Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

December 4, 2011 (BENTIU) – The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) briefly took control over the South Sudanese town of Jau over the weekend, a local official told Sudan Tribune.

FILE - A Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) soldier stands at attention during an Independence Day rehearsal in Juba July 5, 2011 (Reuters)
FILE – A Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldier stands at attention during an Independence Day rehearsal in Juba July 5, 2011 (Reuters)
The attack was believed to be part of the efforts by SAF to pursue rebels from the Sudan People Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) that it believes are hiding in Jau.

Jau lies on the borders between Sudan and the newly established state of South Sudan.

According to the area commissioner, Mabeak Lang Bilkuey, SAF captured Jau Payam on Saturday around 6:30pm. The official said the attack took the forces of the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) in Jau Payam of Unity state by surprise.

Bilkuey confirmed to Sudan Tribune on Sunday that their forces are now in control of parts of Jau after heavy battles with SAF on Saturday evening and Sunday.

He disclosed that SAF forces were advancing towards the Yida refugees’ camp in Parieng on Saturday.

“One of the reasons why they are fighting the Jau Payam was because they want to take over the areas which are under [control] of South Sudan and [housing] the Sudanese refugees from the north. They are attacking Jau because they believe it is the base of SPLM/A north hideout that they use to fight them in the South Kordofan State”, said Bilkuey.

Sudan’s army has been battling SPLM-N rebels in South Kordofan state since early June. The conflict later extended to include Blue Nile state which also borders South Sudan.

Last month, South Sudan accused SAF forces of conducting air strikes on a refugee camp in Unity state.

South Kordofan and Blue Nile lie on Sudan’s borders with South Sudan. The two states are home to communities that largely fought alongside southerners in the civil war that ended in 2005 with a peace deal that paved the way for the south’s independence in July this year.

Today the SPLM-N issued a statement claiming that the SAF has started a new campaign on four fronts in South Kordofan but that the rebels managed to destroy all its columns.

The communiqué said that SAF aerial bombardments caused massive displacement of civilians at a time when food levels are low.

The SPLM-N called for the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the displaced population, protection of civilians and the investigation war crimes in South Kordofan.

They accused the South Kordofan governor Ahmed Haroun of carrying out a scorched earth policy similar to the one he pursued in Sudan’s western region of Darfur.

Haroun is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of war crimes he allegedly committed in Darfur.

In a related issue an aid worker told Sudan Tribune that on Sunday two long range missiles hit Kauda in South Kordofan wounding four civilians. He said that the source of the missiles appears to be Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan which is 92 kilometers from Kauda.



  • Sam.Eto

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Jaw lies on the borders between Sudan and the newly established state of South Sudan

    ST contradicting itself again. How can it in South Sudan when you state it lies between the borders !

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Leave the sons of the dogs there in Jau they will run leaving Jau behind them with their tails being tugged between their legs.Jalaby, I think you do not know where Jau is located.
    Note it by its name-Dinka name.

  • Runrach

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    I wonder why some of our writers do blame the Khartoum Government of capturing Jaw while we all aware that they are looking for means and ways of claiming the area as a plan of reclaiming those sourceful places that lies a long oil area. I thought we should be blaming the SPLM leadership who have already been informed by Khartoum of their plan to attack the area. Let them stop enjoying white bull.

  • Ariec Path wol
    Ariec Path wol

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    As you know our commanders are not capable to cambat SAF any more we can stay and keep quite because we do not have power

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    The reason we seem to blame Khartoum is the infringement in our affairs but Juba to bear much blame on its ineffectiveness.

  • Bungachier 50
    Bungachier 50

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Sam. Eto!

    you are joking with fire my dear.

    This is not the SPLA of 1983.

    Stop provoking us otherwise, if we response to your stupid provocation, some of you will run to Saudi Arabia for refugee.

    Just continue guys, we will see.

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Michael Miyom

    Those SAF you call dogs, they are not dogs but they are doing their job. Whom do you think will fight them. they will continue capturing all areas including Bentiu but nobody in South Sudan ius ready to fight them.

    The government in Juba will wake up from sleep when one bomb lands at either ministries, customs or home and away.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Dear Southerners,
    Capturing of Jaw will bring unrest of Southern Sudan situation because of Southern Sudan instability in unity state. Capturing Jaw is a well planned of Bashire regime for unity state rebells base, so I urge government to focus on internal stability of Southern Sudan, rather than rising our eyes to Khartoum.
    Economic of S. Sudan will be unknown if our stability is not in place

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    —Leave alone those SAF of Bashire to dwell a while in Jaw, time is sticking for Bashire to go toilet before Southern Sudan rises its says on Khartoum.

  • man to man
    man to man

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    dear readers,

    I was agreed with our late hero John Garang, he used to say,(if you give a junoubi job, he will manmont) manmont in arbie juba means, don`t do the job correctly.
    Here SAF are attacking bombarding some area in the new republic of southsudan, while our gouvernement in Juda is busz to go for retreat in kenya. And no any plan to stop SAF attack. If Dr Garang still alive things most
    be d

  • Acinitos

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    South Sudan leaders are capable of Corruption and stealing Nation wealth for themselvies,they are busy of that they don’t have time to protect any body even theirs daughters are captured by foreigner and mass them up still they are not mind of that.They let theirs daughters to go to hell that is not theirs business. That is kinds of Leaders we have.God have Grace on Us.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Tow days ago, when SAF declared that he capturd a base for the SPLA within the borders with Sudan SPLA-n denied any presence of his forces in this area.SAF claimed that SPLA soldiers were participating in the fight and some of them were arrested.Now after 2 days SPLA claim that SAF had occupied a town within SS borders..after 2 days! ..cont

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Give us weapon and we will go after those jalaba. You SPLA have proven to be cowards. You only know how to kill poor civilians and loot their properties, but you fear jalaba who are by the way cowards like you

  • mama africa
    mama africa

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    the cowerd in juba left abyie behind what will make us think they are even capable of defending Jau, ha……our troops are onley worried about juba thats all trust me sooner or later SAF will capture unity state and the oil they are worried about so much will disapeard once again shame on the GOps in the south shame on President kirr he Will never be elected ever again.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    ..By trying to lie , the SPLA is simply denying what they had said 2 days back and the same confirming the SAF claim.SPLA should understand that what they achieved was though negotiation and if the want peace they should listen to their American friends who told the to respect the sovreignity of Sudan and stop supporting rsbells in BN & SK.

  • Wetdut

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Congratulations SAF for your struggle to capture the Jaw town, in any manner you can,t bring a wanted man into your home and don,t know how to protect yourself and him too. the SPLA/M leadership are not concern with security or protection of its citizens, Mr. President was saying S Sudan is ready to defence itself should there be any foreign attack which his miltary leaders are dealing with money.

  • Gatwiech Kong
    Gatwiech Kong

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    @ Murleinterlecture
    I really appreciates how angry are you with those arabs capturing dinka areas daily, it was Abyei & retaken or brougth back to South Sudan by Peter Gadet but when they plaid dinka naket tricks on General Gadet he leaved and arabs came again & fuck dinka out of their own land while Deng Alor and Looka Biong are busy drinking alchohol in Home and Way hote in Juba, today is anthe

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    what got wrong with southern Sudan army.Sudan army force ARE occupies they border slow by slow and yet southern ‘re still fighting over money sitting in Juba.while Khartoum are fighting over their right.

  • Eastern

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    You have said it my brother. Our commanders and the then gallant SPLA foot soldiers are no longer able to contain the Jalaba any more let alone Ator and hencemen. Our commanders are now managing Stolen Petrodollar Club Ltd.God have mercy on South Sudanese!!

  • rock

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Ali very soon you will stop celebrating, because we will not listen to Kiir`s song that he always say is committed to peace.
    SPLA-N spokesman said clear that area is belong to South Sudan according to 1956 border line.
    I think during war did come across SPLA, who were sending those mujaheddin to heaven.

  • mathem jech amer
    mathem jech amer

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    What I know so far is, soldiers are ready to defence the country, but body directing them.

    does this mean all generals fear death, or they don’t want to go to front line. simply let them give orders even from their houses.

  • rock

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    you didn`t come across SPLA, who were sending those mujaheddin to heaven during war.
    this time those mercenaries your government recruit they will feel it no mercy whether is African or Arab all should send to hell.

  • kaci-banno

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Is President Kiir and his corrupted, looters in juba continues in the boring message of peace while SAF is advancing to retake petroleum areas. Soon the money for beer will end than they wake up to fight. What kind of peace that our president Kiir is wanted for real? Bringing Issues on the table is not the method of Arabs and African’s, war frist than agenda’s on the table will go well.


    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Self-depend is for the SPLA ,how long people to be silent and quite? people who brought these situation to board control, It’s wouldn’t work. Depend our countries from those arab millitas.

  • Green

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    @ Sam!
    If you don’t know the meaning of boundaries than be quiet!It is in S. Sudan! When you are going to learn to differentiated the enemies? you are from s. Sudan, but you happened to be one of those people who don’t like this govt of s. Sudan! so do you have to chose over the enemy? poor judgement hunt people! we black were slave, because of weak thinking! u can fix the problem in ur house!

  • Green

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    @ Ali!
    It has become a culture for Muslims in general! To lying and pretending, that you know everything! This is wrong and you guys need to review your faith! your faith is the enemy to yourself, it is not that the world hate Muslims! Faith has full of untruth! you know what, Ali? your religion is the main problem in this world, not only in Sudan! It is like epidemic disease, but we’ll get cure!

  • Logic

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    The ignorance on this site is rising by the minute.

    The same racist northern bigots matched by some very ignorant southerners or at least those who pretend to be southerners.

    SAF, are getting their asses whopped in S. Kurdofan and B. Nile, make no mistake. Get hold of the official stats released by SAF of their dead and wounded. Young boys are dying needlessly to protect the NCP.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Rock,I hope Kiir is committed to peace.We didn’t come along that road to start war again.SPLA troops in the north should to withdraw or disarm long time ago.You call them N or S makes no difference, they are still in the pay roll of the SPLA.For the sake of peace Sudan had fulfilled all it’s obligations towards the CPA,and you got what you want through negotiation, SPLA didn’t win the war…con

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    The road towards peace is easy and simple; you live within your borders and not to interfer in our affairs , we do the same, so simple. Your American friends told you the same! We had had enough wars and am sure you fought none of them. Sudanese donnot need or want war! Poor innocent, marginalized southerners want peace, just a little taste of it!

  • BM Bol
    BM Bol

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    “The official said the attack took the forces of the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) in Jaw Payam of Unity state by surprise.” many people expect this except South Sudan leadership. They should step down if they can’t defend South Sudan.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Green, my faith is my faith, you are not going to change it. All what you have been told about Islam in the lon standing brain washing proccess is cheap propoganda which exploited your ignorance. You know nothing about except repeating propoganda in a parrot fashion. Teach yourself now you can read!

  • mayombo

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    our Genaral are Bussy Drinking with thier Nyabos and country is going back to the hand os SAF shame on them

  • Mapuor

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official

    Kiir is the ablest president in Africa,just think about that.Am sure any one who will come after him in future will not unite black people in the same way Kiir did for the last seven years.Who exactly do some Southerners want?People who have never dream of comfort are now comfortable

  • Tariel

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Shut up ya Mapour and eat your looted money in silence. Do you know what you are talking about, you shamelessly uttered that “Kiir is the ablest president in Africa”. Ablest president who is looting oil money with his Generals, ablest president who are busy drinking in Juba while innocent civilians are getting killed on daily basis, ablest president who does not protect territorial integrity.


    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    “SAF control Jau swamp of Dinka Panaruu on weekend” By the way, did Salva Kiir Miyardit sent a letter to Omar Bashir in order not to capture Jau, because he used to sent letters everytime when Omar Bashir is about to be captured by the ICC? “I wish his time should come fast” He is giving too much chances to Arabs. For sure, I don’t like Salva Kiir Miyardit in my life. I swear.

    By Augustino Deng

  • rock

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Ali I can`t narrate to you what I did during war.
    second to it am in south Sudan right, so don`t just take me as somebody talking in western world.
    about the war no side had won the war so don`t keep telling us that southerner get south through negotiation.what we get was not gift from your government.


    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official

    I wish SAF to come and control Juba, Malakal, Wau, Bentiu, Aweil, but not just only Jau of Dinka Panaruu community of Panrieng County in Unity State. What I see as a big issue is that, Salva Kiir Miyardit is fooled by the Dollars. Shame on him.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • rock

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Brother AUGUSTINO DENG,this president we have is most awkward person. just imagine Bashir`s troops are occupying south Sudan territory and the guy is keep quite as if is not in Juba.
    if it was something within Juba he could have rush in with his decree even though that thing is not in presidential level.

  • ulla 007
    ulla 007

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    look guys those people who support the present gvt of south which rule the south by cheating is a curse rather a blessing.really our leaders didnt protect anybody but their stomach,looted wealth,self security they are now busy enjoy tusker lager in small hotels while forgetting why we have fought ,separated from the north,but dont be surprise when north occupy south again we will be slave forever

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Rock,ok since you didn’t win the war ‘ donnot be proud of it and threaten us with another war! We neither need or want war! If you are in South Sudan you should feel the suffering of the people. One peace of bread is 1 pound, malwa “if you know what is malwa of durah ” sorghum” is 25 pounds. people do not want war, they want and need peace.Is that too much or difficult?!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    ulla, you have never been slave and you will never be a slava and should never be a slave and you could never be enslaved! You are a man on your own right.

  • rock

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    even your government had not won the war.is not only south Sudan that people are suffering, even Khartoum. so those who demonstrate was sign of happiness. Ali stop to be pretend and accept the reality. what did your minister of foreign affair does when British Ambassador wrote in internet describing situation in Sudan and particularly Khartoum.

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Mr. Acinitos, It’s so painful to read some of the idiotic comments by south Sudan people.Be proactive, you need a plan of action and to combat the aggressors. Your country does not have the AIR POWER, logistics or TANKS to combat north army. ROSS does not need to engage the north army right now, but in due time. As yourself, what have I contributed to my government/country since independence.

  • James Maker Akok
    James Maker Akok

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    No no no no, that is not a joke for what North Sudan did. South Sudan must report this action to United Nation, South Sudan must make on North Sudan. This is a really planning for North Sudan to go another war with South Sudan.

  • James Maker Akok
    James Maker Akok

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    I mean’ South Sudan must make action on North Sudan

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Rock! I know you are trying to be a nationalist with sense of pride! but what you failed to realise is the fact that SPLA militia that is looting and torturing our people of RoSS with disease and hunger right now, is not and will never be a national army of RoSS because it being claimed by SPLM, unless we undo it and create a true national army instead whatever it faces is none of our business.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Kiir and his close group in cricle should put themselves in Tanks to fight the war. loose their corrupted big billies to be able to run in the bushes. SPLA malnurish,who are fighting the war. They refuse to share those Dogs bones some. SPLA Army are used like slave by their Top leaders for their own intrest and dying poorly. To fight the war,you need happy Army to defence to the end.

  • Isme

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    South Sudan’s Leaders are Evil:
    I am not blaming SAF nor Sudan gvt, But our Evil leaders.
    All you animals of the field, all you animals of the forest, come to eat. The leaders who are to guard the people are blind; they don’t know what they are doing. all of them are like quite dogs that don’t know how to bark. they lie down and dream and love to sleep. They are like hungry dogs.

  • Isme

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Don’t talk too much now you will be suprise soon tomorrow’s world is changing to quickly, for me you’re just….. a quiet coward terorist, too soon………..

  • Isme

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Come here’ you magicals! come here, you sons of prostitudes and those who take part in adultery! Of whom are you making fun? Whom are you insulting? at whom do you stick out your tongue? You know what I mean.

  • Majak Mawien
    Majak Mawien

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Why North Sudan experience attack to S.Sudan?
    Is national war allow?
    If not who will response to this act.
    Attack of Jaw Payam in South Sudan which bordered North Sudan should not be tolarate. All S.Sudan political parties government and an other institutions as well as S.Sudan National and State legislative assembly and the citizens in general can take it seriously. It really need to be discuss.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Rock, there demonstrations in London, Wall street, Italy , Greece..etc but the UN didn’t say that 50% need food assistance in Khartoum. The economic situation is difficult and tough in Khartoum but not famine.The ambassador did not write that 180 are killed monthly in Khartoum, after-all Khartoum is safer than London.

  • Majak Mawien
    Majak Mawien

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    In fact, you are not S.Sudanese if you were you cannot talk like that. Evil leaders have no power to liberate they are full of wisdom.There is a time of every things. Let them celebrate the cermony of death.
    Remeber 21 years of suffering in bush with inefficience basic needs and lastly we become.

    We learn to know what we do not know and do what we do not do.
    waits a bit.

    Born in bush

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    Anything rotten from the roots the branches are not spared!
    Is RSS living or rotten?
    I never attended any swearing in cermony in RSS but I think the obvious one is always that I will protect sovergnity and constitution of the nation/country ! why now? wheres the MOD! and forien ministry! president and his vice! interior! What even condeming it in the media! Rubish! I wish I did not voted in Jan!

  • vision

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    The security of S. Sudan is generally weak; the Government fails to protect civilians from internal and external enemies. Please wake up! Wake up! There is no international community available at this time. We only have ‘international community interest’ if you don’t know and they will not come at this time.

  • vision

    Sudanese army occupies town inside South Sudan: official
    This is my advice to President of South Sudan, the newest and small wonderful nation that full of young intellectuals that are well educated in different parts of the globe. Bring these people to your Government Mr. Excellency and commander – in – chief of the Republic of S. Sudan. These people will help you in ideas in terms of political, economical and social interactions with other nations. You

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