Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels

December 3, 2001 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) announced on Saturday that its troops have taken control of the main stronghold of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) located in Jau, near the border with South Kordofan state where clashes erupted six months ago.

Sudan's military First Commander Ismat Abdel Rahman (3rd R) waves to supporters during a rally to voice support for the northern army in Khartoum May 26, 2011. (Reuters)
Sudan’s military First Commander Ismat Abdel Rahman (3rd R) waves to supporters during a rally to voice support for the northern army in Khartoum May 26, 2011. (Reuters)
Jau, located in South Sudan’s Unity state, is the principal base of the SPLA 9th division which is mainly composed of Nuba and deployed in South Kordofan. Located below to Lake Alabeyd, Jau is also at 25 km north of Yida refugee camp, bombed by SAF warplanes earlier last November.

The armed forces defeated the rebels in Ababyed Lake – Jau area in South Kordofan state where the armed forces seized the headquarters of ninth division of the rebel SPLM-N; said al-Sawarmi Khaled the spokesperson in a statement released on Saturday evening.

The spokesperson further said the army killed undetermined number of rebels, captured two tanks and destroyed a third.

The Sudanese president recently during a convention of the ruling National Congress Party directed the army to clear Blue Nile and South Kordofan from any rebel presence in the area. He also renewed his accusations to the South Sudanese government of backing the rebels in the two areas.

In a statement to Reuters, Qamar Dalman, media adviser of the SPLM-N deputy leader Abdel Aziz al-Hilu denied the presence of rebel troops in Jau saying it “falls in South Sudan according to 1956 border”.

This week the army announced the seizure of Torogi. However independent sources in the area told Sudan Tribune that the fighting was still taking place up to Saturday evening in Torogi.

The source further said since Saturday evening (6.30 pm local time) the Sudanese artillery have been shelling Jau, from a position located approximately13 km east.

Aid workers in the region fear that SAF artillery will target Yida refugee camp again. Humanitarian organizations said they would start evacuating on Sunday morning.

“Due to lack of resources, the camp has very little food remaining and the refugees will be left with only a 1 day food ration” for every refugee, sources said.

The aid workers also said the refugees will be scattered further into South Sudan if the camp is attacked.



  • Lasu lo Denis
    Lasu lo Denis

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    it is good the SAF are making the progress, however, this is not the lasting solution to all Sudanese to leave in peace. The oppressed will continue to come up until the cause of the rebellion is addressed. I urge the politicians in Khartoum to ponder alternative solution which could bring lasting peace. We could not celebrate suffering of other muselem brothers and call it success.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    If SAF are going to remain in Jau like it is in Abyei,then we in the producing oil areas will put a stop to oil which generate millions for the South Sudan a day.
    Where is the army?
    Why should Panriang suffer every move for the south Sudan?

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    We are appealing for the assistance for Nuba refugees who are again redisplaced in Yida camp deep into the Ruweng territory.
    “One cannot help other when knows that he himself is pretty weak.”

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    How many times did our territorial had been violated by the Khartoum and yet no reaction from Juba,does long beard and black hat prevent us from reacting?
    What a country!
    Dr. John Garang put it and I quoted ‘it’s better to die than to be a slave.’

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    ‘No more appeasement’,President Kiir said it while in Bilpham,Juba; to who did President reffer that to and that civilians are suffering in Panriang,Mayom ,Abiemnom,Upper Nile,Jonglei and other more areas?

  • Runrach

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    @ Miyom, I really don’t understand why ROSS put her interest on oil’s money that comes out from its soil and yet they are not ready to defense its territorial areas ?

    Kiir’s government should make sure to consider people of this very sourcefull area first rather then oil which come out from their soil. How long people of Panaruu are going to bear this attacks from Khartoum while Kiir’s enjoy W


    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    I wondered indeed for the SAF to advance forward and captured “Jau Swamp” of Dinka Panaruu of Panrieng county in Unity State without the Southern Sudan Government intervention. This is completely a weakness from Salva Kiir Miyardit. If the SAF came and captured Jau, then they will still came and captured Ruweng territory of Dinka Ruweng community of Biemnom county too. What are we waiting for?

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    Northern sudan feed their Army well and equip them.
    They get regular salaries and are not abusing each others as in our southern State are still abusing each others.

    When people are abusing their people they will not be able to fight anythings. Feeding our Army well,spirite,respect,Law,love our people help withstand all difficulty. SPLA/M leaders are too abusive, leadershiops skills management

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    You are right brother,starving your own servant is that bad.
    Now will the ghost name fight in Jau?
    Let those of Pieng Deng know that if the libration of Jau is not done,then let him forget of Abyei.

  • Sir. Nostalgic
    Sir. Nostalgic

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    Look here citizens of South Sudan, if Salva Kiir still dormant, then we have to get rid of him and get another person who may be protecting the citizens of South Sudan. How can SAF attack Jau, inside our terratory and yet he is still looking for oil money to put in the pocket with his GXR drivers in Juba when civilians are being bombed in Upper Nile, Abyei, Unity and Higlid always?

  • Ker.

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    Now it is clear this time round that ROSS is still nurtured by Khartoum,how long shall we remain under this abusive treatment from Bashir regime? plz Kiir wake up and talk

  • Acinitos

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    If Kiir can not protect his daughter from foreigner can he protect the land?.

  • Acinitos

    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    Till you get capable leader


    Sudanese army claim seizure of new strategic position from S. Kordofan rebels
    Mr Acinitos,

    You really know the point. All Southern Sudanese believe that Salva Kiir is really weak, but I wondered why he doesn’t wants to step down and give that position to another person who is ready to fight for the right of the Southern Sudanese.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

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