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Sudan Tribune

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Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal

December 3, 2011 (JUBA) – An Ajuong paramount chief in Aweil East County, David Garang Malong Yor, was sentenced to four months in jail on Thursday by a court in Northern Bahr el Ghazal court for accusing the governor and other politicians of involvement in corruption.

The Aweil court also sentenced Aweer Makou, who sided with the chief, to one month in prison for writing material against Kom Kom Geng, a member of South Sudan’s National Assembly in Juba and Paul Malong Awan Anei, the governor of state.

The ruling fined Makou 200 South Sudanese Pounds ($75) and Chief Malong SSP 400 ($150).

Eyewitnesses say the chief was charged after a verbal exchanges between him and the state governor. The chief is also charged with making a defamatory statement questioning reluctance of the state governor to provide funds for constituency development.

However, Garang’s lawyer told Sudan Tribune that he would appeal against the ruling, saying the judgment was not compatible with the law.

“Yes the court has passed a decision despite my reservations on the procedures. The accused did not appear in court. The decision was taken only in the presence of the person delegated by the accused to stand on their behalf”, Barnaba Karet, a defence lawyer said Friday.

Local officials say the cause of arrest was triggered by an open letter published by the chief requesting the intervention of the central government in alleged mismanagement of state funds.

The letter accused Kom Kom Geng who is a national MP for Aweil East of stealing SSP 7,333 ($2,745) from the Constituency Development Fund.

The chief also accused governor Malong of preventing him voicing his concerns and demands for accountability directly to the president and the National Legislative Assembly in Juba.

Chief Malong said in an interview with Sudan Tribune in September that the bone of contention between him and the state authorities was the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) which he said had been misused by the Aweil East representative.

“My life is in danger because the governor has threatened to remove me from my position because I am talking about accountability. That I am the one causing controversy about Community Development Fund because I have extensively held meetings and wrote letters to higher authorities including president in the government of South Sudan”.

He said the issue of the funds had put him and some of the youth groups in the area at loggerheads with the governor who he claimed wanted to distance himself from the allegations of corruption.

The chief also said that four teachers had been arrested by state security over allegations that they were encouraging people to ask about what happened to the money which was released for the construction of a school in the area.

He named Akol Geng, Akol Dut, Joseph Garang and Deng Mel as some of the people who have been arrested for complaining with him over the misuse of the funds, which are supposed to improve living conditions of the local people through provision of basic services..

The outspoken chief accused some local officials including Awet Kiir, Awet, Deng Yel, Akok Kuol, Akoon Diing Angok as well as other chiefs like Atak Wieu Atak and Akot Dut of collaborating with the governor and giving false and misleading reports because they were personally involved in embezzling the money.

“I appeal on behalf of the greater Ajuong community to the central government especially the president Salva Kiir Mayardit to intervene because the issue is getting out of hand.”

“The state is collaborating with the accused”, he said in September.

Since South Sudan achieved self governance in 2005 no official has been prosecuted for corruption, despite it being widely acknowledged that graft is crippling the country’s ability to recover from decades of conflict.

When president Kiir addressed the United Nations General Assembly as South Sudan’s first head of state, promises to fight corruption featured prominently is his speech.

The head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and donor countries have all said the new nation must clean up its act and address the issue.



  • Nuerone Mafitabu
    Nuerone Mafitabu

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    MR DAVID Garang knows what is happening now,but the governor made a big mistake, people will never never vote for you again.

  • Sir. Nostalgic
    Sir. Nostalgic

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Garang Malong Yor, make sure that a corrupt man like Malong Awan with 75+ can’t allow you to account on a corrupt man called Malong Awan, I wish President Kiir should be reading all what is happening otherwise things will be out of hand in our state. How can an MP eat such Huge amount for Community development Fund and Salva Kiir thinks of getting rid of corruption when he put hyena with goats.

  • Snipper

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Never mind chief Malong!

    The greater people of “Malual” are ethically known and always ahead of others! They will come to your side and pull out you ffom the den. CDF means CDF it doesn’t mean one person but people.

  • Sir. Nostalgic
    Sir. Nostalgic

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    … This will show too that Aweil should take care this time to bring up a leader who will be caring for our affairs. I see Kiir Mayardit so reluctant and this does’t show the habits of good leadership. Aweil community must be serious, otherwise we will continue being denied our affairs. Sorry, God knows.

  • Peter Marko
    Peter Marko

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Shame on the judge.

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    First of all, I aplauded my Northern Bhar el Ghazel State for putting justice into action by allowing a trial in which the victim is represented by a lawyer.
    Second, I need help. In South Sudan, are you jailed and fined because you accused someone, or are you fined and jailed because you are found guilty after your accusation is investigated and found false? I didn’t see any thorough-continue on

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    investigation reported that confirmed the victim’s accusations are false. What reported here is just the chief was sentenced into jail for accusing Kom Kom and the governor of corruption? Should I be jailed because I accused someone or should I be jailed because I falsely accused someone? I didn’t see a satisfying answer here. If anyone can help me understand this issue, I will appreciate it.

  • PanKon

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Justice under Kiir wat Mayardit and his boys is fading.

    reading between the line, I see the cooperation between the thieves (MP and Governor) dictating everything for their own interest.

    Sentencing a chief falsely without honoring his position is not a leadership of the people but by the family, exercised by the governor and his men in the person of MP.
    President Kiir must wake up.

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    ‘Malual CHIEN ABAAL OR MALUAL BOUTH ANYAR” literally means MAlual the pple from Northern BRZL have bo fool or the pple who tither the baffullo” have now a fool in the name of their governor. Mr governor this is a political sucide. many of your adverse will use this as a hot card against you. chief are like women, their words are taken easily no matter what u ill say to depend ur position wait !!!!

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    To add to the injury, this monster called corruption sent chills down everyone’s spinal cord ones pronounced near you leave alone suppressing the whistle blowers like this chief.investigation or no investigation distance yourself from it or this may lead us to the say that “IF WALK WITH GOATS, LOOKS LIKE GOAT AND SMELL LIKE HE-GOAT THEN IT IS AGOAT”.support the corrupt, jail whistle blower then u

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    are involve in it ! Uncle Mr chief fight on . No retreat no surrender on fighting this graft though it early already seems we are fighting a losing war because leadership is entangling itself in it voice it out and the silient fighters of it are many they stand with you amin.

  • Sir. Nostalgic
    Sir. Nostalgic

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Corrupt man called Malong Awan Anei with 78+ wives can’t allow you to redress on corrupt MP like Kom Kom. Sorry, Ajuong is after you.

  • sober

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    To Sir. Nostalgic
    Salva Kiir will do nothing, he himself accused by international coffers of turn to his own interest huge amount of endowments , (2005-2011). Let Kiir clean his own hand first.

  • Lang

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    This is insane. How can they jail anyone just speaking about government officials.

  • sober

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    If somebody accused someone else go to jail, south Sudan people will turn to be (goat nation). Bob marly said; (Don’t give the fight stand up for your right.)Let all of us be corruption fighters.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Doesn’t Kiir have a lot to do, why is every small issue that is solvable at the state level is refer to Kiir? We need the rule of law so that everything is not file up on Kiir’s desk for complain or pardon.

    Millions are crying about Malong Awan as one of the most corrupted officials alive in Bhar el Ghazal region. He as over 30 wives with numerous children and that is why he is like that.


    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    If the chief in N.Bhar-el-ghazel is arrested just because he speak out his mind about the corruption against Paul Malong Awan, who is the N.Bhar-el-ghazel governor, then where is the right of “speech” in Northern Bhar-el-ghazel? Northern Bhar-el-ghazel need to change this stupid stlye completely.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Sir. Nostalgic,

    This a good lesson for those nincompoops who makes allegation that are not founded. If the Chief thinks he can make accusations without facts, he/she deserved to be jailed. Many people in this new nation are engaged in characters assassinations and they must to be punished.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Mr. Deng, Don’t get emotional about the chief being rested, this have nothing to do with freedom of speech. When someone tried to assassination another individual character,they need prove it. Otherwise the Chief must face the consequences of his actions. Many people in this new nation are engaged in characters assassinations of others and they must to be punished.


    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Mr Elijah
    Stop criticizing the chief. If you think that Paul Malong Awan was intended by the people of Aweil to assassinate him,then he should not be able to spend a longtime until this moment.They should kill him already,but because the people of Aweil are very humble, that is why Paul Malong Awan is a governor.The chief is not wrong according to my own analysis and even according to the article

  • George 2
    George 2

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Anyway not voted leader.It is good that the President Kiir is hearing if not seeing what the governor is putting aside for his family use not for the state.If he is a leader like he claims to be,why not listening to the people he leads then?@ Elijah,for your information ,he was not elected by Aweilians.

  • peace

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Politician are not serious,S Sudan politician shouldn’t act like they are still in war zone.freedom of expression should be exercise,why do they arrest the chief if it is true their fun where misused,he is talking on behave of his people.
    imagine the rule was made while the guy who accuse him of abuse him is not there.surely it is fair.they answer is simply our chief take care.

  • Nan dit
    Nan dit

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    What a bad news!!May Good bless them in the prison,this is totally unfair trialed. We read these shock news in the Web but we didn’t saw the article attached that sentence Garang and Aweer in prison?.
    I don’t want to be arrest but i have to say one thing,our tongues can’t be cut short we have to speak out corruption. I,We will always say no to corruption,shame.

  • Garang

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Salva Kiir is silent and does not want to answer the call from Northern Bahr El Ghazal People. Youth need to pull up their socks and fight Malong Awan Anei. The dictator, corrupt and womanizer. Malong need to be kill like former Libya leader, Northern Bhar el Ghazal people need to go on the street and protest the removal of Malong and this will be over and people will be free in Aweil.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Mr. Deng, I would like you to read my comment again, I have not said anything about any one being kill. You, sir said it. I was talking about character assassination. When someone is engaged in destroying your character with lies, it’s character assassination. The Chief is making reckless allegations and he should go to jailed, and this should be a lesson for wannabe chiefs.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Chief jailed for speaking out against corruption in N. Bahr el Ghazal
    Dear Writers.

    I can see the reason to why you people name yourself like Mr.tortose ,could you remember when he cheated all the bird by telling them to change their names and told them that his name will be all of you.

    The main ideas was to eat the food that was brought for all the birds, what is the idea of changing your name ? Is it for you to insult the people on the web.

    Plse ur name

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