan’s government in 2003, accusing it of marginalising the remote western territory.

Khartoum mobilised troops and mostly-Arab militias to crush the uprising, unleashing a wave of violence that the UN estimates has killed 300,000 people and which Washington has described as genocide. Khartoum dismisses the accusation and puts the death toll at 10,000.



  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    ICC will finish them one by one. Next to be indicted soon are both Ali Osman and Ali Nafi. North Sudan will never be stable as long as Ali Nafi still Omar Bashir’s adviser.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Crime is naught but misdirected energy. So long as every north sudan institution of today, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; so long as most people are out of place doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the laws on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with, crime.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    ICC is a dog without teeth. Why does it take them forever to catch Bashir who has defies the call to arrest him. What math that is still being calculated on how to catch Bashir. I’m hopeless for inactive move of the ICC.

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Sudan government should have been attacked first before Gaddafi of Libyan, now the Sudan is in bad shape because of presence of all these criminals that have no any feeling about humanity. There are many innocents civilians dying in Southern Kordofan State and South Blue Nile even the regime is using chemical weagons in Kurmuk war. This evil man Omar al Bashir with 51 charge must follow Gaddafi

  • Sam.Eto

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Anyone the ICC wants to arrest should hold their head held high. They should know its the evil powers in the world that are after them and the ICC is their tool.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report

    ICC,arrest all the government officials within NCP ruling part in Sudan,because their minds and their objectives are one.


  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Eto, if ICC is evil power in the world, it is only prosecuting those who have done more than evilish things to human being. If it is a evil power, it is bring down evil leaders as well.

  • Bush

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Bravo! ICC, Adbel-Rahim is a BIG liar he lives on lies, he is the brain behind all those atrocities that are been committed against the black people of Sudan. They will end up one day like Gaddafi, his sons and his regime. Go a head the ICC and may God bless the work of your hands to bring to justice all those criminals in Khartoum.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Although I do not support the ICC institution as its a process of selective justice based on geo-political strategies, I totally agree with the notion that the mentioned suspects are war criminals and deserve punishment preferably in Sudan.

    Hence its the people of Sudan who will eventually bring these murderers to book unless the super powers want to speed up the process, but doubtful!

  • silk Kottora
    silk Kottora

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Legal procedures against this genocidaire should have been taken long time ago. It is long overdue. However, I have no doubt that the heavenly punishment will have them one by one even before the ICC can be sincere and brave enough to turn words into deeds!!

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Wise SAF officers have started to defect to the rebels before the thunder so they will be safe as the case was in Tunisia , Egypt and Libya.

  • Sam.Eto

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report

    The Free People of Sudan will bring down the so called ICC for the obvious reason which you mentioned .This Will increase the support and poularity of this government, as it had augumented the support to Basheer when he was first indighted. The reason is because WE SUDANESE are just like this!We know very well why we have been targeted!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    There is no lie here but you are the one lying as fake arab known activities of lie and cover up wrong. go and read it again son the hell is about to occupy the whol fake arab of Sudan.
    I hatre those who don’t acepted the their wrongdoing.
    Death to fake arab of sudan.

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Dear All

    An ICC is an instituttion, and staff could be reduced in number if they have no court cases. Hence, it is just part of their business to show the world that they are workinmg BUT it does not necessarily mean that they will arrest Sudanese criminals.
    So, it is a waste of time and waswte of resources to keep ICC going while they are not seeing their job. I believe most countries fear Sudan

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Of course, Ali, you have been targeted because of harbor evil and crimes.

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    I meant, you harbor evil and crimes

  • Sam.Eto

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    ‘go and read it again’ – you read it and show – dumb illiterate dinka

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Absolutely, Peter. Why should we carry if an evil brings another evil down. That’s pure political propaganda. Someone talks of the evilness of another and leave out talking of his own evilness. What a world? Well, there’s time you choose between evils. You choose the lesser one, and the lesser evil now is the “power” Sam alluded to and the ICC itself. Sudanese Arabs are the worst.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    You can lie but you will not win, talking about education mr fake arab? you can be my bitch no doubt about that, lies is not for Educated people like DINKAs but for you infidelity dumb fake sudanse people,
    death tp you Godless dog.

  • Master

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Now Now Eto – you dont have to low like they are. The story is true – but a small part of an article related to the new prosecutor of the ICC the Gambian/Moroccan/Muslim/Female – i wounder how the Southerners will react to her !! Ha Ha
    Let them say and do what they want. Be the higher one moraly like Ali, they are not worth it. Hope they enjoy hell.

  • Sam.Eto

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Im Arab and African and proud of it. Atleast i have a history and i know who my parents are !!

  • Sam.Eto

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Just look at your name – you typicaly represent what the GOSS stands for. Tribalism, racisim and dictatorship. You are an insult to democracy, freedom and the other noble tribes of south sudan. Its because of people like you that there is rebellions in the 10 states of South Sudan.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Master: “Be the higher one moraly like Ali, they are not worth it. Hope they enjoy hell” but yet this bigot wants to advocate a high moral ground. lol

    You guys (racists on ST) are wrapped up in so much hate and intolerance of the “other” that you’re beyond redemption. Who enjoys hell, is up to the creator as the holy scriptures detail.

    Grow up man.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Sam.E: “dumb illiterate dinka” but somehow his name is more racist than your bigotry. Hilarious indeed.

    Am even shocked you managed to call other tribes from S. Sudan “noble”. Wow you and your other colleagues can’t get any funnier than this, I mean, one of them actually names himself “Master” lol.lol.lol

  • whatsayyou

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Dear ICC
    Issuing arest awarrant like which? What happen to president Bashir on the 4th of march 2008, it became meaningless. you have to be serious with this criminals of sudan, if you don’t take major actions on them then law will be ignor and eventually become usless. Instead of arest awarrant you summon them to explain themselves.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    N. Sudan is targeted for the same reason all other nations are targeted ya Mohammed (geo-political-strategy). But you seem reluctant to agree with me that your mentality of turning a blind eye to NCP atrocities is the catalyst to division among Sudanese hence making it easier for others to intervene.

    I mean, a like minded individual to you on ST, who calls himself “Master”, need I say more.

  • Brother Billy
    Brother Billy

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    You have actually hit the point of my view, whom does ICC prosecutor think will fear him if he has not arrested Al Bashir who was first given arrest warrant and opposed it. They should know that the Minister of defense is under Bashir`s Umbrella he will reject the same way Bashir did.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Logic,NCP or any other party is for us to accept or refute! NCP or Basheer were never the target,but they are used to attract brainwashed young lads to destroy their own country and nation.SADAM..SADAM..WMD..WMD until Iraq was destroyed to stone age, now they are telling us it was a lie!Ofcource Sadam was a dictator like many who were supported by the west untill they were brougt down by the peopl

  • pabaak

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    in fact the ICC selecting individual within the system is wasting of time and make too much investigation. the whole government supposed to be indicted, they all plan for campaign of the scratch earth, genocide, and the rape that occur in the Sudan, no one I think is free from this atrocities in NCP.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Do you honestly think if Saddam didn’t have divisions among his people, that the US would have reached Baghdad within 3 wks. I think not!

    This label “brainwashed young lad” reduces the substance of your opinion and renders you an arrogant elite who despises disagreement. One can be weary of external threats to Sudan but at the same time against NCP oppression.

    Its called independent thinking.

  • pabaak

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    the so called Sam.Eto, if you’re fake Arab like you say, why using somebody name, don’t you know is insulting to the individual and crime at the same time? the person you are using his name is a hero in Africa as you know him, stop using his name.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Logic,ok sorry for that, but your continious abusive language will naturaly bring some response!Sadam is a brutal dictator no doubt about that!But was he the only one!Hussni was simillar as Zain,itabut they were supported by the USA untill they felt it is shame infront of the world and they were impotent infront of the revolutionaries.Now they are trying to steel the revolution through the milita

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    ..military council.Sadam had division among his people and they used these divisions and still using them.Thoug during Sadam there were such division of Sunni or Sheea.They used these division and augmented them and still using them. Chalabbi was wanted in UAE and Jordan where they claimed that he had robbed $ 100 , thay brought him as a hero and liberator. Changes in Sudan should be made by us!

  • Dumodit

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Dear Readers

    I don’t think ICC will seek those guys being accused of War crimes in Sudan. If accusation is true, why not arrest President Omer Al bashir since 2009.

    ICC law implementers are not serious after their work.
    Nobody should be above the law! But is obvious that Bashir is above ICC law of crimes.
    Hussein the minister of depend in Sudan should not be accused in-vain.
    By Gur-Ater

  • ak-47

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    eto you can feels the heat, panics and fears obvously like a woman. you went and made some research about the possible source of this true news. please be informed that NCP days are just numbered with finite.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report

    Saddam was a ruthless dictator, agreed! but he also significantly increased literacy, allowed the Kurdish language in schools, improved health care etc etc at the same time ruled Iraq with an iron fist.

    The only reason he was taken out, is because he was a threat to the geo-political-financial strategy of the global elite group. Had he passed on the baton, he may have been alive today.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    So yes its our desire to change the Bashir regime form within but if an external helping hand extends, it wont be rejected as long as civilians are not harmed.

    Even the profit Mohammed (pbuh) did business with the Jews till his dying days, so in the face of systematic oppression and brutality, an Israeli or a US made gun wouldn’t make a difference to the victims. Just as the Chinese guns to NCP.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    SAF is militarily superior to SRF, the war will take longer than desired at the expense of civilians (collateral damage). SAF lacks morality in this fight as they’re fighting to maintain the status quo while SRF are fighting for freedom and equality.

    Bashir is not just a man, he heads a brutal dictatorial regime without the hesitation of using chemical weapons. Negotiation is no longer an option.

  • Logic

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Lastly, labeling you a racist bigot is not abusive language, its an opinion drawn from your constant reluctance to admit the injustice committed against the African Sudanese by the Bashir regime. Instead you blame everything on “they”.

    I think we’ve exhausted all channels of potential agreement, if you don’t accept the atrocities committed by the NCP, lets agree to disagree.

  • yaaidit

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    The issue of ICC be came song for ICC guys,are the fearing,

    Sudan present or are the just making money without action?

    Regard Yaaidit

  • Northern Sudanese
    Northern Sudanese

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    OMG who cares about the icc we all know it’s just a scary cat!!!!!!!!!!why Bashir and Not Bush or Blair????if bashir killed 300,000 people in Darfur, Bush killed 1 milion people in Iraq alone!!!!!!!!!!!!why didn’t they arrest him. it is clearly unfair. and why didn’t they arrest bashir it’s almost 3 years now.if they wanna arrest any sudanese they will have to come and get him,not wait outside!!

  • Northern Sudanese
    Northern Sudanese

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Bravo for the ICC?????? they are the real criminals!!!!! if bashir killed 300,000 then Bush has killed 1 milion in Iraq alone why didn’t they arrest him???? you call that fair???? anyway it has been 3 years now and nothing happened to bashir. he traveled to china,malawi,chad,kenya,iran,doha,saudi arabia ect……. and they still did’t catch him. sir sir ya bashir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    ICC innocent parasite consuming the international funds for no benefitial causes. Ocampo had become a bunch of business crook and hooligan to scam international funds for hearsay alleged criminal charges and indictments without actionable implemention. What a bunch of business mafia! The so-called ICC most-wanted lists does work nor does it impacts an negative shit on wanted criminals. It is like

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    It is like the UN sanctions are not working against the Sudanese and Iranian regimes and Cubvan regime as well. They can bully and blackmail but no actionable functions.

  • Ambowl Papakayo
    Ambowl Papakayo

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    Mohammed, what you’re saying “change in Sudan is by us” is right but I need you to agree that whoever committed a crime must be brought to justice. There4, Basheer, together with his panel of wrongdoers should stop barking at ICC from a distance.Sudan should free for every Sudanese to express themselves

  • ulla 007
    ulla 007

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    i dont know what you are talking about coz the so called islamic traders in sudan are not free but criminals ,infidel,corrupt,killers of innocent africans in their own country and they have cripple and damage the whole sudan with their sick policies of islamization, ICC must speed up their arrest immediaterly these gangs should face death penaty for their crime commited against sudanese people.

  • ulla 007
    ulla 007

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    may their soul rest in ever lasting fire.coz we dont have the alternative for them.

  • Gangura

    ICC prosecutor to request arrest warrant for Sudan defence minister: report
    taking the minster or calling the ICC minister will not be the solution to any problem. I wishes late them take Bashir .

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