Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

November 30, 2011 (BENTIU) – South Sudan’s army (SPLA) has denied allegations by a rebel movement in Unity state that 55 soldiers including three majors and five captains from its fourth division have defected to the South Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SSLM/A).

SPLA soldiers march during a parade at the 4th anniversary celebration of the signing of the CPA in the southern town of Malakal January 9, 2009. (Reuters)
SPLA soldiers march during a parade at the 4th anniversary celebration of the signing of the CPA in the southern town of Malakal January 9, 2009. (Reuters)
The SSLA has been fighting the South Sudan government since April this year accusing the government of tribalism and corruption. The rebel group has often called for members of the SPLA to defect claiming that they are badly treated by the top brass.

Maj Gen Mangar Buong Aluonge, acting commander of the SPLA’s fourth division in Unity state, dismissed as lies the SSLA claims in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Wednesday.

He said that rather than defecting the SSLA had managed to capture some wounded soldiers from their houses in Nhialdiu payam [district].

Aluonge said it was a SPLA policy that wounded soldiers be “allowed to stay in their payams in [the] various states of South Sudan.”

Major Yien Nyinyar, an SPLA soldier from Dhuar was captured by the SSLA he said and a search had begun to recapture him, Aluonge said.

He described the SSLA as hungry group of men who were happy to steal property by ambushing innocent people.

Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai, said the SSLA’s claim that is government had instructed troops to rape Bul Nuer women in May clashes between the SPLA and the rebel group in Mayom county was SSLA propaganda against him.

Acting Commander of the SPLA's fourth division in Unity state Maj Gen Mangar Buong Aluonge talks with Sudan Tribune at Rubkotna division headquarter 30 November 2011 (Bonifacio Taban for Sudan Tribune)
Acting Commander of the SPLA’s fourth division in Unity state Maj Gen Mangar Buong Aluonge talks with Sudan Tribune at Rubkotna division headquarter 30 November 2011 (Bonifacio Taban for Sudan Tribune)
Mayom county was were the SSLA declared their rebellion and has seen the worst of the fighting. The SSLA’s leader Peter Gadet accepted an offer of amnesty from the government in August but failed to bring most of his forces with him to reintegrate into the SPLA.

The governor described the SSLA’s allegations and “nonsense” and “baseless” accusing the rebels of human rights violations. However the SSLA says the International Criminal Court should investigate crimes committed by the SPLA under his command.

The SSLA has threatened to attack Unity state capital, Bentiu, but says the assault has been delayed to move refugees from north Sudan out of the area. In Jonglei state the charity Oxfam has stopped some of its work and pulled out some staff in part due to the SSLA’s insurgency.

Juba accuses Khartoum of backing South Sudan’s rebel groups, while north Sudan says the SPLA continues to support rebels in their territory. Both sides deny the allegations.

A Small Arms Survey report recently found that Khartoum had questions to answer over new Chinese weapons and landmines that were taken from South Sudanese rebels in Unity and Jonglei states earlier this year.

Landmines are becoming an increasing problem in Unity state with rebels laying mines in areas and roads that had previously been de-mined.

The SPLA says that the SSLA are now using Heglig an oil region just over the border in north Sudan as a base to attack the SPLA.

As part of a peace deal in 2005 the SPLA became the official army of South Sudan, ending decades of conflict. In July this year South Sudan seceded following a referendum in January conducted as part of the landmark agreement.



  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    How can SPLA defect to rebels, since SPLA is a senior rebels in africa.
    No rebels should be inside rebels.They have payment of south sudan national army. Let the rebels join SPLA or they soon will be kill like bush men the rebels.

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    UNITY STATE soon will be hell to those rebels,we the nuer have spoiled our state, meanwhile other state are going ahead.
    DINKAS in all their states and great equatorian all are going ahead.
    How many of us are killed in a day?

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    SSLA rebel are confused people who run out of ideas with no vision at all. Who can defects to them since they are criminals? Lying and propaganda will never help you at all.
    Tribalism cannot be fought by guns but by preaching peaceful coexistence and love among the tribes. Shame on you!! God will Punish youuuuuuuuuuuu!!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    ((A Small Arms Survey report recently found that Khartoum had questions to answer over new Chinese weapons and landmines that were taken from South Sudanese rebels in Unity and Jonglei states earlier this year.)) Sudan Tribune should stop working as a cheap propoganda machine putting this footage evertime.Can ST tell us where is this report; even though everyone can get small weapons from China..c

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    ..Can Sudan Tribune tell us from where do rebells in S.Kordufan in central Sudan with no borders except with South Sudan get tanks, heavy armed vehicles, petrol, amunition and other supplies?! Do somebody drop them from the moon?! This is a very cheap propoganda!

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Mr Nuerone Mafitabu

    My brother nothing like that as you quoted on your comment.these hopeless Rebels who destabilizing the region with unclear cause having no political effect. just implementing Khartoum Govt agenda.and they are individuals whom are known for these crimes since people we were in struggle the Nuer men and women who are in uniforms now serving the SPLA and defending the Nation.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    To the SPLA defends the Nation; all these crisis we shall overcome through our Unity and Inegrity of our the Nation just make no mistake to affiliate with any Political Party. your obligation to defends the Nation and we are with you South Sudan is moving forward no room for our enemy to implement their heinous crimes agenda.so our difference shall be resolve.

  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    @ DIU J. KUEK.
    I am supporting my SPLA not the rebels,What are they fighting for?
    The war over,we are in a new country,WHON ARE WE FIGHTING WITH THEN? OUR OWN BROTHERS FOR NO REASON?
    That is a big mistake by my brothers. I hate such life.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    The activities taking place in Unity State by what they called SSLA,is Organized by Dr Riek Machar,the south sudanese should be aware of this dirty movement plan by the Nuer tribe
    Salva Kiir to bring peace in Unity state withdraw the current governor from his post replace by Dr Riek Machar.


  • PanKon

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Mohammed Ali,

    Stop your cheap excuse! You better learn to accept facts, SPLA-N (Nubans and Funj) have been fighting the NIF/SAF for many years, do you expect them to have sold their arms to your NIF?

    They are still using their weapons they used to liberate their towns e.g Kurmuk and Kadugli and will still use them to liberate their states from Islamists of NIF…

  • Bush

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    @mohammed ali

    you mohammed dog ali, what we left the SPLM-N with after session are quite enough to defend themselves with for sometime. We didn’t leave them with nothing, because that would be unfair.Because your mom was raped by a sheik that is why you are always here to defend them as if you are the spokesdog of the NCP, but just wait your day will come.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Mr Okucu palotinwan

    Please take deep breath and think before have your say logical reasoning and political analysis is needed is not a matter to post a comment or whatever come to your mind this is my advise to you. So I am not in position to response you in such manner my God bless

  • Matur Jonghok
    Matur Jonghok

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Great to hear that from you dear, you came out clearly to express your what is really bothering the people of Unity State. Telling the truth and knowing the reality are great things. Am proud to be associated with you!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Bush, abusive language is the language of the weak, uncivilized, ignorant and vulgar.It speaks alot about what family brought you up!Forget about Blue Nile, S.Kordufan and concentrate on your own problems, see this:((According to the Kwajok, at least six people are either robbed or killed on daily basis in Juba, estimating the number of those killed monthly to be about 180 or more))..cont

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    ..This is on S.Tribune today and not a lie by an NCP dog!180 death monthly, and where? in the capital of SS! Do we get 180 death monthly in SK or BL or both of them!Do they arms from NCP also?Even during this civil war this was not happening! Talk about liberating Juba from those SPLA murderers, thugs and looters , as well as their relatives in Australia,before talking about BN & SK!..cont

  • Sam.Eto

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    You just realized ST is a cheap french propaganda machine ! The demand they change their name to South Sudan Tribune – because it does not function as a News agency or outlet for Sudan. 90% of articles are copy/paste from other News Sources, but ST only picks the anti Sudan ones and posts pro SPLM news. P.S If SPLM and ST deny it then you know the opposite is true – defection are happening.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Okucu palotinwan Almighty father in heaven know about this nyagateen of nuer in Unity state being support by Riek machar. this movement of nuer kin is fund by riek and David de chan plus gordon buay those three wicked nuer need to hang so the peace should be.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Almighty father in heaven know about this nyagateen of nuer in Unity state being support by Riek machar. this movement of nuer kin is fund by riek and David de chan plus gordon buay those three wicked nuer need to hang so the peace should be.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    ..If your SPLA are killing 180 monthly in your CAPITAL why should anybody fight any war against you! You will finish yourself very soon! SPLA is doing the job very well!Who cares about these poor, innocent , decent and marginalized southerners! Enjoy your beer man!You will get your fair share from the looted money in your Mansion!Tell Pagan to repatriate the looted money as Held Jones asked!

  • Epuol

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Please people when one person is stumbled don’t include those who are not.Do you think Nuer people are to be chased like a gazzele in the forest.fighting is good to talk of ,but Action is terrible.preach peace then lit fire it might burn you as the first person

  • Epuol

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Fucken dinka Domninate what distructive mouth you have, are you a soldier or fought somebody from your birth.good enough that we won over our northern enemy and have our freedom we need.work to bring peace not detruction in this country South Sudan,i stand with those who like peace not death.GOD BLESS SOUTH SUDAN and forgive our transgresions-Amen

  • Dekery

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    S.Eto and M. Ali,

    Are both of you really civilizes? Can one of you just tell about press censorship before talking to ST?


  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    SPLA syndicate, led by those alcoholic Generals in the zoo called Bilpam, is just a bunch of corrupted, amateur militia that has been fighting many losing battles with its own citizens of Southern Sudan and the neighbouring Sudan since its inception by that baldhead maniac called John Garang in 1983 till now! That bunch of starving Mules is undreamed, undertrained, demoralised, attenuated…

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    and depressed by negligence from their corrupt and alcoholic commanders which has led to their starvation, excessive consumption of lcohol as their only sources of energy, can under no circumstances face our SSLA fighters that are well-fed, well-trained, well-equipped and disciplined and the fact that SSLA is capturing towns and the SPLA militia’s barracks around Unity state is a testimony.

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    that they are over powering your corrupted SPLA militia! sooner, all Unity state will be sterilized and then our blessed RoSS will be freed from SPLA/M contamination given that Unity State is a powerhouse and nerve centre of RoSS’s economic! This corrupted amateur militia called SPLA will never be recognised as a national army of Republic of South Sudan but will remain as a militia of SPLM!

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    don’t even think of anyone joining your corrupted government as always claimed by your illiterate leader Kiir..integration, amnesty or pardoning bla bla, how could you possibly pardon me when I am stronger militarily than you? Either we defeat you in the battle field or RoSS will be the warzone number one forever let this fact get reach those bigoted SPLA/M supporters!

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Dear Southern Sudanese writers on this web,

    Some comments that our brothers and sisters give on the website are damp squid and those comments they always give out will exactual shambolic our new nation. Dr Riek M is lovely politican loved by everyone since he joined SPLA/M, He came to politic to save South Sudan and over this he and Garang clash over political errors between them.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Dear Southerners.

    Let believe that SPLA/M will not and will never be defected again to the bush as they knew what they had been doing during the war and what remain to be done today.

    The SPLA soldiers/Majors for two reasons will not go back to bush:

    1.They are earning good salary.
    2.fighting has become tedious.

    The false informations that you are giving could not change/demolish gv

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    it is unfair to still blame Riek about widespread problem in Unity states.I urge you not to use impractical ideas that deteriorating the country image. The problem of 1991 has gone with its political error between Riek and Garang and let it to be bygone. You who normally give bad comments, tries your best level to lower your impotuous and use equivocal ideas that bring new nation’s people together

  • Brobo

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Dinka dominate Spla/m you are calling God Upon you,every thing you post here in the forum is against Nuer,brother let me advise you,please stop complaint on Nuer.if there Nuer there would be no south. You congratulate Nuer for their participation of independent of S.Sudan. I do appropriate what is going on in unity state if they do that is very great for them join rebel.
    stay blessing

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Mr. Simon, What is unfair about mentioning Riek, he is responsible for many death in Unity State. People must be reminded about Riek, Lam Akol for their bad deeds. Unity state is the worse please in the south. Nuer’s are only 87000 second largest tribe to 3.5 millions Dinkas. These people are extremely sensitive to criticism. Nuers are violent people by nature and it’s in their DNA.

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state

    Stop pretending to be Nuer! simply because Nuer don’t think so shallow like you my friend! Our Nuer culture says: if you find your brother fighting with others don’t ask for the reason of the fight and don’t even blame him while the fight still going on but participate fully in the fight and ask for reason after the fight is over! We backed up Reik Machar and A2 those days…

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    for better or worse and here we are backing up all our Nuer brothers in SSLA again and again! If rebellion undermines the development, then why didn’t you condemn SPLA/M for its 21 year SPLA/M useless rebellion that took 2.5 million innocent southern Sudanese lives in Vain and retarded its economics and development 21 years back?

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Stop being hypocrite my friend, Nuer land will be developed once it has been fully liberated and all its stolen have been entirely recovered from those SPLA/M looters! Nuerland have many intellectuals from Western universities more than any southern Sudanese tribe, so our constituency will be developed faster than any community in southern Sudan as soon as we are done with SPLA/M thugs, I promise!

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Wow! 3.5 million Dinka and Nuer are less than one million and yet are the second largest tribe in South Sudan and also genetically violent, what a mess! From where did you get these ridicules figures! Okay, look at the Map of Dinka land and learn how badly the Dinka have been fragmented by Nuer during those days….

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    of the Nuer conquest and expansion throughout the Dinka and Anyuak lands and figure it out whether you can be effective against Nuer in any eventuality of all-out war with Nuer! And look at the map of uncut Nuerland from west to east and south to north! No one tribe can overcome Nuer my friend, learn more about how Nuer confiscated your Dinkaland from a book called Nuer conquest! for your info!

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state
    Mr. SSLA/M Supporter,

    Please read my comments again, and I think you have proved my comment quit right. Fact, the Nuer population is only 87000 in south Sudan. The Nuer tribe are extremely sensitive to criticisms, and are prone to violent. Your comment is well taken.

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    SPLA deny claims of defections to rebels in Unity state

    In the Wild, Wild West such as southern Sudan, where there is no such thing called rule of law, people have to resort to survival of the fittest as coined by Charles Darwin! If Nuer didn’t make a move to expand and confiscate that land from Dinka and Anyuak and not absorbed people from those tribes our number wouldn’t be where it is today! So, thank to our improved characteristic features!

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