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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Mirghani-Sadiq clans’ participation in Bashir’s regime is a political suicide

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

December 3, 2011 — Political analysts and observers alike thought that the participation of Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani, using his son Jaafer-al-Sadiq as a ploy, and Sadiq al-Mahdi, as well utilized his son who is a Colonel in the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Abdelrahman in the very same trick, to form the so-called broad-based government with the National Congress Party (NCP), is like sliding into the abyss at best, at worst a mockery and a Political Suicide; and above all a fiasco to their alleged sacrosanctity. The bona fide members and Leading figures of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the National Umma Party (NUP) have distanced themselves from the cock-up. The Allied Resistance Forces who have teamed up to oust the National Congress Party (NCP) indicated that the infamy committed by Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani and Sadiq al-Mahdi for the appeasement of the NCP offenders and the card blanche to rescue the regime only represent themselves and their families. This duo of Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani and Sadiq al-Mahdi remains of had lived on the feeds and livelihood of the marginalised simple citizens by exploiting religion as a mask for their purposes on the sinister doctrine of “The end justifies the means”. Sadiq al-Mahdi is renowned for his affinity for appeasement of military regimes, starting with the May 25th establishment of Jaafer Mohammed al-Nimeiri and the government of current president Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir; the purpose was gaining financial compensation for alleged property confiscated by the respective military junta who toppled democratically elected governments. The same applies in the case of Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani. They are the root cause for most of the calamities that have plagued the Sudanese people and stood up as stumbling blocks against their liberation, prosperity and sustainable development. Furthermore, by their subservient relationship with military regimes Sadiq al-Mahdi and Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani have hampered continuity of good governance and the rule of law. And the inevitable result is the deplorable situation of the Sudanese people within the remaining motherland after the secession of the South and the suffering of those living in camps for displaced and refugees and the Diaspora across the globe. Thus, it has emerged the vagaries which have been disguised under the cover of the Islamic religion which repudiates itself from disgraceful acts, unrelated to the religion of Islam, committed by Sadiq al-Mahdi and his counterpart Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani. It is noteworthy that both the Khatmiyya and the Ansar Sects have distanced themselves away from those deplorable acts. It is only those opportunists who are yearning for quick material gain – jobs and money- who remained with the duo whereas the sincere majorities have left the camp and stood up with the rebels to work hand in hand with the view to toppling the NCP regime that has stolen freedom and establish a democratic state that respects diversity without distinction on grounds of colour, race, gender, faith, regional affiliation; citizenship being the basis for duties and rights.

It is believed by politicians that the presidential decree in which the sons of Sadiq al-Mahdi and his counterpart Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani were appointed as presidential advisors was intended to achieve the ruling NCP numerous purposes that include embarrassing Sadiq al-Mahdi by involving his son in power despite the rejection of the National Umma Party (NUP) to join al-Bashir’s rebranded old wine in new bottles’ and confirm the participation of the Mirghani- Party- in power, and thus , giving some spurious justification for those leaders of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) who were initially hesitant to join would now able to participate in government individually. The pacifist al-Sadiq al-Mahdi and his counterpart Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani should have been aware of the dangers of participating in the collapsing regime which has lost all viability elements at a time when all the Sudanese people put their hopes in the Allies Sudan Revolutionary Forces (ASRF) which geared their ranks up to march towards Khartoum to uproot the military junta establishment and give the legitimate option for people to do what they want.

Some observers go even further to intimate that al-Sadiq al-Mahdi as a clear client tucked in the ranks of the opposition for a long time. They base their allegation on his biased hostile attitude towards the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on the 10th May 2008 when the rebel group entered the national capital Khartoum using its bold military Operation Long Arm (OLA) with the aim to oust the NCP regime. On that day Sadiq al-Mahdi talked to the media and his statements had been broadcast on the national television and as saying he supports the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) acts of arbitrary arrests and killings on the basis of colour, race, and random extra judiciary executions against the JEM members. Furthermore, Sadiq al-Mahdi in the words recorded in the national television, he called upon al-Bashir’s security apparatus to for inflicting maximum punishment and imposition the harshest penalties on those who assaulted the peace and security of the ‘Homeland’ on the movement’s revolutionary forces for what he referred to as sinful crimes. One of the ironies was that same Sadiq al-Mahdi came shamelessly, to the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) asking for a formation of an alliance against Omer al-Bashir! He behaved as if he were laughing at others from the prospective of arrogance and condescension or worse by undervaluing the minds and intellects of others especially the ones from the marginalised area such as Darfur. Sadiq al-Mahdi is still living in the olden times that people like him were elected to the seat of a parliament by proxy referred to as ??????? ? ???????? ???????? ‘Voting & Election by Orders’!

Sadiq al-Mahdi and his counterpart Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani seem to be oblivious of the growing political awareness and maturity of the marginalised people of Sudan in Darfur, Kordofan, the Nuba Mountains, Southern Blue Nile and the Beja people in Eastern Sudan and those in the far northern region of the country. They are no longer ready to adore a fellow folk of a human descent. They have liberated themselves from worshiping persons for alleged holiness or as messengers of Almighty God on Earth after the death of the prophets, Peace Be upon Them. The Sufi Tareeqas have been exploiting the naive citizens for their own mundane material benefits and sadly enslaved them for so long. Enough for lies and deception; stop the laugh at these naïve people’ these bodies run by families are not political parties but are just private companies for slavery, no more and no less! And in view of the fact that religion has been and remains to be an element for hostility in politics and a determining factor in exploiting and enslaving fellow human beings and an operative for alienating and discriminating other citizens in Sudan, many political bodies have thought it timely to advocate the call for the establishment of federal democratic civil state that separates religion , the divisive entity, and state institutions to make the citizenship alone without the other is the foundation. Although the consensus of opinion has been centred on establishing a Sudanese Democratic Civil State in the wake of ousting the NCP regime a significant group calls for a the establishment of a secular, democratic Sudan . Faith in Sudan has been a detrimental factor in the Jihad wars waged by the National Islamic Front (NIF) against the people in the marginalised regions. NIF was the designer of the massive Islamisation programme in the non-Muslim south and Nuba Mountains, with overall control over a web of local government and parastatal activities.

It is an irony that Mohamed Osman al-Mirghani and Sadiq al-Mahdi chose the betrayal of the Sudanese people at these hard times. However, the end of the rule of the murderous National Congress Party (NCP) clique is just around the corner like all the tyrannical regimes that have fallen and those that are on the way to fall, will soon go to the dustbin of history to join the dishonourable autocratic castaway regimes which have been ousted by popular uprising recently in what is referred to as the “Arab Spring”. For the assassin Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, he is doomed to receive his due punishment in full at The Hague prison in the Netherlands while the curses of the oppressed defenceless people of Sudan follow and haunt him perpetually and forever.

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is the Deputy Chairman of the General Congress for Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). He can be reached at [email protected]

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