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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Right activists calls on Khartoum to stop trial of 15 SPLM-North members

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 26, 2011 (JUBA) – Human right activists on Saturday called for the international community to pressure the Sudanese government to stop the trial of over 15 members allied to the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North rebel group.

A committee for support for Political Prisoners and Detainees in Sudan in a statement extended to ST on Saturday stated that a summary tribunal held in the town of Sinja, Sinnar State, have issued death sentences against nineteen of SPLM-N civilian detainees from Blue Nile State and Northern Sudan, who have no involvement in the on-going military action there.

The release claimed that those detainees were arrested from their homes and places of work during the NCP regime assault in Blue Nile and its elected SPLM-N Governor, Malik Agar, last September.

Almost all those held underwent unspeakable torture, degraded treatment and abuse for the period of their detention. As a result, some have become physically disabled or disfigured from systematic ill treatment, reads part of the release. It argues that the detainees under the cover of a complete news blackout have been subjected to summary trials, which bear no relation to natural justice or impartial judicial processes. They were not granted basic legal rights. The sentences are flagrant violation of all human rights norms. Now the nineteen condemned detainees await their fate in Kober prison, in Khartoum, among them the renowned writer and poet Mr. Abdel-Monim Rahma.

“This, says the release, is in addition to 60 detainees in the area of Sennar and Blue Nile States, from the leaders and members of the SPLMN, who are subjected to extreme tortures and detention conditions. The Committee calls upon all patriots at home and in the Diaspora to rise up to stop these barbaric trials”. The list of the detainees, whose trials are due to take place in Sinja in the coming days includes:

· Musa Jah-Alrasoul

· Hammad Ahmed GAdim

· Saddam Abbas Jol (a minor)

· Mohammed Abdel-Algani Digais

· Sheikh Ali Alnour Geri (local chief- Kalogi)

· Abdallah Altoum Salih

· Musa Balolah Kasina

· Alsir Amir Alzaki

· Jaroum Jah-Alrasoul

· Taha Someit Marhoum

· Abdallah Mohammed Al-Hassan

· Karoum Awad Bashoum

· Koji Malwal

· Alrashid Umada Khossi

· Abdallah Abdel-Rahman Abdallah


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