Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border

By Toby Collins

November 15, 2011 (LONDON) – The South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA), a rebel group in the new country, urged the UN refugee agency on Tuesday to evacuate 15,000 refugees from the Nuba mountains in north Sudan, who had settled in northern part of Bentiu, the Unity state capital.

Armed men near the north/South Sudan border (AFP/Getty)
Armed men near the north/South Sudan border (AFP/Getty)
In a statement released on Monday, the SSLA state if they are not contacted by the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) by 20 November, “Operation Ending Corruption” will begin, with an attack on Benitu on 21 November.

The SSLA said that the UNHCR have ignored their previous statement encouraging them to leave. They claim that the refugees from across the international border in South Kordofan state, are “settled on the path that would be used by the SSLA to attack the town.”

The rebels, who clashed recently with the South Sudan army (SPLA) in Mayom, allege that the governor of Unity state, Taban Deng, has refused to resettle the refugees with the intention of garnering military support from the UN, when they were injured in the crossfire.

The group further accused the governor of misleading the UN, by suggesting that the SSLA do not have the military capacity to take Benitu. They cite their attacks on Mayom on 28 October and Nhial Diew on 30 October as evidence of their strength.

On Monday, the British aid group, Oxfam, announced the withdrawal of its staff working in two locations in Upper Nile state. The move was decided after the first warning was released by the SSLA rebels to the UN and humanitarian groups.

Sudanese refugees who fled the war in South Kordofan are mainly settled in the border states of Upper Nile and Unity.

The Sudanese army bombed a refugee camp in Unity state last week saying it was a camp for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) fighters. Khartoum said the attack occurred within its territory.

However, the UN and journalists in the area confirmed the attack among reports of military build-up in the region near the troubled border between the two countries.

The SPLM-N are fighting the Sudanese army in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states.

Oxfam’s spokesman in Nairobi, Alan McDonald, told the BBC this week that “the increased insecurity and the increased military presence over the past few days just means that we have to suspend some of our operations because the area is becoming more and more unsafe.”

In a speech delivered at the First Governors Forum on Tuesday, President Salva Kiir Mayadrit accused the rebels of carrying out a proxy war instigated by the Khartoum government.

Salva Kiir said the rebels, besides attacks on the border areas of Gufa and Yida refugee camp, had assaulted the South Sudan army positions in Kuek in Upper Nile where SPLA soldiers repulsed the attack.

He also said the rebels seized a Jeep and three tractors loaded with ammunition after an assault on military positions in Rom.



  • Epuol

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Lol,You are all the elements of Khartoum that are using by Bashir to kill your innocent parents in south sudan,And i thing you will never,never,and never wine any battle from spla untill you you will come back one day to south,where some of u will be kill and some will remain in detention for life.

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    The call to remove the refugees for these camp speak values of how these thugs called SSLA are element of Khartoum fighting the proxy war on behave of the Khartoum Islamic Regime, NCP. This statement comes only few days after their master, Al-Bashier bombed the same refugees’ camp. Shame of you, food lovers, and traitors aligned themselves with Khartoum Regime.

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Toby Collins.

    Can you ask them if the Khartoum government fall tomorrow, where are you going to hidden? Very much the dictaors leaders in the world are going to hell one by one this is something no one will deny it.

    Basically, Omar al Basir known as indictment killer will soon follow Libyan Gaddafi. If anyone disagree the Idea Omar Bashir should to go to hell. please visit at http://www.youtube

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border

    The call to remove the refugees from these camp speak volume of how these thugs so-called SSLA are elements of Khartoum who are fighting the proxy war on behave of the National Islamic Front,NCP. This statement comes only few days after their master, Al-Bashier bombed the same refugees’ camp. Shame of you, food lovers, and traitors who aligned themselves with Khartoum Regime.

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    What are these South Suidan Liquidation Army (SSLA) want exactly. Am telling you SSLA that you still have high time to come back Home and join the regular army South Sudan Army Forces (SSAF) coz Basher who gave you these arms to kill your people his days are numbered.


  • Chol A.
    Chol A.

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    What a shame to so call SSLA.
    Are you people used sense of asking yourselves about what your are fighting for? If you fight against Dinka dominate and corruption in ROSS, what your movement composed of? Imagine all leaders and arms men only Nuer and start within Nuer area. your are now destroying our lovely heros and bring shame to them, NCP in Khartoum whom you hope for support it on hot pot.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    If those rebels believe in toppled the democratic elected government than why not attacked Juba instead of Bentiu? Those rebels are being used by Khartoum in order to invade Unity State so that they can steal our oil and strengthen their woe enconomy. President Kiir and his cabinets must be careful otherwise Bashir will steal our oil through those traitors.

  • Master

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    You people cant even see your own prejudices. You claim the SSLA are definitely backed by the North despite them being from the SPLA and rebelled taking their weapons with them – while the SPLM-N you claim are not backed by SPLM/A/GOSS despite them also being part of the SPLA and rebelled against the North- but the SPLM-N weapons belongs to South Sudan.

  • Green

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Government of S.Sudan! When did you will take action against those rebels and stop accusing the government of khartoum, when it is very clear that khartoum is helping them! stop going to press all the times about security issues! make intellects move and confront those thugs! this is beyond stupidity, complaining on the media always about security!No nations can survived without using force!use it

  • Master

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    The world can see your back stabbing betrayal and what the US and Europe are doing and they look at you with disgust. After giving you your independents this is what you do? ROS will suffer famine, disease, plague, war and never prosper because of your evil leaders and ignorance.

  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Please SSLA supports, kindly tell your SSLA fighters to stop scaring and intimidating the civilians, Otherwise there would be no aims for you to rebel against SPLM/A because take it as you claim the right of the civilians instead you take it for yourself. That is why the rebellion of Joseph Kony failed to gain recognition up to now. Please allow the civilians to stay Freely. Also, we want dialogue

  • pabaak

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Rebels making another threat, if they wants to make suicide led them attempt, why they refused the amnesty, trying to be stubborn, they really in big problem because they felt now in few days or months Khartoum is going to be safe haven for them, they know they help in fight in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, they will face the same consequences that regime will face after been ousted by RSF.

  • Morthon Akol
    Morthon Akol

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    it’s pleasant to see our dreams come trye,the would changes so fast that you could’t stay wrong all the time, because our peole in Uper-nile always creating the problem. that means many people of us hate the change that doen’t jingle in their pockets.

  • Mapuor

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border

    Dear Master

    Quasi Arabs will never be comfotable if they dont have people to exploit.If they were good,why did all South Sudanese who were born in the North decide to go back to their land.If they were good,why are Darfurians,Nuba & people of SOUTH BLUE NILE took up arms.SSLA are just Nuer thugs who want big ranks.Take it from me, they will return in the same way as GADET did with big ranks

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    I’ve for a long time been wishing to partake in discussions but some of the sudantribune website users seem to bent and broke the laid down regulations with impunity.
    But now I had been forced by the cruciality of article on discussion partly by some degree of which the event are connected and twisted by journalist reporting it, then by the wisdom behind those brains declaring camp closure!

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Coz most of these rebel leaders mentioned had been refugees themselves in one way or another during the war time @ what gain (political/military)could they ‘ve achieve from that declaration rather than pleasing Khartuom which will crucially undermine their credibility if any at all is there? to my fellow S Sudanese commenting plz never labour so much some times to those lightheaded bros

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    the simple question is what harm does the present of the refugees implict on the so called rebels?
    could they be clear on their removal demand whether south ward or north ward and why?
    for sure this is cheap Khartuom made plan mean to punished the poor revolt Nubians.
    God never 4get becareful on your demands otherwise!!!!!!

  • Brother Billy
    Brother Billy

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    What is the plan made by the Minister of defense in regard to such instability cause by South rebel group as it is still in a primary stage, if we talk of defend we need to consider both internal and international boundaries, there is continuous bombing in Unity by Sudan gvt also looting by SSLA and I am seeing nothing being done, what are we supposed to defend?


    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    I don’t really understand what is going on with Nuer people in the whole South Sudan. Bapiny Monytuil, becomes another serpent that wanted to terrorized the citizens of South Sudan for the seek of something to put into his mouth. Why he doesn’t join the SPLM/SPLA like other Nuer Generals who rebel and becomes comfortable now in the hand of SPLM/SPLA?

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Mr. Deng, You’re right you don’t understand the Nuer people or their culture. The Nuer might be high-bred of Dinka tribe, but they are an excitable people and individuals are very independent and prone to take offense.The Nuer are casual slight may lead to a quarrel/fight to death.Nuer are violence people by nature, the threat of violence can erupts at any given moment. Logic is not with them!.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Thank you for telling the truth God bless you.


    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border
    Dear Mr Elijah B,

    Keep fooling Nuer people,and even yourself, but I know Nuer people very well. I had been with Nuer people long time ago when I was in Jech la mer. So, I know who are they. When I spelled a word on Nuer whether a bad word, or a good word, I know what I means for sure. I can give a credential to Nuer people for one thing. Quote me back if you wanted to know it.

  • Free Zone
    Free Zone

    South Sudan rebels reiterate calls to evacuate refugees from the border


    Mr. Madina Tonj.4 your comment!.

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