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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan state governors call for decentralisation

November 16, 2011 (JUBA) – Governors of the ten states in the Republic of South Sudan have called on the national government to fully and effectively implement a decentralised system of governance in the new country.

President Salva Kiir addressing the first governors forum in Juba on Monday 15 November 2011 (photo
President Salva Kiir addressing the first governors forum in Juba on Monday 15 November 2011 (photo
The call for a more federal system came on Tuesday during presentations to the First Governors Forum after South Sudan’s independence in July. The President South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, in his opening address to the forum in Juba on Monday reaffirmed his government’s policy of decentralising governance in South Sudan.

President Salva Kiir also urged the governors to discuss as a priority governance, economic development, conflict prevention and security as part of the South Sudan Development Plan for 2011.

In the presentations and deliberations in the National Assembly’s hall on Tuesday chaired by the Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, the governors spelt out the need for further decentralisation of the system, not only politically but also administratively.

Currently county commissioners are appointed by the state governors. However, the governors recommended that they be elected in the next elections so that they are more accountable to the people.

The forum also clarified that civil servants in South Sudan can work and be recruited from anywhere in the ten states irrespective of their states origin, depending on the need by a particular state to fill the gap of qualified civil servants in the state.

The governors also expressed concerns over insecurity in their states and the need to improve on food security, infrastructures, health and education, among others.

They also presented on the progress achieved by their respective states over the last year.

The forum is expected to deliberate on the fiscal aspect of decentralisation on Wednesday.



  • E. Defense Forces
    E. Defense Forces

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    1. Arthur Akuien Chol…$51millions in his Swish bank Account:
    2. President Salva Kiir Mayardit $38 millions in Australian Bank Account
    3. Vice President Riek Machar Teny $36 Swish bank account…and so the rest follow.
    4. Minister of Roads and bridges: Gier Chuang Aluang $36 millions
    5. Former minister of finance: Kuol Athian Mawien: $30
    6. Northern Bahr El Gazaal Governor: Ma

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    5. Former minister of finance: Kuol Athian Mawien: $30smillion
    6. Northern Bahr El Gazaal Governor: Malong Awan Anei…$30 millions
    7. Minister of cabinet affairs: Deng Alor Kuol $28 millions
    8. First Lt. General Obote Mamur Mete …$27 millions

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    9. Former deputy of Republic of Sudan’s National Intelligent Security Service and current deputy minister of defense in Republic of South Sudan: Majak Agoot Atem…$27 millions
    10. Former minister of cabinet affairs in Republic of Sudan and Peace and CPA in government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and SPLM secretary-general since 2005: Pa’gan Amum Okiech…$25 millions

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    11. Former speaker of GOSS parliament and current speaker of Republic of South Sudan: James Wani Igga…$ 21 millions
    12. Unity State Governor: Taban Deng Gai…$20 millions
    13. Jonglei State Governor and former minister of roads and transportation in Republic of Sudan: Kuol Manyang Juuk…$15 millions
    14. Central Equatoria Governor: Clement Wani Konga…$15 millions

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    15. SPLA Chief of General Staff: James Hoth Mai…$15 millions USAD
    Here is the true unofficial (leaked by the world bank) List from the top to the less corrupt officials, or whatever that meant, it is still the same degree of stealing public funds: Note that every figure is reported in *millions USAD*

  • Epuol

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    How about if the governor of one of the ten states is not there,Who to represen that state?

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    The VP Dr. Riek Machar Teny seem to support the democracy system unfortunately, we have seen him defending the corruption governor from Warrap State when the people who elected Mrs. Nydeng Malek speak up against corruption and failure governor. President Salva Kiir Manyardit allude relocation of Warrap’s Capital to Kuacjok inner area to Wau,mean to take development to Gogrial side.Did you see sign

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Naked Dinka,

    Your sources is accurate and undisputable. These bunches of hooligans and thugs are talking nonsenses they never materialize and implement when they go back to their offices instead, they are condoning the theft and corruption. They have been promising decentralization of the government but Kiir himself as the head chief of these thieves engraved centralization in his books. Pathetic

  • Red Army
    Red Army

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Let the revolutionary forces of South Sudan sweep them out of power as the only guarantee to better governance. Nothing will ever be done unless Kiir is ultimately removed from this presidency. A thief can not be trusted to prosecute and indict another thieves. Talk and promises after promises are not working and this is inexcusable folks. They must be shown an exit. Thieves n thieves!

  • Alier42

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    @ Naked.

    Yes, the individuals you have mentioned their names have stolen hell of money from the public fund,but there is nothing we can do now,so let wait for the next general elections then people can find political solution .

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Why are you mad on Dinka.? Why are you abusing Dinka name in this website of Sudan tribune for what reason.? They are corrupt yes, but you can not create unprofound leak.

    Did you forgotten to talk about 9 billion dollars which Omar al Bashir steal from Sudan and hidding out sider Africa.? Can you ask yourself about your narrow mind.?

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    So what?? The fact that they just have two figures million is the indication that the scale of corruption in South Sudan is low compared to many third world countries. Thanks God, none of the mentioned individual has two figures billion as it is the case with the ruling elites in the north. I hope our elites will be satisfied with what they have now. Cont….

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    ….Our government is making every effort to minimize the corruption to the lowest level. I hope also from the bottom of my heart that the families of our fallen heroes and heroines will not be forgotten. Also, our government needs to care for our wounded heroes and heroines. May almighty God bless our nation.

  • mabuto

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Naked Dinka, let me tell you that the word naked is not shame in our culture if you are not stupid person.Just put in your mind that your mom was naked when she needs your dad dick. Back to your comment, if know how to do the math, can you calculating how many times did your mother makes sexy with your father? Hit me up if you get the answer, and than I will agree with your comment.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Madina Tonj,

    You might be one of George Konger’s elites who always think about themselves. Historically, what make you think that Kuajok don’t deserve to be a capital of Warrap state? For your short analysis, let me tell you why Kuajok was chosen. Kuajok is in the center and a good place in term of infrastructure. Most Tonj politicians even Internet politicians such as you hate that idea.

  • Utatu Murba
    Utatu Murba

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    So that hundred days was ended with no development and nothing. Which minister was succeeded in these hundred days? it is better to choose only those who succeeded in doing their JD according than still leaving them to evacuated more chance of corruption.

  • simon yel
    simon yel

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    please can you justify what about relocation of Warrap ‘s capital in Kuajok.Do you know how many Governors that governed Warrap from Greater Tonj since the genesis of Warrap state. please my try to avoid the this useless commends.Nyandeng will govern for live if you don’t know.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Simon Yel,

    Whom do you prefer your question to? It’s hard to tell who you respose his comment between me and Madina Tonj who always speaks about the gone case. When Warrap was selected as the State name there wasn’t any complain risen by anyone as to why George Kongor chose warrap instead of Tonj, Kuajok, Gogrial and Lonyaker.

  • Morthon Akol
    Morthon Akol

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    comrade Red Army,if you are a rally Red Army you can’t criticize your President like that.fist of all let me tell you this in everything you do, stay away from complain and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blams against you. second: is that criticisum should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root-pulling, but guiding instrctive, inspiration. because tomorrow you will be a lead

  • Mapuor

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy

    Dear Naked Dinka

    Your name implies alot,why is it naked Dinka instead of naked Mundari,Naked Nuer,Naked Taposa,Naked Murle,Naked Bari etc.I think,people who go naked can not fight the war of liberation exclusively in the way Dinka did.Are those driving in expensive vehicles naked,you might be blind.Yesterday you were naked.Try not generalize else you would risk being ruled forever by the Dink

  • Akech

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Who remain acting in the country when President is not presence?

  • Force 1
    Force 1

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Dinkas are naked and millionaires while Equatorians are clothed and poor, the question is who are the smart ones after all? I don’t know the answer; it’s up to the outsiders to adjudicate!

  • ahme adam
    ahme adam

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    According to IMF if the budget of south sudan distributed equally every southern sudanese should get paid 1,000,000 $ American Dollars a year

  • Brother Billy
    Brother Billy

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    You are right to talk about the corrupt and failing governor Nyandeng but you seem to be unwise if you are still talking about the relocation of State HQTs to Kuajok, what do you think is wrong with Kuajok since it is inhabited by a peaceful community of Gogrial West who do find time to fight among themselves and the neighbors as well? Take that ideology out of your mind if you are wise enough!

  • Brother Billy
    Brother Billy

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    You are right Simon, this guy seems to be not knowing what he is actually talking about if your could track his mails, there has never been a time he talked of other different thing apart from relocation as if he was the only son of grater Tonj. He will on day die as he thinks day and night about relocation leaving Kuajok still a capital city of Warrap.

  • mon-mandhal

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    What was so good with Kokora , for u to recalled again ?
    hell to u with your Kokora.

  • mon-mandhal

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    To Sudantribune.

    Iam here by appealing to your kind abuot this offens created by so call Naked Dinka,the name is a real abuse to the whole tribe,which is contravestial to your rules,icall upon u to either close down/let him change the name.


  • Dengda

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Good sign, i hope this forum will bring about a changes that are being desparately missed, that is decentralisation of power and work. There are alot of professional and qualified staffs at low level of governments and villages which hardly have a say or impact on development. It’s a welcome moves i hope it will follows good policies of governaces and development strategic plan.

  • Jay

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Please it’s not about naked Dinka the issue is you being genetically inferior to Dinka! The fact is you’ll never have the privilege and power the Dinka have and that begin with you, your children and grand-children! I know it’s very painful but it’s the truth!

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    South Sudan state governors call for decentralisation
    resolution after resolution this time around SS citizens action not words. want corrupt leaders presecuted and brought to book and make to vomit whatever public fund they had squandered atleast to rest assured anything short of these will seen as waste of time and resources for that conference. ask about the budget for that meeting you be amaze to find that millions of Dollars spent.

  • Ability Nyok
    Ability Nyok

    South Sudan state governors call for decentralisation
    Very Excellent! The Governors got to their senses. They are being thoughtful enough to earn my and I think most South Sudanese respect- thank you all so much. If we are to be a democracy, the power to govern at any level must come from the people. I hope the president does the same with governors. No one should have the ultimate authority to elect or fire any public official except the people.

  • E. Defense Forces
    E. Defense Forces

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Done be mad, KOKORA means DECENTRALIZATION

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Mr. Naked Dinka, It’s waste of time for Sudan-tribune to allow idiotic comments like yours. You sir, have serious inferiority complex. You and your people can kill 1 million Dinkas. You and your people will not be able to run south Sudan, and that’s a fact … dude!
    My apologies, to Sudan-tribune.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Mr. Akech,

    When President is out of the country, the VP is in charge. I hope that answer your question.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Mr. Epuol,

    When governor(s) is traveling, like to Juba, the Lieutenant governor(s) is in charge in all business back home. Hope this answer your concerns.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    South Sudan states governors call for implementation of decentralization policy
    Mr. Peter Marko,

    I do concurred with your comments 100 percent. The new leaders of the new country are doing their best during these difficult times. The families, fallen heroes, and the disables should not be forgotten. These are the people who made independence of south Sudan possible.

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