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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance

November 17, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North (SPLM-N) regretted the criticism addressed by the UN Secretary general to the establishment of a new rebel alliance calling to topple the Sudanese regime.

Yasir Arman, SPLM-N Secretary General, speaks in Khartoum on December 22, 2010. (File/ Reuters)
Yasir Arman, SPLM-N Secretary General, speaks in Khartoum on December 22, 2010. (File/ Reuters)
Rebels from Blue Nile, Darfur and South Kordofan, operating near the troubled border between Sudan and South Sudan, announced on 11 November an alliance called “Sudanese Revolutionary Front”.

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Sudan Liberation Movement factions of Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLM-AW) and Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM) besides the SPLM-N said the solution of their regional crises should be through political and armed struggle to overthrow the government in Khartoum.

Ban Ki-moon, on 14 November, said concerned by the growing tension between Khartoum and Juba and the war of words. He also condemned the establishment of the rebel alliance which is perceived as an additional factor of conflict escalation in the region.

SPLM-N Secretary General and former candidate of the SPLM for Sudan’s presidential election last year, Yasir Arman, said “surprised” and regretted the statement of the UN chief.

Arman further said Ban’s statement is supporting ” the aggressors and war criminals” instead of “supporting the victims and the right of the Sudanese people to democracy and the respect for human rights and the rule of law”.

The rebel official visited the US and several European capitals calling for an international investigation for war crimes in South Kordofan and Blue Nile and to open humanitarian corridors and safe access of aid workers to the affected areas in the two regions.

The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous repeated, in a briefing to the Security Council on 15 November, the criticism made by his boss to the call of Sudanese rebels to overthrow Khartoum based government.

“This represents a step further in a pattern of escalation that is counter-productive. The United Nations continues to stress that all parties to the different conflicts between the Government of Sudan and its peripheries need to return to the table of negotiations and resolve their differences through political dialogue.”

A US based advocacy group, formed by American activists, Sudanese diaspora and a representative of Sudanese rebels, said today that the UN has to condemn Khartoum before because it used to aggress the Sudanese people.

“In condemning the new rebel alliance and calling for more fruitless talks, Secretary General Ban and the United Nations fail to acknowledge both that the government is the primary aggressor in Sudan’s internal conflicts,” said Martina Knee, a spokesperson of Act for Sudan.

Khartoum refused to negotiate with the SPLM-N saying talks should take place inside the country and only over the implementation of a protocol related to the two regions included in the 2005 peace deal which led to the South Sudan secession this year.

Regarding the peace talks to end Darfur conflict, Khartoum signed in July 2011 a peace deal with the Liberation and Justice Movement, but JEM demands to open a framework peace text for negotiations. While the SLM-AW demands to implement a set of conditions before to join the peace process, the SLM-MM signed an agreement in 2006 but differs with Khartoum on its implementation.

The International community, which thought that the secession of the South Sudan would bring peace to the region, supports the African Union mediation to resolve the outstanding issues. Also, it established a UN mission in Juba to support the newly independent state in its efforts to build its institutions.

The war in Blue Nile and South Kordofan complicates the ongoing efforts to finalize the secession between the countries, according to the international organisation. A presidential statement is circulating at the level of the UN Security Council to condemn last week air attacks on South Sudan and calls on the parties to speed up the resolution of the pending issues.



  • Bush

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    Don’t regret Arman those are just languages for diplomacy, he can’t make your guns go silent nor can he put his hands on the barrels of your guns. Keep the fire burning until you bring the NCP down on their knees. Struggle for peace and justice continues.

  • Sam.Eto

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    Arman is not an Arab elite. He is a traitor and unwanted person in Sudan. He will NEVER govern Sudan. This i swear ! Him Alhilu, Al Nur, Minawi and Khalil can go and take refuge in South Sudan. We do not want such people in Sudan.

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    The writer is wrong to put the word “regrets” instead “surprises”.Doesn’t even make any sense to the whole article .

  • Bush

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance

    All those that you mentioned are the future leaders who will rule that country soon. Agar will be the president, Kalil the vice president, Minawi the prime minister, Arman the powerful foreign minister and Alhilu the defense minister.They are there to exist and rule you forever.

  • Sundayw

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    UN is the biggest joke in the history of the world. UNMIS troops are nothing but a bunch of toothless soldiers using up money while the do nothing. In Abyei, civilians were being murdered in front of the UN compound and they closed their door instead of protecting vulnerable people. What is their use in Darfur? The UN has not moral authority to criticize SRF forces because it has failed to protect

  • Brother Billy
    Brother Billy

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    SPLM-N and other rebel groups in Sudan should forget those fake allegations by UN Sec General who normally favors Bashir to still kill many Sudanese, continue with the struggle for the sake of Sudanese people and you will see Bashir stepping down not latter than Feb 2012. How can a country be governed by abnormal man who does not know the important of human life as he is inactive to reproduce?

  • Logic

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance

    I completely agree, the UN is a big joke.

  • Epuol

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    Dear All!
    you mention the name of those peoples whom you call them the rebels,Let me tell you one thing, my friend if those peoples will not be in your country,You would never be in Khartoum for two years,How can you call the real citizens the rebels?And you are putting your self as citizen.
    Let them be rebels for today and tomorrow they will be the cityturn.

  • Logic

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance

    An elite is someone who believes they’re above others, Arman is far from an elite. He sees African Sudanese as equals not subordinates and “abeed” like many of his people.

    Arman had over 22% of the votes in 2010 presidential elections, this is with the state apparatus working against him leading to the mentality of the racist commentator above. They can NEVER eradicate African Sudan

  • pabaak

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    Araman is right, what in the world one would imagine to be condemned instead of hailing it, if the head of state is wanted by ICC which unable to get him, the alliance will bring him to ICC. UN was helping in most cases that are less lethal than the situation in Sudan, where campaign of scratch earth, and war crime are become a daily norms of regime in Khartoum, they still win the sympathy from UN

  • peace

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    my friend why are you abusing them,they are the most importance people in sudan especially the man who realise slave before dafur Yassir he has long term planing that is why he fouhgt alongside with South for tweentyone years.

  • peace

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    sam Eto don’t pretend,pretenders are worst then murderest,you are not from north,stop under mind your freedom,everyone need to be first class in his/her own country,you chose to remain under mistreatment.

  • akot

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    To Sam Eto. don’t say like that my friend, Yasir Arman is better than other people in Sudan. but the problem is the bad people are always against the right people. for me people like Bashir are unwanted not Yasir, because Yasir Arman cannot differentiate people

  • Yanga Wani
    Yanga Wani

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    You are right Mr. Arman. I am real worried about these two Chinese Mr. Moon and Mr. Ping. I think they have deals with criminals in Khartuom. Anyway the blood of innocent people in North Sudan and South Sudan will one day answer to them.
    God bless innocent people of Sudan and help them to win there right like the way South won

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    SPLM-N regrets statements by UN chief over Sudanese rebel alliance
    Attention! Attention! Attention!
    The beginning of the collapse of the regime in Khartoum is right here at the corner, ICC once more has issued arrest warrant for Sudan’s ministry of defence. Omer al- Bashir might be worry by now unless he run away two legs for his survival. Powers of todays are not for joke. My hero Gaddaffi is calling for him silently. Change is coming!

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